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Frenkel D., Smit B. — Understanding Molecular Simulation: from algorithms to applications |
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Detailed balance, super-detailed balance 328 340
DeWitt,H.E. 236
Diaconis, P. 55
dielectric constant 303
Diffusion 87
Diffusion coefficient 88
Diffusion, algorithm 91 95
Diffusion, Andersen thermostat 147
Diffusion, case study 100 101
Diffusion, Lennard — Jones 100—102 147 155
Diffusion, Nose — Hoover thermostat 155
Diffusion, NVE simulations 102
Diffusive barrier crossing 443
Diffusivity 106
Dijkstra, E.J. 546 550
Dijkstra, M. 234 352 354 361 363
Ding,H.Q. 306 315
Dingle, R.B. 564
DiNola,A. 161 162
Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) 465
Dissipative particle dynamics, case study 470
Dissipative particle dynamics, constant energy 473
Dissipative particle dynamics, example 473 474
Dodd,L.R. 51 358 359
DolLJ.D. 389
Doolen,G.D. 476 477
Duane, S. 398
Dunweg, B. 394 397
Dynamic Monte Carlo 31
Early rejection scheme 405
Eastwood, J.W. 6 75 292 310 311 314 550
Einstein crystal, algorithm 252
Einstein crystal, case study 256
Einstein crystal, free energy 244
Einstein crystal, free energy (constrained) 250
Einstein crystal, partition function 244
Einstein relation 88 513
Elastic constants 519
Elber,R. 84
Eldridge, M.D. 171
Electric susceptibility 510
Electrical conductivity 90 516
El’yashevich, A.M. 4
End-bridging Monte Carlo 357 360
Ensemble average 15
Ensemble average, canonical ensemble 23
Ensemble average, constrained dynamics 415
Ensemble average, generalized coordinates 51
Ensemble average, Nose — Hoover 149
Ensemble average, path ensemble 452
Ensemble average, Rosenbluth sampling 274
Ensemble, path ensemble 452
Entropy, definition 11
Eppinga, R. 119
Equation of state, case study 51 122 133 340
Equation of state, Lennard — Jones 51 122 133
Equation of state, Lennard — Jones chains 340
Equations of motion, accuracy 71 72
Equations of motion, algorithm 70 540—542
Equations of motion, Beeman algorithm 76
Equations of motion, energy conservation 72
Equations of motion, Euler algorithm 75
Equations of motion, example 485 487
Equations of motion, Hamiltonian 481 487
Equations of motion, Lagrangian 481 485
Equations of motion, Leap Frog algorithm 75
Equations of motion, Lyapunov instability 81
Equations of motion, memory 72
Equations of motion, multiple time step 424 426
Equations of motion, predictor-corrector algorithm 533
Equations of motion, reversibility 73
Equations of motion, speed 71
Equations of motion, velocity Verlet algorithm 75 426
Equations of motion, velocity-corrected Verlet algorithm 76
Equations of motion, Verlet algorithm 70
Ergodicity 17
Ergodicity, Monte Carlo technique 30
Ergodicity, trial moves 47
Ernst, M.H. 469 473 474
Erpenbeck, J.J. 111
Escobedo, EA. 235 357 374 397
Espanol, P. 467 469 473 474
Esselink, K. 306 307 314 315 361 362 403
Essmann, U. 311 313 314
Euler algorithm 75
Evans, DJ. 6 141
Evans, H. 329
Evans, R. 368
Ewald summation 292
Ewald summation, accuracy 304
Ewald summation, boundary conditions 303
Ewald summation, Coulombic interactions 292
Ewald summation, dielectric constant 301
Ewald summation, dipolar interactions 300
Ewald summation, example 314 318
Ewald summation, slab geometry 318
Ewald summation, two dimensions 316
Ewald,P.P. 292
example xvii
Example, adsorption in zeolites 134
Example, adsorption of alkanes in zeolites 368
