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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
7701. Jaramillo Migue Pobreza e impactos heterogéneos de las políticas activas del empleo juvenil: el caso de PROJOVEN en el Perú2009
7702. Jaramillo M. Saavedra J. Menos desiguales: la distribución del ingreso luego de las reformas estructurales2011
7703. Jardin S. Computational Methods in Plasma Physics (Chapman & Hall CRC Computational Science)2010
7704. Jared Bhatti Zachary Sarah Corleissen Jen Lambourne Docs for Developers An Engineer’s Field Guide to Technical Writing2021
7705. Jared C. Bronski Richard M. McLaughlin Rigorous Estimates of the Tails of the Probability Distribution Function for the Random Linear Shear Model1999
7706. Jarke M. Koehler J. Lakemeyer G. KI 2002: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 25th Annual German Conference on AI, KI 2002, Aachen, Germany, September 16-20, 2002. Proceedings (1 edition)2002
7707. Jarke M.(ed.) Oberweis A.(ed.) Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 11 conf., CAiSE'99 (1 edition)1999
7708. Jarnicki M. Pflug P. Invariant distances and metrics in complex analysis2000
7709. Jarnicki M. Pflug P. Invariant Distances and Metrics in Complex Analysis1993
7711. Jaroslav Lukes Integral Representation Theory: Applications to Convexity, Banach Spaces and Potential Theory (De Gruyter Studies in Mathematics) (1 edition)2010
7712. Jarosraw Piasecki Stochastic Adiabatic Wall1999
7713. Jarzynski C. Hamiltonian Derivation of a Detailed Fluctuation Theorem1999
7714. Jasiński B. Lukácsn/a
7715. Jason A. C. Gallas Hans J. Herrmann Thorsten Piischel Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Size Segregation in Three Dimensions1995
7716. Jason Hall Advances in Spacecraft Technologies2011
7717. Jason Van Vliet Children of God The Imago Dei in John Calvin and His Context2009
7718. Jasper R. Daube Clinical Neurophysiology (2 edition)2002
7719. Jaspreet Singh Lovedeep Kaur Advances in Potato Chemistry and Technologyn/a
7720. Jauch J.M. Rohrlich F. The Theory of Photons and Electrons (Texts and Monographs in Physics) (2 edition)1980
7721. Jaulin L. Kieffer M. Didrit O. Applied Interval Analysis (1 edition)2001
7722. Javidi B. Okano F. Son J. Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display (Signals and Communication Technology)2009
7723. Javier Díaz-Albertini F. El feudo, la comarca y la feria La privatización del espacio público en Lima2016
7724. Javier Padilla A finales de enero2019
7725. Javier S.C. El espejismo del mestizaje2019
7726. Jay Shetty 8 Rules of Love: How to Find It, Keep It, and Let It Go2023
7727. Jayadev Misra Tobias Nipkow Emil Sekerinski FM 2006: Formal Methods: 14th International Symposium on Formal Methods, Hamilton, Canada, August 21-27, 2006, Proceedings (1 edition)2006
7728. Jayant R. Haritsa Ramamohanarao Kotagiri Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 13th International Conference, DASFAA 2008, New Delhi, India, March 19-21, 2008, Proceedings (1 edition)2008
7729. Jayne L. Rygh William C. Sanderson Treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Evidence-Based Strategies, Tools, and Techniques (1 edition)2004
7730. Jaynes E. T. Probability theory with applications in science and engineering1974
7731. Jean Baudrillard Simulacres et simulation (1 edition)2005
7732. Jean Bertoin Large-Deviations Estimates in Burgers Turbulence with Stable Noise Initial Data1998
7733. Jean Briemont Koji Kuroda Joel L. Lebowitz Surface Tension and Phase Coexistence for General Lattice Systems1983
