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Sverdrup H.U., Johnson M.W., Fleming R.H. — The Oceans: their physics, chemistry, and general biology |
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Organic production in the sea, zooplankton 934—936
Osmotic pressure, function of salinity and temperature 66 67
Osmotic relationships of body fluids, fresh-water animals 269
Osmotic relationships of body fluids, marine animals 269 271 839
Oxidation-reduction potential 211 212
Oxidation-reduction potential in sediments 995—997
Oxidation-reduction potential, importance to accumulation of iron in sediments 1032
Oxidation-reduction potential, importance to accumulation of manganese in sediments 1031
Oxygen as an environmental factor 869—873 903 913 917
Oxygen consumption, bacterial, as a measure of organic carbon 250
Oxygen content, oceanic deep-water 746 748 752—754
Oxygen distribution, conditions for stationary 161 162
Oxygen distribution, related to deep-water circulation 754
Oxygen in organic matter in sediments 1011
Oxygen, dissolved, depletion in interstitial water 995
Oxygen, dissolved, depletion in relation to nutrient content 237
Oxygen, dissolved, determination 187
Oxygen, dissolved, relation to pH distribution 209
Oxygen, dissolved, solubility 189—191
Oxygen, production and consumption of, as index of organic production 933—934
Oxygen, production by plants 767 777 933
Oyashio 721 733
Oyashio, meeting Kuroshio Extension 722
Oysters, reproduction of 316 324 846—847 857
Pacific Ocean see also "North Pacific" "South
Pacific Ocean, boundaries 11
Pacific Ocean, equatorial region 706—712
Pacific Ocean, equatorial region, currents 708—712
Pacific Ocean, equatorial region, oxygen content 710 711
Pacific Ocean, equatorial region, phosphate 710 711
Pacific Ocean, equatorial region, silicate 710 711
Pacific Ocean, equatorial region, water masses 706—708
Pacific Ocean, oxygen distribution 728—730 753
Palagonite 1027
Palagonite, frequency of occurrence 987
Pelagic environment and its subdivisions 278
Pelagic sediments (deposits) 972
Pelagic sediments (deposits), areas covered by 977
Pelagic sediments (deposits), average percentage of calcium carbonate 1006
Pelagic sediments (deposits), chemical composition 991 992
Pelagic sediments (deposits), classification 972—973
Pelagic sediments (deposits), color 978 979
Pelagic sediments (deposits), content of organic matter 1015
Pelagic sediments (deposits), depth range 978
Pelagic sediments (deposits), distribution 974—978
Pelagic sediments (deposits), inorganic constituents 986—990
Pelagic sediments (deposits), iron content 992 1030—1032
Pelagic sediments (deposits), manganese content 992 1028—1031
Pelagic sediments (deposits), minerals 986—990
Pelagic sediments (deposits), organic constituents 983—986
Pelagic sediments (deposits), phosphorus content 992 1032
Pelagic sediments (deposits), radium content 1034 1035
Pelagic sediments (deposits), rate of deposition 1038 1039
Pelagic sediments (deposits), texture 979—982
Pendulum day 437
Permeability of sediments 994
Persian Gulf 690
Peru Current 701—705
Peru Current, comparison with California Current 703
Peru Current, organic production in 942
Petroleum formation in marine sediments 947 1009
Petroleum formation in marine sediments, possible role of bacteria 996
Pettersson — Nansen water bottle 352
pH of sea water 193
pH of sea water, determination 193 194
pH of sea water, distribution 208—210
pH of sea water, role in carbon dioxide system 195—202
Phaeocystis 301
Phillipsite 1027
Phillipsite, frequency of occurrence 987
Phosphate as a limiting factor 768 788
Phosphate distribution in basins 245 246
Phosphate distribution in oceans 239—241
Phosphate distribution in oceans, related to deep-water circulation 754
Phosphate distribution in South Atlantic 786—788
Phosphate distribution, factors influencing 246 247
Phosphate regeneration 260—261
Phosphate regeneration in isolated areas 932
Phosphate, seasonal variation 258
Phosphate, utilization of, by plants 768 931—932
Phosphate-phosphorus, ratio to nitrate-nitrogen 236 243
Phosphorescence see "Bioluminescence"
Phosphorite nodules 952 1032 1033
Phosphorus 182
Phosphorus cycle in the sea 260—261 916
