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Forsythe W.E. — Smithsonian Physical Tables
Forsythe W.E. — Smithsonian Physical Tables

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Название: Smithsonian Physical Tables

Автор: Forsythe W.E.


This edition of the Smithsonian Physical Tables consists of 901 tables giving data of general interest to scientists and engineers, and of particular interest to those concerned with physics in its broader sense. The increase in size over the Eighth Edition is due largely to new data on the subject of atomicphysics. The tables have been prepared and arranged so as to be convenient and easy to use. The index has been extended. Each set of data given herein has been selected from the best sources available. Whenever possible an expert in each field has been consulted. This has entailed a great deal of correspondence with many scientists, and it is a pleasure to add that, almost without exception, all cooperated generously. When work first started on this edition, Dr. E. U. Condon, then director of the National Bureau of Standards, kindly consented to furnish any assistance that the scientists of that institution were able to give. The extent of this help can be noted from an inspection of the book. Dr. Wallace R. Brode, associate director, National Bureau of Standards, gave valuable advice and constructive criticism as to the arrangement of the tables. D. H. Menzel and Edith Jenssen Tebo, Harvard University, Department of Astronomy, collected and arranged practically all the tables on astronomy.
A number of experts prepared and arranged groups of related data, and others either prepared one or two tables or furnished all or part of the data for certain tables. Care has been taken in each case to give the names of those responsible for both the data and the selection of it. A portion of the data was taken from other published sources, always with the-consent and approval of the author and publisher of the tables consulted. Due credit has been given in all instances. Very old references have been omitted. Anyone in need of these should refer to the Eighth Edition.
It was our intention to mention in this preface the names of all who took part in the work, but the list proved too long for the space available. We wish, however, to express our appreciation and thanks to all the men and women from various laboratories and institutions who have been so helpful in con-contributing to this Ninth Edition. Finally, we shall be grateful for criticism, the notification of errors, and new data for use in reprints or a new edition.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Справочники/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Ninth Revised Edition

