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Forsythe W.E. — Smithsonian Physical Tables
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Название: Smithsonian Physical Tables
Автор: Forsythe W.E.
Аннотация: This edition of the Smithsonian Physical Tables consists of 901 tables giving data of general interest to scientists and engineers, and of particular interest to those concerned with physics in its broader sense. The increase in size over the Eighth Edition is due largely to new data on the subject of atomicphysics. The tables have been prepared and arranged so as to be convenient and easy to use. The index has been extended. Each set of data given herein has been selected from the best sources available. Whenever possible an expert in each field has been consulted. This has entailed a great deal of correspondence with many scientists, and it is a pleasure to add that, almost without exception, all cooperated generously. When work first started on this edition, Dr. E. U. Condon, then director of the National Bureau of Standards, kindly consented to furnish any assistance that the scientists of that institution were able to give. The extent of this help can be noted from an inspection of the book. Dr. Wallace R. Brode, associate director, National Bureau of Standards, gave valuable advice and constructive criticism as to the arrangement of the tables. D. H. Menzel and Edith Jenssen Tebo, Harvard University, Department of Astronomy, collected and arranged practically all the tables on astronomy.
A number of experts prepared and arranged groups of related data, and others either prepared one or two tables or furnished all or part of the data for certain tables. Care has been taken in each case to give the names of those responsible for both the data and the selection of it. A portion of the data was taken from other published sources, always with the-consent and approval of the author and publisher of the tables consulted. Due credit has been given in all instances. Very old references have been omitted. Anyone in need of these should refer to the Eighth Edition.
It was our intention to mention in this preface the names of all who took part in the work, but the list proved too long for the space available. We wish, however, to express our appreciation and thanks to all the men and women from various laboratories and institutions who have been so helpful in con-contributing to this Ninth Edition. Finally, we shall be grateful for criticism, the notification of errors, and new data for use in reprints or a new edition.
Рубрика: Физика /Справочники /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: Ninth Revised Edition
Год издания: 2003
Количество страниц: 898
Добавлена в каталог: 02.09.2005
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Nitrogen, diffusion, coefficient of 356
Nitrogen, electric dipole moment 441
Nitrogen, electron configuration 582 584 622
Nitrogen, expansion, thermal 154
Nitrogen, heat capacity 163
Nitrogen, heat, latent 166
Nitrogen, index of refraction 533
Nitrogen, ionization energy for production of ion pair 711
Nitrogen, isotopes 655 658
Nitrogen, Joule — Thomson effect 279
Nitrogen, magnetic susceptibility 462
Nitrogen, melting parameters 118
Nitrogen, melting point 117
Nitrogen, melting point, pressure 119
Nitrogen, molecular diameter 643
Nitrogen, molecular velocity 640
Nitrogen, molecules, number of 638 642
Nitrogen, percent in air 592
Nitrogen, percent in atmosphere 592
Nitrogen, physical properties 190
Nitrogen, pressure, critical 276
Nitrogen, solubility in water 358
Nitrogen, temperature, critical 276
Nitrogen, thermal properties (molecular) 272
Nitrogen, Van der Waal’s constant 262
Nitrogen, vapor pressure 360
Nitrogen, vapor pressure, at low temperatures 360
Nitrogen, vapor pressure, relations 119
Nitrogen, velocity of sound in 306
Nitrogen, Verdet’s constant 506
Nitrogen, viscosity 331
Nitrogen, volume, conversions 260
Nitrogen, volume, pressure relation 119
Nitrogen, volume, relative 261
Nitroso-dimethyl-anilene 519
Noise 309 (see also “Sound”)
novae 757 (see also under “Astronomy”)
Nuclear physics 651
Nuclear physics, artificial disintegration 651
Nuclear physics, artificial disintegration, produced 651
Nuclear physics, binding energy 653
Nuclear physics, cosmic rays 653
Nuclear physics, definition of terms 653
Nuclear physics, fields 651
Nuclear physics, mass-energy 654
Nuclear physics, mass-velocity 654
Nuclear physics, particles 652
