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Содержимое каталога
2031. Hurd M. Nyberg L. The Value Factor: How Global Leaders Use Information for Growth and Competitive Advantage2004
2032. Hurst J.M. Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing1973
2033. Hussey D.E. Strategic Management: From Theory to Implementation (Fourth Edition)1998
2034. Hussey J.M. Hall S.E. Managing Global Development Risk2008
2035. Hutchison M.M. (Ed) Westermann F. (Ed) Japan's Great Stagnation: Financial and Monetary Policy Lessons for Advanced Economies2006
2036. Huxley S. Burns J. Asset Dedication: How to Grow Wealthy with the Next Generation of Asset Allocation (1 edition)2005
2037. Huybrechts B. Fair Trade Organizations and Social Enterprise2012
2038. Huybrechts B. Fair trade organizations and social enterprise : social innovation through hybrid organization models2012
2039. Hyman M.H. New Ways for Managing Global Financial Risks: The Next Generation2005
2040. Ichiishi T. Yamazaki A. Series on Mathematical Economics and Game Theory. Vol. 3. Cooperative Extensions of the Bayesian Game2006
2041. ICTUR Trade Unions of the World (6th edition)2005
2042. IFLA Gupta D.C. Koontz C. Marketing Library and Information Services2006
2043. Ijioui R. Emmerich H. Ceyp M. Strategies and Tactics in Supply Chain Event Management2008
2044. Ilmanen A. A Framework for Analyzing Yield Curve Trades. Understanding the Yield Curve: Part 61995
2045. Ilmanen A. Convexity Bias and the Yield Curve. Understanding the Yield Curve: Part 51995
2046. Ilmanen A. Does Duration Extension Enhance Long-Term Expected Returns? Understanding the Yield Curve: Part 31995
2047. Ilmanen A. Forecasting U.S. Bond Returns. Understanding the Yield Curve: Part 41995
2048. Ilmanen A. Market's Rate Expectations and Forward Rates. Understanding the Yield Curve: Part 21995
2049. Ilmanen A. Overview of forward rate analysis: Understanding the yield curve : part 11995
2050. Imhoff C. Geiger J.G. Galemmo N. Mastering Data Warehouse Design: Relational and Dimensional Techniques2003
2051. Imperiale R. The Micro Cap Investor: Strategies for Making Big Returns in Small Companies2005
2052. Inc. New Strategist Publications Who's Buying Household Furnishings, Services, and Supplies (4th edition)2006
2053. Inc. New Strategist Publications Who's Buying Household Furnishings, Services, and Supplies (3rd edition)2006
2054. Ineichen A.M. Absolute Returns: The Risk and Opportunities of Hedge Fund Investing (1st edition)2003
2055. Ineichen A.M. Asymmetric Returns: The Future of Active Asset Management2007
2056. Ingersoll J.E. Theory of Financial Decision Making1987
2057. Ingles M. Tax Aspects of Buying and Selling Companies2000
2058. Ingo Walter MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS IN BANKING AND FINANCE What Works, What Fails, and Why2004
2059. Ingram R.W. Baldwin W.A. Albright T.L. Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions2004
2060. Inside the Minds Stuff Inside the Minds: Managing for Profit: Leading CEOs on Key Strategies for Increasing Profits Exponentially in Any Economy2004
2061. Inside the Minds Stuff Inside the Minds: Winning Antitrust Strategies2004
2062. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Business Intelligence and Business Process Management in Banking Operations (Proceedings of 29th International Conference Information Technology Interfaces)2007
2063. Institute of Leadership & Management Budgeting for Better Performance (Fourth Edition)2003
2064. Institute of Management and Administration (IOMA) Cost reduction and control best practices2005
2065. International Accounting Standards Board International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs®) 20082008
2066. International Energy Agency Coal Information 20052005
2067. Intriligator M.D Arrow K.J. Handbook of Environmental Economics (vol. 1)2003
2068. Intriligator M.D. Arrow K.J. Handbook of Mathematical Economics (vol. 1)1981
2069. Intriligator M.D. Arrow K.J. Handbook of Mathematical Economics (vol. 2)1986
2070. Intriligator M.D. Arrow K.J. Handbook of Mathematical Economics (vol. 3)1986
2071. Intriligator M.D. Arrow K.J. Handbook of Mathematical Economics (vol. 4)1986
2073. Irwin R. Home Closing Checklist2003
2074. Irwin R. How to Find Hidden Real Estate Bargains (Second Edition)2003
2075. Iskander M.R. Chamlou N. Corporate Governance: A Framework for Implementation2000
2076. Islam R. Information and Public Choice: From Media Markets to Policymaking2008
2077. IT Governance Institute Governance of the Extended Enterprise: Bridging Business and IT Strategies2005
2078. Ito T. Hoshi T. The Japanese Economy (2 edition)2020
2079. Izumi K. An Artificial Market Model of a Foreign Exchange Market1998
2080. J. Luis Guasch Labor Market Reform and Job Creation. The Unfinished Agenda in Latin American and Caribbean Countries1999
2081. Jackson C. Active Investment Management: Finding and Harnessing Investment Skill2003
2082. Jackson I. Nelson J. Profits with Principles: Seven Strategies for Delivering Value with Values2004
2083. Jackson J.E. Klich J. Poznanska K. Political Economy of Poland's Transition2005
2084. Jackson M. Saunton M. Advanced Modelling in Finance using Excel and VBA2001
2085. Jackson P. Suomi R. eBusiness and Workplace Redesign2002
2086. Jackson P.M. Fogarty T.E. Sarbanes-Oxley and Nonprofit Management2006
2087. Jackson S.E. (Ed) Hitt M.A. (Ed) DeNisi A.S. (Ed) Managing Knowledge for Sustained Competitive Advantage: Designing Strategies for Effective Human Resource Management2003
2088. Jacob N. Intercultural Management2003
2089. Jacobs B.I. Levy K.N. (eds.) Market Neutral Strategies2005
2090. Jacobsen J. Skillman G. Labor Markets and Employment Relationships: A Comprehensive Approach (1 edition)2004
2091. Jaffe J. Join the Conversation: How to Engage Marketing-Weary Consumers with the Power of Community, Dialogue, and Partnership2007
2092. Jain R.K. Stacey G.S. Environmental Assessment (2nd edition)2001
2093. Jain S.C. Emerging Economies and the Transformation of International Business (BRICs)2007
2094. James L. Phishing Exposed2005
2095. Jane Applegate 201 Great Ideas for Your Small Business (2 edition)2003
2096. Jankovsky J.A. Trading Rules that Work: The 28 Essential Lessons Every Trader Must Master (1st edition)2007
2097. Janssen J. Manca R. Semi-Markov Risk Models for Finance, Insurance and Reliability2007
2098. Jaques E. Social Power and the CEO: Leadership and Trust in a Sustainable Free Enterprise System (1st edition)2002
2099. Jaquith A. Security Metrics: Replacing Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt2007
2100. Jaquith A. Security Metrics: Replacing Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (Symantec Press Series)2007

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