Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Friedlander S.(ed.), Serre D.(ed.) — Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics |
Предметный указатель |
4-velocity 510
Abergel, F. 203 205 214|1|
Abramowitz, M. 304 348|1| 360 434|1|
Abrashkin, A.A. 295 305 348|2| 348|3|
Absorbing, ball 188
Absorbing, set 179
Acrivos, A. 482 495|31|
Adelmeyer, M. 461 462 466 470 475 481 496|62|
Akbay, U. 269 282|1|
Akylas, T.R. 470 473 482 494|1| 499|124| 499|125|
Al-Mubaiyedh, U.A. 258 282|2|
Alemany, A. 390 403 439|157|
Alfven, H. 418 434|2|
Allen, H.R. 313 349|30|
Amick, C. 446 466 483 492—494 494|2| 494|3| 494|4| 494|5| 494|6| 494|7| 494|8| 494|9| 494|10|
Andereck, C.D. 249 257 282|3| 282|4|
Ando, H. 340 353|168|
Anile, A.M. 594|1|
Anti-dynamo theorem 358 375—381 387 389 390 398 402 404 411
Anti-dynamo theorem for planar flow 377
Anti-dynamo theorem for toroidal flow 380—383
Antonov, V.A. 31 51|1|
Anufriyev, A.P. 397 434|3|
Arino, O. 226 282|5|
Arnold, V.I. 24 51|2| 57 59 71 85|1| 85|2| 119 128 139|1| 208 214|2| 291 298 308 320 331 339 348|4| 348|5| 348|6| 348|7| 372 392 423 424 434|4| 434|5| 434|6| 434|7| 462 494|11|
Arsenev, A. 26 51|3|
Astrophysical applications 340
Asymptotic behavior 147 161 163 165
Attractor 180 196 198—200 203
Attractor, exponential 184 186
Attractor, global 179 187 188 202 205 209 212—214
Attractor, maximal 179
Attractor, minimal 179
Attractor, unbounded global 186
Aubin, J.-P. 50 52|4| 77 85|3|
Aurell, E. 53|59| 427 434|8|
Avgousti, M 258 287|115|
Avrin, J.D. 212 214|3| 214|4|
Babin, A.V. 171 172 174 175 179—181 183 187 188 190 192 193 195 196 199—203 205 206 208 210 212 213 214|4| 215|5| 215|6| 215|7| 215|8| 215|9| 215|10| 215|11| 215|12| 215|13| 215|14| 215|15| 215|16| 215|17| 215|18| 215|19| 215|20| 215|21| 215|22| 215|23| 215|24| 215|25| 215|26| 216|27| 216|28| 216|29| 216|30| 216|31| 216|32| 216|33|
Backus, G. 358 380 382 404 434|9|
Baggett, J.S. 267 268 282|6| 285|108|
Bai, R. 273 282|7| 284|74|
Baigent, S. 85|4|
Balbus, S.A. 417 434|10|
Baldi, P. 52|5|
Ball, J.M. 187 212 216|34|
Balmforth, N.J. 427 434|11|
Banner, M.L. 445 495|12|
Bardos, C. 26 52|6| 339 348|8|
Barnsley, M. 171 216|35|
Barrandon, M. 466 495|13|
Barthelemy, E. 460 497|90|
Barthelet, P. 273 283|27|
Basdevant, C. 32 52|7|
Bassom, A.P. 391 411 429 434|12| 434
Batchelor, G.K. 314 315 348|15| 366 434|14|
Bates, P.W. 181 216|36|
Baumert, B.M 258 282|8|
Bayly, B.J. 268 282|9| 300 313 318 328—331 348|9| 348|10| 348|11| 348|12| 348|13| 348|14| 360 419 420 422 423 426 427 434|15| 434|16| 434|17| 434|18|
Beale, J.T. 129 130 139|2| 302 332 352|129| 462 469 495|14| 495|15|
Beck, R. 416 434|19|
Belenkaya, L. 309 310 339 348|16|
Bellout, H. 213 216|37|
Beltrami, E. 392 434|20|
Ben-Artzi, M. 146 149 152 153 158 161 162 166|1| 166|2| 166|3| 166|4|