Example, alkanes 280
Example, chain molecules 396
Example, chemical potential chain molecules 280
Example, cluster moves 403
Example, colloids and polymers 363
Example, critical properties of alkanes 372
Example, dipolar spheres 330
Example, dissipative particle dynamics 474
Example, Ewald summation 314 318
Example, finite-size effects (Gibbs) 218
Example, Gibbs ensemble (dense liquids) 220
Example, Gibbs ensemble (ionic fluid) 221
Example, Gibbs ensemble (mixtures) 223
Example, Gibbs ensemble (polar fluid) 221
Example, Gibbs — Duhem integration 235 237
Example, grand-canonical ensemble 368
Example, Greengard and Rokhlin 314
Example, Hamiltonian 487
Example, hard spheres 237 261
Example, Henry coefficients in porous media 280
Example, histogram reweighting technique 394
Example, hydrodynamics 474
Example, Lagrangian 485
Example, methane 134
Example, mixture of hard disks 57
Example, orientational bias 330
Example, orientational bias of water 329
Example, parallel tempering 393 394 396 458
Example, phase equilibria 394
Example, polydispersity 237
Example, polymers 396
Example, Rosenbluth sampling 281
Example, self-consistent histogram method 394
Example, semigrand ensemble 231 237
Example, transition path sampling 458 460
Example, vapor-liquid equilibria 231
Example, zeolite 134 280
Exchange of particle, algorithm 132
Excluded volume map sampling 221
Exercise, Andersen thermostat 161
Exercise, configurational-bias Monte Carlo 384 386
Exercise, free energy 224
Exercise, Gibbs ensemble technique 224
Exercise, hard spheres 136
Exercise, Ising model 137
Exercise, Lennard — Jones 60 105
Exercise, molecular dynamics 105 161
Exercise, Monte Carlo 59—61 136 137
Exercise, Monte Carlo integration 59
| Exercise, NPT ensemble 136
Exercise, NVT ensemble 161
Exercise, phase equilibrium 224
Exercise, photon gas 59
Exercise, statistical mechanics 20—22
Exercise, vapor-liquid equilibrium 224
Exercise, Widom method 224
Extended ensemble 390
External potential energy 276 337
FalcionLM. 386 393
Farago,O. 523
Fcc, free energy 261
Feller, W. 142
Fermi, E. 4
Ferrenberg, A.M. 181 183 395
Feynman,R.P 481
Fichthorn, K.A. 31
Fick’s law 87
Figueirido, F. 316
Filinov, V.S 111 128
Finite-size corrections, chemical potential 178
Finite-size effects, free energy 261
Finite-size effects, Ising model 219
Finite-size effects, Lennard — Jones (2d) 220
Fischer, J. 178 213
Fixman, M. 50 51
Flannery, B.P. 6 30 310 341 343 577 579 580
Flyvbjerg, H. 98 103 530
Force calculation, algorithm 68
Forrest, B.M. 398
Frantz,D.D. 389
Frauenkron, H. 286
Free energy, constrained Einstein crystal 250
Free energy, Einstein crystal 244
Free energy, exercise 224
Free energy, finite-size effects 261
Free energy, fixed center of mass 250
Free energy, lattice-coupling-expansion method 246
Free energy, lattice-switch Monte Carlo 262
Free energy, nonequilibrium work 196
Free energy, self-consistent histogram method 187
Free energy, solid 261
Freeman, D.L. 389
Frenkel, D. 3 37 43 119 168 171 176 178 202 204 216 218 224 226 227 234 236 243 244 245 246 256 257 258 260 261 262 267 270 271 282 285 331 341 354 361 363 364 365 372 374 375 382 394 396 405 439 447 450 462 466 469 477 522 523 529 567 570 571 573
Frisch,U. 476
Fugacity 229 364
Fugacity coefficient 562
Fugacity, fugacity fraction 229
Galli,G. 422
Garcia, A.L. 478
Garel,T. 283
Gauss — Legendre quadrature 260
Geissler, P.L. 462
GelattJr.,C.D. 389
Gelb,L.D. 134
