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Wiley E.O. — Phylogenetics. The theory and practice of phylogenetic systematics |
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Populations, ancestor-descendant 34
Populations, biogeography of 99—104
Populations, diagnosable 67
Populations, disjunct 65
Populations, geographic 62 see
Populations, Mendelian 262
Populations, peripheral 24 48—51
Populations, phylogenetic analysis of 98—104
Prager, E. M. 334 335
Primates, classification of 235 237—238
Primates, phylogenetic tree of 236—237
Primitive, common equals 153
Principle components analysis 350—351 see
Priority 385—387
Priority, limits of 386—387
Priority, of family group names 393
Priority, of genus group names 396
Priority, of species group names 398
Progression rule 49—50 151—1 288—289
Prokaryotes 123
Proper components of 128—130 see
Prothero, D. R. 106 107
Protista 245 321
Protochordates 245
Protostomes 245
Protozoans 216
Pseudocoelomates 123
Pteronisculus 168
Publication, of systematic studies 372—383 see preparation
Radford, A. E. 324—326 348 368 370 372 383
Rana 77
ranking 14
Ranks, Linnaean 14 205 see
Ratites, classifications of 207—209
Ratti, J. T. 34
Raven, P. 277
Raven, P. H. 24 52
Rayner, D. H. 151
Read, D. W. 263
Realism 16
Recapitulation, Haeckelian 155 158
Recapitulation, von Baerian 156 see
Reciprocal illumination 139
Redescriptions 378
Reductive speciation 41—42
Referativnyi Zhornal, seriya Botanika 371
Regression analysis 346
Relationship, "Mayrian" 261
Relationship, "Simpsonian" 261
Relationship, ecological 260
Relationship, geneological 1—3 83 263
Relationship, genetic 1 261—263
Relationship, horizontal 260—261
Relationship, phenotypic 1
Relationship, vertical 260—261
Relhania 172—174
Remane, A. 131 132 136 137
Remane, A., criteria for homology 130—138
Reptilia 85 89 92 242 243 256 260 264 268 330 335
Reptilia, as paraphyletic taxon 87
Reptilia, minimum monophyly of 267
Reticulate phylogenies 37
Revisionary studies 367
Reyment, R. A. 354
Rhesus monkey 336
Rhipidistians 118 130
Rhizomnium 25
Rhyncocephalians 92 129 130
Richardson, R. H. 57
Riedl, R. 11 136
Rindge, F. H. 376
Rivas, L. 59
Roa, C. R. 353
Roger's coefficient, the 329
Romanes, G.J. 38
Romer, A. S. 93 94 127 137
Rosa, J. 26
Rosen, D. E. 30 31 65 67 149 170 210 211—213 215—217 219 220 222 234 237 281 89 291—305 368
Rosenia 172 173 174
Ross, H. H. 38 60 69 322
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Current Awareness List 371
Sacropterygii 118 165 167
Salmo 136 145
Saltation 244—245
Sarich, V. M. 263 335
Sauropsida 268
Scattergram 348
Schaeffer, B. 134
Schindewolf, O. H. 26
Schlee, D. 1
Scholarship, historical 366
Schuh, R. T. 199 206 207
Schulze, F. E. 371
Schwaner, T. D. 29
Schwartz, J. HM 235 236
Sclater, P. L. 278
Scudder, S.J. 371
Sedis mutabilis 211 219—221
Selander, R. K. 329 330 352—353
Selection 44
Self-illuminating systems 130
Selgem 315
Semaphoronts 119—120
Semispecies 330
Sequencing, phyletic 206—210 222 226 232
Serial homologues 11—12
Series, systematic 306
Serpentes 81
Sesiid moths 374
Set theory, as analogous to genealogical grouping 79—82
Sexual dimorphism 62 65 321—322
Shadab, M. U. 159—164 178 189
Sharks 118
Sherbom, C. D. 371
Short, L. L. 34
Sibling species 34
Sibson, R. 271
Silversides 158
Similarities, convergent see “Characters homoplasous”
Similarities, genetic see “Genetic similarity”
Similarities, overall see “Overall similarity”
Similarities, phenetic 263
simplicity, principle of 20 see
Simpson, G. G. 23 24 25 28 34 36 38 39 41 73 83 121 122 137 240 241 243 244 53 256 257 260 261 263 267 268 277 284 285 286 343 345 368
Sister group 7
Sister groups, critical divergence of 96—97
Slobodchikoff 23
Smith, G. R. 354 355 357
Smith, H. M. 329 332
Smith, J. D. 376
Smith, J. M. 56 57
Snakes 92 129
Sneath, P. H. A. 23 71 72 79—82 137 269—272
Sober, E. 20
Sokal, R. R. 23 71 72 79—82 137 268 270—272
Sorex 349
Speciation 2 8 24 37—58
Speciation, "phyletic" 38—41
Speciation, allo-parapatric 29 42 54
Speciation, allopatric models 29 43—54
Speciation, alternation between modes 51 294—302
Speciation, and biogeographic analysis 295 297 303—304
Speciation, and ontogeny 154
Speciation, and phyletic evolution 39
Speciation, and populational lineages 100—104
Speciation, contrast between allopatric and allo-parapatric 54
Speciation, event 8
Speciation, geographic 43—48
Speciation, in phylogenetic biogeography 288 290 291
| Speciation, involving large geographic units 43—48
Speciation, island population model 46
Speciation, model III allopatric 51—54
Speciation, modes of and species-level trees 104
Speciation, parapatric 29 42 54—55
Speciation, patterns versus mechanisms 38
Speciation, peripheral isolates 34 46 48—51
Speciation, reductive 25 41—42
Speciation, rejection of phyletic 39—41
Speciation, reticulate 58
Speciation, stasipatric 42 55—56
Speciation, sympatric 34 42 56—58
Speciation, via hybridization 7 34
