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Zhitomirskii M. — Translations of Mathematical Monographs Typical singularities of differential 1-forms and Pfaffian equations |
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Adjacent class 15
Arnold, V.I. xi
Belitskii, G.R. x xi 21 26 29
Bogdanov, R.I. 29
C'-equivalent germs 13
Chen, K. 23 29
Class of a 1-form 31
Class of a Pfaffian equation 59 119
Contact manifold structure 10 25 61 155 164
Darboux condition 153
Darboux theorem 20 61 120
Darboux theorem on 1—forms 34
Darboux theorem, relative x 25
Darboux, J.-G. ix 1 31 32
Degeneration, first 5 62 119 120
Degeneration, second 5 64
Degeneration, third 5 91
distribution 10 162 164
Engel, F. 163
Equivalent germs 13 25 153 164
Feedback equivalence 157
Finite determinacy 16
Finite determinacy, index of 16
Flat function 12
General position 7
Germ, C'-equivalent 13
Germ, elliptic 68
Germ, equivalent 13 25 153
Germ, finitely determined 16
Germ, generic, of a hypersurface in a contact space 25
Germ, hyperbolic 68
Germ, infinitesimal equation for 21
Germ, k-determined 16
Germ, modality of 17
Germ, parabolic 68
Germ, source of 10
Germ, stable 17
Givental, A.B. x 24 25
H'yashenko, Yu.S. xi
Infinitesimal, equation 27
Internal modulus 17
Jakubczyk, B. 116
jet 11
Jet, normalization of 20
k-determined 16
| k-jet 11
k-jet, sufficient 16
Leites, D. xi
Lie, S. 25
Lychagin, V.V. xi 1 4 25 29 31 47 57 151
Martinet, J. ix x 1 2 6 31 57 116 117 165
Modality of a germ 17
Modulus (internal) 17
Mormul, P. 150
Normal form 17
Normal form, invariant 17
Normal form, preliminary 17
Normalization of a k-jet 20
Pfaff, J.F. ix
Pffafian equation 10
Pffafian equation, represented by a 1—form 10
Przytycki, F. 116
Quasicontact structure 10 120
Rank of dw 31
Resonant 22
Roussarie, R. x 26 165
Singular point ix
Singularity 14
Singularity class 14
Singularity class, adjacent 15
Singularity class, codimension of 15
Singularity class, point 15
Singularity class, typical 15
Singularity class, wild 22
Singularity, first occuring of 14
Singularity, isolated 15
Singularity, point 15
Source of a germ 10
Stable germ 17
Sternberg, S. 29
Straightened 35
Sufficient k-jet 16
Takens, F. 30
Thick set 14
Transformation with unit linear part 21
Transversality theorem 16
Unit linear part 21
Voronin, S.M. 161
Webster, S.M. 161
Whitney topology 13
Wild 22
Zhitomirskii, M.Va. 1
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