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Kuczma M., Choczewski B., Ger R. — Iterative Functional Equations |
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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Invariant curves, Lipschitzian 461—466
Invariant densities 240 244
Invariant densities, Riemann integrable 242
Invariant measure see “Stationary measure”
Involutions 421 450—455
Involutory functions 450
Issacs, R. 422—423
Iterate of a function 14
Iteration group 47
Iteration semigroup see “Flow”
Iterative functional equation XV 11
Iterative functional inequalities, linear, of first order 172 474—479 481—495 501—503
Iterative functional inequalities, linear, of infinite order 499—501 503
Iterative functional inequalities, linear, of second order 495—498
Iterative functional inequalities, special nonlinear 320—322
Iterative logarithm 346—352 357—358
Iterative residuum 346—347 349
Iterative roots 421
Iterative roots of convex or concave functions 437 469
Iterative roots of FPSs 446—448
Iterative roots of identity (primitive) 453
Iterative roots of iterative roots of identity 449
Iterative roots of strictly decreasing functions 426—427
Iterative roots of strictly increasing functions 424—425 427—429 431 442—443
Iterative roots, class 430—436 442—443
Iterative roots, class 428—429
Iterative roots, continuous 423—428
Iterative roots, convex or concave 430—431 437 469
Iterative roots, formal 446—448
Iterative roots, homographic (of identity) 453—455
Iterative roots, locally analytic 443
Iterative roots, monotonic 423
Iterative roots, strictly decreasing 426—428
Iterative roots, strictly increasing 424—425 428—429
Iterative valuation 346—347 349
Jabotinsky, E. 347 355 357
Jaeger, R. 420
Jaglom, A.M. 55
Jakobson, M.V. 266
Jakowska-Suwalska, K. 208
Jankowski, T. 61 503
Jarczyk, W. 42 104 106 144 177—178 194 268 303 329 466
Jelonek, J. 122 232
Jensen inequality 225—226
JND 10
John, F. 62 74
Julia equation 124—126 346 361 469
Julia set 23
Julia, G. 122 353 355 368 420
Just noticeable difference (JND) 10
Kac, M. 501
Kairies, H.-H. 91 393 407—409 413—414 418—419
Kalinowski, J. 19 144 371
Kannappan, Pl. 406
Kaplan, N. 89
Karamata, J. 27 75
Karlin — McGregor function 388
Karlin, S. 388
Keeler, E. 37 39 277
Kemperman, J.H.B. 140
Kiesewetter, H. XVI
Kingman, J.F.C. 88
Kisyhski, J. 179
Kneser, H. 353 368
Knopp, K. 8
Koenigs algorithm 167 367
Koenigs, G. 167 367
Kominek, Z. 49 74 241 266 305 307 310 312
Kopell, N. 355
Kordylewski, J. 18 69 105—106 186 195 263 305 310 328
Kornstaedt, H.-J. 61 503
Kostant, B. 353
Krasnosel’skii, M.A. 40
Kravcenko, V.G. 105
Krull, W. 72 74 91
Kruppel, M. 16 355
Krzeszowiak-Dybiec, Z. 187 261 311
Kucko, L.P. 253 258 363
Kuczma, M. XV XVI 1 4 14—16 27 33 36 48—49 52 59 62 64 68—69 72—74 76 81 89 91 94 97 105—106 108 111 118—119 121—122 144—147 155—156 164 169 176 179 183 187 190 195 198—200 204 225 231—232 261 263 305 311 330 336 342 353 355 362—363 368—372 390—391 393 395 398 404 406—408 414 420 422 428—430 432 436—438 446 460 466 470—471 473—474 480 502
Kuratowski equivalence relation 14
Kuratowski, K. 14 467
Kuyk, W. 18
Kwapisz, M. 61 74 92 204 293 305 327 471 503
L-intervals 401—402
Laczkovich, M. 268 385
Laha, R.G. 89 237 266
Laplace transform, continuity theorem 94
LAS 150
Lasota, A. 130 137 240 244
Lattes, S. 460 461
