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Sverdrup H.U., Johnson M.W., Fleming R.H. — The Oceans: their physics, chemistry, and general biology |
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Sill depth of basins in adjacent seas 37 38 738
Sill depth, importance to character of basin water 150
Sill depth, importance to character of basin water, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico 640
Sill depth, importance to character of basin water, East Indian Archipelago 736—738
Size-grade distribution in sediments 970 971
Size-grade distribution in sediments, represented by cumulative curves 970 981
Size-grade distribution in sediments, represented by histograms 970 980
Size-grade distribution in sediments, statistical terms 970 971
Skeletal structures of marine organisms as constituents of sediments 949
Skeletal structures of marine organisms, composition 231
Sliming of the sea 290 291
Snakes, synopsis of 313
Sodium 175
Solar constant 102
Solubility product 205
Solubility, calcium carbonate 205—208
Solubility, gases 190 191
Solubility, salts 210—211
Sonic soundings, equipment 342 343
Sonic soundings, importance to knowledge of bottom topography 16
Sound energy, absorption of 78
Sound waves, velocity in sea water 76 77 79
Sound waves, wave length 77 78
Sounding velocity 79
Soundings, available for charts of bottom topography 14—16
Soundings, methods 342—344
South Atlantic Ocean, currents 627—630
South Atlantic Ocean, oxygen distribution 630 631
South Atlantic Ocean, water masses 625—627
South Equatorial Current, Atlantic 628 633
South Equatorial Current, Indian Ocean 696
South Equatorial Current, Pacific 708 709
South Pacific Ocean, currents 701—706
South Pacific Ocean, oxygen distribution 728—730
South Pacific Ocean, water masses 698—701
Specific heat 61 62
Specific humidity 116
Specific volume 57
Specific volume, anomaly 57 58
Specific volume, anomaly, computation 58
Sphere depth, mean 19 20
Sponges, reproduction 319
Sponges, synopsis 306
Stability 416—418
Stability, influence on turbulence 91 92 476
Stagnant water, destruction of organic matter in 1012
Stagnant water, development 1026
Standard depths of observation 357
Starfish, bathymetric distribution 807
Starfish, synopsis 311
Stationary distribution 157
Stationary velocity field 423
Sterile distribution 315 847
Strait of Bab el Mandeb, currents of 688—690
Strait of Gibraltar, currents of 646—648
Stratosphere, oceanic 141
Stream lines 426
Strontium 179
Strontium carbonate in radiolarians 991
Submarine canyons see "Canyons"
Submarine geology, topics of 22
Submarine topography see "Bottom topography"
Subtropical Convergence 140
Subtropical Convergence in Southern Oceans 606
Subtropical Convergence, sinking of water in region of Indian Ocean 691
Subtropical Convergence, sinking of water in region of North Atlantic 670
Subtropical Convergence, sinking of water in region of North Pacific 714
Subtropical Convergence, sinking of water in region of South Atlantic 626
Subtropical Convergence, sinking of water in region of South Pacific 700 701
Suez Canal, flow through 688 689
Sulphur 178
Sulphur, cycle of 917
Surface tension 70
Suspended particles 958
Suspended particles, importance to extinction of radiation 88
Suspension of sedimentary debris near bottom 962—965
Symbiosis 881—882
Temperature, adiabatic changes 63—65
Temperature, annual variation at surface 129 130
Temperature, annual variation in surface layers 131—133
Temperature, annual variation in surface layers, theory 135—137
Temperature, as an ecological factor 770 792—795 843—858
Temperature, average surface values 127
Temperature, difference, sea-surface minus air 128 129
Temperature, diurnal variation, at surface 133 134
Temperature, diurnal variation, in surface layer 135
Temperature, measurements 347—352
Temperature, potential 64
Temperature, potential, at depths exceeding 4000 m 747 749
Temperature, potential, basin water 149
Temperature, potential, bottom water 749
Temperature, potential, Caribbean Sea 640 641
Temperature, potential, China Sea and Sulu Sea 735
Temperature, potential, Gulf of Mexico 641
Temperature, potential, Mediterranean Sea 644
Temperature, potential, Mindanao Trench 739
Temperature, range, in oceans 55
Temperature-salinity diagram 142
Temperature-salinity diagram, illustrating water masses of all oceans 741
Temperature-salinity diagram, illustrating water masses of equatorial region, Atlantic 631
Temperature-salinity diagram, illustrating water masses of equatorial region, Pacific 707
Temperature-salinity diagram, illustrating water masses of Indian Ocean 692
Temperature-salinity diagram, illustrating water masses of North Atlantic 669
Temperature-salinity diagram, illustrating water masses of North Pacific 713
Temperature-salinity diagram, illustrating water masses of South Atlantic 626
Temperature-salinity diagram, illustrating water masses of South Pacific 699 700
Temperature-salinity diagram, illustrating water masses of Subantarctic region 612
Temperature-salinity diagram, used for checking data 358
Teredo, depredations by 841
Teredo, diet 896
Terrigenous materials in sediments 948 949
Terrigenous mud, radium content of 1034
Terrigenous sediments 972—974
Terrigenous sediments, average percentage of calcium carbonate 1006
Terrigenous sediments, classification 973 974
Terrigenous sediments, distribution 972 975 976
Terrigenous sediments, rate of deposition 1039 1040
Texture of sediment, beach 1019—1022
Texture of sediment, bearing on content of organic matter 1016
Texture of sediment, continental shelf 1020—1022
Texture of sediment, deep sea 979—982
