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Forsythe W.E. — Smithsonian Physical Tables
Forsythe W.E. — Smithsonian Physical Tables

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Название: Smithsonian Physical Tables

Автор: Forsythe W.E.


This edition of the Smithsonian Physical Tables consists of 901 tables giving data of general interest to scientists and engineers, and of particular interest to those concerned with physics in its broader sense. The increase in size over the Eighth Edition is due largely to new data on the subject of atomicphysics. The tables have been prepared and arranged so as to be convenient and easy to use. The index has been extended. Each set of data given herein has been selected from the best sources available. Whenever possible an expert in each field has been consulted. This has entailed a great deal of correspondence with many scientists, and it is a pleasure to add that, almost without exception, all cooperated generously. When work first started on this edition, Dr. E. U. Condon, then director of the National Bureau of Standards, kindly consented to furnish any assistance that the scientists of that institution were able to give. The extent of this help can be noted from an inspection of the book. Dr. Wallace R. Brode, associate director, National Bureau of Standards, gave valuable advice and constructive criticism as to the arrangement of the tables. D. H. Menzel and Edith Jenssen Tebo, Harvard University, Department of Astronomy, collected and arranged practically all the tables on astronomy.
A number of experts prepared and arranged groups of related data, and others either prepared one or two tables or furnished all or part of the data for certain tables. Care has been taken in each case to give the names of those responsible for both the data and the selection of it. A portion of the data was taken from other published sources, always with the-consent and approval of the author and publisher of the tables consulted. Due credit has been given in all instances. Very old references have been omitted. Anyone in need of these should refer to the Eighth Edition.
It was our intention to mention in this preface the names of all who took part in the work, but the list proved too long for the space available. We wish, however, to express our appreciation and thanks to all the men and women from various laboratories and institutions who have been so helpful in con-contributing to this Ninth Edition. Finally, we shall be grateful for criticism, the notification of errors, and new data for use in reprints or a new edition.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Справочники/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Ninth Revised Edition

