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Sverdrup H.U., Johnson M.W., Fleming R.H. — The Oceans: their physics, chemistry, and general biology |
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Frictional forces, in presence of turbulence 474—476
Frictional stresses see also "Wind stress" 68 69
Frictional stresses, due to lateral turbulence 474
Frictional stresses, due to lateral turbulence, Antarctic Circumpolar Current 621
Frictional stresses, due to lateral turbulence, Equatorial Countercurrent 634
Frictional stresses, due to lateral turbulence, importance to dynamics of ocean currents 489
Frictional stresses, due to vertical turbulence 471—474
Fucus 286 291
Fucus, reproduction 293
Fucus, zone 277
Geochemistry of the ocean waters 219—222
Geochemistry, importance of sediments to 947
Geopotential 403
Geopotential anomaly 409
Geopotential topography 404
Geopotential topography of isobaric surfaces 412—413
Geopotential topography, illustrated 454 726
Glacier ice see "Icebergs"
Glauconite 1035 1036
Glauconite, factors important to formation 997
Glauconite, frequency of occurrence 987
Globigerina ooze see "Pelagic sediments" 305
Gradient 156
Grazers of the sea 884—886 901—903
Grazing as a control of diatoms 901—902
Gulf of California 730—732
Gulf of California, lamination in sediments 1040
Gulf of Mexico, bottom topography 35
Gulf of Mexico, currents 642
Gulf of Mexico, oxygen content 641
Gulf of Mexico, water masses 639—642
Gulf Stream 672 675—680
Gulf Stream System 672
Gulfweed see "Sargassum"
Halosphaera 301 302
Heat, conducted through ocean bottom 110
Heat, exchange, ocean-atmosphere 114 115
Heat, exchange, ocean-atmosphere, off Norwegian coast 656
Heat, specific 61 62
Heat, transformed from kinetic energy 110
Heat, transported by ocean currents 99
Helium 189
Herring, numbers correlated with copepods 892 906 907
histogram 970 980
Holoplankton, characteristic types of 816 817
Holoplankton, dispersal of 862—863
Holoplankton, numbers of species of 868
Hydrogen sulphide 187
Hydrogen sulphide at bottom of basins 1028
Hydrogen sulphide in Black Sea 651 917
Hydrogen sulphide in sediments 995
Hydrogen sulphide, amounts in sea water 189
Hydrogen sulphide, exclusion of animals by 871 872
Hydrogen sulphide, importance to precipitation of iron 952 1032
Hydrogen-ion see "pH"
Hydrogen-ion, related to organisms 268 770
Hydrometers 53
Hypoplankton 814
Hypsographic curve 19
ICE see "Sea ice"
Icebergs in the Antarctic 624 625
Icebergs in the Arctic 667 668
Icebergs, prediction of drift 668
Icebergs, transporting sedimentary debris 953 1043
Indian Ocean, boundaries 11
Indian Ocean, currents 695—697
Indian Ocean, oxygen distribution 697 698
Indian Ocean, water masses 690—695
Indicator species 791—792 793 847 849 862—863 865—867
Individual population succession 384
Individual time change 157
Inertia, circle of 437
Inertia, circle of, motion in 438 439
Inorganic precipitates in sediments 951 952
Insects 310
Insular shelf, formation of 24
Internal waves 586
Internal waves, comparison between theory and observations 597—600
Internal waves, currents associated with 588—590 594
Internal waves, effect of Corioli’s force 595 596
Internal waves, effect on results of dynamic computation 601 602
Internal waves, importance to mixing 601
Internal waves, long 587
Internal waves, observations 591—595
Internal waves, short 586
Internal waves, standing 600 601
Internal waves, where density varies continuously 589—591
Interstitial water 995
Intertidal zone 276
Intertidal zone, animals of 276 840 844
Iodine 183
Ionic activity 203—205
Ionic product 205
Ionic product of calcium carbonate 205—207 999
Irminger Current 682
Irminger Sea, water masses of 682 683
Iron 183