Benard, H. 225 242 246 282|10|
Benfatto, G. 5 52|8|
Benjamin, T.B. 240 251 282|11| 252|12| 482 495|16|
Benoit, J.-P 314 349|19|
Benton, E.R. 391 434|21| 434|22|
Beris, A.N. 258 268 269 286|123| 287|155| 287|156|
Berk, H.L. 399 440|175|
Bernstein, B. 269 287|160|
Bertoin, J. 41 42 44 52|9| 52|10|
Betchov, R. 225 282|13|
Biagioni, H.A. 161 166|5|
Bifurcation 445 473
Bifurcation with symmetry 235
Bifurcation, dimension breaking 490
Bifurcation, Hopf 236 237 248 254 256
Bifurcation, pitchfork 234
Bifurcation, reversible 481
Bifurcation, Takens — Bogdanov 249
Bifurcation, transcritical 234
BINNEY, J.J. 4 52|11|
Black, W.B. 268 282|14|
Blackman, E.G. 407 435|23|
Blennerhassett, P.J. 273 282|15| 282|16|
Bloom, F. 213 216|37|
Boberg, L. 266 282|17|
Bogoyavlenskijn O. 303 345|17|
Boldrighini, C. 5 52|12|
Bollerman, P. 239 282|18| 287|157|
Bona, J. 446 483 495|17| 495|18|
Bondarevsky, V.G. 216|38|
Bose, D.K. 483 495|17|
Boundary condition, free 214
Boussinesq approximation 243
Boussinesq system 213
Boyd, W.G.C. 272 273 284|62| 284|64|
Bragard, J. 247 282|19|
Bragg, S.L. 302 348|18|
Braginsky, S.L. 359 378 403 404 412 435|24| 435|25| 435|26|
Brandenburg, A. 360 365 391 396 407 410 411 416 417 428—431 434|19| 435|27| 435|28| 435|29| 435|30| 435|31| 435|32| 435|33| 436|62| 440|176|
Brefort, B. 216|39|
Brenier, Y. 62 63 65—68 78 81 83 85|5| 85|6| 85|7| 85|8| 85|9| 85|10| 85|11| 85|12| 101 104 115|1| 115|2| 115|3|
Brezis, H. 80 81 85|13| 158 161 166|6| 166|7|
Bridges, T. 446 485 491 495|19| 495|20| 495|21|
Brosa, U. 266 282|17|
Brown, R.M. 214 216|40|
Brown, T.M. 409 435|34|
Brummell, N.H. 371 411 424 428 430 431 435|35| 441|204|
Bryant, P. 494 495|22|
Buffoni, B. 473—475 495|23| 495|24|
Bullard, E.C. 358 380 435|36|
Buryak, A.V. 473 495|25|
Busse, F.H. 245 246 249 282|20| 282|21| 282|22| 285|104| 286|145| 358 381 383 396 411 412 435|37| 435|38| 435|39| 435|40| 435|41| 435|42| 438|109| 438|117| 441|220| 441|221|
Butler, K.M. 266 282|23|
Butterfly diagram 408
Buzano, E. 245 282|24|
Caffarelli, L. 78 79 85|14| 85|15| 119 121 122 139|3|
Caglioti, E. 4 52|13|
Camassa — Holm 213
Cambon, C. 314 330 349|19| 351|99| 351|100|
Campbell, C.G. 417 435|43|
Cao, C. 213 216|41|
Capinski, M. 212 216|42| 216|43|
Carlen, E.A. 150 152 161—163 166|8| 166|9|
Carpio, A. 161 163 166|10|
Carraro, L. 44 52|14| 52|15|
Cartan, H. 345 349|20|
Case, K.M. 310 349|21|
Cattaneo, F. 371 406 407 424 427—431 435|35| 435|44| 435|45| 435|46| 441|206|
Cazenave, T. 161 166|7|
Champneys, A. 470 473—475 495|23| 495|25| 495|26| 495|27| 498|121|
Chandrasekhar, S. 52|16| 225 249 274 282|25| 291 307 345 346 349|23| 349|24|
Chang, H.C. 273 286|143|
Channel, curvilinear 203 205
Channel, rectilinear 203 205
Chaos, Lagrangian 420 425 427 429
Charru, F. 273 283|27|
