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Eberly D.H. — 3D Game Engine Design. A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics
Eberly D.H. — 3D Game Engine Design. A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics

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Íàçâàíèå: 3D Game Engine Design. A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics

Àâòîð: Eberly D.H.


3D Game Engine Design is the first book to go beyond basic descriptions of algorithms and accurately demonstrate the complex engineering process required to design and build a real-time graphics engine to support physical realism. Faster algorithms will always win out over faster processors and assembly-language optimization techniques. Implementing those algorithms, however, can be a challenge for even experienced programmers.
This book provides rigorous explanations and derivations of all the essential concepts and techniques. Ideas are revealed step by step with numerous code examples and illustrations. Source code implementations are included on the companion CD-ROM to help you understand the full progression from idea, to algorithm, to working code. Since algorithms are not used in isolation, the source code for a complete engine is provided to bring crucial context to the implementations. This book and CD-ROM offer the most comprehensive professional reference available for the development of 3D game engines.
• Designed for professionals working in game development, simulation, scientific visualization, or virtual worlds
• Written by a respected game engineer and designer of a leading commercial game engine
• Thoroughly describes the algorithms-fully implemented in working code-that are the key to writing the fastest, most efficient code possible
• Provides source code for Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Linux/Unix, and Macintosh platforms.
About the software:
Includes a CD-ROM with C++ source code implementations of all the algorithms covered in the text as well as source code for a complete game engine. Updates for theengine, new ports (such as for the Macintosh), FAQs, and additional material on real-time graphics can be found at Geometric Tools website. The renderer layer of the engine is abstract and can work with whichever API is desired. An OpenGL-based renderer, DirectX8 (Direct3D), and a GLUT-based hardware renderer for either Windows or Linux are included.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/Âû÷èñëèòåëüíàÿ ãåîìåòðèÿ/

