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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
4271. Decoteau D. R. Principles of Plant Science: Environmental Factors and Technology in Growing Plants2004
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4273. Deeg H.(ed.) Belmonte J.(ed.) Aparicio A.(ed.) Extrasolar planets (1 edition)2007
4274. Deepak Chopra A Cura Quântica: O poder da mente e da consciência na busca da saúde integral2015
4275. Deepak Dhar Mustansir Barma Effect of Disorder on Relaxation in the One-Dimensional Glauber Model1979
4276. Deepak Mathur Physics of Ion Impact Phenomena1991
4277. Dees S. Ganesan R. Singh S. Bispecific Antibodies for Triple Negative Breast Cancer2020
4278. Defusco R. Mcleavy D. Quantitative Methods for Inestment Analysis (2 edition)n/a
4279. degli Atti C. C. De Sanctis E. Few Body Systems and Electromagnetic Interactions1978
4280. Degrazia J. Math tricks, brain twisters, and puzzles1983
4281. Degregori C.I. Sandoval P. Saberes periféricos: ensayos sobre la antropología en América Latina2007
4283. Dehmer M. Emmert-Streib F. Analysis of Complex Networks: From Biology to Linguistics2009
4284. Deibler K. Delwiche J. Handbook of flavor chracterization2003
4285. Deitel H.M. Deitel P.J. Santry S.E. Advanced Java 2 platform: how to program2001
4286. Deitel H.M. Deitel P.J. Nieto T.R. Internet & World Wide Web. How to Program (2nd edition)2001
4287. Deitmar A. Echterhoff S. Principles of Harmonic Analysis2009
4288. Dekimpe K. Almost-Bieberbach Groups: Affine and Polynomial Structures, Vol. 16391996
4289. Del Toro Iniesta J.C. Alfaro E.J. Gorgas J.G. The Many Scales in the Universe: JENAM 2004 Astrophysics Reviews (1 edition)2006
4290. Delbaem F. A simple counterexample to several. Problems in the theory of asset pricing1998
4291. DeLeo F. Otto M. Bacterial Pathogenesis Methods and Protocols2008
4292. Delfina Cabrera Denise Kripper The Routledge Handbook of Latin American Literary Translation2023
4293. Delgado Mariana Guia Definitivo para Investir em Renda Fixa_ O Simples que Funciona2021
4294. Deliberato R. Alves R. Como preparar o bebê para uma introdução alimentar de sucesso (2 edition)2011
4295. Dell M. Fredman C. Direct From Dell: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Dell Computer Corporation1999
4296. Dellacherie C. Meyer P.-A. Probabilities & Potential C: Potential Theory for Discrete and Continuous Semigroups (North-Holland Mathematics Studies, 151)1988
4297. Dellacherie C. Meyer P.-A. Probabilities and Potential B. Theory of Martingales1982
4298. Delone N.B. Krainov V.P. Multiphoton processes in atoms2000
4299. Delort J. F.B.I. Transformation: 2nd Microlocalization and Semilinear Caustics (1 edition)1992
4300. Delugach H. S. Stumme G. Conceptual Structures: Broadening the Base: 9th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2001, Stanford, CA, USA, July 30-August 3, 2001 (1 edition)2001
4301. Delves L. Mohamed J. Computational Methods for Integral Equations1985
4302. Delyon F. Appearance of a Purely Singular Continuous Spectrum in a Class of Random Schrodinger Operators1985
4303. Demétrio Magnoli A vida louca dos revolucionários2013
4304. Demétrio Magnoli A vida louca dos revolucionários2013
4305. Demchenko A. Advanced Fluorescence Reporters in Chemistry and Biology I: Fundamentals and Molecular Design (Springer Series on Fluorescence, Volume 8)2010
4306. Demetis D.S. Technology and Anti-Money Laundering: A Systems Theory and Risk-Based Approach2010
4307. Demetrescu C. Experimental Algorithms: 6th International Workshop, WEA 2007, Rome, Italy, June 6-8, 2007, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues)2007
4308. Demetriades J.E. Kolodner R.M. Christopherson G.A. Person-Centered Health Records: Toward HealthePeople (Health Informatics)2005
4309. Demeyer S. Ducasse S. Nierstrasz O. Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns (1st edition)2002
4310. DeMichiel L.G. Gabriel R.P. The Common Lisp object system: An Overviewn/a
4311. Demidenko G. Upsenskii S. Partial Differential Equations and Systems Not Solvable with Respect to the Highest-Order Derivative (Pure and Applied Mathematics)2003
4312. Demopoulos W. Pitowsky I. Physical Theory and its Interpretation: Essays in Honor of Jeffrey Bub (The Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science)2006
4313. Dempski K. Focus on Curves and Surfaces2003
4314. Demuth D. Lamont R. Bacterial Cell-to-Cell Communication: Role in Virulence and Pathogenesis2006
4315. Demuth M. Krishna M. Determining spectra in quantum theory (1 edition)2005
4316. Demuth M. Krishna M. Determining Spectra in Quantum Theory2005
4317. den Hollander W. Th. F. Comment on a Paper by G. H. Weiss, S. Havlin, and A. Bunde1985
4318. den Hollander W. Th. F. Random Walks on Lattices with Randomly Distributed Traps I. The Average Number of Steps Until Trapping1984
4319. den Hollander W. Th. F. Swart J . M . Renormalization of Hierarchically Interacting Isotropic Diffusions1998
4320. den Hollander F. Naudts J. Scheunders P. A Long-Time Tail for Random Walk in Random Scenery1991
4321. DeNardis L. Protocol Politics: The Globalization of Internet Governance (Information Revolution and Global Politics)2009
4322. Deng S. Yu F. Deng H. Twisted tapered plastic optical fibers for continuous liquid level sensing2020
4323. Dengel A. Junker M. Weisbecker A. Reading and Learning: Adaptive Content Recognition2004
4324. Denis Fred Simon Cong Cao China's Emerging Technological Edge: Assessing the Role of High-End Talent (1 edition)2009
4325. Denis Hermann Fabrizio Speziale Muslim Cultures in the Indo-Iranian World during the Early-Modern and Modern Periods2010
4326. Denis J. Evans Enhanced t ^-3/2 Long-Time Tail for the Stress-Stress Time Correlation Function1979
4327. Denis L. Kant's 'Metaphysics of Morals': A Critical Guide (Cambridge Critical Guides)2010
4328. Denis Maier Isaac Breuer (1883–1946)2015
4329. Denis Maier Isaac Breuer (1883–1946)2015
4330. Denk R. Einfuehrung in die wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und statistik1999
4331. Dennett D. Philosophical Obstacles to a Science of Consciousness2005
4332. Dennett D.C. Freedom Evolves2003
4333. Dennis J. Chew Patricia A. Schenck Urinalysis in the Dog and Cat2023
4334. Dennis M. Sullivan Electromagnetic Simulation Using the FDTD Method2000
4335. Dennis R Weaver How to Bake: Your Complete Reference Book2006
4336. Dent A.W. Zheng Y. Yung M. Practical Signcryption2010
4337. Dentes Leo Vizier The forbidden knowledge1964
4338. Denyer S. Hodges N. Gorman S. Hugo and Russell's Pharmaceutical Microbiology (7 edition)2004
4339. Deo S. Algebraic topology: a primer2003
4340. Deprince, Michaela O voo da bailarina2016

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