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Forsythe W.E. — Smithsonian Physical Tables
Forsythe W.E. — Smithsonian Physical Tables

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Название: Smithsonian Physical Tables

Автор: Forsythe W.E.


This edition of the Smithsonian Physical Tables consists of 901 tables giving data of general interest to scientists and engineers, and of particular interest to those concerned with physics in its broader sense. The increase in size over the Eighth Edition is due largely to new data on the subject of atomicphysics. The tables have been prepared and arranged so as to be convenient and easy to use. The index has been extended. Each set of data given herein has been selected from the best sources available. Whenever possible an expert in each field has been consulted. This has entailed a great deal of correspondence with many scientists, and it is a pleasure to add that, almost without exception, all cooperated generously. When work first started on this edition, Dr. E. U. Condon, then director of the National Bureau of Standards, kindly consented to furnish any assistance that the scientists of that institution were able to give. The extent of this help can be noted from an inspection of the book. Dr. Wallace R. Brode, associate director, National Bureau of Standards, gave valuable advice and constructive criticism as to the arrangement of the tables. D. H. Menzel and Edith Jenssen Tebo, Harvard University, Department of Astronomy, collected and arranged practically all the tables on astronomy.
A number of experts prepared and arranged groups of related data, and others either prepared one or two tables or furnished all or part of the data for certain tables. Care has been taken in each case to give the names of those responsible for both the data and the selection of it. A portion of the data was taken from other published sources, always with the-consent and approval of the author and publisher of the tables consulted. Due credit has been given in all instances. Very old references have been omitted. Anyone in need of these should refer to the Eighth Edition.
It was our intention to mention in this preface the names of all who took part in the work, but the list proved too long for the space available. We wish, however, to express our appreciation and thanks to all the men and women from various laboratories and institutions who have been so helpful in con-contributing to this Ninth Edition. Finally, we shall be grateful for criticism, the notification of errors, and new data for use in reprints or a new edition.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Справочники/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Ninth Revised Edition

