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Eberly D.H. — 3D Game Engine Design. A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics
Eberly D.H. — 3D Game Engine Design. A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics

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Íàçâàíèå: 3D Game Engine Design. A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics

Àâòîð: Eberly D.H.


3D Game Engine Design is the first book to go beyond basic descriptions of algorithms and accurately demonstrate the complex engineering process required to design and build a real-time graphics engine to support physical realism. Faster algorithms will always win out over faster processors and assembly-language optimization techniques. Implementing those algorithms, however, can be a challenge for even experienced programmers.
This book provides rigorous explanations and derivations of all the essential concepts and techniques. Ideas are revealed step by step with numerous code examples and illustrations. Source code implementations are included on the companion CD-ROM to help you understand the full progression from idea, to algorithm, to working code. Since algorithms are not used in isolation, the source code for a complete engine is provided to bring crucial context to the implementations. This book and CD-ROM offer the most comprehensive professional reference available for the development of 3D game engines.
• Designed for professionals working in game development, simulation, scientific visualization, or virtual worlds
• Written by a respected game engineer and designer of a leading commercial game engine
• Thoroughly describes the algorithms-fully implemented in working code-that are the key to writing the fastest, most efficient code possible
• Provides source code for Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Linux/Unix, and Macintosh platforms.
About the software:
Includes a CD-ROM with C++ source code implementations of all the algorithms covered in the text as well as source code for a complete game engine. Updates for theengine, new ports (such as for the Macintosh), FAQs, and additional material on real-time graphics can be found at Geometric Tools website. The renderer layer of the engine is abstract and can work with whichever API is desired. An OpenGL-based renderer, DirectX8 (Direct3D), and a GLUT-based hardware renderer for either Windows or Linux are included.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/Âû÷èñëèòåëüíàÿ ãåîìåòðèÿ/

