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Bornemann F. — Homogenization in Time of Singularly Perturbed Mechanical Systems (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1687) |

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Название: Homogenization in Time of Singularly Perturbed Mechanical Systems (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1687)
Автор: Bornemann F.
Рубрика: Математика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1998
Количество страниц: 160
Добавлена в каталог: 24.04.2010
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Abraham, R. 14 38
Abstract limit equation 11 39 111
Action, normal 12 22 45 97 110
Action-angle variables 29 131 137
Adiabatic evolution 104
Adiabatic invariant 3 13 15 22 29 46 57 76 97 110
Adiabatic theorem of quantum mechanics 5 90—92 103
Adiabatic trap 76
Alaoglu theorem 8 120
Alfven, H. 76
Arnold — Gallavotti theorem 58
Arnold's theorem 58
Arnold, V.I. 15 46 58 76 131
Arzela — Ascoli theorem, extended 8
Average motion 73
Averaging 2 6
Avron, J.E. 104
Balanced initial data 59
Banach — Alaoglu theorem 8
Benettin, G. 58
Bensoussan, A. 2
Berkowitz, J. 76
Birman — Schwinger bound 103
Bochner — Taylor theorem 120
Born — Oppenheimer approximation 87 105
Born — Oppenheimer equation 107
Born — Oppenheimer potential 106
Born, M. 103
Bott, R. 19
Butane molecule 78
Canonical form of an operator 118
Canonical system 86
Castro, E.A. 96
Chemin, J.Y. 59
Christoffel symbols 30
Christoffel symbols, nonsymmetric version 30
Codimension of a resonance 24
Codimension of the critical manifold 21
Collinear collision 113
Compensated compactness 38 144
Configuration space 17
Conformation, geometrical 80
Constraints, physically real 51
Critical manifold 10 19
Critical manifold, nondegenerate 19
Cyclic variable 74
Density operator 90 94 109 117
Diestel, J. 119
div-curl lemma 144
Dunford — Pettis theorem 120
Ebin, D.G. 59
Ehrenfest's correspondence principle 5 97
Elimination of fast variables 73 134
Embid, P.F. 59
Energy 10 18 30 108
Energy level 92
Energy level probability 97 110
Energy level, crossing 92 114—
Energy level, crossing, normal form 114
Energy, kinetic, of constrained motion 36
Energy, kinetic, of normal motion 36 44
Energy, potential, of constrained motion 36
Energy, potential, of normal motion 36 44
Energy, total, of constrained motion 36
Energy, total, of normal motion 36 44 57
Energy-frequency relation 92
Equi-distribution of energy 83
Equi-partitioning of energy 12 14 16 38 83 144
Equilibrium 73 77
Euler — Lagrange equation 18 51
External force 66
Fano, U. 94
Fernandez, F.M. 96
Filtering 6
Fixman-potential 83
Fock, V. 103
Force, homogenized 39
Form domain 128
Frequency, normal 21 41
Friction 66
Friction, -isotropic 68
Friction, viscous 68
Friedrichs extension 128
Friedrichs, K.-O. 104
Funnel 66
Galerkin approximation 85
Galgani, L. 58
Gallavotti, G. 51 58 84
Gap condition 103
Gardner, C.S. 76
Gaussian initial preparations 113
Gelfand triple see "Rigged Hilbert space"
Generic property 24
Genericity 24
Geodesic exponential map 31
Geometric optics 1 104
Geophysical fluid flow 59
Gerard, P. 143
Giorgilli, A. 58
Goldstein, H. 38
Grammian 23
Gronwall lemma 53 94
Ground state 105 114
Guiding center motion 75
Gyration 75
Gyroscopic force 66 68
H-measure 3 143
Hagedorn, G.A. 113 114
Hamiltonian 85 128
Hamiltonian mechanics 74
Hamiltonian, parametrized 89 106
Hamiltonian, two-body 102
harmonic oscillator 16 43
Harmonic oscillator, perturbed 41
Harmonic oscillator, quantum 113
Heine — Borel property 7
Hellmann — Feynman theorem 93 108
Hellwig, G. 76
hessian 19
Hessian, reduced 23 80
Hirschfelder, J.O. 96
Homogenization 2 17
Homogenization, stability of 59
Hypervirial theorem 96
Incompressible limit of fluid flow 59
Infinitely slow change 91
Integrable Hamiltonian system 1 4 15 76 131
Jensen, H. 28 40 51 58 71
Kampen, N.G. van 28 40 51 58
Kato — Rellich theorem 106
Kato, T. 104 129
Keller, J.B. 4 29 73
Kisynski's theorem 93
Kisynski, J. 93
Klainerman, S. 59
KLMN theorem 129
Koiller, J. 29
Koppe, H. 28 40 51 58 71
Kozlov, V.V. 15 46 58 131
Kreiss, H.-O. 58
Kruskal, M. 76
Lagrange — d'Alembert principle 4 17 51 71
Lagrangian 17