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 898

Добавлена в каталог: 02.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Atmospheric electricity, charge, space      615
Atmospheric electricity, conductivity, air      615
Atmospheric electricity, current      614
Atmospheric electricity, current, density      614
Atmospheric electricity, ions      615
Atmospheric electricity, ions, equilibrium      615
Atmospheric electricity, ions, life of      615
Atmospheric electricity, ions, mobility      617
Atmospheric electricity, ions, rate of formation      615
Atmospheric electricity, lightning      614 (see also “Lightning”)
Atmospheric electricity, potential gradient, air      614
atom      653
Atom, angular momentum      579
Atom, Bohr      579
Atom, bomb      653
Atom, composition      618
Atom, data      582 618—624
Atom, diameters      643
Atom, diameters, elements      643
Atom, diffusion coefficient      644
Atom, diffusion coefficient, gaseous ions      644
Atom, diffusion coefficient, neutral gases      644
Atom, dimensions      618
Atom, effective radii      643
Atom, electric orbits      624
Atom, electron configuration      622
Atom, electron configuration, elements      622
Atom, electron configuration, neutral atoms      582
Atom, electron configuration, neutral atoms, ionization potential      582
Atom, electron configuration, normal states      622
Atom, electron configuration, singly ionized      584
Atom, electron configuration, singly ionized, ionization potential      584
Atom, elementary particles      618 664
Atom, energy      579 653
Atom, heat, elements      160
Atom, ionized      584
Atom, ionized, singly      584
Atom, isotopes      654
Atom, mass      50 51
Atom, mass units      654
Atom, molecular data      618
Atom, names      620
Atom, names, foreign      620
Atom, names, obsolete      620
Atom, neutral, electron binding energy      649 650
Atom, neutral, spectroscopic properties      582
Atom, number      620
Atom, periodic system      621
Atom, radii      643
Atom, radii, effective      643
Atom, radioactive      672 673
Atom, specific heats      160
Atom, spectra      582 (see also “Series relations”)
Atom, spectroscopic properties      582 583 584 585
Atom, spectroscopic properties, neutral      582
Atom, spectroscopic properties, singly ionized      584
Atom, susceptibility      451
Atom, volume (elements)      160
Atom, volume (elements), inert gas      646
Atom, weights      47 619
Atom, weights, international      619
Atom, weights, physical to chemical      47
Atom, weights, units      47
atomic      653 (see also “Atom”)
Attenuation coefficient, radio waves      442 443
Avogadro’s number      4 47 51 54
Avoirdupois      62 63 64 66
Babbitt metal, physical properties      226
Bakelite      152
bar      4 277
Barn      653
Barometer      606
Barometer, capillarity, correction for      606
Barometer, capillarity, metric units      606
Barometer, determination of heights      613
Barometer, expansion, correction for      607
Barometer, mercury meniscus, volume      606
Barometer, pressure, columns of mercury      606
Barometer, pressure, columns of water      606
Barometer, reduction, barometric height to standard temperature      607
Barometer, reduction, to standard gravity (different heights)      608
Barometer, reduction, to standard gravity (different heights), English units      611
Barometer, reduction, to standard gravity (different heights), metric units      609
Barometer, temperature correction      607
Barye      4 277
Barye, mega      6
Baryton      653 664
batteries      377
Batteries, composition      377
Batteries, emf      377
Batteries, standard cells      378
Baume scale, density of cane sugar      305
Baume scale, specific gravity of      289
Bel      309
Beta particles      651 653 691
Beta rays      653 (see also “Radioactivity”)
Beta rays from radioactive materials      683 685
Beta rays from radioactive materials, energy      683 684
Beta rays from radioactive materials, isotopes      683 684
Beta rays, characteristics      651 672 683 691
Beta rays, spectrum, actinium      228 685
Beta rays, spectrum, protactinium      685
Beta rays, spectrum, thallium      679
Beta rays, spectrum, thorium      227 685
Betatron      653 657
Binding energy of electron, neutral atoms      649 652 653
Binding energy of electron, singly-ionized atoms      650
Blackbody      7 79 80
Blackbody, brightness      95 96
Blackbody, brightness, calculated values      81 82 85 95 104
Blackbody, brightness, calculated values, changes due to changes in $C_{2}$      86
Blackbody, brightness, calculated values, precautions in using $C_{1}$      80
Blackbody, constants (radiation)      80
Blackbody, constants (radiation), value of $c_{2}$ at different times      80
Blackbody, crova wavelength      96
Blackbody, efficiency of radiation      96
Blackbody, efficiency of radiation, luminous      93
Blackbody, equations      7 79
Blackbody, equations, Planck      7 79
Blackbody, equations, Stefan — Boltzmann      7 80
Blackbody, equations, Wien      79
Blackbody, equations, Wien, displacement      80
Blackbody, laws      7 79
Blackbody, lumens/cm      93 96
Blackbody, lumens/watt      93 96
Blackbody, luminous efficiency      93
Blackbody, luminous efficiency, temperature      96
Blackbody, luminous intensity      93
Blackbody, luminous intensity, spectral vs. temperature      95
Blackbody, mechanical equivalent of light      96
Blackbody, plane, lumens per unit      80
Blackbody, plane, solid angle      80
Blackbody, radiant energy      79
Blackbody, radiant energy, calculated values, effect of change in $c_{2}$      86
Blackbody, radiant energy, calculated values, short method      85
Blackbody, radiant energy, calculated values, spectral      82
Blackbody, radiant energy, calculated values, temperature      82
Blackbody, spectral intensity vs. temperature      95