7734. Jean Dieudonne Paul K. Smith Samuel Eilenberg Treatise on Analysis: volume 1 (2nd rev edition)1969
7735. Jean Francois Colombeau Differential calculus and holomorphy1982
7736. Jean Francois Colombeau New generalized functions and multiplication of distributions1984
7737. Jean Jacod To Diane and Sylvie and To Rachel, Margot, Olivier, Serge, Thomas, Vincent and Martin2002
7738. Jean Leray Raccolta Degli Scritti: Dedicati A (Parte Seconda)1978
7739. Jean Leray Sur les équations aux dérivées partielles. 11976
7740. Jean Levine Philippe Mullhaupt Advances in the Theory of Control, Signals and Systems with Physical Modeling (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 407) (1st Edition.)2010
7741. Jean Monroe B. Crossing the Digital Divide: Race, Writing, and Technology in the Classroom (illustrated edition)2004
7742. Jean Montreuil Vliegenthart J. F. G. Schachter H. Glycoproteins and Disease (New comprehensive biochemistry)1996
7743. Jean Piaget O Estruturalismon/a
7744. Jean Pierre Boon Patrick Grosfils James F. Lutsko Propagation-Dispersion Equation2003
7745. Jean Ruiz Interface Sharpness in the Potts Model1989
7746. Jean-Charles Gautier Drug Safety Evaluation: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 691) (1st Edition.)2010
7747. Jean-Claude Derniame Software Process Technology: Second European Workshop, EWSPT '92, Trondheim, Norway, September 7-8, 1992. Proceedings (1 edition)1992
7748. Jean-Dominique Deuschel Daniel W. Stroock Large deviations (Rev Sub edition)1989
7749. Jean-François R. Mondon Caesar’s Dē Bellō Gallicō2015
7750. Jean-François Seznec Mimi Kirk Industrialization in the Gulf2011
7751. Jean-Jacques Quisquater Pierre Paradinas Yves Deswarte Smart Card Technologies and Applications (1 edition)2004
7752. Jean-Louis D. Tips and Techniques in Laparoscopic Surgery2005
7753. Jean-Luc Dorier (Editor) On the Teaching of Linear Algebra (1 edition)2000
7754. Jean-Luc Dorier (Editor) On the Teaching of Linear Algebra (Mathematics Education Library)2002
7755. Jean-Marc Delort F.B.I. Transformation: second microlocalization and semilinear caustics (1 edition)1992
7756. Jean-Marie Lambert Um Ministério Público   para rir e chorar  2020
7757. Jean-Michel Caillol Jean-Luc Raimbault Sine-Gordon Theory for the Equation of State of Classical Hard-Core Coulomb Systems. I. Low Fugacity Expansion2001
7758. Jean-Michel Claverie Cedric Notredame Bioinformatics for Dummies (1 edition)2003
7759. Jean-Michel Marin Bayesian Core: A Practical Approach to Computational Bayesian Statistics2007
7760. Jean-Philippe Bouchaud Pierre Le Doussal Numerical Study of a D-Dimensional Periodic Lorentz Gas with Universal Properties1985
7762. Jean-Pierre Eckmann Christina Forster Harald A. Posch Lyapunov Modes in Hard-Disk Systems2004
7763. Jean-Pierre Francoise Robert Roussarie Bifurcations of Planar Vector Fields. Proc. Meeting Luminy, 1989 (1 edition)1991
7764. Jean-Pierre Gazeau Coherent States in Quantum Physics (New edition)2009
7765. Jean-Pierre P. Changeux Antonio Damasio Wolf J. Singer Neurobiology of Human Values (1st Edition.)2010
7766. Jean-Yves Delitte Les Nouveaux Tsars2004
7767. Jeanne Hersch L'étonnement philosophique1993
7768. Jeanne Liedtka Designing for Growth2011
7769. Jeannin J.-F. Lipid A in Cancer Therapy (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Vol 667)2009
7770. Jediel E. Idoso Sáudavel: Dicas de saúde para Idosos2021

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