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1751. Graaf S. Information Communication Technologies and Emerging Business Strategies (1st edition)2006
1752. Graaftland J.J. Economics Ethics & Market2007
1753. Grabbe J.O. Chaos & Fractals in Financial Markets2001
1754. Grabinski M. Management Methods and Tools: Practical Know-how for Students, Managers, and Consultants (1 edition)2007
1755. Grabot B.(ed.) Mayère A. (ed.) Bazet I. (ed.) ERP Systems and Organisational Change: A Socio-technical Insight (1 edition)2008
1756. Grabowski R. Self S. Shields M.P. Economic Development: A Regional, Institutional, and Historical Approach2007
1757. Graham B. O Investidor Inteligente2007
1758. Graham B. Dodd D. Security Analysis (1 edition)1996
1759. Graham B. The Intellegent Investor2005
1760. Grant G. ERP & Data Warehousing in Organizations: Issues and Challenges2003
1761. Grant K.L. Trading Risk: Enhanced Profitability through Risk Control (1st edition)2004
1762. Grantham C. Ware J.P. Williamson C. Corporate Agility: A Revolutionary New Model for Competing in a Flat World2007
1763. Gray P.H. Knowledge Management And Problem Solving2000
1764. Greco A.J. Michman R.M. Retailing Triumphs and Blunders: Victims of Competition in the New Age of Marketing Management1995
1765. Grede R. Naked Marketing: The Bare Essentials (New Revised Edition)2005
1766. Green M. Change Management Masterclass: A Step-By-Step Guide to Successful Change Management2007
1767. Green S. Manges L. Sarbanes-Oxley and the Board of Directors: Techniques and Best Practices for Corporate Governance2005
1768. Greenblatt J. Tobias A. The Little Book That Beats the Market2005
1769. Greene J. Stellman A. Applied Software Project Management2005
1770. Greene L.M. Inventorship: The Art of Innovation2001
1771. Greene W.H. Econometric analysis (5th edition)2002
1772. Greene W.H. Econometric Analysis (5th Edition) (5th edition)2002
1773. Greener S. Business Research Methods2008
1774. Greenwald B. Stiglitz J.E. Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics (1st edition)2003
1775. Greenwood R.G. Wren D. A. Management Innovators: The People and Ideas That Have Shaped Modern Business1998
1776. Gregoriou G.N. Karavas V. Lhabitant F.-S. Commodity Trading Advisors - Risk, Performance Analysis, And Selection2004
1777. Gregoriou G.N. (Editor) Karavas V. (Editor) Lhabitant F.-S. (Editor) Commodity Trading Advisors: Risk, Performance Analysis, and Selection2004
1778. Gregory J. (ed.) Sales R. (ed.) Hegewisch A. (ed.) Women, Work and Inequality: The Challenge of Equal Pay in a Deregulated Labour Market1999
1779. Gregory P. Enterprise Information Security: Information Security For Non-technical Decision Makers2003
1780. Gregory P.R. Lazarev V. The Economics of Forced Labor: The Soviet Gulag2003
1781. Grehalva R. Unleashing the Power of Consultative Selling: Selling the way your customer wants to buy… Not the way you like to sell!2004
1782. Greif A. Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy: Lessons from Medieval Trade2006
1783. Grem J. The Money Manipulators (1st edition)1971
1784. Gresham S.D. Oransky A.S. The new managed account solutions handbook. How to build your financial advisory practice using managed account solutions2008
1785. Grieves M. Product Lifecycle Management. Driving the Next Generation of Lean Thinking2006
1786. Griffin A. New Strategies for Reputation Management: Gaining Control of Issues, Crises and Corporate Social Responsibility2008
1787. Griffin R.C. Water Resource Economics: The Analysis of Scarcity, Policies, and Projects2006
1788. Griffiths A. 101 Ways to Market Your Business2006
1789. Griffiths A. 101 Ways to Really Satisfy Your Customers: How to Keep Your Customers and Attract New Ones2006
1790. Grimaldi J. The Art of Advertising: CEOs from BBDO, Mullin Advertising & More on Generating Creative Campaigns & Building Successful Brands2003
1791. Grinblatt M. Titman S. Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy1997
1792. Groff T.R. Jones T.P. FileNET: A Consultant's Guide to Enterprise Content Management2004
1793. Groot M. Managing Financial Information in the Trade Lifecycle: A Concise Atlas of Financial Instruments and Processes2008
1794. Grote D. The performance appraisal question and answer book: survival guide for managers2002
1795. Gruber B. Littman M. Merritt J. Business Week: Guide to the Best Business Schools (Seventh Edition)2001
1796. Gruber H. Economics of Mobile Telecommunications2005
1797. Grundmann W. Finanz- und Versicherungs-mathematik1996
1798. Grundy T. Strategy Implementation Through Project Management2001
1799. Gschwandtner G. Mastering The Essentials of Sales: What You Need to Know to Close Every Sale (1 edition)2006
1800. Gschwandtner G. The Psychology of Sales Success: Learn to Think Like Your Customer to Close Every Sale2007
1801. Guerin L. The Essential Guide to Workplace Investigations (1st edition)2007
1802. Gueutal H.G. Stone D.L. (eds.) The Brave New World of eHR: Human Resources Management in the Digital Age2005
1803. Guha-Khasnobis B. (ed.) The WTO, Developing Countries, and the Doha Development Agenda: Prospects and Challenges for Trade-Led Growth2004
1804. Gummadi Nancharaiah B.R. Ambedkar, Economic Development and Dalits in Post-Independence Indian/a
1805. Gundling E. Working GlobeSmart: 12 People Skills for Doing Business Across Borders2003
1806. Gunther N.J. Guerilla Capacity Planning (1st edition)2005
1807. Guo R. Cross-Border Resource Management: Theory and Practice (fourth edition)2005
1808. Gup B.E. Bank Failures in the Major Trading Countries of the World : Causes and Remedies1998
1809. Gupta A.K. Quality Assurance For Dynamics Ax-Based Erp Solutions2008
1810. Gupta J.N.D. Sharma S.K. Creating Knowledge Based Organizations2004
1811. Gupta P. Wiggenhorn A.W. Six Sigma Business Scorecard2003
1812. Gur M. The Symmetry Wave Trading Method1993
1813. Gustafson T. Capitalism Russian-Style1999
1814. Guttman H.M. When Goliaths Clash: Managing Executive Conflict to Build a More Dynamic Organization (First Edition)2003
1815. Guttmann R. Cybercash: The Coming Era of Electronic Money2003
1816. Gygi C. Williams B. DeCarl N. Six Sigma For Dummies2005
1817. Gylmore B. Dynamic Time and Price Analysis of Market Trends1997
1818. Hübner R. Strategic Supply Chain Management in Process Industries: An Application to Specialty Chemicals Production Network Design2007
1819. Hübner U. Elmhorst M.A. Ebusiness in Healthcare: From Eprocurement to Supply Chain Management2008
1820. Haber J.H. Accounting Demystified2004

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