Blackbody, spectral luminous intensity      95
Blackbody, standard radiator      79
Blackbody, symbols      79
Blackbody, total radiation      81
Blackbody, total radiation, calculated values      81
Blackening receivers of radiation      548
Body moving through a liquid      337 (see also under “Aeronautics”)
Bohr atom      581
Bohr atom, magnetic moment      49
Bohr atom, magnetron      49 52 54
Bohr atom, radius first orbit      51
Boiling points, elements      117
Boiling points, inorganic compounds      120
Boiling points, metals with pressure      119
Boiling points, organic compounds      122
Boiling points, pressure      119
Boiling points, salts in solution      131
Boiling points, salts in solution, rise in      133
Boiling points, water      133
Boiling points, water, pressure effect      118 169
Boiling points, water, rise of boiling point due to salts in solution      133
Boltzmann’s constant      49 52 54 80
Bond energies      633
Bougie decimal      92
Brass, mechanical properties      195
Brazing alloys      223
Brazing alloys, brass      223
Brazing alloys, iron      223
Brazing alloys, steel      223
Brazing flux      223
Brightness      93
Brightness, blackbody      94 96
Brightness, blue and candlepower, various materials      104
Brightness, candle      104
Brightness, candle, flames      104
Brightness, filaments      104
Brightness, fluorescent lamp      110
Brightness, lamps, acetylene      104
Brightness, molybdenum      103
Brightness, moon      104
Brightness, Nernst glower      104
Brightness, oxides      104
Brightness, sky      104
Brightness, sun      104
Brightness, tantalum      103
Brightness, temperature      7
Brightness, temperature, correction to true      100
Brightness, temperature, materials      104
Brightness, temperature, various illuminants      104
Brightness, tungsten      102
Brightness, units of      93
Brightness, various materials      104
Brightness, Welsbach mantle      104
Brinell hardness      187
British Imperial system of weights and measures      64
British Imperial system of weights and measures, metric equivalents      64
British Thermal Unit, btu      7 21 60
Brix degrees      305
Bronze, mechanical properties      197
Brownian movement      630
BTU      7 21 60
building materials      229
Building materials, brick masonry      231
Building materials, brick masonry, strength      231
Building materials, bricks, characteristics of      230
Building materials, bricks, coefficient of expansion      152
Building materials, bricks, water absorption      230
Building materials, bricks, weighted average strength      230 231
Building materials, characteristics      229
Building materials, concrete: compressive and tensile strengths      230
Building materials, elastic properties      230
Building materials, masonry mortars      229
Building materials, reflection factor      553
Building materials, stone, American      231
Building materials, stone, American, stiffness      231
Building materials, strength      230
Building materials, strength, compressive, effect of entrained air      230
Building materials, strength, effect of quantity of mixing water      230
Building materials, strength, tensile      229
Building materials, ultimate strength      231
Bursts (cosmic ray)      653
Cadmium red line      569
Cadmium red line, lamp      568
Calcite, density      48
Calcite, grating space      48
Calcite, molecular weight      48
Calcite, ratio grating vs. Seigbahn      48
Calcite, structural constant      48
Calcium fluoride      515
Calendar, Julian day      733
Calendar, perpetual      732
Calorie      7 21
Calorie, international      8 60
Candle      93
Candle, 1948      94
Candle, foot-      91 94
Candle, international      94
Candle, meter      93
Candle, old      92
Candle, spherical      93
Candle, Waidner — Burgess      94
Candle, Waidner — Burgess, color      94
Candlepower      93
Candlepower, distance      95
Candlepower, inverse square law      95
Candlepower, inverse square law, disk      95
Candlepower, inverse square law, line      95
Capacitance      11
Capacity, electric      16
Capacity, physical      60
Carat      4
Carat, metric      4
Carboloy, characteristics      224
Carbon      105
Carbon dioxide, compressibility      265
Carbon dioxide, Joule — Thompson effect      280
Carbon dioxide, values of pv      285
Carbon, arc      105
Carbon, arc, light output      105
Carbon, cycle      666
Carbon, cycle, energy      666
Carbon, lamps      104 105
Carbon, untreated      105
Carcel unit      92
Castor oil, density      322
Castor oil, viscosity      322
Cathode rays      653 691
Cathode rays, constants for speed      690 691
Cathode rays, impinge on matter      690
Cathode rays, ionization      672
Cathode rays, path      690
Cathode rays, speed in matter      690
Cathode rays, three headings      691
Cathode rays, velocity      691
Cathode rays, velocity, and voltage      691
Cathode rays, voltage      691
Cells (batteries), composition      377
Cells (batteries), emf      377
Cells (batteries), standard      378
Celsius temperature scale      8
Centigrade temperature scale      8
Centipoise      318
Centistoke      321
cgs      15
Chain (Gunter)      62
Chain reaction      653
Charcoal, adsorbing power      632
Charcoal, adsorbing power, activation      632
Charcoal, adsorbing power, heats of      632
Charcoal, adsorbing power, heats of, gases      633
Charcoal, adsorbing power, heats of, vapors      632
Charcoal, adsorbing power, increased by treatment      632
Charcoal, adsorbing power, physical properties      632
Charcoal, adsorbing power, types of      632
Charge, electron      47
Charge, hydrogen atom      49
Charge, rain      615
Charge, snow      615
Charge, unit      10
Chemical composition, earth      626
Chemical composition, meteors      626
Chemical composition, sun (atmosphere)      627
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