Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Friedlander S.(ed.), Serre D.(ed.) — Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics |
Предметный указатель |
Equation, amplitude 238 324
Equation, amplitude, bicharacteristic 319
Equation, Burgers 3 37 42
Equation, cotangent 319
Equation, eikonal 292 316
Equation, Euler 57 58 61 62 64 65 67 89 120
Equation, Euler-Lagrange 259
Equation, Eulerian 292
Equation, Ginzburg — Landau 239
Equation, heat 152 158 162 163
Equation, hyperbolic partial differential 227
Equation, induction 357 364—367
Equation, Monge — Ampere 79
Equation, Newell — Whitchead 246
Equation, Oppenheimer — Volkoff 543
Equation, Orr — Sommerfeld 263 269
Equation, Poisson 511
Equation, pre-Maxwell 364 367
Equation, Rayleigh 307
Equation, variation 183 190 192
Equation, Vlasov — Poisson 4 25 26 30
Equations, Einstein 509
Equations, Kelvin 319 328 329 333
Equilibrium 181—183 188 210 298
Equilibrium, problems 4
Equilibrium, state 6 13 19 24
Equivariant branching lemma 237
Essential spectral radius 320 326 338
Euler, L. 57 85|22| 292 349|47| 349|48|
Evans, L.C. 71 85|23| 503 582 594|6|
Exponent, cancellation 426
Exponent, flux growth 426
Exponent, Liapunov 425
Exponent, line-stretching 420 425 426
Exponential stretching 326 328
Exponentially small oscillations 469
Eyink, G.L. 5 45 47 52|22| 52|23| 90 112 116|6| 128 140|27|
Fabes, E.B. 150 167|14|
Fabijonas, B. 332 349|49| 349|50| 352|125| 352|128|
Fadeev, L.D. 308 349|51|
Faierman, M. 340 350|52| 350|53|
Falconer, K.J. 171 217|70|
Faller, A.J. 413 436|70|
Farmer, D.M. 460 496|41|
Farrell, B.F. 266 282|23|
Fautrelle, Y. 411 436|71|
Fearn, D.R. 360 378 411 412 436|72| 436|73|
Fefferman, C. 129 140|19| 140|20|
Feir, J.E. 240 282|11|
Feireisl, E. 212 217|71|
Ferriz-Mas, A. 410 436|74|
Field, G.B. 407 435|23|
Finn, J.M. 419 423—427 432 436|75| 435|132|
Fishelov, D. 146 166|2|
Fishman, V.M. 397 434|3|
Fixed point, hyperbolic 326
Fjortoft, R. 308 350|54|
Flandoli, F. 212 217|72| 217|73|
Floquet, analysis 329
Floquet, exponent 332
Floquet, theory 330
Flor, J.B. 3 54|68|
Flow, "cats-eye" 300
Flow, Anosov 328
Flow, Arnold — Beltranti — Childress (ABC) 306 328 331 392 427 429
Flow, Beltrami 306 331 392 420 424 428
Flow, Bogoyavlenskij 304
Flow, compressible 214 430
Flow, core-annular 273
Flow, Couetle 252 262
Flow, elliptical 305 321 329 331
Flow, generalized 101
Flow, generalized with definite velocity 102
Flow, generalized with local interaction 102
Flow, generalized, -generalized 105
Flow, hyperbolic 321 323
Flow, integrable 331
Flow, Kolmogorov 94 97 309 424
Flow, Kolmogorov, modulated 94
Flow, linear 304 311 313 332 346
Flow, minimal 340
Flow, multiphase 106
Flow, parallel shear 262
Flow, plane parallel 298
Flow, Poiseuille 203 205 262
Flow, Ptolemaeus 305
Flow, rotational shear 298
Flow, sticking generalized 104
Flow, two-layer 248 259 271 451
Flow, viscoelastic 268
Fluid, conducting 249
Fluid, incompressible 57
Fluid, Oldroyd B. 281
Fluid, stratified 485
Foias, C. 3 52|24| 119 121 122 126 127 134 139|4| 140|21| 140|28| 140|30| 145 167|12| 174 175 177 180 183 184 186 188—190 192 194—196 198 199 207 213 214 217|56| 217|57| 217|58| 217|59| 217|60| 217|66| 217|67| 217|68| 217|74| 217|75| 217|76| 218|77| 218|78| 218|79| 218|81| 218|81| 218|82| 218|83| 218|84| 218|85| 218|86| 218|87| 218|88| 218|89| 218|90| 218|91|
Fomenko, A.T. 506 594|4|
Forbes, L.K. 450 496|42|
Force, centrifugal 251
Force, Coriolis 207 209 212 330 333
Force, Lorentz 361 370 391 406 407 427 429 431
Force, oscillating 92 93
Forces, "ghost” 92
