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Eberly D.H. — 3D Game Engine Design. A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics
Eberly D.H. — 3D Game Engine Design. A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics

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Íàçâàíèå: 3D Game Engine Design. A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics

Àâòîð: Eberly D.H.


3D Game Engine Design is the first book to go beyond basic descriptions of algorithms and accurately demonstrate the complex engineering process required to design and build a real-time graphics engine to support physical realism. Faster algorithms will always win out over faster processors and assembly-language optimization techniques. Implementing those algorithms, however, can be a challenge for even experienced programmers.
This book provides rigorous explanations and derivations of all the essential concepts and techniques. Ideas are revealed step by step with numerous code examples and illustrations. Source code implementations are included on the companion CD-ROM to help you understand the full progression from idea, to algorithm, to working code. Since algorithms are not used in isolation, the source code for a complete engine is provided to bring crucial context to the implementations. This book and CD-ROM offer the most comprehensive professional reference available for the development of 3D game engines.
• Designed for professionals working in game development, simulation, scientific visualization, or virtual worlds
• Written by a respected game engineer and designer of a leading commercial game engine
• Thoroughly describes the algorithms-fully implemented in working code-that are the key to writing the fastest, most efficient code possible
• Provides source code for Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Linux/Unix, and Macintosh platforms.
About the software:
Includes a CD-ROM with C++ source code implementations of all the algorithms covered in the text as well as source code for a complete game engine. Updates for theengine, new ports (such as for the Macintosh), FAQs, and additional material on real-time graphics can be found at Geometric Tools website. The renderer layer of the engine is abstract and can work with whichever API is desired. An OpenGL-based renderer, DirectX8 (Direct3D), and a GLUT-based hardware renderer for either Windows or Linux are included.

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Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/Âû÷èñëèòåëüíàÿ ãåîìåòðèÿ/