Texture of sediments 969—971
thermal conductivity see also "Eddy conductivity" 60 61
Thermal expansion 60
Thermometers 347—352
Thermometers, protected reversing 349 350
Thermometers, unprotected reversing 350 351
Thorium 184
Tidal currents in sounds 568 569
Tidal currents, Atlantic Ocean 584 585
Tidal currents, effect of friction 577—580
Tidal currents, influence of bottom topography 567 568
Tidal currents, rotary 570
Tidal currents, rotary, due to earth’s rotation 571—573
Tidal currents, rotary, due to interference 570
Tidal currents, theory 564
Tidal energy 569
Tide-producing forces 545—550
Tides, analysis and prediction 564
| Tides, Atlantic Ocean 581
Tides, character 558
Tides, cooscillating 553
Tides, effect of Corioli’s force 555
Tides, effect of friction 574
Tides, importance to shallow-water sediments 1017
Tides, independent 554
Tides, meteorological 559
Tides, observations 359—361
Tides, partial 549 558
Tides, theories 550—552
Tintinnoinea, systematic position of 305
Trajectories 426
Transparency 85
Transport across the equator, Atlantic 637 685
Transport across the equator, Pacific 752
Transport of heat by ocean currents 99
Transport, volume of 462—465
Transport, volume of, Antarctic Circumpolar Current 615—617
Transport, volume of, by wind currents 498
Transport, volume of, North Atlantic 683—685
Transport, volume of, North Pacific 727 728
Transport, volume of, South Atlantic 628 629
Transportation of particles along bottom 959—966
Transportation of particles along bottom, effect on shape, size, and composition 966 967
Transportation of particles by currents 959
Transportation of sediments to the sea 953—956
Transportation of sediments to the sea by ice 953
Transportation of sediments to the sea by organisms 954
Transportation of sediments to the sea by winds 954—955
Transportation of sediments to the sea, importance to character of sediments 1043
Trawls: beam, otter, and ring 375 376
Tripping mechanism 380
Tropical convergences 140
Tropical submergence 849
Troposphere, oceanic 141
Tsunamis see also "Earthquake waves" 543
Tsunamis, contributing to formation of submarine canyons 42
Tsunamis, importance to transportation of sediments 965
Tunicates, bathymetric distribution of 807
Turbulence see also "Eddy viscosity" "Eddy 90—93 471
Turbulence, horizontal 477 478
Turbulence, importance to transportation of sediments 960 962—965
Turbulence, influence of stability on 92 476 477
Turbulence, transport of momentum 472 473
Ulva 286 290
Umormal-1937 51
Undertow 537
Units, fundamental 400
Upwelling, effect on annual variation of temperature 131 132
Upwelling, effect on content of plant nutrient in surface layer 246 247
Upwelling, importance to organic matter in sediments 1044
Upwelling, off coast of California 724 725
Upwelling, off coast of Peru 702 703
Upwelling, off Somali coast 696
Upwelling, off west coast of North Africa 671
Upwelling, off west coast of South Africa 627 628
Upwelling, process 140 501
Vapor pressure over sea water 66 115 116
Vector diagrams 421
Vector fields 418—420
Velella 306 320
Vertebrata, synopsis of 312
viscosity see also "Eddy viscosity)"
Viscosity, dynamic 69 469 470
Viscosity, kinematic 470
Volcanic material in sediments 949
Volcanic material in sediments, transportation to sea by winds 955
Wake Stream 676
Water mass 143
Water mass, formation 143—146
Water masses of the oceans 739—745
Water type 143
Wave of translation 537
Waves see also "Internal waves" "Wind
Waves, caused by earthquakes 543
Waves, caused by earthquakes, contributing to formation of submarine canyons 42
Waves, characteristics 516—521
Waves, destructive 542
Waves, effect of Corioli’s force on 520
Waves, “tidal” 542
Whales, biological factors in movements 904—905
Whales, diatoms on 299 881
Whales, feeding habits 892
Whales, feeding mechanisms 314 891—892
Whales, food of 273 904—907
Whales, migrations 811
Whales, rate of growth 906
Whales, rate of metabolism 935
Whales, reproduction and growth 326
Whales, sounding of 273
Whales, systematic position of 314
Winches 333—335
Wind currents 492
Wind currents in shallow water 496
Wind currents, Antarctic Ocean 617
Wind currents, general character 395—397
Wind currents, secondary effect of 500
Wind currents, transport by 498
Wind currents, velocity 494
Wind drift of ice 623 666
Wind factor 494
Wind stress 489—491
Wind waves, breakers 536
Wind waves, breakers, effect on beaches 1017
Wind waves, dissipation 536
Wind waves, energy 533
Wind waves, forms and characteristics 523—527
Wind waves, growth 533
Wind waves, height 532 535
Wind waves, importance to beach sediments 1017—1019
Wind waves, interference 529
Wind waves, origin 522
Wind waves, particle velocity 528
Wind waves, short-crested 531
Wire ropes 335—338
Wood-boring organisms 317 841 895—896
Wyville Thompson Ridge as a faunal barrier 810 849
X-ray methods in sediment studies 947 988
Year classes 326—328
Yellow Sea 735
Zoogeography, barriers, East Pacific 803
Zoogeography, barriers, land 803
Zoogeography, barriers, Wyville Thompson Ridge 810 849
Zoogeography, faunal areas 273 799—810
Zooplankton see also "Plankton" 812—823
Zooplankton, adaptations 821—823
Zooplankton, collection and analysis 378—382
Zooplankton, neritic and oceanic 820—821
Zooplankton, permanent 816—819
Zooplankton, production 934—936
Zooplankton, relation to physical-chemical environment 823
Zooplankton, relation to phytoplankton 898—904
Zooplankton, temporary 814—815
Zostera see "Eel grass"
“Challenger”, dredging by 805—807 809
“Core method” 146
“Desert quartz” in sediments 955
“Tide rips” 716
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