Phosphorus in red clay 1030 1032 1033
Phosphorus, organic, in sea water 257
Phosphorus-nitrogen ratio in plankton 236
Photosynthesis of phytoplankton 774
Photosynthesis of phytoplankton, energy and illumination 776
Photosynthesis of phytoplankton, experiments 777—782 933
Photosynthesis of phytoplankton, experiments, assimilation 777
Photosynthesis ratio to respiration 933
Physalia, reproduction 320
Physalia, systematic position 306
Phytoplankton see also "Plankton"
Phytoplankton production 923—934
Phytoplankton production, factors of see "Diatoms" "Dinoflagellates"
Phytoplankton production, index of direct census 927
Phytoplankton production, index of oxygen production and consumption 933—934
Phytoplankton production, index of plant nutrient consumption 931—933
Phytoplankton production, index of plant pigment units 928
Phytoplankton, collection and analysis 382—383
Phytoplankton, number of important species in 762
Phytoplankton, photosynthesis 774—782
Phytoplankton, relation to zooplankton 898—904
Pigments extracted from mud 969
Plankton see also "Phytoplankton" "Zooplankton" 281
Plankton and filter feeders 886—892
Plankton, adaptations 821—823
Plankton, collecting methods 376—383
Plankton, equivalents 929
Plankton, macro-, micro-, and naimoplankton 819
Plankton, neritic 820
Plankton, oceanic 821
Plant nutrients 235
Plant nutrients and vertical circulation of water 782—790
Plant nutrients and vertical circulation of water, convection 790
Plant nutrients and vertical circulation of water, regions of divergence and convergence 787 788
Plant nutrients and vertical circulation of water, stabilization 789
Plant nutrients and vertical circulation of water, turbulence 787—789
Plant nutrients and vertical circulation of water, upwelling 785—786
Plant nutrients, factors influencing distribution 235 236
Plant nutrients, renewal in surface layers, Antarctic region 620
Plant nutrients, renewal in surface layers, Equatorial Countercurrent, Atlantic 636
Plant nutrients, renewal in surface layers, Equatorial Countercurrent, Pacific 712
Plant nutrients, renewal in surface layers, North Atlantic 682
Plant nutrients, renewal in surface layers, off coast of California 725
Plant nutrients, renewal in surface layers, off coast of Peru 702
Plant nutrients, renewal in surface layers, off west coast of South Africa 628
Plant nutrients, storage in the sea 784—785
Plant nutrients, winter maxima and summer minima 939
Plants see also "Algae" "Eel
Plants, higher plants 302—303
Plants, major producers in the sea 287
Plants, Thallophyta 288—302
Platyhelminthes 307
Pleurobrachia 307 890
Polymerization of water 47
Population 162
Porosity of sediments 993 994
Portuguese man-of-war see "Physalia"
Potassium 179
Potential temperature see "Temperature"
Pressure see also "Isobaric surfaces"
Pressure as an ecological factor 273
Pressure gradient 405
Pressure, field of 405
Pressure, internal field 408
Pressure, total field 413
| Pressure, units 55 170
Preying animals 896—898
Primary food of the sea 882 883
Production see "Organic production" "Phytoplankton 162
Production, importance of, to organic matter in sediments 1011 1015
Projections, map 10
Protozoa, reproduction 319
Protozoa, synopsis 304—305
Pteropod ooze see "Pelagic sediments"
Radiation from sun and sky 101—104
Radiation, absorption in pure water 80 81
Radiation, absorption in pure water, illustrated 105 106
Radiation, absorption in sea water see "Radiation extinction
Radiation, effective back 111—113
Radiation, extinction coefficients 82 84 85
Radiation, extinction coefficients of total energy 106 107
Radiation, extinction coefficients, cause 87 88
Radiation, extinction coefficients, influence of sun’s altitude on 86 87
Radiation, heating due to absorption of 108—110
Radiation, long-wave 98
Radiation, measurements of extinction 82 83
Radiation, nocturnal see "Radiation effective
Radiation, reflection from ice and snow 113
Radiation, reflection from sea surface 104
Radiation, Scattering 87
Radiation, short-wave 98
Radiation, solar constant 102
Radiation, “surface loss” 106
Radioacoustic ranging 341
Radioactive elements 184
Radioactive elements, in sediments 1033—1035
Radiolaria, reproduction 319