Formula, Cauchy 119 130 134 135
Formula, Darcy — Weisbach 111
Formula, Weber 119 130 132—134
Forster, G.K. 313 331 350|55|
Fractal 202 203 213
Fractal, dimension 189 191—194 198—200 205 207 209 213
Fraenkel, L. 446 494|7|
Freefall paths 504
Freiberg, Ya.G. 383 387 436|78|
Frenkel, A.L. 309 350|56| 354|183|
Friedlander, F.G. 313 350|57|
Friedlander, S. 292 309 310 318—321 327 328 331 337 339 348|16| 350|58| 350|59| 350|60| 350|61| 350|62| 350|63| 350|64| 350|65| 350|66| 350|67| 350|68| 350|69| 353|171|
Friedrichs, K.-O. 446 462 496|43| 594|3|
Frieman, E. 291 350|70|
Friesecke, G. 483 497|78|
Frigio, S. 5 52|12|
Frisch, U. 3 49 52|25| 53|59| 91 116|8|349|38| 396 405 424 428 436|63| 436|76| 437|82| 437|94| 439|162|
Frischmann, G. 269 282|1|
Fujimura, K. 249 286|138|
Fukumoto, Y. 329 331 350|71| 352|133|
Gailitis, A.K. 383 387 436|77| 436|78| 436|79|
Galanti, B. 365 429 436|80| 437|81|
Gallagher, C.T. 273 286|143|
Gallagher, I. 208 218|92| 218|93|
Gallay, T. 161—165 167|15|
Galloway, D.J. 420 424 437|82| 437|83| 438|111|
Gap, circular 181 182
Gap, narrow 253 255 258
Gap, spectral 337 338
Garaud, P. 410 437|84|
Garcia-Archilla, B. 218|94|
Gariepy, R. 71 85|23|
Gazzola, F. 218|95| 218|96|
Gearhart, L. 228 283|45|
Gebhardt, T. 267 283|46|
Gellman, H. 358 380 435|36|
Geodesic 59 62 504
Geodynamo 359 411 412
Geometrical optics 291 313 318 319 327 328 344 346
Gerbeth, G. 383 436|79|
Gershuni, G.Z. 249 283|47|
Ghidaglia, J.-M. 188 214 216|39| 218|97| 218|98| 218|99| 218|100|
Gibbon, J.D. 129 140|29| 199 217|62|
Gibson, R.D. 358 437|85|
Giga, Y. 158 163 167|16| 167|17|
Gilbert, A.D. 328 350|59| 350|72| 360 378 387 389—391 396—398 403 405 411—417 420—424 426—432 434|8| 434|12| 435|53| 436|56| 437|86| 437|87| 437|88| 437|89| 437|90| 437|91| 437|92| 437|93| 437|94| 437|95| 438|138| 439|159| 439|160| 440|166|
Gilman, P.A. 409 410 436|59| 436|60| 436|61| 437|96| 437|97| 439|142|
| Gjevik, B. 245 285|94|
Glasser, A.H. 319 349|32|
Glatzmaier, G.A. 409—411 437|98| 437|99| 437 437|101| 437|102| 437|103| 437|104| 439|142|
Gledzer, E.B. 311 350|73|
Glimm scheme 518
Glimm, J. 594|7|
Godreche, C. 225 238 241 242 246 267 268 283|48| 291 350|74|
Goldhirsch, I. 321 353|153|
Gollub, L. 291 353|159|
Golovkin, K.K. 166 167|18|
Golubitsky, M. 234 245 282|24| 283|36| 283|49| 283|50| 283|51|
Goode, P. 409 435|34| 436|68|
Gordin, A. 310 350|75|
Goritskii, A.Yu. 186 216|47|
Gorodtsov, V.A. 269 270 283|52|
Gough, D.O. 409 410 435|34| 437|105| 437|106|
Grad, H. 302 350|76|
Gradshteyn, I.S. 280 283|53|
Graham, M.D. 268 282|14|
Gramchev, T. 161 166|5|
Gravity 340
Greene, J.M. 306 349|38| 424 436|63|
Greenspan, H.P. 208 218|101| 311 350|77|
Grenier, E. 65 85|24| 104 115|3| 208 218|102| 339 350|78|
Grilli, S. 445 496|44|
Grimshaw, R. 482 494|1|
Groah, J. 503 507 514—516 518 519 577 594|8| 594|9| 594|10|
Grossmann, S. 267 283|46|
Group, Galilean 509
Group, Poincare 509
Groves, M.D. 446 473 485 488 490 491 495|24| 496|45| 496|46| 496|47| 496|48|
Growth 266
Growth, abscissa 226
Growth, non-modal 265
Gruzinov, A.V. 406 428 437|107|
Guckenheimer, J. 171 218|103| 234 283|54|
Guillope, C. 122 126 140|30| 230 283|55|
Gundrum, T. 383 436|79|
Guo, Y. 339 348|8|
Gustavsson, L.H. 266 283|56|
Guyenne, P. 445 496|44|
Haenel, H. 383 436|79|
Hale, J.K. 171 179—181 187 216|44| 219|104| 219|105| 234 283|29|
Hameiri, E. 318 319 323 329 332 350|79| 350|80| 352|126| 352|127|
Hammack, J.L. 445 496|49|
Haragus-Courcelle, M. 485 490 491 495|32| 496|46| 496|50| 496|51| 496|52| 496|53| 496|54|
Hardy, G.H. 78 85|25|