Lebesgue measure 175—176 182—183
Legendre duplication formula 412
Levy algorithm 367
Levy, P. 367
Li, T.Y. 17
Ligett, T.M. 469
Lillo, J.C. 470
Linear difference equation, convex solutions 72—73
Linear difference equation, monotonic solutions 68
Linear difference equation, p-convex solutions 89—91
Linear equation dependent on a parameter 106—108
Linear equation of second order, Riemann integrable solutions 409 420
Linear equations, absolutely continuous solutions 177—178
Linear equations, asymptotics of solutions discontinuous at the origin 117—119
Linear equations, continuous solutions 97—106 491
Linear equations, continuous solutions, asymptotic properties 108—115
Linear equations, continuous solutions, asymptotic series expansions 115—117
Linear equations, continuous solutions, convex solutions 69—73
Linear equations, continuous solutions, differentiable solutions 119—122
Linear equations, continuous solutions, indeterminate case 105 143—144
Linear equations, continuous solutions, integrable solutions 169—178 182—183 184
Linear equations, continuous solutions, LAS 151—164 181
Linear equations, continuous solutions, meromorphic solutions 152 165—71 181
Linear equations, continuous solutions, monotonic solutions 61—67
Linear equations, continuous solutions, nonnegative solutions 59—61
Linear equations, continuous solutions, one-parameter family 99 101 105
Linear equations, regularly varying solutions 76—81 84—86 88—89
Linear equations, solutions of almost bounded variation 135
Linear equations, solutions of bounded variation 130—135 146
Linear equations, topological space 148
Linear recurrence inequalities 264—265
Linear recurrence inequalities system 263
Linearization 5 334—339 363—364
Liouville numbers 156 180
Lipinski, J.S. 146 353 355
Littlewood, J.E. 8
Livsic, A.N. 137
Local analytic solutions see “LAS”
Loeve, M. 35
Logarithmic convexity 407—408
Lojasiewicz, S. 422
Lotka, A.J. 91
Luce, R.D. 10—11
Lucht, L. 411 414 419
Luessy, W. 467
Lukacs, E. 89 237 266
Lundberg, A. 76 368
Lundmark, K. 11
Lush, P.E. 460
Maier, W. XVI
Majcher, G. 179 260 304—305
Malenica, M. 145
Martin, R.H., Jr. 208
Mateability 422
Matkowska, A. 208
Matkowski fixed point theorem 39—42
Matkowski, J. 23 37—39 44 46 49 69 74 106 130 136 150 152 154 165 169 177—182 188 200 204 208 216 220—222 232 241 244 260 263 266 282 286 305 307—308 328 330 355 382 387 500
Matrix compatible with a group 246
Matrix equation 248 253 262
Matrix equation, local solutions 253—257
| Matrix equation, reduction to scalar systems 249—250
Maurice, M.A. 18
Mayer, A. 74 408 414
McCoy, T.L. 234
McGregor, J. 388
McShane, N. 450
Meir, A. 37 39 277
Menger, K. 46
Metrically convex space 38
Meyers, P.R. 50
Minkowski inequality 233
Mira, C. XVI
Mis, J. 208
Misiurewicz, M. 17 23
Mohr, E. 392 420
Moldovan, E. 363
Mollerup, J. 407
Montel, P. XVI 368 473—474 460—461
Moser, J. 156
Moszner, Z. 48 368 371 470
Mrozek, A. 16
Muckenhoupt, B. 167 347 350—351 353 359 446
Mukherjea, A. 387
Muldoon, M.E. 408—409 414
Multiplier 430
Multiplier, nonzero 430—438
Multiplier, primitive root of unity 447—449
Multiplier, unity 445—446
Multiplier, zero 438—443
Mycielski, J. 361
Myrberg, P.J. 164 368
Nabeya, P.J. 460 466
Nawrocki, J. 471
Nemitskii operator 206
Nemitskii operator, Lipschitzian 206—208 232
Neuman, F. XVI 141—143 379—382 386
