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Eberly D.H. — 3D Game Engine Design. A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics
Eberly D.H. — 3D Game Engine Design. A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics

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Название: 3D Game Engine Design. A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics

Автор: Eberly D.H.


3D Game Engine Design is the first book to go beyond basic descriptions of algorithms and accurately demonstrate the complex engineering process required to design and build a real-time graphics engine to support physical realism. Faster algorithms will always win out over faster processors and assembly-language optimization techniques. Implementing those algorithms, however, can be a challenge for even experienced programmers.
This book provides rigorous explanations and derivations of all the essential concepts and techniques. Ideas are revealed step by step with numerous code examples and illustrations. Source code implementations are included on the companion CD-ROM to help you understand the full progression from idea, to algorithm, to working code. Since algorithms are not used in isolation, the source code for a complete engine is provided to bring crucial context to the implementations. This book and CD-ROM offer the most comprehensive professional reference available for the development of 3D game engines.
• Designed for professionals working in game development, simulation, scientific visualization, or virtual worlds
• Written by a respected game engineer and designer of a leading commercial game engine
• Thoroughly describes the algorithms-fully implemented in working code-that are the key to writing the fastest, most efficient code possible
• Provides source code for Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Linux/Unix, and Macintosh platforms.
About the software:
Includes a CD-ROM with C++ source code implementations of all the algorithms covered in the text as well as source code for a complete game engine. Updates for theengine, new ports (such as for the Macintosh), FAQs, and additional material on real-time graphics can be found at Geometric Tools website. The renderer layer of the engine is abstract and can work with whichever API is desired. An OpenGL-based renderer, DirectX8 (Direct3D), and a GLUT-based hardware renderer for either Windows or Linux are included.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/Вычислительная геометрия/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 560