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.11.2005

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Euler angles factor product of two      24—26
Euler angles factoring rotation matrices      19—24
Euler angles source code      18
Euler's identity      12
Euler's method      249 497
Exponential fog      109
Eye point      85
Eye point defined      80
Eye point in standard camera model      85
Eye point parallel plane closest to      85
Facet normal      93
Far plane      85
Fast function evaluation      see also “numerical methods” 503—507
Fast function evaluation CORDIC methods      507
Fast function evaluation cosine      505
Fast function evaluation inverse square root      503—504
Fast function evaluation inverse tangent      505—506
Fast function evaluation sine      504—505
Fast function evaluation source code      503
Fast function evaluation square root      503—504
Fast function evaluation tangent      505
Fast subdivision      see also “subdivision”
Fast subdivision for cubic curves      283—285
Fast subdivision source code      283
Finding intersection      186
Finite cylinders      35—36
First point(s) of contact      186
First point(s) of contact for boxes      195
First point(s) of contact for spheres      193
Flat shading      102
Floating-point comparison      99
floating-point division      45
Floating-point multiplication      99
Floating-point number conversion      127
Floating-point overflow      101
Floating-point precision      82
Floating-point round-off errors      46 51
Fog      see also “attributes” 109—110
Fog density      109
Fog exponential      109
Fog factor      109
Fog linear      109
Fog range-based      109—110
Fog transparency and      111
Fog volumetric      110
Frame buffer      412
Frenet frame defined      259
Frenet frame orientation using      285—286
Frenet — Serret formulas      259
Front-to-back drawing      see also “hidden surface removal” 423—424
Front-to-back drawing region masks      424
Front-to-back drawing scan line marks      423—424
Frustum planes      94
Frustum planes bounding volume inside      166
Frustum planes clip vertices increase and      99
Frustum planes ellipsoid outside of      164
Frustum planes inactive      166
Frustum planes inverse transform of      97
Frustum planes projection of      163 165
Game A1      2
Game design      2
Garland — Heckbert algorithm      362
Gaussian curvature computing      293
Gaussian curvature defined      290
Gaussian distribution covariance matrix      29
Gaussian distribution defined      29
Gaussian distribution fitting points with (ellipsoid)      37
Gaussian distribution fitting points with (oriented boxes)      29—31
Gaussian distribution fitting triangles with      32
Gaussian distribution lozenge fit with      34—35
Gaussian distribution mean      29
Gaussian quadrature      260 495—496
General camera model      87
Generalized cylinder surface      301—302
Geographical methods      7—77
Geometric clipping      132—133
Geometric level of detail      359—368
Glide      138
Global maximum      377
Global minimum      49 50 54 58 69 381
Gouraud shading      102
Gram — Schmidt orthonormalization      249
Graphics Gems      5 65 488 503 504
graphics pipeline      3 7 79—139
Graphics pipeline clipping and lighting      132—137
Graphics pipeline renderer responsibilities      79—80
Grouping node      143
H-adjacent triangles      325 326
H-adjacent triangles defined      325
H-adjacent triangles vertex dependencies for      327
Handbook of Mathematical Functions      503
Height fields      see also “terrain” 370 386
Height fields from point sets      398—409
Height fields from triangle meshes      398—409
Height fields linear interpolation and      398—399
Height fields quadratic interpolation and      399—409
Height fields single-height      392
Height fields subdivision      382
Hermite interpolation basis      271
Hidden surface removal      see also “binary space partitioning (BSP) trees” 420—424
Hidden surface removal (continued)      ;
Hidden surface removal back-to-front drawing      420—423
Hidden surface removal front-to-back drawing      423—424
Hidden surface removal one-dimensional      424
Homogeneous coordinates      9
Homogeneous matrices      9 86
Homogeneous matrices of projection      86—87
Homogeneous matrices product of      144
Homogeneous matrices with no perspective component      144
Homogeneous transformations      see also “transformations” 9—10
Homogeneous transformations product of      9
Homogeneous transformations representation      10 87
Householder transformations      472
Hyperbolas mapped to hyperbolas      84
Hyperbolic paraboloid      305
Hypotenuse      324
Identity matrix      8 19
Implicit surface      see also “surfaces”
Implicit surface application to finding principal curvatures      292—293
Implicit surface curvatures for      290—293
Implicit surface defined      288
Implicit surface maxima of quadratic forms      290—291
Implicit surface maxima of restricted quadratic forms      291—292
imposters      see “sprites”
Infinite cylinders      35
Infinite pyramid formation      85
Infinite square column      58
Inscribed circles      400—401
Integration      see also “numerical methods” 491—496
Integration Gaussian quadrature      260 495—496
Integration Romberg      260 491—495
Intermediate tensor      270 302 304
Interpolation angular cubic      347
Interpolation bilinear      106 397
Interpolation Catmull — Rom      271
Interpolation during rasterization      126—132
Interpolation exact      264
Interpolation for lattice of control points      302
Interpolation Hermite      271
Interpolation linear      126—129 398—399
Interpolation of location rotations      341
Interpolation of quaternions      149
Interpolation perspective      129—132
Interpolation quadratic      399—409
Interpolation spherical cubic      345
Interpolation spherical linear      343—344
Interpolation spline      346—347
Intersections capsule and capsule (dynamic)      216 217
Intersections capsule and capsule (static)      205
Intersections capsule and line      190
Intersections capsule and lozenge      205
Intersections capsule and plane      196—197
Intersections collision detection and      186
Intersections cylinder and line      191
Intersections cylinder and plane      198—200
Intersections dynamic object and line      188—192
