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Wiley E.O. — Phylogenetics. The theory and practice of phylogenetic systematics |
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Systematic paper, discussion in 380
Systematic paper, distributional data in 380 381
Systematic paper, etymology in 380
Systematic paper, illustrations and graphics 378—379
Systematic paper, keys in 381—383 see
Systematic paper, material examined 377
Systematic paper, name presentation 374
Systematic paper, preparation of, comparisons in 379—380
Systematic paper, rules effecting 391—392
Systematic paper, synonomies 375—377
Systematic research, areas of 307
Systematic series 306
Systematic Zoology 241
Systematics 6
Taeniodonts 133
Takhtajan, A. 368
Tashian, R. E. 337
Tattersall, I. 98
Tautonyms 397
Tautonymy 395
Taxa, convex 192
Taxa, determination of nature of 89—92
Taxa, distance between 180
Taxa, Gilmour-natural 272—273
Taxa, grade 217
Taxa, holophyletic 88 258 268
Taxa, intermediate and grades 247—249
Taxa, monophyletic 76 83—86
Taxa, monophyletic, and Linnaean classifications 14
Taxa, monophyletic, as individual like 83
Taxa, monophyletic, examples of use of Farris' definition 89—92
Taxa, monophyletic, historical concepts of 85
Taxa, monophyletic, Mayr's criteria for 86
Taxa, monophyletic, paraphyletic included in 258
Taxa, monophyletic, Simpson's minimum monoplyly 256
Taxa, monophyletic, traditional definitions 85
Taxa, monophyletic, various definitions of 84 see
Taxa, natural 72—76 92 126 198—199
Taxa, natural, and characters 76—78
Taxa, natural, as already existing in nature 73
Taxa, natural, as real entities 73
Taxa, natural, characterized by individuality 73
Taxa, natural, equated to monophyletic group 74
Taxa, nonnatural 92
Taxa, of hybrid origin 225—227
Taxa, of symbiotic origin 228—229
Taxa, paraphyletic 75—76 83 86—89 92 241—243 250
Taxa, polyphyletic 84 86—87 91—92
Taxa, species see “Species”
Taxa, supraspecific 3 74—82 244
Taxa, supraspecific, ancestor-descendant relationships, between 107—108
Taxa, supraspecific, and character modification 77—78
Taxa, supraspecific, as collections of lineages 26
Taxa, supraspecific, as components of phylogenetic trees 96
Taxa, supraspecific, character definition of 76
Taxa, supraspecific, in trees including evolutionary species 108—109
Taxa, supraspecific, insufficiency of characters to justify 77—78
Taxa, supraspecific, niches of 254
Taxa, supraspecific, origin of 27 75
Taxa, supraspecific, possible cladograms for 107—108
Taxa, supraspecific, possible phylogenetic trees for 107—108
Taxa, supraspecific, publications concerning 367—369
Taxa, supraspecific, rejected as ancestors 257
Taxa, supraspecific, sample sizes for study 307
Taxa, supraspecific, terms for 82—92
Taxon 6 198
Taxon, interval of 181
Taxon, monotypic 217
Taxon, names 199
Taxon, natural 72—73
Taxon, paraphyletic see “Taxa paraphyletic”
Taxon, redundant 200
Taxonomic decisions at species level 58—69
Taxonomic Index 371
Taxonomic literature 371
Taxonomic scholarship, publications in 369
Taxonomists, evolutionary 241—269
Taxonomists, numerical see “Phenetics”
Taxonomy 6
Taxonomy, "traditional" 240
Taxonomy, evolutionary 240—269 see evolutionary
Taxonomy, phenetic 240
Taxonomy, publication of systematic studies 372—383
Taxonomy, relationship to evolution 26—27
Teleostei 64 117 118 122 134 146 151 165 166 167 222
Teleostomes 217
Temple, J. T. 354 355
Teraponid fishes 374
Termites 323
| Tetrapoda 77 118 129 130 333
Theophrastus 71
Therapsids 242 268
Therians 80
Theropsida 268
Thoday, J. M. 57
Thomerson, J. E. 346
Thomomys 330
Thompson, D. A. 131
Throckmorton, L. H. 339
Toxorthis, 354 355
Trace, percent of 350
Tracheophytes 124
Track 280—29 292 305 380
Tralau, H. 371
Transformation series, and population evolution 100—104
Transformation series, correlation of 152—153
Transformation series, evolutionary 9
Trees, phylogenetic see “Phylogenetic trees”
Trichoplax 158
Trilobites 217
Tuna 336f
Tuomikoski, R. 83 241 256
Turner, B.J. 330
Turtles 263 265
Type, genus 391
Type, species 390
Type, specimen 390
Types, genus group names 396
Types, of hybrid plant, of family group 393
Types, of taxa of species group 397—398
Typology 245 263
Udvardy 279—280
UMP GA 273 276
Universality, levels of 80—82 124 126—127 257
Utricularia 348
Vagility 55 67
Valid knowledge 16
Van Valen, L. 253 254
Vari, R. P. 374
Variance 343
Variation, geographic see “Geographic variation”
Vendler, Z. 26
Veracity, of phylogenetic classification 239
Vermes, as "monophyletic" 267
Vertebrata 7 94 216 232 243 321
Vertebrata, classification of 234
Vertebrata, DNA phylogeny of selected 338
Vertebrata, phylogenetic tree of 233
Vicariance 8 see
von Baer,K.E. 154
Voss, E. G. 383
Vuilleumeir, F. 277 279
Waddington, C. H. 154 245
Wagner analysis, computerized 178—192 240 270—271 330—332 339
Wagner ground plan divergence method 176—178
Wagner, M. 43
Wagner, W. J. 153 176
Wallace, A. R. 43 278 283 285 286 287
Wallace, D. G. 335
Wanntorp, H. — E. 1
Waterhouse, C. O. 371
Webster, T. P. 330
Wernham, H. F. 85
Western Grebe 34
Wetmore, A. 208 368
Whales 122
Wheat 337
White, M. J. D. 23 34 37 40 42 43 55—57 62 225 324 325
Wijk, R. vander 372
Wiley, E. O. 1 21 23 25—27 34—36 39 75 78—80 89 98 105—112 122 129 134 138 139 146 148 164 166 167 170 180 193 198 201 204—212 216 218—222 226 232 234 239 257—259 261 320
Willis, J. C 372
Wilson, A. C 334 335 363
Wilson, E. O. 279
Wooding, G. L. 337
Wortmania 133
Wright's rule 46 49 51
Wright, S. 46 49 51 52 254
Wulff, E. V. 284 287
Xiphophorus 30—31 51 295—297 299 300—304
Yates, T. L. 327 328
Zangerl, R. 134 135
Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftliche Zoologie 370
Zones, adaptive see “Adaptive zones”
Zoogeography 277
Zoological names, limits of priority 386
Zoological Nomenclature 369
Zoological Record 369—370
Zoological Society of London 369
Zweifel, F. W. 379
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