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Collision detection back end      188
Collision detection BSP tree      425—426
Collision detection data organization and      186—187
Collision detection defined      4
Collision detection design issues      186—188
Collision detection dynamic system      251—256
Collision detection dynamic, implementation of      245
Collision detection hierarchical      146
Collision detection implementation      186
Collision detection rejection testing      187
Collision detection situations      185—186
Collision detection testing      252—253
Collision detection transparent      245
Collision groups      186—187
Collision points all possible      253
Collision points finding      253—256
Collision response      187
Colors      see also “attributes”
Colors ambient      102 103
Colors diffuse      102
Colors specular      102
Colors vertex      99—100
commonality      440
Companion matrix      487
Conies project to conies      83—84
Conies section definition      84
Conjugate gradient search      483—484
Constant temperature boundary      502
Contact points      see also “points” 186
Contact points first      186
Contact points multiple      196
Continuous height      397
Continuous level of detail (CLOD)      see also “level of detail (LOD)” 360 362—368 370
Continuous level of detail algorithm      360 364—365
Continuous level of detail categories      362
Continuous level of detail error metric construction      365
Continuous level of detail progressive meshes      362
Continuous level of detail simplification at run time      365—366
Continuous level of detail simplification using quadric error metrics      362—364
Continuous level of detail source code      363
Continuous level of detail surface attribute selection      366—368
Control points      see also “points”
Control points Bezier      406
Control points degree-elevated      298
Control points interior      296 299
Control points lattice of      302
Control points unknown      296
controllers      147
Convex hull      32
Coordinate axes in minimum-volume box      31
Coordinate axes product of rotations about      19
Coordinate axes rotation about      18
Coordinate systems      7 10
Coordinate systems 3D      10
Coordinate systems billboard      361
Coordinate systems left-handed      10 86
Coordinate systems model      80
Coordinate systems right-handed      10 68 86
Coordinate systems world      80
Coplanarity      404 407—408
Coplanarity at vertex      407
Coplanarity of quadrilaterals      408
CORDIC methods      507
Cosine approximations      505
Covariance matrix eigenvectors of      30 31 32 37
Covariance matrix of convex hull      32
Covariance matrix of Gaussian distribution      29
Cracking Bezier rectangle patches subdivision      316—321
Cracking complicated      318
Cracking defined      316
Cracking illustrated      316
Cracking partial subdivision and      317—320
Crank — Nicholson method      501
cube      58
Cubic curves closed      258
Cubic curves fast subdivision for      283—285
Cubic environment mapping      429
Culled objects bounding sphere      158
Culled objects defined      84
Culled objects examples      158 160
Culling      see also “clipping” 92—93 157—167
Culling back face      92—93
Culling block      370
Culling bounding volume and      92
Culling by cylinders      163—164
Culling by ellipsoids      164—165
Culling by lozenges      161—162
Culling by oriented boxes      159—160
Culling by spheres      157—159
Culling defined      80 91
Culling hierarchical      146
Culling object      91 92
Culling occlusion      424
Culling plane-by-plane system      92
Curvatures      289—293
Curvatures defined      259
Curvatures for graphs      293
Curvatures for implicit surfaces      290—293
Curvatures for parametric surfaces      289—290
Curvatures Gaussian      290 293
Curvatures mean      290 293
Curvatures principal      289—290
Curvatures tensor      289
Curved paths moving objects along      258
Curved paths orientation of objects on      285—286
Curved surfaces      258 287
CURVES      257—286
Curves arc length      260—261
Curves Bezier      258 261—264
Curves Catmull — Rom splines      272
Curves clamped splines      266
Curves closed splines      267
Curves cubic      258 283—285
Curves curvature      259
Curves definitions      258—260
Curves exact interpolation      264
Curves example uses      257—258
Curves Kochanek — Bartels splines      271—276
Curves natural splines      266
Curves nonparametric B-splines      258 267—271
Curves parametric      258
Curves planar      258—259
Curves quantities, evaluating      260
Curves space      259—260
Curves special      261—276
Curves subdivision      276—285
Curves tortion      259
Curves understanding      258
Cyclic coordinate descent      351—356
Cyclic coordinate descent defined      351—352
Cyclic coordinate descent list manipulator with multiple end effector      354—355
Cyclic coordinate descent list manipulator with one end effector      352—354
Cyclic coordinate descent tree manipulator      355
Cylinder surfaces      301
cylinders      see also “3D objects” 35—36
Cylinders bounding volumes with      191
Cylinders culling by      163—164
Cylinders defined      35—36
Cylinders dynamic      191 198—200
Cylinders finite      35—36
Cylinders height      163
Cylinders infinite      35
Cylinders intersection of linear component and      181—182
Cylinders least-squares line contains axis      36
Cylinders least-squares line moved to minimum-area center      36
Cylinders line intersection with      191
Cylinders line segment      181
Cylinders merging      152
Cylinders parabolic      305
Cylinders parameterized line segment      163
Cylinders plane intersection with      198—200
Cylinders projection of      163
Cylinders radius      36 163
de Casteljau algorithm      401
Degree elevation Bezier curves      263
Degree elevation Bezier cylinder surfaces      302
Degree elevation Bezier rectangle patches      295
Degree elevation Bezier triangle patches      298
Degree reduction Bezier curves      263—264
Degree reduction Bezier cylinder surfaces      302
Degree reduction Bezier rectangle patches      295—297
Depth      see also “attributes” 99
Depth buffering      412
Depth complexity      411—412
Depth perspective interpolation      130
Developable surfaces      301