Добавлена в каталог: 16.11.2005

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Line segments uniformly spaced points on      82
Linear component to linear component      see also “distance methods” 41—49
Linear component to linear component defined      41
Linear component to linear component goal      41
Linear component to linear component line to line      42
Linear component to linear component line to ray      43
Linear component to linear component line to segment      43
Linear component to linear component ray to ray      43—49
Linear component to linear component ray to segment      43—49
Linear component to linear component segment to segment      43—49
Linear component to rectangle      see also “distance methods” 58—60
Linear component to rectangle defined      58
Linear component to rectangle ray to rectangle      60
Linear component to rectangle region partitioning      58
Linear component to rectangle segment to rectangle      60
Linear component to rectangle squared-distance function      58
Linear component to triangle      see also “distance methods” 53—57
Linear component to triangle defined      53
Linear component to triangle line to triangle      54—56
Linear component to triangle ray to triangle      57
Linear component to triangle region partitioning      54
Linear component to triangle segment to triangle      57
Linear component to triangle squared-distance function      53
Linear components intersection with box      172—179
Linear components intersection with capsule      179—180
Linear components intersection with cylinder      181—182
Linear components intersection with ellipsoid      182
Linear components intersection with lozenge      180—181
Linear components intersection with sphere      171—172
Linear components intersection with triangle      182—183
Linear components intersections      171
Linear components parallel to rectangle      59
Linear components point to      38—41
Linear fitting of points      see also “least-squares fitting” 472—474
Linear fitting of points source code      473
Linear fitting of points with orthogonal regression      473—474
Linear fog      109
Linear interpolation      see also “interpolation” 126—129
Linear interpolation for continuous height      397
Linear interpolation height fields and      398—399
Linear interpolation implementation of      347
Linear interpolation one division per edge per attribute      130
Linear polynomials      76
Linear systems      469—470
Linear transformations      8 13—14
Lines direction lengths      42
Lines intersection of capsules and      190
Lines intersection of cylinders and      191
Lines intersection of dynamic objects and      188—192
Lines intersection of ellipsoids and      191—192
Lines intersection of lozenges and      191
Lines intersection of oriented boxes and      179 190
Lines intersection of spheres and      188—189
Lines intersection of triangles and      183 192
Lines partitioning, by capsule      180
Lines partitioning, by lozenge      181
Lines project to      81—82
Lines rasterizing      113—117
Lines to lines      42
Lines to ray      43
Lines to segment      43
Lines to triangle      54—56
Link IDs      460 462
Link IDs defined      460
Link IDs persistence of      462
Link IDs storage of      462 463
List manipulator      see also “manipulators” 352—355
List manipulator initial point      352
List manipulator lengths      352
List manipulator rotate to line      352
List manipulator rotate to plane      353
List manipulator rotate to point      352
List manipulator slide to line      354
List manipulator slide to plane      354
List manipulator slide to point      354
List manipulator two-segment      354—355
List manipulator with multiple end effectors      354—355
List manipulator with one end effector      352—354
loading data      460
Local control      267
Local transforms      see also “transforms” 144—145
Local transforms defined      144
Local transforms SRT-transform      145
Lozenges      see also “3D objects” 34—35
Lozenges capsule intersection with      205
Lozenges centers      152
Lozenges culling by      161—162
Lozenges defined      34
Lozenges dynamic      191 197—198
Lozenges edge directions      191
Lozenges edges      35
Lozenges fit with Gaussian distribution      34—35
Lozenges intersection of linear component and      180—181
Lozenges line intersection with      191
Lozenges lozenge intersection with      205
Lozenges minimization method      35
Lozenges origin      191
Lozenges parameterized rectangle      161
Lozenges partitioning line by      181
Lozenges plane intersection with      197—198
Lozenges radius      161
Lozenges rectangle corners      197
Lozenges rectangle parameters      35
Lozenges rectangle vertices      152
Lozenges sphere intersection with      205
macros      450—451 452
Manipulators as trees of segments      350
Manipulators defined      348
Manipulators joints, optimized      351—352
Manipulators joints, parameter restricted      355
Manipulators linearly linked      349
Manipulators list      352—355
Manipulators tree      355
Mapping bump      429—430
Mapping environment      428—429
Mapping parabolic      429
Mapping sphere      429
Mapping to screen coordinates      89—90
Masks region      424
Masks scan line      423—424
Matrices 2x2      70 289
Matrices adjoint      367
Matrices blending      268 302
Matrices companion      487
Matrices covariance      29
Matrices diagonal      8 67 68
Matrices homogeneous      9 86
Matrices identity      8 19
Matrices Jacobian      350
Matrices norm of      487
Matrices orientation      286 306
Matrices orthonormality      149
Matrices quadric      365
Matrices rotation      8 15—16 17—18 19—24
Matrices scaling      8
Matrices skew-symmetric      8 15
Matrices symmetric      8
Matrices trace of      16
Matrices transpose of      8
Matrices zero      8
Mean curvature computing      293
Mean curvature defined      290
Merging capsules      151
Merging cylinders      152
Merging ellipsoids      152
Merging lozenges      151—152
Merging oriented boxes      149—150
Merging spheres      148—149
Mesh triangles      250
Mesh triangles OBB based on distribution of      250
