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Forsythe W.E. — Smithsonian Physical Tables
Forsythe W.E. — Smithsonian Physical Tables

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Название: Smithsonian Physical Tables

Автор: Forsythe W.E.


This edition of the Smithsonian Physical Tables consists of 901 tables giving data of general interest to scientists and engineers, and of particular interest to those concerned with physics in its broader sense. The increase in size over the Eighth Edition is due largely to new data on the subject of atomicphysics. The tables have been prepared and arranged so as to be convenient and easy to use. The index has been extended. Each set of data given herein has been selected from the best sources available. Whenever possible an expert in each field has been consulted. This has entailed a great deal of correspondence with many scientists, and it is a pleasure to add that, almost without exception, all cooperated generously. When work first started on this edition, Dr. E. U. Condon, then director of the National Bureau of Standards, kindly consented to furnish any assistance that the scientists of that institution were able to give. The extent of this help can be noted from an inspection of the book. Dr. Wallace R. Brode, associate director, National Bureau of Standards, gave valuable advice and constructive criticism as to the arrangement of the tables. D. H. Menzel and Edith Jenssen Tebo, Harvard University, Department of Astronomy, collected and arranged practically all the tables on astronomy.
A number of experts prepared and arranged groups of related data, and others either prepared one or two tables or furnished all or part of the data for certain tables. Care has been taken in each case to give the names of those responsible for both the data and the selection of it. A portion of the data was taken from other published sources, always with the-consent and approval of the author and publisher of the tables consulted. Due credit has been given in all instances. Very old references have been omitted. Anyone in need of these should refer to the Eighth Edition.
It was our intention to mention in this preface the names of all who took part in the work, but the list proved too long for the space available. We wish, however, to express our appreciation and thanks to all the men and women from various laboratories and institutions who have been so helpful in con-contributing to this Ninth Edition. Finally, we shall be grateful for criticism, the notification of errors, and new data for use in reprints or a new edition.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Справочники/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Ninth Revised Edition

