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Frenkel D., Smit B. — Understanding Molecular Simulation: from algorithms to applications |
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Nadler,W. 286
Naghizadeh, J. 107
Najafabadi, R. 111 125
Nakanishi, K. 146
Nath,S.K. 374
Navas, V. 474
Neal,R.M. 55
Neighbor list 545
Neuhaus, T. 262
Neumann, M. 304
Newman, M.E.J. 6
Nezbeda, I. 389
Ng,K.-C. 222
Nicholson, D. 128 329
Nicolas, J.J. 52 54 213
Nielaba,P. 125 217 523
Nijmeijer, M.J.P. 472
Noid,D.W. 494
Norman, G.E. 111 128
Nose — Hoover chains, equations of motion 536
Nose — Hoover chains, harmonic oscillator 157
Nose — Hoover chains, Liouville formulation 536
Nose — Hoover chains, Trotter expansion 536
Nose — Hoover thermostat, algorithm 540—542
Nose — Hoover thermostat, case study 153
Nose — Hoover thermostat, diffusion 155
Nose — Hoover thermostat, harmonic oscillator 155
Nose — Hoover thermostat, Lennard — Jones 153
Nose,S. 141 147 152
NPT ensemble, exercise 136
Nudged elastic band 462
NVE simulations, diffusion 102
NVT ensemble, exercise 161
O1sen, O.H. 156
Ogawa, T. 236 243
Ogita, N. 236 243
Ogura, H. 236 243
Olender, R. 84
Onsager, L. 84
Orkoulas,G. 405
Orland,H. 283
Osborn,W.M. 477
Overlapping distribution, case study 181
Overlapping distribution, chain molecules 282
Overlapping distribution, chemical potential 179
Overlapping distribution, polymers 573
Overlapping distribution, Rosenbluth sampling 282
Pagonabarraga, I. 466 469
Panagiotopoulos, A.Z. 111 168 202 203 204 207 208 217 218 219 220 221 223 231 270 350 374 405 570
Pant, PV.K. 358 359 360
Parallel Monte Carlo 361
Parallel tempering, acceptance rule 390
Parallel tempering, case study 391
Parallel tempering, example 393 394 396 458
Parisi,G. 389
Parker, F.R. 34 52
Parrinello, M. 125 139 159 168 410 421
Parsonage, N.G. 128 134 329
Particle displacement, algorithm 33 251
Particle displacement, fixed center of mass 249
Particle exchange, algorithm 212
Particle insertion method 173
Particle insertion method, algorithm 175
Particle insertion method, case study 175
Partition function 12
Partition function, canonical ensemble 23 112
Partition function, configurational part 27
Partition function, Einstein crystal 244
Partition function, elastic constant 520
Partition function, Gibbs ensemble 204
Partition function, grand-canonical ensemble 129
Partition function, grand-canonical ensemble (mixture) 227
Partition function, isobaric-isothermal ensemble 118
Partition function, microcanonical ensemble 492
Partition function, Nose — Hoover 148
Partition function, NPT ensemble 118
Partition function, semigrand ensemble 229
Pasquarello, A. 422
Pasta, J.G. 4
PateyG.N 222 361
Path ensemble 452
Path ensemble, acceptance rule 455
Path ensemble, case study 456
Path ensemble, Monte Carlo technique 454
Path ensemble, shifting moves 456
Path ensemble, shooting moves 455
Paul,W. 270 551
Peczak, P. 374
Pedersen, L. 292 311 313 314
Pendleton, B.J. 398
Percus,J.K. 84 111 178
Perera,L. 311 313 314
Periodic boundary conditions 34
Periodic boundary conditions, schematic representation 34
Perram, J.W. 292 304 317 415
Peter, C.J. 223
Petersen, H.G. 98 103 304 313 314 315 415 530
Phase equilibria, 231
Phase equilibria, alkanes 372
Phase equilibria, case study 123 211 256
Phase equilibria, example 394
Phase equilibria, exercise 224
Phase equilibria, freezing soft spheres 235
Phase equilibria, Gibbs ensemble technique 203
Phase equilibria, Gibbs — Duhem integration 233
Phase equilibria, hard spheres 256
Phase equilibria, Lennard — Jones 123 211
Phase equilibria, semigrand ensemble 231
Phase equilibria, zero pressure 124
Phase space compressibility, dynamical system 496
Phenomenological rate equations 432
Photon gas, exercise 59
Pincus,P.G. 222
Poison, J.M. 256 260 261
Poisson’s equation 297
Polarization 422
Pollock, E.L. 311 315
Polydispersity, example 237
Polymers, block copolymers 474
Polymers, example 363 396
Pomeau, Y. 476
Pontikis,V. 6 63 421
Postma, J.P.M. 161 162 172
Potential energy, bonded 337
Potential energy, external 276
Potential energy, from radial distribution function 99
Potential energy, internal 276
Potential energy, nonbonded 337
Potential, truncation of 35
Potential, truncation of, minimum image convention 39
Potential, truncation of, simple truncation 37
Potential, truncation of, truncate and shift 39
Potoff,J.J. 374
Powles,J.G. 37
Praestgaard, E. 167
Pratt, L.R 450
Predictor corrector algorithm 73
Predictor-corrector algorithm 533
Press, W.H. 6 30 310 341 343 577 579 580
Pressure from radial distribution function 100
Pressure, trail volume method 200
Pressure, virial equation 84
Prins,J.A. 3