Iron as a limiting factor for diatoms 769
Iron in red clay 1031 1032
Iron, precipitation of 952 1031 1032
Isentropic surfaces 415 416
Isobaric surfaces 390 440
Isobaric surfaces, absolute topography 456 457
Isobaric surfaces, inclination 410—412 440
Isobaric surfaces, relative topography 412 413 452—455
Isobaric surfaces, relative topography, illustrated 454 726
Isobaths 16
Isotopes in sea water 47 49
Japan Current see "Kuroshio"
Japan Sea 734 735
Jellyfish see "Medusae"
Kelp 287
Kelp, habitats 287 291 293
Kelp, structure and reproduction 292 293
Knot 363
Kuroshio 719 720 721
Kuroshio Countercurrent 719
Kuroshio Extension 719 721 722
Kuroshio System 719
Kuroshio, annual variation of temperature 131 132
Kuroshio, annual variation of temperature, eddy conductivity derived from 136 137
Laboratories on board ship 339 340
Labrador current 665
Labrador Current meeting Gulf Stream 682
Labrador Sea, currents 665 666
Labrador Sea, water masses 663—665
Laminar boundary layer 479
Laminar flow 89 470
Laminarian zone 277
Laminations in sediments, deep sea 1038 1039
Laminations in sediments, shallow water 1039—1040
Larvae see "Zooplankton temporary"
Lateral mixing see "Eddy viscosity"
Law of parallel solenoids 455
Layer of no motion, determination of 456 457
Level surfaces 390 402
Level, reference, for depths 10
Liebig’s law of the minimum 768 792
Life cycles of animals see also "Reproduction" 283 319—322
Life cycles of animals, field studies of 322—323 845—848 862—865
Life in the sea, development of 281—284
Light, related to animal ecology 824—839 851 899
Light, related to plant production 774—776 781—782
Limacina, biological studies of 384
Limnoria 310
Limnoria, food of 896
Limnoria, reproduction 317
Lithium 182
Littoral system 276—277
Littoral system, animals of 800—805
| Littoral system, animals of, horizontal distribution 803—805
Littoral system, plants of 286—295 302
Littoral system, subdivisions 275 276 286
Local change 157
Local sequence 384
Luminescence see "Bioluminescence"
Lunar hours 548
Magnesium 175
Mammalia, reproduction 326
Mammalia, synopsis 313
Manganese 184
Manganese, in red clay 1029 1030
Manganese, nodules and concretions 952 1028
Mechanical analysis of sediments 958 970
Mediterranean Sea, bottom topography 34
Mediterranean Sea, currents 647 648
Mediterranean Sea, formation of bottom water 645
Mediterranean Sea, oxygen content 648—650
Mediterranean Sea, plant nutrients 245
Mediterranean Sea, water masses 643—646
Mediterranean Water, spreading of 670 685 686 745
Medusae, biological studies on 320 820
Medusae, reproduction 320
Medusae, synopsis 306
Meroplankton see "Zooplankton temporary"
Messengers 354
Meter wheel 338
Micro-plants, significance of 883—884
Migrations from land to sea 283 302
Migrations from sea to land 284
Migrations, eel 811 861—862
Migrations, salmon 811
Migrations, vertical 835—839
Migrations, whales 811 905
Mixing length 472
Mixing length, near a boundary surface 479
Mollusca, reproduction of 324
Mollusca, synopsis of 310—311
Momentum, transport of 472 473
Mucus feeding 889 894
Mud flows 960
Nannoplankton 819
Nansen water bottle 353 354
Nansen water bottle, used for collecting phytoplankton 382
Nathansohn’s theory of plant nutrient distribution 784
Nekton 281 810—812
Nekton, biological factors in movements of 904—907
Nemertinea, synopsis of 307
Neon 189
Nereocystis, reproduction 292
Nereocystis, structure 292
Neritic environmental province 275 279 784
Nets, plankton 376
Nets, plankton, catching power 378—379
Nets, plankton, operation 380
Nets, plankton, types 379
Nitrate, distribution in basins 245
Nitrate, distribution in oceans 241—243
Nitrate, distribution in oceans, related to deep-water circulation 754
