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Wiley E.O. — Phylogenetics. The theory and practice of phylogenetic systematics |
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Fossils, separate classification of as grade system 216
Fossils, significance of 149—151
Fundulus 3 19 70 122 157 199 320 344 346 347
Fungi 321
Fungivoriforma 150
G test 346
Gaffney, E. S. 139
gaps 242 243—250 255
Gardiner, B. G. 151 170
Gardner, R. C 192
Gars 118 145 146 148 206
Garstang, W. 154 156
Gasteropelecidae 255
Gasterosteus 35
Gegenbaur, C 134 135
Gene exchange see “Gene flow”
Gene flow 25 29 44 45 48 52 55 56 101
Genealogical descent with modification 7 24 93 see
Genealogical panmixia 262
genealogy 7
Genealogy, and bridge principles for characters 78—79
Genealogy, of populations 98—104 see
General Biology 5
Generality, concept of 127
Generalized track 281
Genes, orthologous 333
Genes, paralogous 333
Genetic drift 25 55
Genetic similarity 82 265
Genetics, Mendelian 262
Genomes, plesiomorphic 262
Genotype 265
Genuine knowledge 16
Genus, as category 205
Geographic area, arbitrary 281
Geographic area, natural 281
Geographic barriers 100—104
Geographic distributions see “Distributions types
Geographic speciation 43—48 see vicariance”
Geographic subdivision see “Vicariance”
Geographic variation 44 52 100 328
Geographic, residual 29—30
Geographic, sample sizes for studying 307
Ghiselin, M. T. 21 23 74—76 261
Gilia 68
Gillespie, J. H. 328
Gilmour-natural groups 272—273
GilmourJ. S. L. 22 269 272
Gingerich, P. D. 34
Ginglymodi 165 206 see
Gnathostomes 118 122 124 145 167
God 197
Goldschmidt, R. 26 245
Gondwana 196 288
Good, R. 277—279
Goodman, M. 263 337
Gorilla 262—264
Gorman, G. C 263 335
Gosline, W. A. 320
Gould, S. J. 24 41 48 49 52 100 244
Grades 260—261
Grades, criteria for justifying 242—243
Grades, reptilia as 267
Grant, A. 69
Grant, P. R. 29
Grant, V. 23 24 27 36 37 43 44 57 60 62 69 225 324
Gray, A. 72
Grey Herbarium Card Index 372
Grey whale 336
Griffiths, G. C. D. 201 202 217 222
Gropu, convex see “Taxa convex”
Gropu, monophyletic see “Taxa monophyletic”
Gropu, monothetic see “Monothetic group”
Gropu, paraphyletic see “Taxa paraphyletic”
Gropu, polyphyletic see “Taxa polyphyletic”
Gropu, polythetic see “Polythetic group”
Gropu, sister see “Sister group”
Gropu, speciose see “Speciose groups”
Group membership characters see “Character group
Habitat, suitable 280
Hadrosaurs 33
Haeckelian recapitulation 155
Haekel, E. 85 93 323
Halecomorpha 164
Halecostomi 165
Hall, D. D. 320
Hall, W. P. 330
Handbooks 369
Hanson, E. D. 135
Hardy-Weinburg equilibrium 262
Harper, W. C, Jr. 98
Harre", R. 16 17 18 20
Harris, H. 327
Harrison, G. A. 116 117
Hartigan,J. A. 337
Heaney, L. R. 362 363 364 365
Heck, K. L. 305
Hempel, C. G. 19 20 22 78
Hennig's deviation rule see “Deviation rule”
Hennig's progression rule see “Progression rule”
Hennig, W. 1 2 9 23 26 27 35 43 73 74 75 76 79 82—89 106 110 111 116 121 122 130 138 139 148—153 176 192 193 198 199 201 202 217 218 222 239 249 256—258 264 267 268 271 277 287—290 305 322 326 339
Hennings, D. 349
Heptagyiae 288—290
Herrings, classification of fossil 215
Hertzsprung — Russell diagram 194
Heslop — Harrison, T. 85
Hesperornis 217
Heterandria 51 295—298 300 302—304
Hierarchy, Linnaean 205 see Linnaean”
Higher taxa see “Taxa supraspecific”
Historical entities 75
Historical groups 75—76 261
Historical patterns 24 see “Phylogenetic
Historical units 108 see “Historical
Ho, C. Y — K. 335
Hoffmann, R. 349
Holland, W. J. 31
Holm, R. W. 22
Holmes, S. J. 154
Hologenesis 305
Holomorphological method 139
Holomorphology, of individuals and species 119
Holostei 166 167 171
Holotype 398
Homeostasis 24 25
Homo 74 77 199 262 264 330 336
Homologies, examples of analysis of 159—176
Homologues 3
Homologues, original definition of 120
Homologues, pair of 9
Homologues, serial 11—12
Homologues, shared 11
Homologues, structural 117 see homologous” “Homology”
Homology, "operational definition of" 137
Homology, and nonhomology 120—126
Homology, and subsequent character evolution 124
Homology, definition 9—11 121—122
Homology, morphological criteria of 130—138
Homology, morphological for continuance through intermediate forms 134—135
Homology, morphological hypothesis of 137—138
Homology, morphological of similarity of position 131—132
Homology, morphological of special similarity 132—134
Homology, phylogenetic criteria of 138—158