Intersections dynamic object and plane      193—203
Intersections dynamic object-object      214—243
Intersections ellipsoid and line      191—192
Intersections ellipsoid and plane      201—202
Intersections finding      186
Intersections geometric, testing      173
Intersections information about      169—170
Intersections line segment with box      176—177
Intersections line segment with triangle      182—183
Intersections line with box      179
Intersections line with triangle      183
Intersections linear component      171
Intersections linear component and box      172—179
Intersections linear component and capsule      179—180
Intersections linear component and cylinder      181—182
Intersections linear component and ellipsoid      182
Intersections linear component and lozenge      180—181
Intersections linear component and triangle      182—183
Intersections lozenge and line      191
Intersections lozenge and lozenge      205
Intersections lozenge and plane      197—198
Intersections normal vector at      170
Intersections OBB      253
Intersections object-object      186 203—243
Intersections oriented box and line      190
Intersections oriented box and oriented box (dynamic)      217—223
Intersections oriented box and oriented box (static)      205—207
Intersections oriented box and plane      194—196
Intersections oriented box and triangle (dynamic)      223—232
Intersections oriented box and triangle (static)      207—210
Intersections point of      170
Intersections ray and bounding volume      170
Intersections ray and box      177—178
Intersections ray and triangle      182—183
Intersections sphere and capsule      205
Intersections sphere and line      188—189
Intersections sphere and lozenge      205
Intersections sphere and plane      193—194
Intersections sphere and sphere      204
Intersections sphere, capsule, lozenge (dynamic)      215—217
Intersections sphere, capsule, lozenge (static)      204—205
Intersections static object-object      203—214
Intersections surface attributes at      170
Intersections testing      170 186
Intersections tests between bounding volumes      188
Intersections triangle and line      192
Intersections triangle and plane      202—203
Intersections triangle and triangle (dynamic)      232—243
Intersections triangle and triangle (static)      210—214
Intersections types of      186
Interval end points      228
Interval of uncertainty      376
Interval overlap test      210
Inverse kinematics      see also “animation” 348—356
Inverse kinematics defined      342
Inverse kinematics numerical solution by cyclic coordinate descent      351-356
Inverse kinematics numerical solution by Jacobian methods      350—351
Inverse kinematics numerical solution by nonlinear optimization      351
Inverse kinematics prismatic joint      350
Inverse kinematics problem      348 349
Inverse kinematics revolute joint      350
Inverse kinematics source code      348
Inverse mapping      82
Inverse tangent approximations      505—506
Jacobian matrix      350
Key frame animation      see also “animation” 342—347
Key frame animation defined      341 342
Key frame animation quaternion calculus      342—343
Key frame animation spherical cubic interpolation      345
Key frame animation spherical linear interpolation      343—344
Key frame animation spline interpolation of quaternions      346—347
Key frame animation, key frame node update      347
Key frames defined      341
Key frames nodes, updating      347
Kinematics defined      348
Kinematics inverse      348—356
Kochanek — Bartels splines      see also “curves” 271—276
Kochanek — Bartels splines bias      271
Kochanek — Bartels splines continuity      271
Kochanek — Bartels splines defined      271
Kochanek — Bartels splines implementation of      347
Kochanek — Bartels splines parameter examples      273—276
Kochanek — Bartels splines source code      271
Kochanek — Bartels splines tension      271
leaf nodes      see also “nodes” 141 157
Leaf nodes OBB      250
Leaf nodes quadtree      370
Leaf nodes triangle representation by      169
Least-squares fit      33 295 298
Least-squares fitting      see also “numerical methods” 472—481
Least-squares fitting circle to 2D points      476—478
Least-squares fitting defined      472
Least-squares fitting hyperplanar fitting of points using orthogonal regression      475—476
Least-squares fitting linear fitting of points      472—473
Least-squares fitting linear fitting of points using orthogonal regression      473—474
Least-squares fitting planar fitting of points      474—475
Least-squares fitting quadratic curve to 2D points      480—481
Least-squares fitting quadric surface to 3D points      481
Least-squares fitting sphere to 3D points      478—480
Least-squares line      36
Left-handed coordinate system      10 86
Lens flare      427—428
Level editor      142
Level of detail (LOD)      359
Level of detail (LOD) continuous      360 362—368
Level of detail (LOD) discrete      360 361—362
Level of detail (LOD) geometric      359—368
Level of detail (LOD) nodes      361
Light equation      104
lighting      see also “attributes”
Lighting ambient      102—103
Lighting defined      101
Lighting diffuse      103 429
Lighting dynamic      100 395 396
Lighting intensity      102
Lighting model      102
Lighting of vertices      132
Lighting prelighting      395
Lighting projected      430—431
Lighting specular      104
Lights attenuated with distance      101
Lights directional      100
Lights intensity parameter      100
Lights point      100
Lights sources      100 101
Lights spot      100
Line segments 3D      43
Line segments axis tests      177
Line segments closed point to      38
Line segments distance to      38
Line segments end points      176
Line segments inside/outside face determination      173—174
Line segments intersection with box      176—177
Line segments intersection with triangle      182—183
Line segments line to      43
Line segments midpoint      176
Line segments parallel      48
Line segments project to line segments      83
Line segments rays to      43—49
Line segments represented as oriented boxes      39
Line segments separating axes      183
Line segments to rectangles      60
Line segments to segments      43—49
Line segments to triangles      57
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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