Radiolaria, systematic position 305
Radiolarian ooze see "Pelagic sediments"
Radiolarian ooze, areas covered by 977
Radiolarian ooze, color 979
Radiolarian ooze, depth range 978
Radiolarian ooze, distribution 975 976
Radiolarian ooze, inorganic constituents 984 986—988
Radiolarian ooze, organic constituents 983 986
Radiolarian ooze, radium content 1034
Radium 184
Radium in sediments 1033—1035
Red clay see "Pelagic sediments"
Red clay, areas covered by 977
Red clay, chemical composition 991 992
Red clay, color 979
Red clay, content of organic matter 1015
Red clay, depth range 978
Red clay, distribution 975 976
Red clay, inorganic constituents 984 986—988
Red clay, iron content 1030—1032
Red clay, manganese content 1029 1030
Red clay, organic constituents 983 984
Red clay, phosphorus content 1030 1032 1033
Red clay, radium content 1034
Red clay, rate of sedimentation 1039
Red clay, texture 980—982
Red Sea water, spreading of 693 695 745
Red Sea, currents 687—690
Red Sea, oxygen content 688
Red Sea, water masses 687 688
Red water 89
Reducing capacity 212
Reducing capacity, in sediments 996
Refractive index 70 71
Relative relief 19
Reproduction see also "Life cycles"
Reproduction, related to temperature 845—849
Reproduction, types 315
Reproductive distribution 315
Resting spores in diatoms 299
Rip currents 537
Rip currents, importance to beach sediments 1017 1018
River water, composition of 214—216
Rotifera, synopsis of 307
Roughness length 479
Roughness length of sea bottom 480
Roughness length of sea surface 491
Rubidium 182
Sagitta as indicator species 863
Sagitta, reproduction 322
Sagitta, systematic position 308
Salinity 50
Salinity as an ecological factor 770 839—843
Salinity, average surface values 123 124
Salinity, determination 50—54
Salinity, origin 219
Salinity, periodic variations at surface 126
Salinity, range in oceans 55
Salinity, units for expressing 51 54
Salmon, migration 811
Salmon, transplantations 850
Salpa, systematic position of 312
Sardine, feeding mechanism 890
Sardine, quantity fished 896
Sargassum 293 883
Sargassum, reproduction 293
Saturation coefficients for dissolved gases 190 191
Scalar fields 154—156
Sea cucumbers, consumption of detritus by 894
Sea cucumbers, reproduction 325 326
Sea cucumbers, synopsis 311
Sea ice in the Antarctic 623 624
Sea ice in the Arctic 666 667
Sea ice in the Arctic, amount influenced by currents 662
Sea ice, influence of freezing on composition of sea water 216—219
Sea ice, physical properties 72—74
Sea ice, salinity 71 72
Sea ice, transporting sedimentary debris 954 1043
Sea level, ideal 9
Sea level, mean 10 561
Sea level, mean, slope, along North American east coast 677
Sea level, mean, slope, in Caribbean Sea 641 678
Sea level, mean, slope, near the equator, Atlantic 634
Sea level, mean, slope, near the equator, Pacific 709
Sea level, mean, variations 458—460
Sea water, artificial 185 186
Sea water, relation to body fluid 269
Seals, synopsis of 313
Sedimentation 946
Sedimentation, rate of 1036—1041
Sedimentation, rate of, estimated by stratigraphic method 1038—1040
Sedimentation, rate of, estimated by supply method 1040—1041
Seechi disk 82
Seiches 538—542
Seiches, importance to transportation of sediments 965
Seiches, on open coasts 542
Settling velocity of sedimentary debris 956—959
Settling velocity of sedimentary debris, importance to transportation along bottom 962—966
Settling velocity of sedimentary debris, size-grade distribution derived from 970
Sharks see "Elasmobranchs"
Shorelines 42—44
Shorelines, classification 43
Silicate as a limiting factor 769
Silicate, distribution in oceans 244—245
Silicate, factors influencing distribution 246
Silicate, related to deep-water circulation 754
Silicate, seasonal variation 261 262
Silicate, utilization by plants 769
Siliceous material in sediments see "Diatom ooze" "Radiolarian
Siliceous material in sediments, organisms contributing to 950
Siliceous oozes see also "Pelagic sediments" 973
Siliceous oozes, areas covered by 977 978
Siliceous sediments, diatoms in 296
Siliceous sediments, radiolaria in 305
Silicoflagellates 302
Silicon 180
Silicon, cycle in the sea 262 263
Sill depth 25 147
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