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Поиск книг, содержащих: Falling factorial
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Koepf W. — Hypergeometric Summation. An algorithmic approach to summation and special function identities. | 75 | Bollobas B. — Modern Graph Theory | 220 | Sandor J., Mitrinovic D.S., Crstici B. — Handbook of Number Theory II | 478 | Bergeron F., Labelle G., Leroux P. — Combinatorial Species and Tree-like Structures | 170 | von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra | 611, 613, 618, 634, 637 | Beckenbach E.F. (editor), Polya G., Lehmer D.H. and others — Applied combinatorial mathematics | 68, 74, 88 | Bollobás B. — Combinatorics: Set Systems, Hypergraphs, Families of Vectors and Combinatorial Probability | 3 | Hamming R.W. — Art of Probability for Scientists and Engineers | 30, 44 | van Lint J.H., Wilson R.M. — Course in Combinatorics | 100 | Beckenbach E.F. (ed.) — Applied Combinatorial Mathematics | 68, 74, 88 | Koepf W. — Hypergeometric summation. An algorithmic approach to summation and special function identities | 75 | Wilf H.S., Zeilbercer D., Petkovšek M. — A=B | 66, 149 | Gossett E. — Discrete Math with Proof | 416 | Scheinerman E.A. — Mathematics: A Discrete Introduction | 43 |