Nuclear physics, particles, attraction 652
Nuclear physics, particles, fundamental 664
Nuclear physics, particles, high-energy, device for producing 657
Nuclear physics, particles, mass 654
Nuclear physics, particles, mass, formulas 654
Nuclear physics, particles, velocity and mass 654
Nuclear physics, radioactivity 654
Nuclear reaction 665
Nuclear reaction, barrier penetration 665
Nuclear reaction, cycles, carbon 666
Nuclear reaction, cycles, proton-proton 666
Nuclear reaction, cycles, temperature 666
Nuclear reaction, energy produced 666
Nuclear reaction, rates 666
Nuclear reaction, stars 665
Nuclear reaction, stars, carbon cycle 666
Nuclear reaction, stars, proton-proton cycle 666
Nuclear reaction, time required 666
Nucleon 652 654
Nucleus 654
Nucleus, mass 651
Nutation 730
Nutation, constant 730
Nylon 244
Obliquity of ecliptic 730
Observatories, magnetic values 481 (see also “Geomagnetism”)
Oceans 772
Oceans, area 773
Oceans, area vs. depth 773 774
Oceans, currents 778
Oceans, depth and velocity 778
Oceans, earthquake waves, velocity 777
Oceans, geochemistry 776
Oceans, greatest depth, Atlantic 773
Oceans, greatest depth, Indian 773
Oceans, greatest depth, Pacific 773
Oceans, physical data 773
Oceans, topography, ocean floor 773
Oceans, volume 773
Oceans, volume transported 778
Oceans, volume transported, depth, greatest mean 773
Oceans, volume transported, dissolved, material 777
Oceans, waves see “Waves at sea”
Oersted 18
Ohm 20
Oils, index of refraction 530
Oils, petroleum, compressibility 284
Oils, petroleum, compressibility, thermal expansion 284
Oils, viscosity 334
Optical constants, metals 558
Optical constants, metals, calibration of pyrometer 97
Optical constants, metals, crystals 509 513
Optical constants, metals, effective wavelengths 97
Optical constants, metals, emissivity 98
Optical constants, metals, glass 509 510 511 512 513 514
Optical constants, metals, monochromatic screen 97
Optical constants, metals, monochromatic screen, effective wavelengths 97
Optical constants, metals, pyrometry 97
Optical constants, metals, pyrometry, brightness temperature 7 97
Optical constants, metals, pyrometry, brightness temperature, correction to true 99
Optical constants, metals, true temperature 97 99
Optical constants, metals, wavelength used 97 537
Orbits, planets 734
Orchestral instruments, frequency range 311
Organic compounds, boiling point 122
Organic compounds, density 122
Organic compounds, liquids, dielectric constant 424 439
Organic compounds, liquids, dielectric constant, spreading coefficients 633
Organic compounds, liquids, dielectric constant, vapor pressure 368
Organic compounds, melting point 122
Organic compounds, solubility vs. temperature 358
Osmium filament, color temperature 104
Oxides, blue brightness 104
Oxides, brightness 104
Oxides, electrical resistivity 395
Oxides, molten, viscosity 326
Oxides, percentage emissivities 101
Oxygen, abundance 625
Oxygen, atomic weight 47 619
Oxygen, boiling point 117
Oxygen, combustion constant 179
Oxygen, compressibility 264
Oxygen, conductivity, thermal 142
Oxygen, density 48
Oxygen, density, critical 276
Oxygen, diameter 644
Oxygen, dielectric constant 436
Oxygen, diffusion, coefficient of 356
Oxygen, electric dipole moment 441
Oxygen, electrochemical equivalents 403
Oxygen, electron configuration 582 584 622
Oxygen, entropy 274
Oxygen, expansion, thermal 154
Oxygen, factor to ideal gas 48
Oxygen, heat capacity 163
Oxygen, index of refraction 533
Oxygen, ionization energy for production of ion pair 711
Oxygen, isotopes 655 658
Oxygen, magnetic susceptibility 462
Oxygen, melting point 117
Oxygen, molecular data 274
Oxygen, molecular diameter 644
Oxygen, molecular velocity 640
Oxygen, molecules, number of 642
Oxygen, percent in air 592
Oxygen, percent in atmosphere 592
Oxygen, physical properties 190
Oxygen, point 71
Oxygen, pressure, critical 276
Oxygen, solubility in water 358
Oxygen, temperature, critical 276
Oxygen, thermal properties (molecular) 274
Oxygen, Van der Waal’s constant 262
Oxygen, vapor pressure 360
Oxygen, vapor pressure, at low temperatures 360
Oxygen, velocity of sound in 306
Oxygen, Verdet’s constant 506
Oxygen, viscosity 331 642
Oxygen, volume conversions 260
Oxygen, volume, relative 261
Packing fraction 654
Palladium point 72
Paramagnetic substances 451
Paramagnetic substances, Curie constant 461
Paramagnetic substances, temperature 461
Parsec 63 731
Particles, attraction 652