Speciation, vicariance 43—48
Species Plantarum 71
Species, agamospermic 60
Species, allochronic 39
Species, ancestral 7 52 83 88 89 96—97 152 106—107 222
Species, and metamorphoses 322—323
Species, apomictic 58 62
Species, as individuals 21
Species, as taxa 7
Species, asexual 25 35—37 52 57 60 62
Species, biological 23—24 28
Species, bisexual 61—69
Species, classification of ancestral 222—225
Species, cohesion of 24 44 64 67 75 283
Species, cryptic 31 61
Species, daughter 7 49 56 83 152 254
Species, descendant 7 49 56 83 152 254
Species, descriptions of new 367
Species, dioecious 322
Species, dispersal of 283
Species, dual connotation of 21
Species, ecological sympatric 57
Species, evolutionary, and concept of identity 25
Species, evolutionary, and interpretation of branching diagrams 34
Species, evolutionary, and mode of speciation 24
Species, evolutionary, as bridge principle 25
Species, evolutionary, as components of phylogenetic trees 97
Species, evolutionary, as lineages 26
Species, evolutionary, cladograms of 104—107
Species, evolutionary, compatible with phylogenetic systematica 35
Species, evolutionary, concept of 24—37 60 69 100
Species, evolutionary, in trees with supraspecific taxa 108—109
Species, evolutionary, nonextinction of, in speciation 34—35
Species, evolutionary, phylogenies of 104—107
Species, evolutionary, reproductive isolation of 27—31
Species, evolutionary, unity and integrity of 27
Species, formation during allopatry 28
Species, gynogenetic 61
Species, holomorphology of 322
Species, hybrid 57 58
Species, hybrid, classification of 225—228
Species, hybrid, immediate common ancestor 140
Species, inapplicability of concepts of monophyletic, paraphyletic and polyphyletic to 7
Species, interbreeding between see “Evolutionary species reproductive
Species, localities of 279
Species, monotypic 45
Species, nature of 22—23
Species, occupation of range 280
Species, paleo 39
Species, parthenogenetic 60
Species, polytypic 28 34
Species, publications concerning 367—369
Species, range of 279
Species, semi 330
Species, sexually dimorphic 62 321—322
Species, sexually monomorphic 62
Species, sibling 34 68—69
Species, speciose groups of 242
Species, successional 34 39
Species, swamping of 30
Species, taxon concept of 23
Species, track of 280
Species, transformation of, in time 38
Species, with caste structure 322—323
Specimen 306
Specimens, access to 308
Specimens, access to, number examined 342
Specimens, access to, sample size 307
Specimens, access to, voucher 327
Speciose groups 242 250—252
Sponges 245
Stafleu, F. A. 371
Stammgruppe 217—218
Standard deviation 343
Standard error 343
Staniland, L. N. 379
Stars, classification of 194—195
Stasipatric speciation 42 see stasipatric”
Stasis, evolutionary see “Evolutionary stasis”
Statistical inference 113—114
Statistics, analysis of variance 344
Statistics, coefficient of variation 343
Statistics, confidence limits 343
Statistics, continuous character analysis 342—345
Statistics, discontinuous character analysis 345—347
Statistics, display of descriptive 344—347
Statistics, inferential 343—345
Statistics, multiple range tests 344
Statistics, multivariate character analysis see “Multivariate analysis”
Statistics, presentation of test results 344
Statistics, raw data 344
Statistics, standard deviation 343
Statistics, standard error 343
Statistics, Student t-test 344
Statistics, tests of significance 344
Statistics, univariate analysis 342—347
Statistics, variance 343
Steam, W. T. 381
Stebbins, G. L. 43 62
Stem species see “Species ancestral”
Steudel, E. G. 372
Stomoxys 132
Stone, W. S. 42
Storer, R. W. 207 208
Stratigraphy 79—105 148
Structural homologue see “Homologues structural”
Student t-test 344
Sturgeons 165 166 167
Subordination 199
Subsampling 307—308
Subspecies 28 34
Successional species 34 39
Sunfishes 329
Supraspecific taxa 26 71—92 242 see supraspecific”
Suture zone 58
Symbiotic origin of taxa 228—229
Sympatric speciation see “Speciation sympatric”
Sympatry, zone of 62—65
Symplesiomorphy 11 see symplesiomorphous”
Synapomorphies, and justification of natural taxa 78—79 82
Synapomorphies, and vicariance speciation 45 46 see synapomorphic”
Synapomorphies, origin of shown on phylogenetic trees 96—97
Synonomy, of genus group names 396
Synonomy, of species group names 399
Synonyms 308 376—377 389
Synotopic distribution see “Distributions types
Syntype 398
Systematic collection 311—312
Systematic literature, botanical bibliographies and abstracts 370—371
Systematic literature,botanical names 3 71—372
Systematic literature,types of 367—369
Systematic literature,use of 369—372
Systematic literature,zoological bibliographies 369—370
Systematic literature,zoological nomenclators 370 371
Systematic paper, contents of 373—374
Systematic paper, description 378
Systematic paper, diagnosis 377—378
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