Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Takens, F.
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Мелик-Гайказян И.В., Мелик-Гайказян М.В., Тарасенко В.Ф. — Методология моделирования нелинейной динамики сложных систем | 213 | Herrmann D. — Algorithmen fur Chaos und Fraktale | 25 | Enns R.H., Mc Guire G.C. — Nonlinear physics with mathematica for scientists and engineers | 386 | Intriligator M.D., Arrow K.J. — Handbook of Mathematical Economics (vol. 4) | 2212, 2224, 2225, 2226, 2227 | Lichtenberg A.J., Liebermen M.A. — Regular and Chaotic Dynamics | 6, 182, 498, (499, Newhouse et al.), 598, 599, 635 | Zhitomirskii M. — Translations of Mathematical Monographs Typical singularities of differential 1-forms and Pfaffian equations | 30 | Bornemann F. — Homogenization in Time of Singularly Perturbed Mechanical Systems (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1687) | 4, 29, 43, 58, 59, 66 | Gleason A. — Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians | 1229-II | Friedlander S.(ed.), Serre D.(ed.) — Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics | 171, 172, 221|171|, 255, 286|142| | Davies P. — The Cosmic Blueprint | 64 | van der Meer J.-C. — The Hamiltonian Hopf Bifurcation | 24, 43 |