Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Hebbian learning
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Dietterich T.G., Becker S., Ghahramani Z. — Advances in neural information processing systems 14 (Vol. 1 and vol. 2) | 285, 317, 495, 1091, 1123 | Konar A. — Computational Intelligence | 269, 276 | Jang J.-S.R., Sun Ch.-T., Muzutani E. — Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing | 310 | Luger G.F., Stubblefield W.A. — Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving | 663, 688—696, 773 | Churchland P.S., Sejnowski T.J. — The computational brain | 98—99, 251—252 | Cotterill R.M.J. — Biophysics: An Introduction | 278, 289 | Marmanis H., Babenko D. — Algorithms of the intelligent web | 229 | Amit Y. — 2D object detection and recognition | 29, 237, 241, 245, 253, 256 | von der Malsburg C., von Seelen W. — Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 96: 6th International Conference, Bochum, Germany, July 16 - 19, 1996, Proceedings | 389, 427, 767, 881 |