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 898

Добавлена в каталог: 02.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Diopter      5
Dip, horizon      730
Dip, magnetic      468
Dipole moment      441
Dipole moment, inorganic      441
Dipole moment, organic      441
Dipole moment, unit      441
Dipole moment, unit, Debye      441
Discharge in air      421
Discharge in air, ac      421
Discharge in air, dc      421
Discharge in air, effect of electrode shape      421
Discharge in air, effect of pressure      422
Discharge in air, length of gap      421 422
Discharge in air, voltage required      422
Disintegration, artificial      651 653 669
Disintegration, artificial, types      669
Disk source      95
Dispersion, glass      509
Displacement constant (Wien)      80
Displacement law (Wien)      79 80
Dominical letter      732
Dowmetal      220
Duralumin      220
Dusts      see under “Colloids”
Dyestuffs, transmission of radiation      538
Dyne      5
Ear      308 314
Earth      728 (see also under “Astronomy”)
Earth, age      741
Earth, angular velocity      780
Earth, area      729 772
Earth, area, land      772
Earth, area, oceans and seas      772
Earth, atmosphere      592 (see also “Atmosphere”)
Earth, characteristics      734 739
Earth, composition      625
Earth, constants, various      729 772
Earth, craters      738
Earth, density      48 739
Earth, density, vs. depth      739
Earth, depth, oceans      773
Earth, dimensions      729 772 773 774
Earth, distance to moon      729 730
Earth, distance to sun      729 730
Earth, earthquake waves, velocity      740
Earth, electrical data      502
Earth, elements, percent      625
Earth, elevation, mountains      772
Earth, energy, rotational      729
Earth, gravitation      714 (see also “Gravitation”)
Earth, interior characteristics, density      739
Earth, interior characteristics, elastic constants      739
Earth, interior characteristics, pressure      739
Earth, land area      772
Earth, liquefaction      740
Earth, magnetic data      502
Earth, magnetism      470 (see also under “Geomagnetism”)
Earth, mass      729
Earth, moment of inertia      739
Earth, oceans and seas      772
Earth, orbit      729
Earth, orbit, dimensions      729 774
Earth, orbit, eccentricity      729
Earth, orbit, general precession      729
Earth, orbit, obliquity      734
Earth, physical data      729 734
Earth, radius      729 734 772
Earth, radius, equatorial      729 734
Earth, radius, polar      729 734
Earth, rigidity      740
Earth, rotational energy      729
Earth, solidification      741
Earth, temperature: depth      726 727
Earth, temperature: depth, oceans      774
Earth, temperature: depth, surface      726
Earth, temperature: depth, surface, highest      726
Earth, temperature: depth, surface, lowest      726
Earth, temperature: depth, surface, selected stations      726
Earth, temperature: depth, surface, variation      726
Earth, velocity, in orbit      729
Earth, velocity, rotation      729
Earth, volume      729
Earthquake waves      740 (see also under “Astronomy”)
Effective wavelength, red pyrometer glass      537
Efficiency, lamps      105 110
Elastic limit      187
Electric arcs      105 109
Electric arcs, capacity      18
Electric arcs, current      11
Electric arcs, current, effect on human body      375
Electric arcs, dipole moment      441
Electric arcs, field intensity      11 12
Electric arcs, inductance      17
Electric arcs, potential      11 12 20
Electric arcs, potential, difference      11
Electric arcs, power      17
Electric arcs, quantity      13
Electric arcs, standards      13 19
Electric arcs, surface density      11
Electric arcs, units      10 15 16
Electric arcs, units, 1948      19
Electric arcs, units, definitions      10 15 20
Electric arcs, units, relative values, three systems      20
Electrical capacity      16
Electrical capacity, characteristics of materials      375 380
Electrical capacity, conductivity      12
Electrical capacity, conductivity, alloys      390
Electrical capacity, conductivity, metals      390
Electrical capacity, conversion factors      18 20
Electrical capacity, definitions      10 15 20
Electrical capacity, effect on human body      375
Electrical capacity, equivalents, former      22
Electrical capacity, fundamental standards      13 19
Electrical capacity, inductance      17
Electrical capacity, properties of insulating materials      429
Electrical capacity, resistivity, metals      393
Electrical capacity, sheets, magnetic properties      456 459
Electrical capacity, standards      10 20
Electrical capacity, steel sheets, core losses      456
Electrical capacity, units, ampere turn      18
Electrical capacity, units, basis of each      16
Electrical capacity, units, capacity      18
Electrical capacity, units, conversion factors      20
Electrical capacity, units, electromagnetic      10 20
Electrical capacity, units, electrostatic      10 20
Electrical capacity, units, electrostatic, unit quantity      10
Electrical capacity, units, former      22
Electrical capacity, units, international prior to 1948      16 19
Electrical capacity, units, new (1948)      19
Electrical capacity, units, new (1948), absolute      19
Electrical capacity, units, new (1948), how maintained      19
Electrical capacity, units, new (1948), relation to electromagnetic      20
Electrical capacity, units, new (1948), relation to electrostatic      20
Electrical capacity, units, new (1948), relation to international (prior to 1908)      20
Electrical capacity, units, old      22
Electrical capacity, units, practical      20
Electrical capacity, units, relation of three systems      20
Electricity, atmospheric      614
Electricity, atmospheric, charge on rain      615
Electricity, atmospheric, charge on snow      615
Electricity, atmospheric, constants      615
Electricity, atmospheric, elements      615
Electricity, ionic equilibrium      615
Electricity, lightning      614
Electricity, piezo      432
Electricity, quantity      16 20
Electricity, specific heat      379
Electricity, thunderstorm      614
Electricity, thunderstorm, characteristics      614
Electricity, unit quantity      10
Electrochemical equivalents      397
Electrochemical equivalents, iodine      48
