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Eberly D.H. — 3D Game Engine Design. A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics
Eberly D.H. — 3D Game Engine Design. A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics

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Íàçâàíèå: 3D Game Engine Design. A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics

Àâòîð: Eberly D.H.


3D Game Engine Design is the first book to go beyond basic descriptions of algorithms and accurately demonstrate the complex engineering process required to design and build a real-time graphics engine to support physical realism. Faster algorithms will always win out over faster processors and assembly-language optimization techniques. Implementing those algorithms, however, can be a challenge for even experienced programmers.
This book provides rigorous explanations and derivations of all the essential concepts and techniques. Ideas are revealed step by step with numerous code examples and illustrations. Source code implementations are included on the companion CD-ROM to help you understand the full progression from idea, to algorithm, to working code. Since algorithms are not used in isolation, the source code for a complete engine is provided to bring crucial context to the implementations. This book and CD-ROM offer the most comprehensive professional reference available for the development of 3D game engines.
• Designed for professionals working in game development, simulation, scientific visualization, or virtual worlds
• Written by a respected game engineer and designer of a leading commercial game engine
• Thoroughly describes the algorithms-fully implemented in working code-that are the key to writing the fastest, most efficient code possible
• Provides source code for Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Linux/Unix, and Macintosh platforms.
About the software:
Includes a CD-ROM with C++ source code implementations of all the algorithms covered in the text as well as source code for a complete game engine. Updates for theengine, new ports (such as for the Macintosh), FAQs, and additional material on real-time graphics can be found at Geometric Tools website. The renderer layer of the engine is abstract and can work with whichever API is desired. An OpenGL-based renderer, DirectX8 (Direct3D), and a GLUT-based hardware renderer for either Windows or Linux are included.

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Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/Âû÷èñëèòåëüíàÿ ãåîìåòðèÿ/