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.11.2005

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Oriented bounding box (OBB) trees automatic generation of      245
Oriented bounding box (OBB) trees collision testing between      251
Oriented bounding box (OBB) trees constant linear/angular velocities and      244
Oriented bounding box (OBB) trees constructing      250—251
Oriented bounding box (OBB) trees defined      244
Oriented bounding box (OBB) trees dual recursion on      251
Oriented bounding box (OBB) trees function      244
Oriented bounding box (OBB) trees nodes      250 252
Oriented bounding box (OBB) trees root      244
Oriented bounding boxes (OBBs)      420
Oriented bounding boxes (OBBs) algorithm based on numerical ordinary differential equation solver      249—250
Oriented bounding boxes (OBBs) based on distribution of mesh points      250
Oriented bounding boxes (OBBs) based on distribution of mesh triangles      250
Oriented bounding boxes (OBBs) center      247 249
Oriented bounding boxes (OBBs) comparison      251
Oriented bounding boxes (OBBs) computing, for triangle mesh      250
Oriented bounding boxes (OBBs) coordinate frame      249
Oriented bounding boxes (OBBs) equations of motion      247—248
Oriented bounding boxes (OBBs) intersection between      253
Oriented bounding boxes (OBBs) linear velocity      249
Oriented bounding boxes (OBBs) minimum-volume      250
Oriented bounding boxes (OBBs) time-varying      247
Oriented bounding boxes (OBBs) velocity      250
Oriented boxes      see also “3D objects” 8 29—32
Oriented boxes and triangles intersection      see also “intersections”
Oriented boxes and triangles intersection additional axes      223
Oriented boxes and triangles intersection coefficients for unique points      232 233 234 235
Oriented boxes and triangles intersection constant velocities      223
Oriented boxes and triangles intersection dynamic object-object      223—232
Oriented boxes and triangles intersection finding first time intersection      223—227
Oriented boxes and triangles intersection finding point of intersection      227—232
Oriented boxes and triangles intersection nonintersection test      224 225
Oriented boxes and triangles intersection projected box interval      224
Oriented boxes and triangles intersection separating axes      223
Oriented boxes and triangles intersection static-object-object      207—210;
Oriented boxes as shell      62
Oriented boxes as solid      61
Oriented boxes axes      30
Oriented boxes axis-aligned      29
Oriented boxes center      29 194
Oriented boxes coordinate axes      194
Oriented boxes culling by      159—160
Oriented boxes defined      29
Oriented boxes dynamic      190 194—196
Oriented boxes finding first time of intersection      218—219
Oriented boxes finding point of intersection      219—223
Oriented boxes first point of contact      195
Oriented boxes fitting to convex hull of vertices      32
Oriented boxes fitting triangles with Gaussian distribution      32
Oriented boxes fixed points with Gaussian distribution      29—31
Oriented boxes intersection with (dynamic object-object)      217—223
Oriented boxes line intersection with      190
Oriented boxes line segment representation as      39
Oriented boxes merging      149—150
Oriented boxes minimum-volume      31
Oriented boxes noninteraction test      206 207
Oriented boxes oriented boxes intersection with (static object-object)      205—207
Oriented boxes plane intersection with      194—196
Oriented boxes points to      61—64
Oriented boxes separating axes      217—218
Orthogonal regression hyperplanar fitting of points using      475—476
Orthogonal regression linear fitting of points using      473—474
Orthonormal transformations      14
Overshooting      272
Painter's algorithm      420—421
Parabolas mapped to parabolas      84
Parabolic cylinder      305
Parabolic mapping      429
Parallel plane      85
Parallel projection      84—85
Parameterized data types      see “templates”
Parametric curves defined      258
Parametric curves for graphs      293
Parametric curves patches      288
Parametric surfaces curvatures for      289—290
Parent multiple      141
parent nodes      see also “nodes” 143 417
Parent nodes bounding volume of      145
Parent nodes defined      141
Partial subdivision      see also “subdivision” 317—320
Partial subdivision defined      318
Partial subdivision illustrated      318 319 320
Partial subdivision with one subdividing edge      320
Partial subdivision with parent's topological constraint      319 320
Partial subdivision with three subdividing edges      318
Partial subdivision with two adjacent subdividing edges      319
Partial subdivision with two opposing subdividing edges      320
Particle systems      432—433
patches      see also “surfaces”
Patches Bezier rectangle      293—297
Patches Bezier triangle      297—301
Patches nonparametric B-spline rectangle      302—304
Patches parametric surface      288
Patches rectangular      288
Patches triangular      288
Path controlling      285
Pentium III CPU      139
Perspective interpolation      see also “interpolation” 129—132
Perspective interpolation defined      130
Perspective interpolation depth value      130
Perspective interpolation one division per pixel per attribute      130
Perspective projection      10 80—84
Perspective projection canonical model      81
Perspective projection conies project to conies      83—84
Perspective projection defined      81
Perspective projection lines project to lines      81—82
Perspective projection on view plane      81
Perspective projection triangles project to triangles      83
Phong shading      102
Physics engines      342
picking      169—183
Picking BSP tree      425
Picking defined      4 169
Picking general      169
Picking support for      169—170
Picking uses      169
Pixels circle, draw decision      118
Pixels decision equation      114
Pixels ellipse, selection      122—123
Pixels forming best line segment between two points      113
Pixels level of detail (LOD)      359
Pixels line drawing algorithm      113 117
Pixels selection based on slope      114
Pixels selection of      113
Pixels setting, rules for      117
Planar curves      see also “curves” 258—259
Planar curves coordinate frame      258
Planar curves curvature      259
Planar curves defined      258
Planar fitting of points      see also “least-squares fitting” 474—476
Planar fitting of points source code      475
Planar fitting of points with orthogonal regression      475—476