Electrochemical equivalents, normal solutions      397
Electrochemical equivalents, silver      48
Electrode potential      637
Electrolytes      397
Electrolytes, solutions      397
Electrolytes, vs. temperature      397
Electromagnetic properties      451
Electromagnetic systems      10 11 12 13
Electromagnetic units      10 451
Electromagnetic units, definitions      10
Electromagnetic units, difference of potential between metals in solutions of salts      378
Electron      653 664
Electron, affinity, elements      636
Electron, angular momentum      580
Electron, atomic weight      49
Electron, binding energy      649 650
Electron, binding energy, neutral atoms      649
Electron, binding energy, singly-ionized atoms      650
Electron, charge      47 50 51 54
Electron, charge, specific      47
Electron, configuration      622
Electron, configuration, neutral atoms      582
Electron, configuration, normal states      622
Electron, configuration, singly ionized atoms      584
Electron, emission      635
Electron, emission, carbon      635
Electron, emission, equation      635
Electron, emission, hot solids      635
Electron, emission, materials, various      636
Electron, emission, metals      635 636
Electron, emission, metals, temperature      635 636
Electron, emission, photoelectric effect      636
Electron, emission, potentials      637
Electron, emission, potentials, contact (volta)      637
Electron, emission, potentials, electrode      637
Electron, emission, solids, formula      635
Electron, emission, solids, hot      635
Electron, energy levels      579
Electron, energy relations      651
Electron, energy-velocity      651
Electron, mass      651
Electron, mass-velocity relations      651
Electron, negatron      654
Electron, positron      654
Electron, shell      622 653
Electron, terms, from equivalent electrons      580 581
Electron, terms, from nonequivalent electrons      580
Electron, velocity relations      651
Electron, volt      49 54 654
Electron, weight      50 51 54
Electron, work function      635
Electronic charge      47 51 54
Electronic charge, orbits      624
Electrostatic capacity      12
Electrostatic capacity, definitions      11
Electrostatic capacity, generator      657
Electrostatic capacity, units      10
Electrostriction      427
Elementary particles      651 664
Elementary particles, alpha particle      664
Elementary particles, deuteron      664
Elementary particles, electron      664
Elementary particles, electron, negative      664
Elementary particles, electron, positive      664
Elementary particles, meson (several types)      664
Elementary particles, neutrino      664
Elementary particles, neutron      664
Elementary particles, photon      664
Elementary particles, proton      664
Elements, atomic, heats      160
Elements, atomic, numbers      620
Elements, atomic, radii      643
Elements, atomic, volume      160
Elements, atomic, weights      619
Elements, beyond uranium      623 651 663
Elements, beyond uranium, production      670
Elements, binding energy, neutral atoms      649
Elements, binding energy, singly-ionized atoms      650
Elements, boiling point      117
Elements, chemical, absorption wavelength      701
Elements, chemical, abundance, atmosphere      592 625
Elements, chemical, abundance, early type stars      628
Elements, chemical, abundance, earth      625
Elements, chemical, abundance, earth-meteorites      626
Elements, chemical, abundance, gases, interstellar space      629
Elements, chemical, abundance, matter, interstellar space      629
Elements, chemical, abundance, meteorites      626
Elements, chemical, abundance, nebulae      629
Elements, chemical, abundance, rare gases, cosmos      626
Elements, chemical, sun      627 628
Elements, chemical, sun’s atmosphere      626
Elements, chemical, universe      625
Elements, composition      618
Elements, compressibility      285
Elements, configuration      622
Elements, density      291
Elements, diameters      643
Elements, electrochemical equivalents      403
Elements, electron configuration      622
Elements, electron configuration, neutral atoms      582
Elements, electron configuration, normal states      622
Elements, electron configuration, radius of orbits      624
Elements, electron configuration, singly-ionized atoms      584
Elements, electron emission      635
Elements, emissivities      98
Elements, energy levels, x-ray      697
Elements, energy units      618 653
Elements, evaporation      363
Elements, hardness, relative      228
Elements, heat, capacities      155 157
Elements, heat, evaporation      165
Elements, heat, fusion      157
Elements, ionization potential, neutral atoms      582
Elements, ionization potential, singly-ionized atoms      584
Elements, isotopes      654 655
Elements, isotopes, abundance      655
Elements, isotopes, atomic mass      658
Elements, isotopes, radioactive      655—663
Elements, K-wavelength series      697
Elements, L-wavelength series      698
Elements, L-wavelength series, latent heat of fusion      157
Elements, latent heat of vaporization      165
Elements, mass absorption      704
Elements, mechanical properties      189
Elements, melting points      117
Elements, melting points, standards      9 117
Elements, number 1952      651
Elements, optical constants (metals)      558
Elements, periodic system      621
Elements, physical properties      189
Elements, Poisson’s ratio      227
Elements, radii, electronorbits      624
Elements, resistivity      384
Elements, resistivity, temperature coefficient      384
Elements, specific heat      155 160
Elements, specific heat, formula for      157
Elements, specific heat, true      157
Elements, spectroscopic properties, neutral atoms      582
Elements, spectroscopic properties, singly-ionized      584
Elements, symbols      117
Elements, thermal conductivity      138
Elements, thermal expansion: crystals      145
Elements, thermal expansion: crystals, cubical      148
Elements, thermal expansion: crystals, linear      145
Elements, vapor pressure      362 363
Emf (thermal), alloys vs. lead      379
Emf (thermal), alloys vs. platinum      381
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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