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Wiley E.O. — Phylogenetics. The theory and practice of phylogenetic systematics |
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"Common equals primitive," 153 192
"Eohippus," 127
"Homotherma" 92
"Neotomodon" 326
"Semionotidae" 213
A.E.T.F.A.T. Index 371
Acanthodians 217
Accession number 311
Acipinser 132
Acoelomates 123
Actinopopid spiders, analysis of 159—164
Actinopterygii 134 145 163 165 171
Actinopus 159—164 177—178 189—191
Adams, E. N. 270
Adamson, M. 71 72
Adaptive zones 242—243 252—255 260
Additive speciation 42—58
Agassiz, L. 22 93 94 193 196 371
Agate Springs Quarry 31
Algae 321
Algorithms, compatibility 192
Algorithms, Wagner 178—192
Allen's Rule 353
Alligator 263
Allo-parapatric speciation see “Speciation allo-parapatric”
Allochronic species 39
Allometry 131 346
Allopatric distributions, and species level taxonomic decisions 65
Allopatric speciation see “Speciation allo-patric”
Allotopic distribution see “Distributions types
Allozymes, analysis of 330—332
Alternation of generations 62
Amia 117 118 136 145 146 151 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171
Amino acid sequencing 335—337
Amitermes 323
Amniota 210 260 266
Amoebae 149
Amphibia 267
Anacyclus, classification of 227—228
Anacyclus, phylogeny of 228
Anagenesis 8 34 100—104 231—232
Analogue 12 120
Analysis of variance 244
Analysis, comparative 342
Analysis, descriptive 342
Analysis, statistical see “Statistics”
Anapsida 268
Ancestor, common 126
Ancestor, descendent relationships 105—108 see ancestral”
Ancestor, supraspecific 257
Ancestral species see “Species ancestral”
Ancestry, immediate 128
Ancillary principles 18
Anderson, E. 63
Angiospermae 6 305 321
Annotated Linnaean hierarchies see “Classification annotated
Anolis 330
anova 344
Anthropoid primates, phylogeny based on albumins 330
Antithrixia 173
Aplocheilichthys 157
Apomorphic character see “Character apomorphic”
Archaeopteryx 71 217 222 223 264
Archiv fur Naturgeschichte 370
Archosaura 243 244 264 268
Area, arbitrary geographic 281
Area, cladogram 292
Area, natural geographic 281
Area, of endemism 282
Areas, set of endemic 282
Argumentation scheme 139—141
Argumentation, examples of analysis of 159—176
Argumentation, other methods 176—192
Argumentation, scheme and paraphyletic groups 141—143 144
Arnheim, N.E.M. 330
Arthropoda 217
Artificial keys 381
Asexual species see “Species asexual”
Ashlock, P. H. 83 84 86 88 89 239 240 241 242 252 256 258 260 261 267 268
Association of Systematic Collections 310
Atherinid fishes 330
Athrixia 172 173
Athrixiinae 171 172
Atlases 368
Atoms, classification of 194
Atractosteus 169 170
Autapomorphy see “Character autapomorphic”
Authoritarian systems 129
Aves 71 79 85 87 92 217 243 255 256 260 264 267 268
Aves, classification of 223
Avise, J. C. 329 332
Axelrod, D. I. 277
Ayala, F.J. 28 329
Bacon, F. 18
Baiomys 326
Ball, I. R. 288 290 305
Barken, J. R. 328
Barnett, R. K. 328
Bartram, A. W. H. 375
Beatty.J. 20
Beckner, M. 79
Bell, M. A. 35 258
Berg, L. 368
Bergmann's Rule 353
Berichte uber die gesamte Biologie 370
Bernstein, S. C 327
Bibioniforma 150
Bibionomorpha 149—150
Bichirs 165 see
Bigelow, R. S. 121
Biogeography, and population lineages 99—104
Biogeography, descriptive 278
Biogeography, ecological 277—279
Biogeography, evolutionary 285—287
Biogeography, geographic region in 278
Biogeography, historical 277—278
Biogeography, inclusion in classification 231
Biogeography, interpretive 278—279
Biogeography, patterns of 47—48 50—51 53—54 56 58 65 291—305
Biogeography, phylogenetic 287—291
Biogeography, problem with 291
Biogeography, replicate patterns of 286—287
Biogeography, terms and concepts of 279—283
Biogeography, vicariance 291—305
Biological Abstracts 370
Biological classifications 197—198 see
Biological species see “Species biological”
Biology, comparative 5
Biology, general 5
Biota 279 283
Birds 92 244 263 265 321 335 337 see
Bisbee, C. A. 335
Blackith, R. E. 354
Blackwelder, R. E. 23 240 371 383
Blaker, A. A. 379
Blaney, R. M. and P. K. 29
Blood relationships see “Genealogy” “Relationship genealogical”
Boam, T. B. 57
Bock, W. J. 73 116 137 138 241 254 261 263
Bonde, N. 23 224
Borror, D.J. 132
Boulter, D. 337
Bowfins see “Amia”
Brachiopods 149 216
Branson, B. A. 332
Bremer, K. 1 171—175
Bretsky, S. S. 106 107
Bridge principles 22 25
Bridgman, P. W. 17 23
Briggs,J. C 284 285 286
| British Museum (Natural History) 369—370
Britten, R. J. 245
Brittonia 371
Brooks, J. L. 63
Brosemer, R. W. 335
Brothers, D. J. 231 239 240 241 242 250 267
Brown, J. L. 320 346
Brown, R. W. 381
Brundin, L. 1 193 222 277 287 288 290
Bryophytes 321
Buck, R. C 259
Buffon, Comte de 196
Bulletin Signaletique (CNRS) 370 371
Bullfrog 337
Bush, G. L. 23 42 43 55 56 57 335 338
Cactaceae 121
Cain, S. A. 43 116 117 277 278 284 285
Camin.J. H. 337
Camp, W.H. 277 281
Candolle, A. P. de 71 278 279
Canon of agreement 18
Canon of difference 18
Cartesian coordinates 131 133
