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Sverdrup H.U., Johnson M.W., Fleming R.H. — The Oceans: their physics, chemistry, and general biology |
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Clay minerals, origin 990
Coccolith ooze 973
Coccolithophoridae 301
Coelenterata, reproduction 319—320
Coelenterata, synopsis 306
Collection of bacteria 383
Collection of benthos 374
Collection of nekton 376
Collection of plankton 376—383
Color of animals 824—830
Color of animals, changes 825—827
Color of animals, of deep-sea animals 826—829
Color of animals, of surface oceanic animals 827
Color of animals, protective 826
Color of sediments 967—969
Color of sediments, continental shelf 1023
Color of sediments, deep-sea 978 979
Color of the sea 88 89
Color of water, biological causes of 289 783—784
Compensation depth 779
Compensation depth in various areas 780
Compensation point 778
Composition of foraminiferal tests 991
Composition of marine organisms, average 230
Composition of marine organisms, body fluids 232
Composition of marine organisms, concentration of elements 233
Composition of marine organisms, elements reported 228 229
Composition of marine organisms, ratios O:C:N:P 236 237
Composition of marine organisms, skeletal material 231
Composition of river water 214—216
Composition of sea water 165—174
Composition of sea water influenced by exchange with atmosphere 212 213
Composition of sea water influenced by freezing 216—219
Composition of sea water influenced by rivers 213—216
Composition of sea water, constancy 165—168
Composition of sea water, tables 166 173 176 177
Composition of sediments 971 972
Compressibility 68
Concentrations 158
Concentrations, conservative 158
Concentrations, non-conservative 159
Concentrations, units for reporting 169 171
Conductivity, electrical 71 72
Conductivity, thermal see also "Eddy conductivity" 60 61
Continental shelf, average inclination 21
Continental shelf, extension 20 21
Continental shelf, formation 24 25 1019
Continental shelf, sediments on 1018—1023
Continental slope, inclination of 22
Continuity, equation of 423—426
Continuity, equation of, used for finding layer of no motion 457
Convergence 419 420
Convergence, caused by winds 500—503
Convergence, regions of 139 140
Convergence, vertical motion derived from 425
Copepoda see also "Calanus"
Copepoda as food for fish 892 907
Copepoda as food of whales 905
Copepoda as grazers 772 901
Copepoda, food of 901
Copepoda, reproduction 322 323 903
Copepoda, synopsis 309
Coral-reefs, formation of 854—855
Coral-reefs, organisms of 855
Corals, reproduction of 319
Corals, systematic position of 306
Cores of sediments, apparatus for obtaining 345—347
Cores of sediments, compaction 1037
Cores of sediments, relation between water content and particle size 994
Cores of sediments, stratification in 1038 1039
Coring apparatus 345—347
Corioli’s force 433—438
Corioli’s force, importance to ocean currents 390
Corioli’s force, importance to waves 520
Cotidal lines 557
Cotidal lines, charts 563
Cotidal lines, semidiurnal tide of Atlantic Ocean 581 582
Crinoidea, bathymetric distribution 807
Crinoidea, synopsis 312
Ctenophora 307 320 890
Current meters 366—373
Currents see also "Circulation" "Tidal "Wind
Currents, absolute 455—457
Currents, accuracy of computed 393 394 453—455
Currents, computation 391 447—452
Currents, derived from ships’ logs 427 428
Currents, derived from tongue-like distributions 503—507
Currents, effect of bottom friction 499 500
Currents, effect of bottom topography 466—469
Currents, effect of bottom topography, Antarctic Circumpolar 616
Currents, effect of bottom topography, North Atlantic 681
Currents, effect of bottom topography, North Equatorial, Atlantic 671 672
Currents, importance to distribution of sediments 965 966 1042 1043
Currents, in stratified water 444—447
Currents, related to the distribution of density 389—395 447—451