Chavanis, P.H. 4 7 30—32 52|17|
Chemin, J.-Y. 85|16|
Chen, K. 273 274 282|7| 282|26| 284|73|
Chen, P. 391 435|47|
Chen, S. 119 134 139|4|
Chen, X.-Y. 181 216|44|
Chepyzhov, V.V. 184 186 192 193 198 212 216|45| 216|46| 216|47| 216|48| 216|49| 216|50|
Chicone, C. 328 349|25|
Childress, S. 129 139|5| 360 378 381 392 397 398 401 403 405 411 417 419—424 426 427 431 432 434|17| 434|18| 435|48| 435|49| 435|50| 435|51| 435|52| 435|53| 436|54| 436|55| 436|56| 436|71| 437|95| 440|194|
| Cho, J. 407 431 441|212|
Chorin, A. 52|18| 119 123 139|6| 145 166|11| 171 217|51|
Chossat, P. 171 217|52| 225 235 253—256 283|28| 297 349|26|
Chow, S.N. 234 283|29|
Christen, M. 383 436|79|
Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. 409 435|34|
Christodoulou, D. 562 594|2|
Christoffel symbols 507
Chueshov, I.D. 195 217|53| 217|54|
Cifersons, A. 383 436|79|
Clarke, M.A. 274 284|77|
Clever, R.M. 246 282|21|
Cloot, A. 247 283|30|
Clune, T. 251 283|31|
Clune, T.L. 410 411 439|142| 441|204|
Cockburn, B. 195 217|55|
Coherent structures 3 23
Colinet, P. 249 283|32|
Collet, P. 239 283|33|
Colovas, P.W. 249 282|4|
Compressibility 340
Condition, "Kato — Fujita" 161
Condition, divergence-free 172
Condition, entropy 48
Condition, Israel jump 538
Condition, Lax shock 569
Condition, no-slip boundary 173 174 203 212
Condition, Rayleigh stability 344
Condition, zero average 173 208
Connection 504
Connection, coefficients 507
Connor, J.W. 319 349|27|
Constant, gravitational 510
Constant, Newton's gravitational 506
Constantin, P. 45 47 52|19| 90 101 112 115|4| 119 121 122 126 128—131 133 139|7| 139|8| 140|9| 140|10| 140|11| 140|12| 140|13| 140|14| 140|15| 140|16| 140|17| 140|18| 140|19| 140|20| 140|21| 140|22| 140|23| 140|24| 145 167|12| 174 175 177 192 195 196 198 199 207 217|56| 217|57| 217|58| 217|59| 217|60|
Constraint conservation 553
Contravariant 505
Coordinates, Gaussian normal 521
Coordinates, locally inertial 508
Coordinates, standard Schwarzschild 506
Cordoba, D. 129 140|17| 140|25|
Cottet, G.-H. 146 167|13|
Couetle — Taylor 214
Couette, M. 251 283|34|
Counterrotating cylinders 256
Courant, R. 316 349|28| 594|3|
Covariant 505
Covariant, differentiation 507
Covariant, divergence 520
Cowling, T.O. 358 360 376 378 436|57| 436|58|
Cox, J.P. 340 349|22|
Craig, W. 446 485 493 494 495|28| 495|29| 495|30|
Craik, A.D.D. 313 330 331 349|29| 349|30| 349|31| 350|55|
Criminale, W.O. 225 282|13| 313 349|31|
Cross, M.C. 53|44|
Cullen, M. 85|17|
Cutland, N.J. 212 216|42| 216|43|
Cvitanovic, P. 427 434|11|
Dafermos, C.M. 184 217|61|
Dalecki, Ju.L. 231 283|35|
Davis, R.E. 482 495|31|
Degen, M.M. 249 282|4|
Degond, P. 26 52|6|
Delta-function singularities 530
DeLuca, E.E. 410 436|59| 436|60|
Demodulation 92
Denient'ev, S. 383 436|79|
Denn, M.M. 268 285|99|
Derks, G. 491 495|20|