Probability density, canonical ensemble 113
Probability density, Gibbs ensemble 204
Probability density, grand-canonical ensemble 129
Probability density, isobaric-isothermal ensemble 118
Probability density, NPT ensemble 118
Procacci,P. 427 428
Pronk, S. 256 260 261 267
| Pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method 285
Quinlan,G.D. 73
Quirke, N. 135 168 203 207 218 223 233 570
Radhkrishnan, R. 134
Radial distribution function, algorithm 86
Radial distribution function, potential energy 99
Radial distribution function, pressure 100
Rahman, A. 4 125 139 159 168 423 529
Random-number generators 30
Rapaport, D.C. 6
Rare events 431
Rare events, Bennet — Chandler approach 436
Rare events, case study 440 456
Rare events, diffusive barrier crossing 443
Rare events, transition path ensemble 450
Rare events, transition state theory 437
Rebridging Monte Carlo 357
RechtJ.R. 220
Recoil growth, acceptance rule 379
Recoil growth, algorithm 376
Recoil growth, case study 382
Recoil growth, Conformational-bias Monte Carlo, versus 374
Recoil growth, justification of the method 379
Recoil growth, Lennard — Jones chains 382
Recoil growth, super-detailed balance 380
Recursive sampling, chemical potential 283
Reduced units 40 58
Ree, F.H. 235 236 242 261
Reichl, L.E. 16 17 509 516
Reinhardt, W.P 55 171 172
Reiss,H. 117 267
Remle, D.K. 422
Renardus, M.K.R. 546 550
Restricted primitive model 221
Rice, O.K. 3
Rice, S.A. 107 271 272 331
Richards, E. 134
Ripoll,M. 474
Rokhlin,V. 292 306
Rosenbluth factor 324 332
Rosenbluth sampling 271
Rosenbluth sampling, chemical potential 275
Rosenbluth sampling, continuum model 276
Rosenbluth sampling, ensemble average 274
Rosenbluth sampling, lattice model 271
Rosenbluth sampling, overlapping distribution 282
Rosenbluth sampling, pruned-enriched 285
Rosenbluth, A.W. 4 24 27 32 174 271 272 324 331
Rosenbluth, M.N. 4 24 27 32 174 271 272 324 331
Ross,M. 236 243
Rovere,M. 125 217
Roweth,D. 398
Rowley, L.A. 128
Rowley, R.L. 318
Rowlinson, J.S. 135 217 472
Rudge,W.E. 551
Ruelle,D. 563 564
Ruiz-Montero, M.J. 439 447 450
Rull, L.F. 6 136 209 389
Rushbrooke, G.S. 222
Ryckaert, J.P. 6 50 51 253 414 427
Saboungi, M-L. 423
Saddle point 462
Saddle point, activation-relaxation technique 463
Saddle point, hyperdynamics 464
Saddle point, nudged elastic band 462
Saddle point, temperature-accelerated dynamics 464
Saeger,RB. 374
Safran,S.A. 222 223
Sagui,C. 312 316
Saha,P 81
Salsburg, Z.W. 53
Sands, M. 481
Scaling law 217
Scanning method 287
Schenter, G.K. 462
Schmidt, K.E. 306 310 315
Schneider, T. 167
Schouten, J.A. 245
Scriven,L.E. 221
Self-consistent histogram method, example 187 394
Self-diffusion coefficient 513
Self-diffusivity 106
Self-interaction 294
Semigrand ensemble 225 360
Semigrand ensemble, acceptance rule 230
Semigrand ensemble, example 231 237
Semigrand ensemble, partition function 229
Sengupta, S. 523
Sexton, J.C 77
Shadow orbit 73 83
SHAKE, constrained dynamics 427
Shear stress 519
Shear viscosity 90 519
Shelley, J.C. 222 361
Sheng,Y.-J. 374
Shevkunov, S.V. 389
Shifting moves, path ensemble 456
Shing, K.S. 176 179 226 389 575
Shing,K. 178 389
Shooting moves, path ensemble 455
Siepmann, J.I. 178 271 272 281 282 331 345 352 353 357 362 368 372 373 374 383
Sikkenk,J.H. 472
Sindzingre, P. 176 178 226
Sing,K.S.W. 368
Singer, K. 4 195
Single-occupancy cell method 242
Slattery, W.L. 236
Sliwinska-Bartkowiak, M. 134
Smit, B. 37 38 135 136 168 170 204 209 213 215 216 218 222 224 257 258 270 271 281 282 331 341 351 352 361 362 368 370 372 373 374 375 382 383 403 404 458 459 460 471 567 570 571
Smith, E.R 292 317 318
Smith, W.R. 231
Snook, I.K. 128
Snurr,R.Q. 135
Sorensen, M.R. 463 464
Soto,J.L. 135
Speedy, R.J. 256 257 266 267
Spohr,E. 317 318
Sprik,M. 423 424 523
Squire, D.R. 522 523
Stapleton, M.R. 168 203 207 218 221 223 233 570
Statistical error, block averages 529
Statistical error, calculation of 98
Statistical error, correlation functions 527
Statistical error, static properties 525
Statistical mechanics 9
Statistical mechanics, exercise 20—22
Statistical mechanics, Hamilton formalism 488
Steady-state velocity 513
Stegun, I. 260
Steinbach, PJ. 291
Stell,G. 222
Stillinger, F.H. 403
Stirling approximation 256
Stockmayer fluid 170
Stockmayer fluid, Gibbs ensemble 222
Stoll,E. 167
Straatsma, T.P 172
Streett,W.B. 52 54 213
Stringfellow, G.S. 236
Stroobants, A. 171
Stroud, H.J.F. 134
Succi,S. 476 477
Sumpter, B.Q. 494
Super-detailed balance 328 340 380
Surface tension 472
Suter, U.W. 271 331 372 398
Swendsen, R.H. 181 183 395 399
Swenson,C.J. 372 373
Swift, M.R. 477
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