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Source code triangle to rectangle      61
Source code tube surfaces subdivision      339
Space curve      see also “curves” 259—260
Space curve defined      259
Space curve Frenet frame      259
Space curve torsion      259
Spatial sorting      411—426
special effects      427—434
Special effects bump mapping      429—430
Special effects environment mapping      428—429
Special effects lens flare      427—428
Special effects morphing      433—434
Special effects particle systems      432—433
Special effects projected lights      430—431
Special effects projected shadows      431—432
Special effects volumetric fogging      430
Spectral radius      487
Specular color      102
Specular light      104
Sphere mapping      429
Sphere subdivision      see also “subdivision” 328—338
Sphere subdivision algorithm      331—339
Sphere subdivision algorithm data structures      329—331
Sphere subdivision initial mesh      329 330
Sphere subdivision midpoint projection phase      331
Sphere subdivision working set of vertices, edges, triangles      332
Sphere-swept volumes distance calculators relationship      204
Sphere-swept volumes distance calculators relationship (when second object moving)      215
Sphere-swept volumes examples of      204
Sphere-swept volumes intersection of      204—205
Spheres      see also “3D objects” 8 26—28
Spheres bounding, computation      26
Spheres center      171 188 193
Spheres centered at average of points      27
Spheres containing axis-aligned box      26—27
Spheres culling by      157—159
Spheres defined      26
Spheres dynamic      188—189 193—194
Spheres exactly two, three, and four points      28
Spheres first point of contact      193
Spheres intersection of capsules with      205
Spheres intersection of linear component with      171—172
Spheres intersection of lines with      188—189
Spheres intersection of lozenges with      205
Spheres intersection of planes with      193—194
Spheres intersection of spheres with      204
Spheres merging      148—149
Spheres minimum-volume      28
Spheres quadratic equation      171
Spheres radius      171 188 193
Spherical cubic interpolation      345
Spherical linear interpolation      343—344
Spherical linear interpolation boundary conditions      344
Spherical linear interpolation defined      344
Spherical linear interpolation derivative      344
Spherical linear interpolation extra spins      344
Spherical linear interpolation for unit quaternions      344
Spherical linear interpolation formula construction      343
Spherical linear interpolation source code      343
Spline interpolation, of quaternions      346—347
Splitting methods      490
Spot lights      100
sprites      360
Square root/inverse square root      503—504
Squared-distance function      49 53 58
SRT-transforms      145
Standard camera model      see also “camera models” 85—87
Standard camera model eye point      85
Standard camera model illustrated      85
Standard camera model view frustum      85—86
Standard camera model viewport      85
Startup/shutdown      464—468
Static object-object intersections      see also “intersections” 203—214
Static object-object intersections defined      203—204
Static object-object intersections oriented boxes      205—207
Static object-object intersections oriented boxes and triangles      207—210
Static object-object intersections spheres, capsules, lozenges      204—205
Static object-object intersections triangles      210—214
Steady-state distribution of heat      502
Steepest descent search      483
Stencil buffer      432
Stitching process      393
Streaming      see also “object-oriented infrastructure” 459—464
Streaming defined      459
Streaming loading data      460
Streaming saving data      459—460
Streaming support      461—464
Sturm sequences      488—489
Subdivision      see also “curves” 276—285
Subdivision by arc length      276—277
Subdivision by midpoint distance      277—278
Subdivision by minimizing variation      282—283
Subdivision by uniform sampling      276 277
Subdivision by variation      278—282 284
Subdivision defined      276
Subdivision fast, for cubic curves      283—285
Subdivision height fields      382
Subdivision nonuniform      313—316
Subdivision of Bezier cylinder surfaces      328
Subdivision of Bezier rectangle patches      306—321
Subdivision of Bezier triangle patches      321—328
Subdivision of child blocks      318
Subdivision of ellipsoids      328—338
Subdivision of polyhedron      329
Subdivision of spheres      328—338
Subdivision of tube surfaces      339—340
Subdivision partial      317—320
Subdivision points      276
Subdivision quadtree      317
Subdivision recursive      284—285
Subdivision source code      276
Subdivision triangle      405
Subdivision uniform      306—313
Subdivision with cracking      316 318
Sublattice calculations      397
Subtraction, quaternions      11
subtrees      142
Subtriangles      406 409
Surface area      288
Surface attributes      see also “attributes” 99—112
Surface attributes at intersection      170
Surface attributes defined      99
Surface attributes selecting      366—368
Surfaces      287—340
Surfaces Bezier cylinder      288 301—302
Surfaces Bezier rectangle patches      293—297
Surfaces Bezier triangle patches      297—301
Surfaces curved      258 287
Surfaces cylinder      301
Surfaces definitions      288—289
Surfaces developable      301
Surfaces generalized cylinder      301—302
Surfaces implicit      288 290—293
Surfaces of revolution      306
Surfaces parametric      289—290
Surfaces quadric      288 304—305
Surfaces rectangular patches      288
Surfaces special      293—306
Surfaces swept      306
Surfaces triangular patches      288
Surfaces tube      288 306
Swept surfaces      306
Switch node      361
Systems of equations      see also “numerical methods” 469—472
Systems of equations linear systems      469—470
Systems of equations polynomial systems      470—472