Nitrate, factors influencing distribution 246
Nitrate, produced on sea bottom 995
Nitrate, reduction and denitrification 915
Nitrate, regeneration 254—257
Nitrate, seasonal variation 252 253
Nitrate, utilization as a measure of production 932
Nitrate-nitrogen, ratio to phosphate-phosphorus 236 243
Nitrite, distribution in oceans 243
Nitrite, produced on sea bottom 995
Nitrogen 181
Nitrogen cycle 913—916
Nitrogen cycle in the sea 255—257
Nitrogen cycle, ammonification 914
Nitrogen cycle, nitrification 914
Nitrogen cycle, nitrogen assimilation 915
Nitrogen fixation 916
Nitrogen, compounds, utilization of by plants 768
Nitrogen, compounds, utilization of by plants, in sea water 252—255
Nitrogen, compounds, utilization of by plants, in sea water, seasonal variation 252
Nitrogen, compounds, utilization of by plants, in sea water, transformations 253—255
Nitrogen, dissolved, amounts in sea water 188
Nitrogen, dissolved, determination 187
Nitrogen, dissolved, solubility 188—191
Nitrogen, in sediments 1010 1011
Nitrogen-phosphorus ratio in plankton 236 768
Nitzschia closterium 296 769
Nitzschia closterium, photosynthesis 781 933
Noctiluca 304
Noctiluca, reproduction 319
Normal Water 51
North Atlantic current 673 680—683
North Atlantic Ocean, currents 671—686
North Atlantic Ocean, oxygen distribution 686
North Atlantic Ocean, water masses 668—671
North Equatorial Current, Atlantic 671
North Equatorial Current, Indian Ocean 696
North Equatorial Current, Pacific 708 709 718 719
North Pacific current 719 722
North Pacific Ocean, currents 718—728
North Pacific Ocean, eastern gyral 723 724
North Pacific Ocean, oxygen distribution 728—730 753
North Pacific Ocean, water masses 712—718
North Polar Sea, bottom topography 30—32
North Polar Sea, currents 661
North Polar Sea, oxygen content 662 663
North Polar Sea, water masses 658 659
North Sea, currents 660
North Sea, water masses 657
Norwegian current 659 660
Norwegian Current, fluctuations 655 661 662
Norwegian Sea, bottom topography 30—32
Norwegian Sea, currents 659
Norwegian Sea, inflow of water 652—656
Norwegian Sea, outflow of water 652—656
Norwegian Sea, oxygen content 662
Norwegian Sea, water masses 656 657
Nursery areas 315
Nutritional relationships 882—898
Nutritional relationships, micro-animals, significance of 884—886
Nutritional relationships, micro-plants, significance of 883
Obelia 306
Obelia, reproduction 320
Ocean currents, ecological relations of animals 858—869
Ocean currents, ecological relations of plants 782—792
Oceanic environmental province 275 278
Oceanic environmental province, animals 821 827
Oceanic environmental province, plants 763
Oceanographic vessels 331—333
Oceans, areas 13 15
Oceans, boundaries of subdivisions 12
Oceans, mean depths 13 15
Oceans, volumes 13 15
Oikopleura, feeding mechanism 888
Oikopleura, systematic position 312
Okhotsk Sea 733
Oozes, ecological importance of 278
Organic constituents in sediments 949—951 983—986
Organic Environment 879
Organic matter in sediments 951
Organic matter in sediments, chemical composition 1010
Organic matter in sediments, decrease with depth in deposit 1016
Organic matter in sediments, distribution 1013—1017
Organic matter in sediments, factors determining amounts 1012—1013
Organic matter in sediments, quantity 1008—1010
Organic matter in sediments, sources 951 1011
Organic matter, dissolved, utilization of 911—913
Organic production in the sea 925—926
Organic production in the sea in different regions 937—944
Organic production in the sea, commercial 936—937
Organic production in the sea, cycle of organic matter in the sea 926
Organic production in the sea, phytoplankton 927—934
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