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Eberly D.H. — 3D Game Engine Design. A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics
Eberly D.H. — 3D Game Engine Design. A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics

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Название: 3D Game Engine Design. A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics

Автор: Eberly D.H.


3D Game Engine Design is the first book to go beyond basic descriptions of algorithms and accurately demonstrate the complex engineering process required to design and build a real-time graphics engine to support physical realism. Faster algorithms will always win out over faster processors and assembly-language optimization techniques. Implementing those algorithms, however, can be a challenge for even experienced programmers.
This book provides rigorous explanations and derivations of all the essential concepts and techniques. Ideas are revealed step by step with numerous code examples and illustrations. Source code implementations are included on the companion CD-ROM to help you understand the full progression from idea, to algorithm, to working code. Since algorithms are not used in isolation, the source code for a complete engine is provided to bring crucial context to the implementations. This book and CD-ROM offer the most comprehensive professional reference available for the development of 3D game engines.
• Designed for professionals working in game development, simulation, scientific visualization, or virtual worlds
• Written by a respected game engineer and designer of a leading commercial game engine
• Thoroughly describes the algorithms-fully implemented in working code-that are the key to writing the fastest, most efficient code possible
• Provides source code for Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Linux/Unix, and Macintosh platforms.
About the software:
Includes a CD-ROM with C++ source code implementations of all the algorithms covered in the text as well as source code for a complete game engine. Updates for theengine, new ports (such as for the Macintosh), FAQs, and additional material on real-time graphics can be found at Geometric Tools website. The renderer layer of the engine is abstract and can work with whichever API is desired. An OpenGL-based renderer, DirectX8 (Direct3D), and a GLUT-based hardware renderer for either Windows or Linux are included.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/Вычислительная геометрия/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 560

Добавлена в каталог: 16.11.2005

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Предметный указатель
Triangles subdivision pattern      327
Triangles subtriangles      406 409
Triangles to rectangles      61
Triangles to triangles      61
Triangles vertices      192
Triangles vertices, projection distances      211 231
Tube surfaces      see also “surfaces” 306
Tube surfaces defined      288 306
Tube surfaces parameter space      339
Tube surfaces subdivision      339—340
Tube surfaces tessellation of      339
Unconstrained recursion      314—315
Undershooting      272
Uniform scaling      8
Uniform subdivision      see also “subdivision” 276 277
Uniform subdivision Bezier cylinder surfaces      328
Uniform subdivision Bezier rectangle patches      306—313
Uniform subdivision Bezier triangle patches      322—323
Uniform subdivision recursive      310—313
Unstitching process      393 394
Updating animation      148
Updating bounding volumes      147
Updating child nodes      155
Updating key frame nodes      347
Updating render state      148 155—156
Updating scene graph      see also “scene graphs” 147—156
Updating scene graph algorithm      152—156
Updating scene graph animation state      148
Updating scene graph bounding volumes      147
Updating scene graph downward pass      147 155
Updating scene graph merging two capsules      151
Updating scene graph merging two cylinders      152
Updating scene graph merging two ellipsoids      152
Updating scene graph merging two lozenges      151—152
Updating scene graph merging two oriented boxes      149—150
Updating scene graph merging two spheres      148—149
Updating scene graph recursive pass      147
Updating scene graph render state      148
Updating scene graph transforms      147
Updating scene graph upward pass      147—148
Updating scene graphs      147—156
Updating transforms      147
Updating vertex dependencies      388
Updating world transforms      155
Vertex attributes      see also “attributes” 99—112
Vertex attributes computing      136—137
Vertex attributes defined      99
Vertex attributes terrain      395—396
Vertex clustering      363
Vertex color      see also “attributes” 99—100
Vertex color defined      99
Vertex color texture combination      111
Vertex color use of      100
Vertex dependencies      317 381—383
Vertex dependencies binary tree      383
Vertex dependencies for even/odd blocks      382
Vertex dependencies for H-adjacent triangles      327
Vertex dependencies triangulation after      382
Vertex dependencies updating      388
Vertex-based simplification      see also “simplification” 373—375 385—386
Vertex-based simplification close terrain assumption      374—375
Vertex-based simplification defined      373
Vertex-based simplification distant terrain assumption      373—374
Vertex-based simplification no assumption      375
View frustum bounding volume intersection with      92 157
View frustum clipping against      173
View frustum defined      85
View frustum defining      157
View frustum skewed      85—86
View frustum standard camera model      85—86
View frustum world      157
View plane computation cost      97
View plane defined      80
View plane display      84
View plane fixed      81
View plane perspective projection on      81
View plane projection onto      84
View space      79—80
View space clipping in      98—99
View space data conversion from      80
View space model space coordinate transformation to      87—88
View space transforming model space to      98
View space transforming world space to      97
View space visibility determination method      425
View transformation      87
View volume      84
VIEWPORT      85
Viewport defined      84
Viewport standard camera model      85
Visibility determination      see also “binary space partitioning (BSP) trees”424—425
Visibility determination defined      424
Visibility determination screen space method      425
Visibility determination view space method      425
Visibility flags      134
Visibility graphs      412
Visibility lists      413
Visibility through portals      414
Visibility tree      425
Visitation flag      416
Volumetric fogging      110 430
VTune      139
World coordinate system      80
World plane      97
World space clipping in      97
World space transforming, to view space      97
World transforms      see also “transforms” 145
World transforms defined      145
World transforms downward recursive transversal and      146
World transforms of root node      145
World transforms updating      155
World tree      425
Z-buffers      412
Zero matrix      8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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