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 898

Добавлена в каталог: 02.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Hydrogen, abundance, sun      626 627
Hydrogen, abundance, universe      625
Hydrogen, atomic number      620
Hydrogen, atomic weight      619
Hydrogen, Bohr atom      579 622
Hydrogen, boiling point      117
Hydrogen, charge on one gram      49
Hydrogen, combustion constant      179
Hydrogen, compressibility      264
Hydrogen, compressibility, factor      264
Hydrogen, compressibility, high pressure      267
Hydrogen, compressibility, low temperature      264
Hydrogen, cycle      666
Hydrogen, De Broglie wavelength      665
Hydrogen, density      276 291
Hydrogen, density, critical      276
Hydrogen, dielectric constant      423
Hydrogen, doublet separation      55
Hydrogen, electric dipole moment      441
Hydrogen, electron configuration      582 584
Hydrogen, heat capacity      163
Hydrogen, heat, latent      166
Hydrogen, heavy      54 653 655
Hydrogen, index of refraction      533
Hydrogen, ions, diffusion coefficient      644
Hydrogen, ions, ionization energy necessary for production of ion pair      711
Hydrogen, ions, ionizing potential      53
Hydrogen, ions, mobility      644
Hydrogen, isotopes      655
Hydrogen, isotopes, deuteron      653
Hydrogen, isotopes, triton      654
Hydrogen, long-wave absorption      552
Hydrogen, magnetic susceptibility      462
Hydrogen, mass      50
Hydrogen, mass absorption coefficient      704
Hydrogen, mass, relative to mass of proton      50
Hydrogen, melting point      117
Hydrogen, molecular, properties of      268
Hydrogen, molecules, diameter      642 643
Hydrogen, molecules, mass      640
Hydrogen, molecules, mean free path      642
Hydrogen, molecules, number of      645
Hydrogen, molecules, rate of incidence      640
Hydrogen, molecules, velocity      640
Hydrogen, percent in air      592
Hydrogen, physical properties      189
Hydrogen, pressure, critical      276
Hydrogen, radii of electronic orbit      624
Hydrogen, Rydberg constant      48 54
Hydrogen, Schrodinger constant      51 54
Hydrogen, temperature, critical      276
Hydrogen, temperature, thermal conductivity      142
Hydrogen, temperature, thermal properties      268
Hydrogen, temperature, thermal resistivity      144
Hydrogen, temperature, Van der Waal’s constant      261 262
Hydrogen, temperature, velocity of sound in      306
Hydrogen, temperature, viscosity      642
Hydrogen, temperature, volume, relative      261 264
Hydrogen, temperature, volume, with pressure      267
Hydrolysis, ammonium acetate      399
Hysteresis      451
Hysteresis, losses, Steinmetz constant      460
I.C.I. standard observer      90
I.C.I. standard observer, distribution coefficients      91
Ice crystals, modifications of      119
Ice point      47 71
Ice point, effect of pressure      119
Iceland spar      521 545
Iceland spar, isotropic materials      522
Iceland spar, isotropic materials, monorefringent      522
Iceland spar, liquefied gases      525
Iceland spar, liquids      530
Iceland spar, liquids, relative to air      530
Iceland spar, lithium fluoride      521
Iceland spar, media for determination with microscope      561
Iceland spar, minerals, biaxial      526
Iceland spar, minerals, monorefringent      522
Iceland spar, minerals, uniaxial      524
Iceland spar, nitroso-dimethyl-aniline      519
Iceland spar, oils      525
Iceland spar, plastics      240
Iceland spar, potassium bromide      519
Iceland spar, potassium chloride      519
Iceland spar, potassium chloride, formula      519
Iceland spar, potassium iodide      516
Iceland spar, quartz      518
Iceland spar, reflection vs.      549
Iceland spar, rock salt      518
Iceland spar, rock salt, formulas      518
Iceland spar, silver chloride      520
Iceland spar, silvite      519
Iceland spar, solutions, acids, relative to air      531
Iceland spar, solutions, salts, relative to air      531
Iceland spar, thallium bromide-iodide      516
Iceland spar, vapors      533
Iceland spar, waxes      525
Ignition temperature, dusts in air      634
Ignition temperature, gas mixtures      186
Illuminants      see “Lamps”
Illuminants, brightness      104
Illuminants, brightness temperature      104
Illuminants, color temperature      104
Illuminants, photographic efficiency      565
Illumination      93
Illumination on surface      93
Illumination, expressions      93
Illumination, symbols      94
Illumination, units, relative magnitudes      91
Illumination, units, relative magnitudes, conversion factors      91 94
Impulse generator      657
Incandescent filaments, heat losses      116
Incandescent lamps      see “Lamps”
Incandescent lamps, efficiency of tungsten      106
Incandescent lamps, efficiency of, 1878 to date      105
Incandescent lamps, miniature      107
Incandescent lamps, photo flash      110
Incandescent lamps, sealed-beam      108
Incandescent lamps, temperature of tungsten      106
Inclination, magnetic      471 (see also under “Geomagnetism”)
Inclination, moon’s orbit      735
Index of refraction, air      532
Index of refraction, alums      521
Index of refraction, crystals      515 529
Index of refraction, crystals, artificial      515
Index of refraction, fats      525 530
Index of refraction, fluorite      520
Index of refraction, fluorite, calcium      520
Index of refraction, fluorite, lithium      521
Index of refraction, gases      533
Index of refraction, gases, liquefied      525
Index of refraction, glasses, change with temperature      513 520
Index of refraction, glasses, foreign-made      513
Index of refraction, glasses, nonsilica      512
Inductance (electrical)      17
Inductance (electrical), mutual      13
Inductance (electrical), self-      13
Inductance (electrical), standards      17
Inertia, moment of      27
Inertia, photography      562
Infrared reflectivity, solids      548
Infrared reflectivity, tungsten      555
Infrared transmission      545