Diagonal matrix      8 67 68
Differential equations      see also “numerical methods” 496—503
Differential equations elliptic: steady-state heat flow, potential theory      502
Differential equations Euler's method      249 497
Differential equations first-order form      496
Differential equations hyperbolic: wave and shock phenomena      501
Differential equations midpoint method      497
Differential equations ordinary      496—499
Differential equations parabolic: heat transfer, population dynamics      500—501
Differential equations partial      499—503
Differential equations Runge — Kutta fourth-order method      498
Differential equations Runge — Kutta with adaptive step      498—499
Differential equations second-order form      496—497
Differential equations source code      496
Diffuse color      102
Diffuse light      103 429
Diffusion of heat      500
Direct 3D      138 414
Direction vectors      285
Directional lights      100
Discrete level of detail      see also “level of detail (LOD)” 360 361—362
Discrete level of detail defined      361
Discrete level of detail for multiresolution models      369—370
Discrete level of detail morphing      362
Discrete level of detail popping effect      362
Discrete level of detail source code      361
Distance methods      38—77
Distance methods calculation      38
Distance methods circle to circle in 3D      69—73
Distance methods ellipse to ellipse in 3D      73—77
Distance methods linear component to linear component      41—49
Distance methods linear component to rectangle      58—60
Distance methods linear component to triangle      53—57
Distance methods point to circle in 3D      68—69
Distance methods point to ellipse      65—66
Distance methods point to ellipsoid      66
Distance methods point to linear component      38—41
Distance methods point to oriented box      61—64
Distance methods point to quadratic curve/surface      67—68
Distance methods point to rectangle      57—58
Distance methods point to segment      39
Distance methods point to triangle      49—53
Distance methods rectangle to rectangle      61
Distance methods triangle to rectangle      61
Distance methods triangle to triangle      61
Distant terrain assumption      see also “close terrain assumption” 370
Distant terrain assumption block-based simplification      376—378
Distant terrain assumption vertex-based simplification      373—374
Division approximation instructions      131
Division floating-point      45
Division slow      175
Dynamic collision detection      see also “collision detection; oriented bounding box (OBB) trees” 251—256
Dynamic collision detection collision points, finding      253—256
Dynamic collision detection collision testing      252—253
Dynamic lighting      see also “lighting” 100 395
Dynamic lighting defined      100
Dynamic lighting expense      396
Dynamic object-object intersections      see also “intersections” 214—243
Dynamic object-object intersections capsules and capsules      216 217
Dynamic object-object intersections defined      214—215
Dynamic object-object intersections oriented boxes and triangles      223—232
Dynamic object-object intersections triangles and triangles      232—243
dynamic objects      see also “objects” 186
Dynamic objects capsules      190 196—197
Dynamic objects cylinders      191 198—200
Dynamic objects ellipsoids      191—192 201—202
Dynamic objects intersection of lines with      188—192
Dynamic objects intersection of planes with      193—203
Dynamic objects lozenges      191 197—198
Dynamic objects oriented boxes      190 194—196
Dynamic objects spheres      188—189 193—194
Dynamic objects triangles      192 202—203
Edge buffer setup      130
Eigensystems      472
Ellipse rasterization      see also “rasterization” 119—124
Ellipse rasterization axis-aligned ellipses      120—122
Ellipse rasterization defined      119
Ellipse rasterization general ellipses      122—124
Ellipse rasterization, ellipse specification      119—120
Ellipse to ellipse in 3D      see also “distance methods” 73—77
Ellipse to ellipse in 3D defined      73
Ellipse to ellipse in 3D numeric solution      77
Ellipse to ellipse in 3D solution as polynomial system      73—75
Ellipse to ellipse in 3D trigonometric solution      75—77
Ellipses axes      119
Ellipses axis-aligned      65 120—122
Ellipses centered at origin equation      119
Ellipses closest point on      65
Ellipses mapped to ellipses      84
Ellipses oriented      65
Ellipses parameterized      73
Ellipses plane/ellipsoid intersection      73
Ellipses points to      65—66
Ellipses polynomial equations      73
Ellipses specifying      119—120
Ellipses with smallest positive level curve      123—124
Ellipsoid subdivision      328—338
Ellipsoid subdivision algorithm data structures      329—331
Ellipsoid subdivision initial mesh      329 330
Ellipsoid subdivision midpoint projection phase      331
Ellipsoid subdivision subdivision algorithm      331—338
Ellipsoid subdivision working set of vertices, edges, triangles      332
Ellipsoids      see also “3D objects” 36—38
Ellipsoids axis directions      36
Ellipsoids axis-aligned      37
Ellipsoids bounding, computing      152
Ellipsoids center      164 192
Ellipsoids closest point on      66
Ellipsoids culling by      164—165
Ellipsoids defined      36
Ellipsoids dynamic      191 201—202
Ellipsoids fitting points with Gaussian distribution      37
Ellipsoids general form      37
Ellipsoids intersection of linear component and      182
Ellipsoids line intersection with      191—192
Ellipsoids merging      152
Ellipsoids minimum-volume      37—38
Ellipsoids outside frustum plane      164
Ellipsoids plane intersection      73 201—202
Ellipsoids points to      66
Ellipsoids projection of      165
Ellipsoids quadratic equation      164 182
Ellipsoids with center and axes      37
Elliptic paraboloid      305
End effector best position      350
End effector defined      348
End effector formula      348
End effector position selection for      348
Environment mapping      see also “special effects” 428—429
Environment mapping applying on per-pixel basis      428
Environment mapping cubic      429
Environment mapping defined      428
Environment mapping illustrated      429
Euler angles      18—26
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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