Homology, problem of 130 138
Homology, Remane's subsidiary criteria 136—137
Homology, symplesiomorphies as ad hoc hypotheses of 113 see “Homologues”
Homonomies 11—12
Homonyms 390
Homonymy, avoidance of 370
Homonymy, in family group 393
| Homonymy, in genus group 396—397
Homonymy, in species group 399
Homoplasy 12 122 271 see homoplasous”
Hooker, J. D. 284
Horses 122
Horticultural Abstracts 370
House sparrow 283
Hubbs, C 345
Hubbs, C. L. 62 63 286 345
Hubby, J. L. 327
Hull, D. L. 2 6 21 23 24 35 73 74 107 201 242 254 256 259 267
Humphries, C. J. 1 227 228
Hutton, F. W. 284
Huxley, J. S. 23 260
Huxley, T. H. 284
Hybrid zones 27 28 see
hybridization 27—30 62
Hybridization, zones of see “Contact zones”
Hybrids, interspecific 400
Hylobates 262 263
Hymenopteran insects 119
Hypotheses, ad hoc 111 113
Hypotheses, and logical empiricism 19
Hypotheses, general tests of 19—20
Hypotheses, in inductivism 18
Hypotheses, phylogenetic see “Phylogenetic hypotheses”
Hypotheticodeductive method 19
Hyracotherium 127 149 267
Ichthyornis 217
Immunodiffusion 263
Inbreeding 55
Incertae sedis, use of 210 211—212 219—221
Index Filicum 372
Index Holmensis 371
Index Kewensis 372
Index Londinensis 371
Index Muscorum 372
Index Ominum Genericorum (Plantarum) 372
Index to American Botanical Literature 371
Index to European Literature 371
Individual entities 73—74 261
Induction 138
Inductivism, principles of 18
Infinite regress 129 260
Information content of classifications 250 264—267 270
Insecta 321
Interbreeding, and phylogenetic relationships 65
Interdemic migration see “Gene flow”
Intergradation 27 63—65 67
Intergradation, zones of apparent 29
Intergradation, zones of real see “Contact zones”
International Association of Plant Taxonomists 369
International Bureau of Plant Taxonomy 385
International Code of Botanical Nomenclature 385
International Code of Nomenclature for Bacteria 385
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature 384—385
International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature 369
International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 385
International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature 385
Introgression, genetic 61—64
Inuleae 171
Invertebrata 7 245
Isoelectric focusing 332
Isotype 398
Jardine, C.J. 137
Jardine,N. 137
Jarvik, E. 217
Jessen, H. 145 171
Johnson, M. S. 114 263 270 330 331 332 339
Johnson, W. E. 329 330
Johnston, R. F. 100 352—354
Jolicoeur, P. 353
Jollie, M. 132
Jordan, D. S. 43
Jordon, Karl 43
Jussieu, A. L. de 71
Kangaroos 337
Karyotype see “Characters chromosome”
Kavanaugh, D. H. 1
KeastJ. A. 277 279
Kew Record of Taxonomic Literature 371 372
Key characters 253—254
Key, K. H. L. 54
Keys 368
Killifishes 158 294
King, M. C 263
Kiriakoff, S. G. 1
Kitto, G. B. 335 338 339
Kluge, A. G 176 178—182 188 276
Knowledge, genuine 16
Knowledge, genuine, valid 16
Kohne, D. E. 263 339
Kojima, K. 328
Koponen, T. 1 95 212 213 376
La Duke, J. C 192
Lamarck, Comte de 93 196 267
Lambeosaurus 33
Land bridges 286
Laurasia 196
Lawrence, G. J. M. 383
Lazarus, D. B. 106 107
Lectotype 398
Leenhouts, P. W. 383
Leidosauria 129 263 265
Lepisosteidae 145
Lepisosteus 168
Lepomis 329 332
Leptocephalus 61
Leptolepis 151
LeQuesne,W.J. 192
Leussink, J. A. 372
Levels of universality see “Universality levels
Lewontin, R. C 24 39 43 257 327 329
Leysera, as example of phylogenetic analysis 171—176
Library of Congress system 197
Lineages 25 34 100
Linnaean hierarchy 26 70 265 see
Linnaeus 22 71 193 196
Lissamphibia 335
Listing convention 199 see
Literature, systematic 308 366—372 see
Lizards 92 129
Locality 279
Logic 16
Logical empiricism 16 17
Log—likelihood test 346
Lovtrup, S. 26 154—157 202 215 216 245
Lungfishes 134 165 167 see
Mac Arthur, R. H. 279
Macrosaltations 245
Magill, R. E. 372
Mammalia 81 85 87 122 126 127 140 217 233 239 242 256 260 265 268 329 333
Mammalia, as monothetic group 79
Mammalia, classification of 223
Maps, in systematics papers 380
Marcus, L. F. 347
Maren, T. H. 333
Margoliash, E. 337
Marquardt, R. W. 335
Marschall, A. 371
Matthew, W. D. 285 286
Maxson, L. R. 335
Mayr, E. 6 21 23 24 34 36 38—40 42 54 57 62 68 72 85 97 204 240—244 252—255 261—264 267 268 286 319
McCoy, E. D. 305
McKenna, M. C 199 211 216 233 234 368
Mclntire, R.J. 335
Mean 343
Mecham, J. S. 63
Mecopteroidea, phylogeny and classification of 201
Meglitsch, P. A. 23 24 36
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