Infrared transmission, air, moist      546
Infrared transmission, crystals      545
Infrared transmission, gases      547
Infrared transmission, solids      547
Infrared transmission, various substances      546 547
Inorganic compounds, boiling point      120
Inorganic compounds, density      120
Inorganic compounds, melting point      120
Inorganic compounds, solubility      357
Inorganic compounds, solubility, and temperature      357
Insulating materials, electrical properties      429
Insulating materials, values, of dielectric constant      429
Insulating materials, values, of power factor      433
Integrals      23
Intensity of magnetization      12
Intensity, magnetic      478 (see also under “Geomagnetism”)
Interior friction at low temperatures      227
International Date Line      729
International Electrical Units      16
Interstellar gases      629
Interstellar matter      629
Interstellar temperature      763
Inverse square law (photometric), disk or source      95
Ionic crystals, lattice spacings      647
Ionic equilibrium, atmospheric      615
Ionic radii      648
Ionization, energy, production of ion pair      711
Ionization, gamma rays      711
Ionization, potentials, elements      582
Ionization, potentials, neutral      582
Ionization, potentials, singly ionized      584
Ionization, potentials, water      399
Ions, equilibrium in atmosphere      615
Ions, equivalent conductivity      399
Ions, gaseous, diffusion coefficient      644
Ions, gaseous, mobility, positive      644
Ions, gaseous, singly charged      645
Ions, heat of formation      186
Ions, mobility, in noble gases      644
Ions, mobility, of singly charged      645
Ions, positive, mobilities      644
Iron, arc lines      571
Iron, magnetic properties      452 453 454 455 456
Iron, magnetic properties, cast, in intense fields      464
Iron, magnetic properties, in very weak fields      452
Iron, magnetic properties, soft      458
Iron, mechanical properties      209
Iron, permeability      458
Iron, resistivity      384
Iron, spectral lines      571
Irradiancy      79
Isobar      653
Isomer      654
Isotope      654 655
Isotope, abundance, relative      655
Isotope, atomic weight      658
Isotope, characteristics      655 658
Isotope, gamma-ray energy      686 687
Isotope, lead      679
Isotope, life      667
Isotope, magnetic moment      658
Isotope, masses      658
Isotope, nuclear magnetron      662
Isotope, number      655
Isotope, pile yields of      670
Isotope, quadrupole moment      658
Isotope, radioactivity, artificial      655
Isotope, radioactivity, natural      655
Isotope, radioactivity, number      655 658
Isotope, spin      658
Isotope, table of      655 658
Jena glasses      513
Joule      5 20
Joule — Thomson effect      278
Joule — Thomson effect, air      278
Joule — Thomson effect, argon      279
Joule — Thomson effect, carbon dioxide      280
Joule — Thomson effect, helium      278
Joule — Thomson effect, mixtures, of helium and nitrogen      281
Joule — Thomson effect, mixtures, of helium arid argon      280
Joule — Thomson effect, nitrogen      279
Joule’s equivalent      8 47
Julian day, calendar      733
Julian day, number (days)      733
Julian day, period      730
Jupiter      734
K-wavelength series      697 (see also under “X-rays”)
K. Boltzmann constant      49 52 54
Kelvin temperature scale      9 14
Kerosene, density      295
Kerosene, dielectric constant      425
Kerosene, dielectric strength      422
Kerosene, discharge in      422
Kerosene, viscosity      322
Kerr constant      507
Kerr effect, dispersion      504 508
Kilodyne      5
Kilowatt-hour      21
Kinematic viscosity      318
kinetic energy      6
Kinetic theory      638
Kinetic theory, mercury vapor, mean free paths      638
Kinetic theory, mercury vapor, molecular diameters      638
Kinetic theory, molecular constants      640
Kinetic theory, molecular diameters      638 642
Kinetic theory, molecular distribution laws      639
Kinetic theory, molecular energies      639
Kinetic theory, molecular velocities      639 640
Kinetic theory, molecules, gases, mean free path      638
Kinetic theory, molecules, gases, molecular diameters      638
Kinetic theory, molecules, gases, viscosity      642
Kinetic theory, molecules, masses      640
Kinetic theory, molecules, mean free path      641
Kinetic theory, molecules, number of      638
Kinetic theory, molecules, pressure      638
Kinetic theory, molecules, rate of evaporation      639
Kinetic theory, molecules, rate of incidence      639 640
Kinetic theory, molecules, velocities      640
Kundt’s constant      506
L series      696 (see also under “X-rays”)
Lambert      93
Lamps      see “Illuminants”
Lamps, arcs, carbon      105
Lamps, arcs, mercury      109
Lamps, automobile      107
Lamps, carbon      105
Lamps, carbon arcs      105
Lamps, coiled-coil      106
Lamps, color of light      111
Lamps, CX      106
Lamps, early (incandescent)      105
Lamps, early (incandescent), efficiencies      105
Lamps, filaments, coiled-coil      106
Lamps, filaments, temperature      106
Lamps, flash tube      111
Lamps, fluorescent      110
Lamps, gem      105
Lamps, incandescent      see “Incandescent lamps”
Lamps, large      106
Lamps, mercury arcs      109
Lamps, miniature      107
Lamps, photo flash      110
Lamps, photo flood      106
Lamps, photographic      106
Lamps, projection      106
Lamps, sealed-beam (all glass)      108
Lamps, small      107
Lamps, street series      106
Lamps, tungsten      106
Lamps, tungsten, characteristics      106
Lamps, tungsten, efficiency, 1968—1948      106
Lamps, tungsten, temperature      106
Lamps, tungsten, temperature, different types      106
Lamps, tungsten, temperature, efficiency      106
Lamps, tungsten, various      106
Langley      9
Latent heat      9 165
Latent heat, fusion      615
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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