Haskell, T.G. 460 472 498|107|
Hastie, R.J. 319 349|27|
Hausdorff 191 193 202 205 207
Hausdorff, dimension 188 189 192 198—200 203 209 213
Hausdorff, measure 189
Hawking, S.W. 503 504 515 577 594|11|
Hawley, J.F. 417 434|10|
Hawthorne, W.R. 302 348|18|
Heisenberg, W. 263 283|57|
Helicity, fluid 391 395 403—407 409 420
Helicity, magnetic 395 402 431
Helioseismology 409—411
Helmholtz, H. 296 351|81|
Henderson, D.M. 445 496|49|
Henningson, D.S. 266 268 283|58| 285|107| 285|108|
Henon, M. 52|26| 306 349|38| 351|82| 424 436|63|
Henry, D. 181 219|106|
Herbert, T. 268 284|59| 284|60| 313 348|14|
Herbst, I. 228 284|61|
Herzenberg, A. 358 387 404 437|108|
hexagons 237 245 248
Hida, T. 41 42 44 52|27|
Higgins, B.G. 273 287|172|
High frequency wavelets 313
Hill, A.T. 219|107|
Hill, M.J.M. 301 351|83|
Hirsching, W. 411 438|109|
Hoermander, L. 112 116|9|
Hoff, D. 214 219|109| 219|110|
Hollerbach, R. 360 412 420 438|110| 438|111|
Holm, D.D. 119 134 139|4| 140|31| 213 217|74| 291 296 300 330—332 348|13| 349|50| 351|84| 351|85|
Holmes, P. 171 218|103| 234 283|54|
Holyer, J.Y. 248 285|101|
Homoclinic 464 467 471
Homoclinic, to periodic solutions 471
Homogenization 310
Hooper, A.P. 272 273 284|62| 284|63| 284|64|
Hopf, E. 219|108|
Horst, E. 26 52|28|
Horton, W. 399 440|175|
Hosking, R.J. 459 498|106|
Hoskins, B. 85|26|
Howard, L.N. 308 309 350|60| 351|86|
Hoyng, P. 405 438|112|
Huang, F. 228 284|65|
Huerre, P. 242 284|66|
Hughes, D.W. 407 410 411 416 427—430 435|44| 435|46| 438|131| 438|119|
Hunt, B.R. 190 219|111|
Hunze, R. 26 52|28|
Hyers, D.H. 446 462 496|43|
Ichikawa, Y. 265 285|92|
Ierley, G.R. 129 139|5| 427 434|11|
Iftimie, D. 211 212 219|112|
Iida, S. 265 285|92|
Il'ichev, A. 450 460 476 490 495|33| 496|50| 496|55|
Ilin, K.I. 291 311 353|172| 354|173|
Ilyashenko, Yu.S. 196 219|113| 219|114|
Ilyin, A.A. 192 193 198 206 213 214 216|45| 216|46| 219|115| 219|116| 219|117| 219|118| 219|119| 219|120|
Inequality, Hardy — Littlewood — Sobolev 150
Inequality, Lieb — Thirring 197
Inequality, logarithmic Sobolev 161
Inequality, Nash 150 152 161
Instability 335
Instability, absolute 240
Instability, algebraic 323 326 330
Instability, Benjamin — Feir 240
Instability, broadband 313
Instability, convective 240
Instability, Eckhaus 240 246
Instability, Ekman 413
Instability, Kelvin — Helmholtz 296
Instability, localized 313
Instability, Marangoni 246
Instability, nonlinear 334—336
Instability, Rayleigh — Taylor 297
Instability, secondary 245 267 332 334
Instability, sideband 240 245 273
Instability, viscous 326
Instability, zigzag 246
Invariant 179
Invariant, strictly 179
Inverse, cascade 396 428 431
Inverse, energy cascade 91
Iooss, G. 171 217|52| 225 233—235 253—256 283|28| 284|67| 287|164| 297 349|26| 454 457 458 461—163 465 466 468—475 477 479—482 494 495|34| 495|35| 496|56| 496|57| 496|58| 496|59| 496|60| 496|61| 496|62| 496|63| 496|64| 496|65| 496|66| 497|67| 497|68| 497|85| 498|119|
Israel, W. 515 521 523 530 537 539 594|12|
Ivers, D.J. 378 438|114|
Jacquin, L. 314 329 349|19| 353|158|
James, G. 483 484 497|69| 497|70|
James, R.W. 378 390 436|67| 438|114|
Jaynes, E.T. 33 52|29|
Jet, breakup 274
Jet, slender 276
Jevons, W.S. 248 284|68|
Johnson, M. 594|13|
Jones, C.A. 371 411 438|115| 440|180|
Jones, D.A. 195 217|55| 219|121| 219|122|
Jones, M.C.W. 454 479 497|71|
Jordan, R. 52|30| 54|67|
Joseph, D.D. 225 234 249 259 262 272 273 282|7| 284|67| 284|69| 284|70| 284|71| 284|72| 284|73| 286|128| 291 351|87|
Joyce, G. 4 53|45|
Ju, N. 205 219|123|
Juettner, B. 54|66|
Julien, K.A. 249 284|74|
Реклама |