Generalized coordinates 50
Generalized coordinates, ensemble average 51
Gerstner, E. 286
Geyer,C.J. 389
Gibbs ensemble technique, acceptance rule 372
Gibbs ensemble technique, algorithm 209
Gibbs ensemble technique, analyzing the results 214
Gibbs ensemble technique, case study 211
Gibbs ensemble technique, chain molecules 370
Gibbs ensemble technique, chemical potential 211
Gibbs ensemble technique, configurational-bias Monte Carlo 370
Gibbs ensemble technique, critical exponents 217
Gibbs ensemble technique, critical point 216
Gibbs ensemble technique, dense liquids 220
Gibbs ensemble technique, density evolution 213
Gibbs ensemble technique, dipolar hard-sphere fluid 222
Gibbs ensemble technique, example 218 220 221 223
Gibbs ensemble technique, excluded volume map sampling 221
Gibbs ensemble technique, exercise 224
Gibbs ensemble technique, finite-size effects 217 218
Gibbs ensemble technique, free energy 565
Gibbs ensemble technique, free energy density 563
Gibbs ensemble technique, ionic fluid 221
Gibbs ensemble technique, law of rectilinear diameters 217
Gibbs ensemble technique, Lennard — Jones fluid 214
Gibbs ensemble technique, mixtures 223
Gibbs ensemble technique, partition function 204
Gibbs ensemble technique, polar fluid 221
Gibbs ensemble technique, probability density 204
Gibbs ensemble technique, restricted primitive model 221
Gibbs ensemble technique, saddle point theorem 564
Gibbs ensemble technique, scaling law 217
Gibbs ensemble technique, schematic sketch 205
Gibbs ensemble technique, Stockmayer fluid 222
Gibbs ensemble technique, thermodynamic limit 564
Gibbs ensemble, acceptance rule 205
Gibbs free energy 118
Gibbs — Duhem integration, example 235 237
Gibson, J.B. 4
Gillilan,R.E. 73 82 83
Gilmer, G.H. 244
Glandt, E.D. 202 225 229 231 233 238
Glosiy. 311 315
Goddard III, W.A. 306 315
Goland,A.N. 4
Goldstein, H. 17 481 484
Goodbody, S.J. 135
Gordon, P.A. 374
Gould, H. 6
Grand-canonical ensemble, case study 133
Grand-canonical ensemble, chain molecules 366
Grand-canonical ensemble, justification of the algorithm 130
Grand-canonical ensemble, Monte Carlo technique 126
Grand-canonical ensemble, schematic sketch 128
Grassberger, P. 283 285 286
Gray,C.G. 422
Gray,S.G. 236 243
Gray,S.K. 494
Green — Kubo relation 90 513
Greengard and Rokhlin, example 314
Greengard,L. 292 306
Greenkorn, R.A. 128
Gregg, S.J. 368
Grest,G.S. 374
Griffiths, R.B. 270
Groot, R.D. 467 469 471 474 475
Grzybowski, A. 316 317
Gubbins, K.E. 52 53 54 55 57 123 133 134 145 146 179 213 231 422 575
Gude,M. 373
Gwozdz, E. 316 317
Haag,W.O. 234
HaakJ.R. 161 162
Hagen, M.H.J. 234 469 477
Haile,J.M. 6
Halley,J.W. 423
Hamersma, P.J. 474
Hamilton formalism, statistical mechanics 488
Hamiltonian 23 481
Hamiltonian (non-) system, Liouville theorem 496
Hamiltonian, example 487
Hansen, J.-P 84 90 98 236 292 354 361 363 422 509 582
Hard spheres, case study 256
Hard spheres, chemical potential 257
Hard spheres, equation of state 257
Hard spheres, example 237 261
Hard spheres, exercise 136
Hard spheres, free energy (finite-size effects) 261
Hard spheres, free energy solid 261
Hard spheres, freezing 237
Hard spheres, solid-liquid phase equilibrium 256
Harismiadis, V.I. 223
Harmonic oscillator, Andersen thermostat 155
Harmonic oscillator, case study 155 157
Harmonic oscillator, Nose — Hoover chains 157
Harmonic oscillator, Nose — Hoover thermostat 155
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