Particles, attraction, range 652
Particles, De Broglie wavelength 653
Particles, elementary 651 664
Particles, force, attractive 652
Particles, force, range 652
Particles, fundamental 664
Particles, fundamental, alpha particle 664
Particles, fundamental, characteristics 664
Particles, fundamental, deuteron 664
Particles, fundamental, electron 664
Particles, fundamental, meson 664
Particles, fundamental, negative 664
Particles, fundamental, neutrino 664
Particles, fundamental, neutron 664
Particles, fundamental, photon 664
Particles, fundamental, positive 664
Particles, fundamental, positron 664
Particles, fundamental, production 664
Particles, fundamental, proton 664
Particles, high-energy, devices for producing 657
Particles, mass and velocity 652
Particles, range 654
Particles, various, De Broglie wavelength 665
Particles, velocity 665
Peltier effect 13 379 thermal”)
Peltier effect, coefficient of 13
Peltier effect, iron-constantan 381
Peltier effect, metals vs. lead 380
Peltier effect, nickel-copper 381
Peltier heats, pressure effects 382
Pendulum, length of seconds 717
Pendulum, vs. latitude 717
Pentane candle 92
Perihelion 731
Periodic system 621
Permalloy 453
Permeability 10 457
Permeability, iron 457 458
Permeability, nickel-iron 456
Permeability, steel 458
Petroleum see “Oil”
Petroleum, combustion values 182
Petroleum, compressibility 284
Petroleum, density 284
Petroleum, thermal expansion 284
Petroleum, viscosity 284
Ph 634
pH, sea water 111
Phot 93
photoelectric effect 636
Photoelectric effect, equation 636
Photoflash Lamps, characteristics 110
Photographic materials 563
Photographic materials, range of 566
photography 562
Photography, characteristic curves 562 566
Photography, comparison of nuclear and optical emulsions 564
Photography, definitions 562
Photography, developers (formulas) 563
Photography, edge gradient values 564
Photography, formulas for developers 563
Photography, illuminants, relative photographic efficiency 565
Photography, lamps for 110 111
Photography, nuclear track plates 567
Photography, nuclear track plates, emulsions 567
Photography, nuclear track plates, emulsions, nuclear 567
Photography, nuclear track plates, specification 567
Photography, optical emulsions 564
Photography, photoflash lamps 110
Photography, range of spectral sensitivity 566
Photography, resolving power 564
Photography, resolving power, edge gradient 564
Photography, resolving power, edge gradient, value 565
Photography, sensometric constants for type plates and films 563
Photography, spectral sensitivity 566
Photography, spectral sensitivity, films 566
Photography, spectral sensitivity, range 566
Photometric standards 92 94
Photometric standards, candle 94
Photometric standards, color temperature 94
Photometric standards, international 92
Photometric standards, low brightness 95
Photometric standards, standard of 1948 94
Photometric standards, units, definitions 93
Photometric standards, units, obsolete 92
Photometric standards, Waidner — Burgess standard 94
Photometric standards, Waidner — Burgess standard, color 94
Photometric standards, Waidner — Burgess standard, value 94
Photometry 87
Photometry, apostilb 93
Photometry, apparent candlepower with distance 95
Photometry, brightness 93
Photometry, candle 93
Photometry, candle, Waidner and Burgess 94
Photometry, conversion factors 94
Photometry, definitions and units 93
Photometry, equivalents 94
Photometry, eye as measuring instrument 89
Photometry, eye as measuring instrument, effect of color 90
Photometry, Fechner law 90
Photometry, flux, luminous 93 94
Photometry, flux, radiant 93 79
Photometry, foot-candle 91 93
Photometry, glare, effect on sensibility 89
Photometry, illumination 93
Photometry, light 57
Photometry, lumen 93
Photometry, luminosity factors 87
Photometry, luminosity factors, vs. field brightness 88
Photometry, lux 91 93
Photometry, mechanical equivalent of light 93
Photometry, phot 93
Photometry, photon 93
Photometry, relation, instantaneous threshold to field brightness 88 90
Photometry, relation, instantaneous threshold to field brightness, vs. field brightness 90
Photometry, spherical candle 93
Photometry, standards 92 94
Photometry, standards, obsolete 92
Photometry, standards, Waidner — Burgess 94
Photometry, stilb 93
Photometry, symbols and definitions 94
Photometry, units 93 94
Photon 93 654
Physical constants 20 46
Physical constants, relations 46
Physical properties of materials 187 (see also “Mechanical properties”)