Newman, M. 268
Ney, P. 59
Nitecki, Z. 353 362 368 459
Noerlund, N.E. XVI
Nonautonomous difference equations 387—388
Nonlinear equation of nth order 330—331
Nonlinear equations, solutions 208—216 231
Nonlinear equations, solutions 225—226
Nonlinear equations, solutions 222—229
Nonlinear equations, asymptotic properties of solutions 200—204
Nonlinear equations, bounded solutions 187—188 191—194
Nonlinear equations, continuous solutions 187—200 230
Nonlinear equations, differentiable solutions in Banach spaces 232
Nonlinear equations, extension of solutions 185—187 195
Nonlinear equations, LAS 216—219
Nonlinear equations, Lipschitzian solutions 204—206
Nonlinear equations, solutions differentiable at the origin 203—204
O-flat function 254
Oginska, W. 23
Orbit 14
Order 1
Ostrowski lemma 18—19
Ostrowski, A.M. 18 27 30 393
Pakes, A.G. 89
Pavaloiu, J. 42
Peculiar curves 419—420
Pelczar, A. 74 204 208 355
Pelyukh, G.P. XVI 1 4 221 253 407
Penner, S. 46
Permutable analytic functions 358—359
Permutable FPSs 356—357
Permutable functions 353—355
Peschl, E. 368
PGFs 52—53 55—57 91
Piecewise linear mappings 240—243
Pisot, Ch. 74 91
Pitman, J.W. 399
Plis, A. 254
Poincare equation 167 388
Poincare — Bendixson theorem 48
Poincare, H. 167 335
Poly-vibrating equation 179
Popoviciu, T. 89 91 473
Pranger, W. 167
Pre-Schroeder system 369—371 385
Presic, S. 245
Primitive iterative root of identity 453
Principal solution of Abel equation 366—367
Principal solution of Schroeder equation 366—367
Probability generating function see “PGF”
Probability of extinction 54
Przeworska-Rolewicz, D. 183—184
Pugh, C. 460
Raclis, R. 167
Rado, F. 451
Radon — Nikodym derivative 170 181
Rakotch, E. 38
Random-valued function see “Rv-function”
Rausenberger, O. 167
Read, A.H. 221
Reghis, M. 2 4 11 14
Regular CS of homogeneous inequality 483
Regular CS of inhomogeneous inequality 489
Reich, L. 368
Reich, S. 36
Renyi, A. 237
Representation theorems 472
Restricted stationary measure see “RSM”
Revesz, Sz. 385
Reznick, B.A. 470
Rice, E.E. 334 468 471
Riekstins, E. 27 119
Riemann zeta function 183
Robbins, H.E. 406
Roth theorem 158 180
Roth, K.F. 180
Rozmus-Chmura, M. 71 74 119
Roznowski, M. 293 470
RSM 58 86—89
Rubel, L.A. 364
Ruelle, D. 137
Ruessmann, H. 156
Rus, J.A. 42
Russell, D.C. 265
Rutickii, Ja.B. 40
Ruziewicz, S. 420
Rv-function composition 33
Rv-function continuity 35
Rv-function iterates 34
S.A. functions 371—375 378
S.A. functions diagonals 372
S.A. functions generators 372
Saaty, T.L. 6 9
Sablik, M. 18 47 232 320 466
Sarifova, T. 263
Sarkovskii, A.N. XVI 1 4 16 49 253 399 402 407
Schilling, R. 268—269
Schmidt, H. 414
Schroeder equation 5 27 55 68—69 82 93 95 130 332 335 354 361—362 365 368 382—383 388 394—395 398 432 435—437 444 496 498
Schroeder equation, C solutions in RN 336—339
Schroeder equation, convex solutions 74 94
Schroeder equation, differentiable solutions 122—123 126—128 145
Schroeder equation, LASs 167
Schroeder, E. 5 27
Schroeder, K.J. 46
Schubert, C.F. 368
Schwarzman, P.A. 27
Schweizer, B. 46 138 334 360 468
Schwerdtfeger, H. 451
Second order differential equations, dispersion 141
Second order differential equations, phase 141
Seethoff, T.L. 138 140
Seneta, E. 26—27 59 75 80—81 89 94—95 367—368
Sequences of iterates see “Splinters”
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