Tangent approximations      505
Taylor series      284
Templates      see also “object-oriented infrastructure” 451—453
Templates defined      451
Templates example      451
Templates smart pointer system      454—455
Templates uses      452—453
Templates using      451—452
Temporary instances      458—459
Terrain      see also “blocks” 369—409
Terrain algorithm      385—392
Terrain block rendering      383—384
Terrain continuous height      397
Terrain data      369
Terrain height calculations      397
Terrain height field      370 386 392
Terrain issues      392—397
Terrain memory usage problem      394—395
Terrain pages defined      393
Terrain pages memory usage      394—395
Terrain pages predictive loading      394
Terrain pages problems      393
Terrain pages stitching process      393
Terrain pages unstitching process      393 394
Terrain pages working set      394
Terrain primitive blocks      370
Terrain source code      369
Terrain systems      369 392
Terrain topology      370—373
Terrain vertex attributes      395—396
Terrain vertex dependencies      381—383
Tessellation      392
Texels defined      105
Texels value selection      107—108
Texture coordinates      105
Texture coordinates defined      105
Texture coordinates lattice point, computing      106
Texture coordinates mixed      105
Texture coordinates modes      105
Texture coordinates wrapped      105
textures      see also “attributes” 105—108
Textures boundaries, hiding      105
Textures cylindrical      105
Textures defined      105
Textures filtering      106
Textures mipmapping      106—108
Textures multitexture      108 111—112
Textures toroidal      105
Textures vertex colors combination      111
Top-level objects      459
Torsion      259
Transformations      7 8—10
Transformations homogeneous      9—10 87
Transformations Householder      472
Transformations linear      8 13—14
Transformations model-to-view      87—89
Transformations orthonormal      14
Transformations rotation      8—9
Transformations scaling      8
Transformations screen space      90
Transformations source code      8
Transformations to screen coordinates      90
Transformations translation      9
Transformations view      87
transforms      144—145
Transforms defined      143
Transforms local      144—145
Transforms SRT      145
Transforms updating      147
Transforms world      145
Translation      9
Transparency      108—109
Transparency controlling      108
Transparency fog and      111
Trapezoid Rule      493
Tree generation algorithm      250—251
Tree manipulator      355
Tree polygons      358
Trees      143—147
Trees binary      383
Trees bounding volume      426
Trees BSP      417—426
Trees defined      141
Trees illustration      143
Trees nodes      141
Trees OBB      244—245
Trees subtrees      142
Trees vertex dependency      388
Trees visibility      425
Trees world      245
Triangle meshes      132—133 250—251
Triangle meshes defined      132
Triangle meshes dipping with      133—136
Triangle meshes height fields from      398—409
Triangle meshes linear resampling of      398—399
Triangle meshes quadratic resampling of      399—409
Triangle meshes vertices storage      132
Triangle patches      see also “surfaces”
Triangle patches Bezier      297—301
Triangle patches defined      288
Triangle patches parameter space subdivision      322
Triangles adjacent      335—337 401
Triangles and triangles intersection      see also “intersections”
Triangles and triangles intersection additional axes      232
Triangles and triangles intersection coefficients for unique points      243
Triangles and triangles intersection constant velocities      233
Triangles and triangles intersection dynamic object-object      232—243
Triangles and triangles intersection finding a point of intersection      238—243
Triangles and triangles intersection finding first time of intersection      233—238
Triangles and triangles intersection interval end points      238—239
Triangles and triangles intersection relative velocities      233
Triangles and triangles intersection separating axes      232
Triangles and triangles intersection static object object      210 214
Triangles and triangles intersection vertices projection      239 240 242
Triangles as white object on black background      124
Triangles back facing      93
Triangles Bezier      401—402
Triangles clipped, configurations      135
Triangles coefficient      297
Triangles coplanar      211
Triangles domain edges      50
Triangles dynamic      192 202—203
Triangles fitting, with Gaussian distribution      32
Triangles front facing      93
Triangles H-adjacency for      325 326
Triangles hypotenuse      324
Triangles in three dimensions      210
Triangles inside/outside of frustum      93
Triangles intersection of line and      183
Triangles intersection of line segment and      182—183
Triangles intersection of linear component and      182—183
Triangles intersection of ray and      182—183
Triangles interval overlap test      210
Triangles leaf node representation      169
Triangles line intersection with      192
Triangles linear components to      53—57
Triangles lines to      54—56
Triangles mesh      250
Triangles nonintersection test      208 209—210 213—214
Triangles nonparallel      211
Triangles normal vector      93
Triangles normals      211
Triangles oriented boxes intersection of oriented and      207—210
Triangles plane intersection with      202—203
Triangles points to      49—53
Triangles project to triangles      83
Triangles projections of vertices relative to line origin      208
Triangles rasterization      83 124—126 130—131
Triangles rasterized      100
Triangles rays to      57
Triangles segments to      57
Triangles separating axes      207—209 211—212
Triangles splitting configurations      94
Triangles subdivision      324 405
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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