Case, G. R. 134 135
Cassowaries 33
Castes 119
Catalogues 315 368
Categorical subordination 204
Categories, as different from taxa 14
Categories, definition based on "gaps" rejected 204
Categories, list of 14
Categories, major 205
Categories, proliferation of 204
Categories, redundant 205
Cattle egret 283
CBE Style Manual 373
Center of origin 152 283—286 288 289
Cestodes 255
Chalicotheres 31—32
Champion, A. B. 333 335
Character, advanced 122 123
Character, analogous 12
Character, ancestral 122 123
Character, apomorphic 9 55
Character, apomorphous 122 123
Character, apotypic 122 123
Character, autapomorphic 123 124
Character, convergent 12
Character, derived 122 123
Character, evolution 124—126
Character, evolution and phylogenetic trees 96—97
Character, evolution and species-level cladograms 105
Character, generalized 122 123
Character, genetic 8
Character, geographic analysis of 100
Character, group membership 59—92
Character, homoplasous 87
Character, intrinsic 116
Character, loading in principle components analysis 350
Character, modification 2
Character, modification and justification of supraspecific taxa 77—78
Character, nonterminal 155
Character, parallel development of 12
Character, phenotypic 8
Character, phylogenetic 118—119
Character, plesiomorphic 9 30 55 125
Character, plesiomorphous 122 123
Character, plesiotypic 122 123
Character, primitive 122 123
Character, specialized 122 123
Character, state of 9
Character, symplesiomorphous 123 126—127
Character, terminal 155
Characters, "essential" 71
Characters, adding new to analysis 271
Characters, allozyme 270 330—332
Characters, amino acid 332—33 7
Characters, anagenetic change in 100—104
Characters, analogous 122
Characters, analysis of bi- or trivariate 346—347
Characters, and bridge principles of phylogeny 78—79
Characters, and genealogy 77
Characters, and information content 264—267
Characters, and ontogeny in justifying natural taxa 77—78
Characters, apomorphic and grades 260
Characters, apomorphic and grades, and internal parsimony 111
Characters, apomorphic and grades, as logical constructs 113
Characters, apomorphic and grades, auxilliary criteria for determining 146—158
Characters, apomorphic and grades, determination by common equals primitive dictum 153
Characters, apomorphic and grades, determination by correlation of transformation series 152—153
Characters, apomorphic and grades, determining by chronological progression 151—152
Characters, apomorphic and grades, determining by geologic precedence 148—151
Characters, apomorphic and grades, examples of analysis of 159—176
Characters, apomorphic and grades, in Wagner analysis 176
Characters, applicability of to testing phylogenetic hypotheses 111
Characters, as potential tests of phylogenetic hypothesis 110
Characters, autapomorphic origin of 124
Characters, behavioral 319
Characters, biochemical 319 327—339
Characters, biochemical, alloenzymes 327—332
Characters, biochemical, amino acid sequencing 335—337
Characters, biochemical, electrophoresis 327—332
Characters, biochemical, immunological 333—335
Characters, biogeographic 319
Characters, chromosome 324—327
Characters, classes of 318—319
Characters, color and color pattern 321
Characters, complexes of 116
Characters, conflicting 110—114
Characters, congruence between different classes of 270—271
Characters, continuous 340
Characters, continuous, descriptive statistics 342—343
Characters, continuous, number of specimens examined 342
Characters, continuous, observed limits 342
Characters, continuous, range 342
Characters, diagnostic 65
Characters, discontinuous 340 345—347
Characters, distribution of, on phylogenetic hypothesis 110—113
Characters, DNA 337—339
Characters, ecophenotypic 319
Characters, electrophoretic 327—332
Characters, embryonic 322—323
Characters, epigenetic 154
Characters, errors in analysis of 158—159
Characters, evolution of 124—126
Characters, examples of analysis 159—176
Characters, external morphology 320—321
Characters, fixation of 45
Characters, functional 118
Characters, genetic drift of 100
Characters, heritable as epigenetic 155
Characters, homologous, types existing at any one level of universality 80—81
Characters, homoplasous 121
Characters, homoplasous, and compatibility analysis 192
Characters, homoplasous, and grades 260
Characters, homoplasous, and polyphytelic taxa 84 87—88
Characters, homoplasous, explanation of 143 145—146
Characters, immunological 333—335
Characters, independence of 117
Characters, informative vs. uninformative 272
Characters, insufficiency of, to form natural taxa 76—78
Characters, intrinsic 115—119
Characters, karyological 319 324—327
Characters, key 253—254
Characters, meristic 321
Characters, microcomplement fixation 333—335
Characters, minimizing conflicts in distribution of 111
Characters, morphological 270 319—324
Characters, multivariate analysis of 347—365 see
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