Lagrangian, holonomic constrained 51
Lagrangian, homogenized 22
Lagrangian, reduced 74
Landau, L.D. 38
Larmor frequency 76
Larmor gyration 75
Lax — Milgram Theorem 128
| Lax, P.D. 129
Lebesgue — Bochner space 117 119
Legendre transform 74 85
Levi — Civita connection 18
Lifshitz, E.M. 38
Lions, J.-L. 2 93 129
Lipschitz perturbation of evolution equations 108
Localization principle 38 143
Lubich, C 58 136
Magnetic mirror 74 76
magnetic moment 76
Magnetic trap 74 76
Majda, A.J. 59
Marsden, J.E. 14 38
Mass matrix 77
Mechanical system, natural 17
Mechanical system, stiff 58
Messiah, A. 94 104
Metric tensor 29 86
Microlocal defect measure see "H-measure"
Milgram, A.N. 129
Molecular Dynamics 74 76 84 89
Momentum function 14
Morse theory 19
Motion, constrained 32
Motion, normal 32
Multiple-scale-asymptotics 1 29
Multiplicity, smooth 21
Murat, F. 2
Neishtadt, A.I. 15 46 58 131
Nekhoroshev estimate 58
Nelson, E. 129
Nettesheim, P. 84 86 113
Neumann, J.von 115
Newtonian equation of motion 10 29 84
Northrop, T.G. 76
Numerical integrator 73 82
Operator ideal 118
Operator, bounded 117
Operator, compact 117
Operator, finite rank 117
Operator, semi-bounded selfadjoint 91 128
Operator, unbounded 90
Papanicolaou, G. 2
Perturbation theory 1 4 15 24 55 76 115 131
Plasma physics 74
Potential, bond-angle 77
Potential, bond-stretching 77
Potential, Born — Oppenheimer 106
Potential, constraining 10 19
Potential, constraining, spectrally smooth 20
Potential, constraining, strong 17 51 77
Potential, Fixman 83
Potential, homogenized 14 22
Potential, homogenized, scaling invariance of 78
Potential, Rollnik 129
Potential, singularly perturbed 17
Potential, torsion angle 79
QCMD see "Quantum-classical coupling model"
Quadratic form 128
Quadratic form, coercive 91 128
Quadratic form, symmetric 128
Quantum adiabatic approximation 87
Quantum chemistry 74 84
Quantum harmonic oscillator 113
quantum mechanics 87 89 128
Quantum-classical coupling model 84 89 104 136
Quantum-classical coupling model, example of 113
Quasi-geostrophic limit 59
Radon — Nikodym property 120
Realization of holonomic constraints 17 51 71 72
Reed, M. 102 117
Reich, S. 83
Rellich, F. 60 116
Resonance 3 16 114
Resonance of codimension one 24
Resonance of codimension two 25 115
Resonance of order j 21
Resonance, essentially no 41 42 92 112
Resonance, example of 82
Resonance, hypersurface 21
Resonance, non-flat 21 107
Riemann — Lebesgue lemma 6 29 43
Riemann — Lebesgue lemma, generalized 7 28
Riemannian manifold 17
Riemannian metric 17 86
Riesz representation map 125
Rigged Hilbert space 91 92 105 124 128
Ringrose, J.R. 117
Rollnik class 102 129
Rotating axis representation 104
Routh's method 74
Rubin, H. 28 57 58 76
Rubinstein, J. 4 29 73
Rudin, W. 8 96
Schatten, R. 117
Schmidt, H.-J. 58
Schochet, S. 59
Schroedinger equation 84
Schroedinger equation, nonlinearly coupled 105
Schroedinger equation, time-dependent 91
Schroedinger equation, time-dependent, existence and uniqueness 93
Schuette, C 27 28 40 58 74 78 84 86 90 104 113 114
Seiler, R. 104
Semiclassical approximation 113
Semiclassical measure 3 38 143
Simon, B. 102 117 128
Singular limit 1
Singular perturbation 1
Singular value decomposition 118
Slow manifold 58
Sobolev embedding 8
Specific charge 75
Spectrum, discrete 92
Spectrum, essential 98
Spitzer, L. 76
Statistical operator see "Density operator"
Statistical physics 83
Stone's theorem 108
Takens chaos 4 66 114
Takens, F. 4 29 43 58 59 66
Tartar, L. 2 143
Thermodynamics 83
Time-step, numerical 73 82
Trace 118
Trace class 118
Trace class, norm 118
Trace-class-operator-valued function 120
Transfer of key protons 89
Tubular coordinates 31
Tubular neighborhood 31
Uhl, J.J. 119
Ungar, P. 28 57 58 76
Van Allen radiation belt 76
Vector measure 119
Virial function 14
Virial theorem 3 12 14 38
Virial theorem, hyper 96
Virial theorem, weak 12 14 37 90 95 110 143
Wave equation, semilinear 29
Weak virial theorem see "Virial theorem"
Weak* continuity 7
Weak* continuity, cubic 42
Weak* convergence 5 120
Weyl's theorem 102
Wigner measure 3 143
Wigner, E. 115
WKB method 1 28 76
Yaffe, L.G. 104
Young measure 3 143
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