Currents, relative 391 442 447—451
Currents, representations 428—430
Currents, slope 442 458
Currents, sorting of shallow water sediments by 1017—1019
Currents, transportation of particles along bottom by 959—966
Currents, transportation of settling particles by 959
Currents, units used 363
Currents, vertical convection 510 511
Currents, wave-like pattern in South Atlantic 630
Cyclic salt 213 214
Davidson current 725
Dead water 587
Deep water, circulation 745—755
Deep water, formation 138 139
Deep-sea anchoring 361 362
Deep-sea benthos 805—810
Deep-sea benthos, characteristics 807
Deep-sea benthos, early discoveries 805
Deep-sea benthos, food of 808
Deep-sea benthos, horizontal distribution 810
Deep-sea environmental system 275—276
Deeps 20
Deeps of the oceans 29
Denmark Strait, flow through 652—655
density 56 57
Density currents 41
Density, computation 57
Density, direct determinations 53
Density, general distribution 137—140
Density, maximum 66 68
Deposition of sediments see "Sedimentation" 960
Depth of frictional resistance 396 493
Detritus feeders and scavengers 892—895
Development of animals see also "Life cycles"
Development of animals, direct 318
Development of animals, indirect 318
Development of animals, of deep-sea animals 318
Diatom ooze see "Pelagic sediments"
Diatomaceous ooze, relation of to organic production 942
Diatoms as primary producers 287 296
Diatoms, auxospores 298 763
Diatoms, control by grazing 771—772 901—902
Diatoms, geographical types 791 793
Diatoms, methods of flotation 764—765
Diatoms, number in the open sea 763
Diatoms, number of important planktonic species 762
Diatoms, nutrient absorption 782—783
Diatoms, nutrient requirement 768 782—783
Diatoms, on whales 299 881
Diatoms, reproduction 297—299
Diatoms, resting spores 299 762—763
Diatoms, sinking 772 781 893
Diatoms, sinking, importance of viscosity 794
Diatoms, structure 295—297
Diatoms, systrophe in 779 781
| Diatoms, temperature requirements 770 792—794
Diatoms, tychopelagic forms in the plankton 762
Diatoms, “persistent” culture of 780
Diffusion see also "Eddy diffusivity" 69
Dimensions used in mechanics 400—402
Dinoflagellates, distribution 762
Dinoflagellates, methods of flotation 765—766
Dinoflagellates, number of important species in the plankton 762
Dinoflagellates, nutritional requirements 299 385
Dinoflagellates, rate of production 790 930
Dinoflagellates, reproduction 300
Dinoflagellates, structure 299—300
Dinoflagellates, systematic position 304
Dinoflagellates, temperature requirements 385 762
Diurnal migrations 836—839
Divergence 420
Divergence near Antarctic continent 620
Divergence near the equator 635 711
Divergence, caused by wind 500—503
Divergence, regions of 140
Divergence, vertical motion derived from 425
Dolomite 952 998 1027
Dredge 374 375
Drift bottles 364 365
Drift of plants 791—792
Dynamic computations 392 408—411
Dynamic computations, example 4
Dynamic equilibrium, principle of 160—163
Dynamic meter 392 403
Earth, size of 9
Earthquake waves see also "Tsunamis" 543 544
Earth’s rotation, angular velocity 433
Earth’s rotation, deflecting force 390 433—438
East Greenland current 659 660
East Indian Archipelago, basins and waters of 736—739
Echinodermata, reproduction 324 325 326
Echinodermata, synopsis 311—312
Echo sounding see also "Sonic soundings" 76
Ecological groups of animals see "Animal population"
Eddy conductivity 92
Eddy conductivity of the air 114
Eddy conductivity, computation from temperature observations 135—137
Eddy diffusion, importance to transportation of sediments along bottom 962—966
Eddy diffusion, lateral, dispersal of suspended material by 959
Eddy diffusivity 93
Eddy diffusivity, effect of stability on 476 477
Eddy diffusivity, importance to tongue-like distributions 504—507
Eddy diffusivity, lateral 92 93
Eddy diffusivity, lateral, importance to sedimentation 959
