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Konar A. — Computational Intelligence
Konar A. — Computational Intelligence

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Название: Computational Intelligence

Автор: Konar A.


Computational Intelligence: Principles, Techniques and Applications presents both theories and applications of computational intelligence in a clear, precise and highly comprehensive style. The textbook addresses the fundamental aspects of fuzzy sets and logic, neural networks, evolutionary computing and belief networks. The application areas include fuzzy databases, fuzzy control, image understanding, expert systems, object recognition, criminal investigation, telecommunication networks, and intelligent robots. The book contains many numerical examples and homework problems with sufficient hints so that the students can solve them on their own. A CD-ROM containing the simulations is supplied with the book, to enable interested readers to develop their own application programs with the supplied C/ C++ toolbox.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 708

Добавлена в каталог: 11.12.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
ACO algorithm      693
Action estimation      315
Action group estimation      316
Activation function      10
ADALINE neuron      210
Adaptive bi-directional associative memory theorem      182
Adaptive channel equalization      659
Adaptive FCMs      504
Adaptive resonance theory      256
Alpha-cut      51
AND-clauses      69
Ant colony systems      6|91
Approximate reasoning      83
Approximately correct      24
Artificial immune systems      612 620
artificial intelligence      1
Artificial life      612 613
Artificial Neural Networks      169
Available bit rate (ABR) queue length      559
Axelord's model      498
Back-propagation algorithm      217
Back-propagation-RBF Synergism      660
Bandwidth      564
Basic probability assignment      373
Bayes' law      357
Bayesian belief network      361
Behavioral synergism      453
Belief calculus      353
Belief function      23 373
Belief networks      20
Belief vector      0
Benchmark analysis      584
Bi-directional linked list      645
Binarization process      578
Bioinformatics      666
Biological neural networks      167
Call Admission Control      549
Causal tree      361
Certainty factor vector      0
Chaos theory      7 612
Classifier design      632
Cognition      497
Cohen — Grossberg theorem      180
Cohen — Grossberg — Kosko theorem      182
Communication engineering      655
Competitive learning      16 175 269
Computational Intelligence      4
Computational learning theory      7 23
Computationally intelligent      5
Conditional probability      356
conflict resolution      69
congestion control      549
Conjunction of fuzzy propositions      156
Continuous Hopfield neural net      241
Contrast intensification      62
Conventional sets      37
Crossover      18 330
Crossover point      18
Cylindrical extension      57
Cylindrical extension of fuzzy relations      153
Data fusion      4
Decomposition      227
Defining length of a schema      332
Defuzzification      119
Degree of fulfillment      115
Delay      564
Delta learning rule      478
Dempster — Shafer theory      372
Design of fuzzy relational databases      162
Diagnostic tree      363
Dienes-Rescher implication      72
Differential evolution      696
Discounting factor      297
Discrete Hopfield network      239
Dominant arc      406
Drug classification      664
EDGE      425
Encoding      15
Equality as a fuzzy relation      158
Equalized pulses      659
Equivalent relation      627
Equlibrium time      406
Evolutionary computing      6
Evolutionary computing algorithm      324
Expert networks      228
Extension principle of fuzzy sets      52
f.g generalization      10
Face recognition      284
Fitness function      327
Focal elements      373
Frame of discernment      373
Functional dependency preservation      144
Fuzzy abductive reasoning      90
Fuzzy ADALINE      477
Fuzzy associative memory Fuzzy bandwidth estimator      566
Fuzzy beliefs      395
Fuzzy C-means clustering      649
Fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm      127
Fuzzy chaos theory      624
Fuzzy cognitive maps      497
Fuzzy complement      50
Fuzzy congestion controller      555
Fuzzy control system      101
Fuzzy data mining      652
Fuzzy functional dependency      158
Fuzzy implication relations      71
Fuzzy implication rules      70
Fuzzy integrity constraints      155
Fuzzy linguistic hedges      60
Fuzzy logic      10 73
Fuzzy lossless join      161
Fuzzy moment descriptors      429
Fuzzy pattern recognition      126
Fuzzy Petri nets      393 396
Fuzzy relations      54
Fuzzy S-Norm      49
Fuzzy sets      38. 39 40
Fuzzy shade moment      430
Fuzzy state equations      650
Fuzzy state variables      650
Fuzzy T-Norm      48
Fuzzy truth token      396
Fuzzy-GA synergism      26 459
GA-Belief network synergism      27 461
Gama-function      43
Gaussian membership function      47