Mesh triangles submeshes      250—251
Metric tensors      289
Midpoint line algorithm      117
Midpoint method      497
Midpoint subdivision      408—409
Minimization      see also “numerical methods” 35 481—485
Minimization Brent's method      482
Minimization conjugate gradient search      483—484
Minimization methods in many dimensions      482—485
Minimization methods in one dimension      481—482
Minimization Powell's direction set method      31 484—485
Minimization source code      481 484
Minimization steepest descent search      483
Minimum-volume box      31
Minimum-volume OBB      250
Minimum-volume sphere      28
Mipmapping      106—108
Mipmapping defined      106
Mipmapping index      107
Mipmapping magnification factor      107
Model coordinate system      80
Model space clipping in      98
Model space coordinate transformation to view space      87—88
Model space coordinates      93
Model space facet plane      93
Model space transforming, to view space      98
Model-to-view transformation      87—89
Modularity      437—439
Modularity criteria      437—438
Modularity defined      437
Modularity open-closed principle      438—439
Morphing      362 433—434
Morphing control      434
Morphing defined      433
Morphing defining      434
Morphing implementation      434
Morphing source code      434
Motion equations      246—248
Moving objects along a curved path      258
Moving objects closed-form algorithm      248
Moving objects equations      246—248
Moving objects motion equations      246—248
Moving objects processing      245—250
Multiple-inheritance systems      447—450
Multiple-inheritance systems elements      447
Multiple-inheritance systems hierarchy illustration      448
Multiple-inheritance systems macros      450—451
Multiple-inheritance systems multiple root classes      449
Multiple-inheritance systems RTTI      447
Multiplication fast      175
Multiplication floating-point      99
Multiplication quaternions      11 12 13
Multitextures      see also “textures” 108
Multitextures combining      111—112
Multitextures defined      108
naming conventions      442—443
Natural splines      266
Newton's iteration scheme      65 66
Newton's method      486 490
nodes      see also “scene graphs; tree”
Nodes binary tree      383
Nodes bounding volume at      142—143
Nodes child      141 143
Nodes controllers      147
Nodes defined      141
Nodes grouping      143
Nodes key frame      347—348
Nodes leaf      141 157
Nodes level of detail (LOD)      361
Nodes OBB      250 252
Nodes parent      141 143 417
Nodes portal      415
Nodes region      415
Nodes root      141 142 145
Nodes switch      361
Nonlinear optimization      351
Nonparametric B-spline curves      see also “curves” 258 267—271
Nonparametric B-spline curves defined      268
Nonparametric B-spline curves evaluation pseudocode      270—271
Nonparametric B-spline curves source code      268
Nonparametric B-spline rectangle blending matrices      302
Nonparametric B-spline rectangle evaluation pseudocode      302
Nonparametric B-spline rectangle intermediate tensor      302 304
Nonparametric B-spline rectangle patches      288 302—304
Nonuniform rational B-splines (NURBS)      258
Nonuniform subdivision      see also “subdivision”
Nonuniform subdivision Bezier cylinder surfaces      328
Nonuniform subdivision Bezier rectangle patches      313—316
Nonuniform subdivision Bezier triangle patches      323—328
Normals at points on edges      396
Normals for prelighting      396
Normals weighted averages of      366
Numerical methods      469—507
Numerical methods differential equations      496—503
Numerical methods eigensystems      472
Numerical methods fast function evaluation      503—507
Numerical methods integration      491—496
Numerical methods least-squares fitting      472—481
Numerical methods minimization      481—485
Numerical methods root finding      485—490
Numerical methods systems of equations      469—472
Object culling      91 92
Object-object intersections      186
Object-object intersections dynamic      214—243
Object-object intersections static      203—214
object-oriented design      441—442
Object-oriented infrastructure      435—468
Object-oriented infrastructure run-time type information      444—451
Object-oriented infrastructure shared objects and reference counting      453—459
Object-oriented infrastructure software construction      435—442
Object-oriented infrastructure source code      435
Object-oriented infrastructure startup and shutdown      464—468
Object-oriented infrastructure streaming      459—464
Object-oriented infrastructure style, naming conventions, namespaces      442—444
Object-oriented infrastructure templates      451—453
Object-oriented software construction      435—442
Object-oriented software construction functions and data      440
Object-oriented software construction modularity      437—439
Object-oriented software construction object orientation      441—442
Object-oriented software construction reusability      439—440
Object-oriented software construction software quality      436—437
Objects bounding volume      92 142
Objects clipped      84
Objects colliding      142
Objects culled      84 158 160
Objects dynamic      186 188—203
Objects moving      245—250 258
Objects orientation on curved paths      285—286
Objects rotating, processing      245—250
Objects shared      453—459
Objects static      186
Objects top-level      459
Objects unculled      158 160
Occlusion culling      424
Octrees      see also “quadtree(s)” 412—413
Octrees BSP trees vs.      417
Octrees for partitioning into cells      412
Octrees processing pseudocode      413
Octrees sorting      413
Opacity      108—109
OpenGL      138 414
Operational model      441
Optimization, nonlinear      351
Orientation adjacent triangle      335
Orientation matrix      286 306
Orientation objects, on curved paths      285—286
Orientation with fixed "up" vector      286
Orientation with Frenet frame      285—286
Oriented bounding box (OBB) trees      244—245
Oriented bounding box (OBB) trees application-specified maximum depths of traversal for      252
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