Eddy diffusivity, lateral, importance to tongue-like distributions 506 507
Eddy diffusivity, lateral, numerical values 483 485
Eddy diffusivity, numerical values 481 483 484
Eddy viscosity 91 473 474
Eddy viscosity, influence of stability on 476
Eddy viscosity, numerical values 481 482
Eddy viscosity, related to lateral mixing 474 475
Eddy viscosity, related to lateral mixing, Antarctic Circumpolar Current 621
Eddy viscosity, related to lateral mixing, Equatorial Countercurrent 634
Eddy viscosity, related to lateral mixing, numerical values 485
Eel grass as primary producer 303 893 936—937
Eel grass, structure and reproduction 302—303
Eels, dispersal of larvae 861—862
Eels, homoiosmotic condition 271
Eels, migrations 811
Ekman current meter 367 368
Ekman spiral 493
Ekman water bottle 354
El Nino 704 705
El Nino, effect on fauna 274
Elasmobranchs 312
Elasmobranchs, osmotic pressure of body fluids 271
Electric conductivity 71 72
Elements derived from earth’s crust 219—222
Elements present in marine organisms 228 229
Elements present in marine organisms, concentration of 233
Elements present in sea water 174
Elements present in sea water, table 176 177
Emerita, dispersal of larvae 859—860
Emerita, feeding habits 895
Endemic populations, maintenance of 863—865
energy equation 441 486
Environment, marine, antiquity 281—284
Environment, marine, characteristics 268
Environment, marine, classification 275—280
Environment, marine, extent 274
Environmental factors see "Light" "Currents" "Oxygen" "Salinity" "Temperature"
Equatorial Countercurrent, Atlantic 633—637
Equatorial Countercurrent, Indian Ocean 696
Equatorial Countercurrent, Pacific 709—712
Equatorial currents see "North" "South
Equiscalar curves 155
Equiscalar surfaces 154 155
Equivalent diameters of sedimentary debris 958
Equivalent diameters of sedimentary debris compared to true dimensions 982
Equivalent diameters of sedimentary debris, statistical terms derived from 970 971
Equivalent diameters of sedimentary debris, used for classifying sediments 957 974
Eroding velocity of ocean currents 961
Erosion by currents 41 960—962
Euphausiids, as food of whales 904 906—907
Euphausiids, reproduction 323
Euphausiids, synopsis 310
Euphotic zone 774
Eurybathic animals 806—807
Evaporation from the Black Sea 650
Evaporation from the Mediterranean Sea 647
Evaporation in different latitudes 120 121
Evaporation, annual variation 122
Evaporation, average annual 120
Evaporation, computation of 119 120
Evaporation, diurnal variation 122 124
Evaporation, latent heat of 62
Evaporation, observations of 119
Evaporation, process of 115—119
Evaporation, table 123
Extraterrestrial material in sediments 952
Faeroe — Shetland Channel, flow through 652—655
Falkland current 628 630
Faunal areas see "Zoogeography"
Feeding mechanisms 886—898
Filter feeders 377 886—892
Filter feeders, rate of filtering 901—902 930
Fishes, deep-sea fishes, adaptations 828—835 897
Fishes, deep-sea fishes, food of 896—897
Fishes, dispersal of eggs and larvae 861 865
Fishes, feeding habits 884 890 892
Fishes, migrations 811
Fishes, osmotic regulations 271
Fishes, reproduction 325
Fishes, synopsis 312
Fishes, visual depths 831—833
Fishes, year classes 326—328
Floating adaptations in animals 818 821—823
Floating adaptations in diatoms 764—765
Floating adaptations in dinoflagellates 765—766
Flocculation of fine sediments 958
Florida Current 672 673—675
Florida Current, compared with Kuroshio 720
Fluorine 180
Fog, advection 118
Foraminifera in deep-sea sediments 983—985
Foraminifera, reproduction 319
Foraminifera, synopsis 304—305
Foraminiferal number 985
Foraminiferal tests, composition of 991
Forel scale 88
Freezing point of sea water 65—67
Friction, boundary 478—481
Friction, general terms 469 470
Friction, simplified terms 475
Frictional forces 469
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