Generalized hypothetical syllogism      75
Generalized modus ponens      74
Generalized modus tollens      75
Genetic algorithm      17. 323
Goal angle      574
Godel implication      73
Granular computing      612 630
Hebbian learning      269 276
Heuristic function      645
Heuristic transitive closure      506
Hypothetical syllogism      74
Image distance      431
Image matching      423
Image segmentation      132 441
Immediately reachable      398
Inference Engine      68
Instar connectivity      273
Intelligent traffic control      565
Interleaved Search      435
Internal critic      16
Intersection operation      38
Inverse Modeling      658
Jerne's idiotypic network hypothesis      621
Jitter      564
Kalman filter      595 596
Klopfs model      178
Knowledge refinement      535
Kosko's extended model      503
Kosko's model      500
L-function      45
Lamda and Pi messages      368
Learning      170
Limitcycles      406
Linguistic variables      117
Local stability      651
Logic of fuzzy sets      9
Loss rate      564
Lossy fuzzy joins      155
Lukasiewicz implication      72
Lyapunov energy function      109
Macro cell placement      662
Mamdani implication      72
Mamdani type fuzzy control      101
Markov process      308
Max-min composition      58
Max-min fuzzy inverse      643
Max-product composition      58
McCulloch-Pitts model      198
Mean path deviation      582
Membership function      40
Mixed range      425
Mobile robotics      571
Modifier rule      157
Modular neural nets      225
modus ponens      9. 74
Modus Tollens      74
Monoamine oxidase      664
Mood analysis      442
Multi-Agent reinforcement learning      315
Multilayered perceptron      207
Multivalued logic      9
Mutation      18 331
Natural join of fuzzy relations      154
Negative Positive Neutral logic      506
Network paralysis      222
Neural reinforcement learning      311
Neuro-Belief network synergism      26
Neuro-dynamic programming      295
Neuro-Fuzzy synergism      26
Neuro-Fuzzy-GA synergism      27
Neuro-GA synergism      26 460
No-linear prediction problem      657
Non-deterministic rewards      308
Non-uniform sampling      42
Nonmonotonic reasoning      414
normal      51
NP-complete problem      573
Nuclear reactor      114
Object localization      589
Oja's correction      278
Order of a schema      332
Orthogonal summation of belief functions      375
P-th percentile delay      564
Pal and Konar's model      507
Partial matching      3
Partially observable states      298
Particle swarm optimization      612 617
Path planning of a robot      573
Path-genetic operator      549
Pearl's belief propagation scheme      369
Perception learning model      201
Perception-to-Action transformation      464
Performance index      584
Permanently dominant arc      406
Pi-function      47
Place to transition connectivity      407
Pointer to array      645
Polytree      367 369
Possibility distribution      146
Power control      114
Power fraction      115
Power spectral density      563
Pre-processing layer      272
Predicted goal position      594
Principal component analysis      281
Probably approximately correct      24
Process control      97
Production rules      68
Production systems      67
Projection of fuzzy relations      56 152
Projection operator      143
Proper subset      38
Q-learning      302
Quality of Service      561
Quantizer      659
Queue growth rate      559
Radial basis function      223
Random variable      355
Reachable      398
Reactor period      115
Reasoning path      397
Recall      15
Recency      69
Recognition-act cycle      69
Recurrent neural nets      238
Refractoriness      69
Reinforcement learning      16 177 298
Relational model      140
Rod height      115
Rough inclusion and indiscernibility      632
Rough set theory      7
Rough sets      612
Rough-Fuzzy sets      629
Routing      548
Routing in VLSI design      662 663
s-function      44
Schema      331
Schema theorem      333
Schur matrix      111
Sejnowski's model      178
Selection      18
Selection operator      143
Self-Organizing feature map      282
SHADE      425
signal      115
Signal processing      655
Soft computing      8
Specificity      69
Spoken word reconstruction      649
State of deadlock      403
Stationary assumption      24
Strong alpha-cut      51
Strongly coupled      25
Structural conflict      394
Supervised learning      15 171
Synergism in soft computing      25
System modeling      656
T-S Fuzzy control      106
Target tracking      592
Tele-Communication networks      547
Template matching      435
Temporal difference learning      310
Tightly coupled neuro-fuzzy systems      456
Transition to place connectivity      407
Transitive relation      506
Trapping at local minima      222
Travelling salesman problem      246
Traversal distance      582
Traversal time      582
Triangular membership      46
Uniform sampling      42
UNION operation      38
Universal set      38
Universe of discourse      42
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