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 898

Добавлена в каталог: 02.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Physical properties of materials, alloys, aluminum      192
Physical properties of materials, alloys, Babbitt metal      226
Physical properties of materials, alloys, bearing metal      226
Physical properties of materials, alloys, beryllium      220
Physical properties of materials, alloys, brass      195
Physical properties of materials, alloys, brazing      223
Physical properties of materials, alloys, bronze      195
Physical properties of materials, alloys, carboloy      224
Physical properties of materials, alloys, copper      198
Physical properties of materials, alloys, Dow metal      220
Physical properties of materials, alloys, hardness      187 224
Physical properties of materials, alloys, iron      209
Physical properties of materials, alloys, low expansion      221
Physical properties of materials, alloys, low melting      225
Physical properties of materials, alloys, magnetic      455
Physical properties of materials, alloys, magnetic, alnico      454 455
Physical properties of materials, alloys, magnetic, Heusler      458
Physical properties of materials, alloys, magnetic, permalloy      453
Physical properties of materials, alloys, magnetic, superpermalloy      453
Physical properties of materials, alloys, mirror      222
Physical properties of materials, alloys, miscellaneous      217
Physical properties of materials, alloys, resistance      221
Physical properties of materials, alloys, sealing to glass      220 221
Physical properties of materials, alloys, soldering      223
Physical properties of materials, alloys, special purpose      220
Physical properties of materials, alloys, steel      209
Physical properties of materials, alloys, steel, stainless      213
Physical properties of materials, alloys, steel, tungsten      214 224
Physical properties of materials, alloys, steel, wire      215
Physical properties of materials, alloys, strength with lightness      220
Physical properties of materials, alloys, thermocouples      221 222
Physical properties of materials, alloys, white metal bearing      226
Physical properties of materials, aluminum      192
Physical properties of materials, concrete      see under “Building Materials”
Physical properties of materials, copper      198
Physical properties of materials, crystals      515 529
Physical properties of materials, definitions, elastic limit      187
Physical properties of materials, definitions, Ericksen values      187
Physical properties of materials, definitions, hardness      187
Physical properties of materials, definitions, hardness, Brinell      187
Physical properties of materials, definitions, hardness, Shore sceleroscope      188
Physical properties of materials, definitions, modulus of elasticity      188
Physical properties of materials, definitions, modulus of elasticity, Young’s      188
Physical properties of materials, definitions, proportional limits      188
Physical properties of materials, definitions, ultimate strength      188
Physical properties of materials, definitions, ultimate strength, compression      188
Physical properties of materials, definitions, ultimate strength, tension      188
Physical properties of materials, elements      189
Physical properties of materials, fibers      see “Fibers”
Physical properties of materials, glass      534
Physical properties of materials, glass, special      534
Physical properties of materials, hardness      187
Physical properties of materials, hardness, elements, relative      228
Physical properties of materials, hardness, measuring      187
Physical properties of materials, hardness, units      187
Physical properties of materials, interior friction      227
Physical properties of materials, iron      228
Physical properties of materials, isolated tubular conductors      418
Physical properties of materials, leather      232
Physical properties of materials, light hydrocarbons      293
Physical properties of materials, masonic mortars      229
Physical properties of materials, plastics      239
Physical properties of materials, plastics, optical      240
Physical properties of materials, Poisson’s ratio      227
Physical properties of materials, rigidity modulus      226
Physical properties of materials, rigidity modulus, temperature effects      227
Physical properties of materials, rope      245
Physical properties of materials, rubber      234
Physical properties of materials, rubber, artificial      236
Physical properties of materials, rubber, compression      237
Physical properties of materials, rubber, natural      235
Physical properties of materials, rupture, modulus      188
Physical properties of materials, steel      228
Physical properties of materials, strength, ultimate      188
Physical properties of materials, tungsten      225
Physical properties of materials, wood      246
Physical properties of materials, zinc      225
Pi (values)      6 25
Piezoelectricity      432
Piezoelectricity, crystals      432
Piezoelectricity, strain coefficient      432
Piezoelectricity, unit      432
Pile yield of isotopes      670
Planck’s constant      49 51 54 79 80
Planck’s law      7 79
Planetary precession      731
Planets      734 (see also under “Astronomy”)
Planets, orbits      734
Planets, physical data      734
Planets, satellites      735
Planets, temperature      734
Plastics, characteristics      239
Plastics, dielectric constant      239
Plastics, dielectric strength      239
Plastics, elasticity      239
Plastics, index refraction      240
Plastics, optical      240
Plastics, optical, properties      240
Plastics, specific gravity      239
Plastics, thermal conductivity      239
Plastics, thermal expansion      239
Platinum, color temperature      103
Platinum, cooling by radiation      116
Platinum, emissivity      98
Platinum, freezing point      72
Platinum, thermocouples      75
Pluto      734
Poise      318
Poisson’s ratio      227
Polarized light, rotation of plane      557
Polarized light, various materials      557
Pole, Milky Way      731
Pole, north      470
Pole, south      471
Positron      651
Potassium bromide      515 516
Potassium chloride, index refraction      515
Potassium iodide      515 516
Potential difference, contact      376
Potential difference, contact, alloys      379
Potential difference, contact, aluminum vs. platinum      376
Potential difference, contact, electrode      637
Potential difference, contact, metals      376 378 380
Potential difference, contact, metals, in solution of salts      378
Potential difference, contact, solids vs. liquids      376
Potential difference, contact, voltaic cells      377
Potential excitation      745
Pound      see under name of
Pound weight      6
Poundal      6
Power      6 17 22
Power, factor      433
Power, factor, insulating materials      433
Power, factor, radio frequency      433
Precession      738
Pressure, boiling point      119
Pressure, columns of mercury and water      606
Pressure, conversion factors      267
Pressure, freezing point of water      119
Pressure, gases, critical      276
Pressure, melting point      119