Planes clipping      92 414
Planes facet      93
Planes far      85
Planes frustum      94 97
Planes intersection of capsules with      196—197
Planes intersection of cylinders with      198—200
Planes intersection of dynamic objects with      193—203
Planes intersection of ellipsoids with      201—202
Planes intersection of lozenges with      197—198
Planes intersection of oriented boxes with      194—196
Planes intersection of spheres with      193—194
Planes intersection of triangles with      202—203
Planes normal      81
Planes parallel      85
Planes union of      305
Planes view      80
Point lights      100
Points 2D, fitting circles to      476—478
Points 2D, fitting quadratic curves to      480—481
Points 3D, fitting quadric surface to      481
Points 3D, fitting spheres to      478—480
Points closest      38 39 45
Points collision      253—256
Points contact      44 50 186
Points control      296 298
Points end      43 44 176 228 238—239
Points eye      80 85
Points input      89
Points interior      43 44 50
Points minimum distance      43 50
Points on frustum side of the plane      133—134
Points squared distance between, on circle      69
Points subdivision      276
Points to circle in 3D      68—69
Points to ellipses      65—66
Points to ellipsoids      66
Points to linear component      38—41
Points to oriented boxes      61—64
Points to rectangles      57—58
Points to triangles      49—53
Polygonal models      287
Polygons bounding convex      417
Polygons coincident      420
Polygons many-sided convex      417
Polygons sorting      420
Polygons subpolygons      425
Polygons tree      358
Polymorphism      456
Polynomial roots      see also “root finding” 486—489
Polynomial roots bounding, by derivative sequences      487—488
Polynomial roots bounding, by Sturm sequences      488—489
Polynomial roots of multiplicity larger than      1 486
Polynomial roots source code      486
Polynomial systems      470—472
Polynomial systems general handling of      472
Polynomial systems source code      470
portals      413—417
Portals defined      413
Portals example illustration      416
Portals L-shaped region      416
Portals nodes      415
Portals plane restriction      414
Portals planes maintained by      415
Portals portals connection between regions      414
Portals regions      414—416
Portals uses      413—414
Portals visibility through      414
Powell's direction set method      31 484—485
Prelighting      395 396
Prerendering function      157
Principal curvatures      289
Principal curvatures application to finding      292—293
Principal curvatures defined      289
Principal curvatures is 2D generalized eigenvector      290
Principal directions      289
Prismatic joint      350
Progressive meshes      362
Projected lighting      see also “special effects” 430—431
Projected lighting defined      430
Projected lighting projection process      431
Projected lighting texture coordinates      431
Projected shadows      see also “special effects” 431—432
Projected shadows defined      431
Projected shadows occluder      432
Projected shadows, projected texture      432
Projection defined      80
Projection frustum      430
Projection homogeneous matrices projection      86—87
Projection matrix specification      86
Projection onto view plane      84
Projection parallel      84—85
Projection perspective      10 80—84
projectors      430
Pseudodistance      134
Quadratic classifier      45 49
Quadratic equations ellipsoid      164 182
Quadratic equations general      67
Quadratic equations polynomial      76
Quadratic equations quadric surfaces      304
Quadratic equations second-degree      67
Quadratic equations simultaneous      471
Quadratic equations sphere      171
Quadratic equations two, solving for      471
Quadratic forms defined      290
Quadratic forms expanding      291
Quadratic forms maxima of      290—291
Quadratic forms restricted, maxima of      291—292
Quadratic function      56
Quadratic interpolation      see also “height fields; terrain” 399—409
Quadratic interpolation algorithm      404—409
Quadratic interpolation algorithm parts      399
Quadratic interpolation barycentric coefficients as areas      399—400
Quadratic interpolation Bezier net construction      399
Quadratic interpolation Bezier triangles      401—402
Quadratic interpolation derivative continuity      403—404
Quadratic interpolation derivatives      402—403
Quadratic interpolation inscribed circles      400—401
Quadratic interpolation local control      399
Quadratic interpolation subdivision      399
Quadric error metrics      362—364
Quadric matrices      365
Quadric surfaces      see also “surfaces” 304—305
Quadric surfaces defined      288
Quadric surfaces one nonzero eigenvalue      305
Quadric surfaces quadratic equation      304
Quadric surfaces source code      304
Quadric surfaces three nonzero eigenvalues      304—305
Quadric surfaces two nonzero eigenvalues      305
Quadtree(s)      412—413
Quadtree(s) blocks      370 375 385 413
Quadtree(s) BSP trees vs.      417
Quadtree(s) defined      370
Quadtree(s) for partitioning into cells      412
Quadtree(s) leaf nodes      370
Quadtree(s) processing pseudocode      413
Quadtree(s) recursive traversal      386
Quadtree(s) representation illustration      371
Quadtree(s) sorting      413
Quadtree(s) subdivision      317
Quaternion calculus      342—343
Quaternions      11—18
Quaternions addition of      11
Quaternions algebra      11—13
Quaternions angle axis to      16—17
Quaternions conjugate of      11
Quaternions conversion (angle-axis)      16—17
Quaternions conversion (rotation matrix)      17—18
Quaternions cubic interpolation of      345
Quaternions defined      11
Quaternions dot product of      12
Quaternions intermediate      346
Quaternions interpolating      149
Quaternions log      13
Quaternions multiplication of      11 12 13
Quaternions multiplicative inverse of      11
Quaternions norm of      11
Quaternions relationship to rotations      13—15
Quaternions rotation matrix to      17—18 150
Quaternions source code      11
Quaternions spline interpolation of      346—347
Quaternions subtraction of      11
Quaternions to angle-axis      17
Quaternions to rotation matrix      17
Quaternions unit, logarithm of      12
Quaternions unit, power of      12
Queues circular      386 388
Queues empty      388
Queues unprocessed blocks in      388
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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