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Frenkel D., Smit B. — Understanding Molecular Simulation: from algorithms to applications |
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Swinton, EL. 217
Swope,W.C. 75 144 267
Symplectic, canonical transformation 491
Symplectic, condition 491
Symplectic, equations of motion 490
Symplectic, matrix 491
Szleifer, I. 270 350 374 403
Tail corrections 145
Tail corrections, chemical potential 176
Tail corrections, energy 35 36
Tail corrections, Lennard — Jones 37
Tail corrections, pressure 38
TakadaJ. 167
Tan,Z. 373 374
Tanaka,H. 146
Tassios,D.P. 223
Teja,A.S. 373
Teller, A.N. 4 24 27 32 174
Teller, E. 4 24 27 32 174
Telo da Gama, M.M. 220 223
Temperature, instantaneous 64
Temperature, kinetic energy 84
Temperature, microcanonical ensemble 64
Temperature, scaling 67
Temperature, thermodynamic definition 11
Temperature-accelerated dynamics 464
Teukolsky, S.A. 6 30 310 341 343 577 579 580
Theodorou, D.N. 51 135 281 282 353 358 359 360
thermal conductivity 90
Thermal quantities 169
Thermodynamic integration 168
Thermodynamic integration, adiabatic transformation 172
Thermodynamic integration, chain molecules 269
Thermodynamic integration, coupling parameter 170
Thirumalai, D. 47
Thompson, E.A. 389
Tildesley, D.J. 6 30 39 48 49 52 54 58 63 85 168 203 207 213 216 218 223 233 277 397 421 467 472 474 475 510 529 570 578 584
Tilwani, P 202 241
Tironi, I.G. 315 585
Tlusty,T. 222 223
Tobias, D.J. 106 159 424 427 535 536 537 538 543 544 584 585
Tobochnik, J. 6
Torrie,G.M. 192 222
Tosi, M.P. 292
Toxvaerd, S. 73 81 156 167 372 373
Transition matrix 29
Transition path ensemble 450
Transition path sampling, example 458 460
Transition state ensemble 462
Transition state theory 437
Transposed matrix 491
Tremaine, S. 73 81
Trial moves, linear rigid molecules 48
Trial moves, nonlinear rigid molecules 48
Trial moves, nonrigid molecules 49
Trial moves, orientational moves 48
Trial moves, translations 43
Triska,B. 231
Trizac,E. 256 260 261
Trotter expansion, Nose — Hoover algorithm 536
Trotter identity 79
Tsonopoulos, C. 372 373 374
Tuckerman, M.E. 77 106 156 157 159 160 398 409 424 495 497 503 507 535 536 537 538 543 544 584 585
Uberuaga, B.P. 463
Ueda,A. 167 236 243
Ulam,S.M. 4
Umbrella sampling, chemical potential 192
United-atom model, alcohols 374
United-atom model, alkenes 374
United-atom model, alkylbenzenes 374
United-atom model, branched alkanes 374
United-atom model, linear alkanes 374
Units, reduced 40
Vacancies, concentration 263
Vacancies, free energy 263
Valleau, J.P 6 128 192 194 195 221 222
van de Ven-Lucassen, I.M.J J. 582
van der Zanden, A.J.J. 582
van Gunsteren, W.F. 77 161 162 171 315 585
van Hooff,J.H.C. 370
Van Kampen, N.G. 29 142 467
van Leeuwen, M.E. 222 223 374
van Megen, W. 128
van Os, N.M. 403
van Santen, R.A. 370
van Tassel, PR. 135\
van Well, W.J.M. 370
Vapor-liquid equilibrium, exercise 224
Vecchi, M.P 389
Veerman, J.A.C 171
Vega, L.F. 389
| Velocity autocorrelation function 89
Velocity autocorrelation function, algorithm 91 95
Velocity Verlet 80
Velocity Verlet algorithm 75
Velocity Verlet algorithm in Andersen thermostat 143 144
Velocity Verlet algorithm in Nose — Hoover thermostat 535
Velocity Verlet algorithm, Liouville formulation 425
Velocity Verlet algorithm, multiple time step 426
Velocity-corrected Verlet algorithm 76
Vendruscolo, M. 357
Vergassola, M. 476 477
Verlet algorithm 71 74 82
Verlet algorithm in NVE simulation 70
Verlet algorithm, algorithm 70
Verlet lists 545
Verlet lists, algorithm 547—549
Verlet lists, case study 554
Verlet, L. 4 52 84 98 111 178 213 545
Vesely,F.J. 6 49 73
Vetterling, W.T. 6 30 310 341 343 577 579 580
Vineyard, G.-H. 4 5
Virial equation, pressure 84
viscosity 518
Visser,D.C. 474
Vlugt, T.J.H. 350 351 352 362 370 375 382 383 458 459 460 471 582
Volume change, algorithm 122 210
Volume change, energy difference, cheap way of calculating 120
Volume change, Gibbs ensemble technique 206
Volume change, molecules 121
Vorontsov-Veryaminov, P.N. 4 389
Voter, A.E 463 464
Vrabec, J. 213
Wainwright, T.E. 4 6 167 235 237 257
Wallace, D.C. 126 519 523
Walton, J.P.R.B. 135 472
Wang,J.-S. 399
Warren, PB. 467 469 471
Watanabe, N. 146
Watanabe,K. 135
Watanabe,M. 171 172
Water, example 460
Water, orientational bias 329
Watts, R.O. 4
Webb III, E.B. 374
Weinberg, W.H. 31
Weiner,P.K. 171
Weingarten, D.H. 77
Weis, J.J. 222
Whitlock, P.A. 6 30
Whittington, S.G. 6
Wichers Hoeth, J. 375 382
Wick, CD. 357 374
Widmann,A.H. 316 317
Widom method 173
Widom method, algorithm 175
Widom method, case study 175
Widom method, exercise 224
Widom method, mixtures 226
Widom, B. 173 175 217 472 570
Wigner — Seitz cell 255 263 266
Wigner — Seitz cell, definition 255
Wilding, N.B. 125 217 261 262 263 375 395
Wilkinson, A. J. 171
Willemsen, S.M. 471 474
Williams, C.P. 170 222
Wilson, K.R. 73 75 82 83 144
Wilson, M. 423
Wilson, M.A. 443
Wolthuizen, J.P. 370
Wolynes,PG. 353
Wood, WW. 1 6 27 34 52 53 111 115 235 237
Wood,G.B. 135
Woodcock, L.V. 98 167 236 261
Wu, D. 202 241 403 404
Wu, M.G. 358 359 360
Yamakawa, H. 355
Yan,Q.L. 394 395 397
Yao,J. 128
Yeh,I.C 317 318
Yeomans,J.M. 469 477
Yip,S. 111 125
York,D. 292 311 313
Yoshida,H. 81
Zanetti,G. 476 477
Zeolite, adsorption isotherm 135
Zeolite, example 134 368
Zeolite, structure solution 393
Zeolite, structure, example of a 134
Zervopoulou, E. 353 358 360
Zhou,R. 316
Zollweg, J.A. 52 53 54 55 57 123 133 145 146 213
Zwanzig, R. 527 529
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