Pressure, units of      4 638
Pressure, Van der Waal’s equation      262
Pressure, volume relation      see “Compressibility”
Pressure, volume relation, argon      118
Pressure, volume relation, compounds      286
Pressure, volume relation, gases      261
Pressure, volume relation, metals      286
Pressure, volume relation, nitrogen      119
Pressure, volume relation, solids      286 287 288 289
Probable error      37
Propagation temperature, dust      634
Proportional limit      188
Proteins      631 (see also “Colloids”)
Proton      50 654 664
Proton, mass      50
Proton, molecules      631
Proton, pH stability      634
Proton, synchrotron      657
Pyrometer, optical      97 (see also “Optical pyrometer”)
Pyrometer, optical, glass      537
Pyron      9
Quantity of electricity      10 11 20
Quantity of light      94
Quantum      21 89 654
Quartz, crystal      517 518
Quartz, crystal, compressibility      287
Quartz, crystal, dielectric constant      428 430
Quartz, crystal, fibers, characteristics      534
Quartz, crystal, fused      518
Quartz, crystal, index of refraction      518
Quartz, crystal, physical properties      534
Quartz, crystal, relative, volume with pressure      289
Quartz, crystal, resistivity      396
Quartz, crystal, rotation of plane of polarized light      558
Quartz, crystal, transparency      517 546
Radian      6
Radiancy      79
Radiant energy      79
Radiant energy, absorption      517 535 546
Radiant energy, blackbody      79
Radiant energy, blackbody, constants      50 80
Radiant energy, blackbody, constants, density      50
Radiant energy, blackbody, constants, first $(c_{1})$      50 54 80
Radiant energy, blackbody, constants, second $(c_{2})$      50 54 80
Radiant energy, blackbody, constants, second $(c_{2})$, different values      80
Radiant energy, blackbody, definitions      79
Radiant energy, blackbody, Stefan — Boltzmann constant      50 52 80
Radiant energy, blackbody, Wien displacement constant      54 80
Radiant energy, cooling by      112
Radiant energy, definitions      79
Radiant energy, density      50
Radiant energy, flux      79 93 94
Radiant energy, flux, density      79
Radiant energy, intensity of source      79
Radiant energy, mechanical effects      671
Radiant energy, nickel      101
Radiant energy, reflection, formula      549
Radiant energy, reflection, light      549
Radiant energy, solar      see “Solar radiation”
Radiant energy, spectral      79
Radiant energy, standard radiator      79 (see also under “Blackbody”)
Radiant energy, symbols      79
Radiant energy, temperature      70
Radiant energy, total, earth’s surface      713
Radiant energy, total, our galaxy      713
Radiant energy, total, universe      713
Radiant energy, transmission, various substances      535
Radiant energy, units      36
Radiant energy, wavelength units      509
Radiation, alpha ray      653
Radiation, beta ray      653
Radiation, cathode      653
Radiation, constants      50 54 80
Radiation, cosmic      651 653 710
Radiation, earth’s surface      713
Radiation, electromagnetic      see “Radiant energy”
Radiation, extraterrestrial      449
Radiation, gamma      653 672
Radiation, mechanical effects      671
Radiation, our galaxy      713
Radiation, radioactivity      654 672
Radiation, receivers      548
Radiation, solar      721 723
Radiation, solar, over disk      722
Radiation, solar, spectral, outside atmosphere      721
Radiation, solar, spectral, sea level      723
Radiation, universe      713
Radio propagation      434
Radio propagation, antenna array      434
Radio propagation, antenna array, direction control      434
Radio propagation, antenna array, direction control, formula      435
Radio propagation, antenna array, pattern      434
Radio propagation, attenuation      443
Radio propagation, attenuation, coefficient      442
Radio propagation, attenuation, constant      442
Radio propagation, attenuation, formula      442
Radio propagation, attenuation, formulas      443
Radio propagation, attenuation, ground      444
Radio propagation, attenuation, low frequency      442
Radio propagation, attenuation, oxygen (atm)      449
Radio propagation, attenuation, rain      449
Radio propagation, attenuation, sea water      444
Radio propagation, attenuation, water vapor      445
Radio propagation, formulas      443
Radio propagation, frequency, critical      444 445
Radio propagation, frequency, different layers      448
Radio propagation, frequency, high      446
Radio propagation, frequency, low      442
Radio propagation, frequency, maximum usable (muf)      445
Radio propagation, frequency, maximum usable (muf), 2000 km, E-layer      448
Radio propagation, frequency, maximum usable (muf), 4000 km, $F_{2}$-layer      446
Radio propagation, frequency, maximum usable (muf), factors for calculating      448
Radio propagation, frequency, maximum usable (muf), factors for calculating, $F_{2}$-layer muf      448
Radio propagation, frequency, maximum usable (muf), factors for calculating, other distances      448
Radio propagation, frequency, maximum usable (muf), factors for calculating, path length layers      448
Radio propagation, reflection      444
Radio propagation, reflection, different layers      444
Radio propagation, reflection, frequency      444
Radio propagation, reflection, ion density      445
Radio propagation, reflection, layers      445
Radio propagation, reflection, minimum height      445
Radio propagation, reflection, skip distance      445
Radio radiation      434
Radio radiation, directivity      434
Radio radiation, extraterrestrial      449
Radio radiation, patterns      434
Radio radiation, reflection      444
Radio radiation, reflection, atmosphere layers      444
Radio radiation, transmission      444
Radio radiation, transmission, factors      444
Radio radiation, transmission, over ground      444
Radio radiation, transmission, over ground, bad      444
Radio radiation, transmission, over ground, good      444
Radio radiation, transmission, over sea water      444
Radioactivity      654 672
Radioactivity, actinium family      678
Radioactivity, alpha rays      680
Radioactivity, artificial      682
Radioactivity, artificial, long life      667
Radioactivity, artificial, slow neutron produced      667
Radioactivity, atoms (natural)      672 680
Radioactivity, atoms (natural), number      672 680
Radioactivity, beta rays      672 (see also “Beta rays”)
Radioactivity, breakdown, character      672
Radioactivity, breakdown, decay constant      673 675
Radioactivity, breakdown, rate      672
Radioactivity, breakdown, units of, Curie      672
Radioactivity, breakdown, units of, Rutherford      672
Radioactivity, danger from      686 689
Radioactivity, danger from, range      686 689
Radioactivity, disintegration      672
Radioactivity, disintegration, units for rate of      672
Radioactivity, elements, number      672
Radioactivity, emission characteristics      672
Radioactivity, emission characteristics, three rays      672
Radioactivity, energy of      672
Radioactivity, energy of, radiated      689
Radioactivity, families (natural)      675
Radioactivity, families (natural), artificial additions      675
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