Determining nodes 195 213
Dewar, R.L. 319 349|32|
Diamond, P.H. 406 428 437|107|
Dias, F. 445 460 470—473 475 476 480 482 483 491 494|1| 495|32| 495|33| 495|34| 495|35| 495|36| 495|37| 496|44| 497|91| 498|96| 498|97|
Differentially rotating stars 340
Dikii, L.A. 291 310 349|33| 349|34|
Dikpati, M. 410 436|61|
Dionne, B. 245 283|36| 283|37|
DiPerna, R.J. 26 52|20| 85|18|
Dobler, W. 391 407 429 431 435|29| 435|31| 436|62|
Dobrokhotov, S. 327 328 349|35| 349|36| 349|37|
Doelman, A. 239 287|157|
Doering, C.R. 199 203 217|62| 217|63|
Domain, thin 210
Domain, unbounded 203
Dombre, T. 306 349|38| 424 436|63|
Douady, A. 192 217|64|
Doubly diffusive convection 247
Doxas, I. 399 440|175|
Drazin, P.G. 225 244 252 253 255 256 263 265 283|38| 291 307 308 349|39|
Driscoll, T.A. 267 282|6| 287|162| 291 353|166|
Drobyshevski, E.M. 371 436|64|
Du, Y. 426 436|65| 436|66|
Dubreil-Jacotin, M.L. 483 495|38|
Dubrovin, B.A. 506 594|4|
Duchon, J. 44 52|14| 52|15| 52|21| 90 92 112—114 115|5|
Dudley, M.L. 390 436|67|
Dumont, T. 4 53|64|
Duncan, J. 445 495|39|
Dung, L. 217|65|
Dyachenko, A.I. 493 495|40|
Dynamics, finite-dimensional 165
Dynamo in MW+flow 420—423 426
Dynamo, accretion disc 417
Dynamo, alpha squared 405 411
Dynamo, alpha-omega 407—411 416 433
Dynamo, convective 359 411—416
Dynamo, experimental 358 383 387 396
Dynamo, fast 359 387 403 406 416—432
Dynamo, galactic 359 416
Dynamo, mechanism, G.O. Roberts 402
Dynamo, mechanism, Ponomarenko 390
Dynamo, mechanism, stretch-fold-shear 422 427
Dynamo, nonlinear 391 396 427—432
Dynamo, slow 417
Dynamo, small-scale 428
Dynamo, solar 357 359 408—411 418 431 433
Dynamo, streich-twist-fold 418—420
Dynamo, theory 328
Dynamo, wave 407 411
Dziembowski, W.A. 409 435|34| 436|68|
E, W. 45 47 52|19| 90 101 104 112 115|4| 116|7| 128 140|18|
Ebin, D. 59 62 63 85|19| 85|20| 128 140|26|
Eckart, C. 342 349|40|
Eckhaus, W. 239 240 283|39| 283|40|
Eckhoff's approach 315
Eckhoff, K.S. 313 317 319 345 349|41| 349|42| 349|43| 349|44| 349|45|
Eckmann, J.-P. 239 283|33|
Eden, A. 184 186 189 190 199 217|66| 217|67| 217|68|
Effect, alpha 359 395—411 431—433
Effect, alpha, suppression 396 406 407 428
Effect, Marangoni 243
Effect, omega 378 390 407—411
Eggers, J. 278 280 283|41| 283|42| 283|43|
Einstein, A. 594|5|
Elastic ice plate 450
Eliashberg, Y. 85|21|
Ellingsen, T. 245 266 283|44| 285|94|
Elliott, J.R. 410 439|142|
Ellis, G.F.R. 503 504 515 577 594|11|
Eloy, C. 331 349|46| 351|107|
Elsasser, W.M. 380 436|69|
Embid, P.F. 208 217|69|
Energy, balance 111 112 114
Energy, balance in weak solutions 90
Energy, density 510
Energy, dissipation 3 37 44 111
Energy, estimate 175 206 230
Energy, magnetic 361 365 366 368—370 381 427
Energy, potential 259
Enstrophy 91 324
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