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Forsythe W.E. — Smithsonian Physical Tables
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Название: Smithsonian Physical Tables
Автор: Forsythe W.E.
Аннотация: This edition of the Smithsonian Physical Tables consists of 901 tables giving data of general interest to scientists and engineers, and of particular interest to those concerned with physics in its broader sense. The increase in size over the Eighth Edition is due largely to new data on the subject of atomicphysics. The tables have been prepared and arranged so as to be convenient and easy to use. The index has been extended. Each set of data given herein has been selected from the best sources available. Whenever possible an expert in each field has been consulted. This has entailed a great deal of correspondence with many scientists, and it is a pleasure to add that, almost without exception, all cooperated generously. When work first started on this edition, Dr. E. U. Condon, then director of the National Bureau of Standards, kindly consented to furnish any assistance that the scientists of that institution were able to give. The extent of this help can be noted from an inspection of the book. Dr. Wallace R. Brode, associate director, National Bureau of Standards, gave valuable advice and constructive criticism as to the arrangement of the tables. D. H. Menzel and Edith Jenssen Tebo, Harvard University, Department of Astronomy, collected and arranged practically all the tables on astronomy.
A number of experts prepared and arranged groups of related data, and others either prepared one or two tables or furnished all or part of the data for certain tables. Care has been taken in each case to give the names of those responsible for both the data and the selection of it. A portion of the data was taken from other published sources, always with the-consent and approval of the author and publisher of the tables consulted. Due credit has been given in all instances. Very old references have been omitted. Anyone in need of these should refer to the Eighth Edition.
It was our intention to mention in this preface the names of all who took part in the work, but the list proved too long for the space available. We wish, however, to express our appreciation and thanks to all the men and women from various laboratories and institutions who have been so helpful in con-contributing to this Ninth Edition. Finally, we shall be grateful for criticism, the notification of errors, and new data for use in reprints or a new edition.
Рубрика: Физика /Справочники /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: Ninth Revised Edition
Год издания: 2003
Количество страниц: 898
Добавлена в каталог: 02.09.2005
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Emf (thermal), aluminum vs. platinum 376
Emf (thermal), batteries 377
Emf (thermal), cadmium vs. platinum 383
Emf (thermal), low temperature 381
Emf (thermal), metals, in solution of salts 378
Emf (thermal), metals, vs. platinum 381
Emf (thermal), metals, vs. silver alloys 381
Emf (thermal), metals, vs. zinc solutions 377
Emf (thermal), nickel, vs. copper 381
Emf (thermal), nickel, vs. platinum 389
Emf (thermal), platinum-rhodium, vs. lead 379
Emf (thermal), platinum-rhodium, vs. platinum 381 387
Emf (thermal), zinc vs. platinum 390
Emissivity 8 98
Emissivity, spectral 8 98
Emissivity, spectral, alloys 99
Emissivity, spectral, correction to brightness temperature 99
Emissivity, spectral, liquids 98
Emissivity, spectral, materials 98
Emissivity, spectral, metals and oxides 101
Emissivity, spectral, metals and oxides, at melting point 98
Emissivity, spectral, metals and oxides, out-gassed 99
Emissivity, spectral, molybdenum 103
Emissivity, spectral, solids 100 101 102
Emissivity, spectral, tantalum 103
Emissivity, spectral, tungsten 99 102
Emissivity, total, glass 100
Emissivity, total, materials 100
Emissivity, total, metals 101
Emissivity, total, metals, at low temperatures 101
Emissivity, total, oxides 101
Emissivity, total, relative 100
Emu 20
Energy 5 17 21
Energy, blackbody radiation 79 85 96
Energy, bond 633
Energy, conversion factors 20 21
Energy, cosmic ray 712
Energy, dissipation in cycle (magnetism) 460
Energy, electron-volt 49
Energy, levels 581
Energy, losses, magnetic 459 460
Energy, radiant 9 79
Energy, radiated by a number of radioactive materials 689
Energy, temperature for 1 ev 55
Energy, transformer steel (losses) 459
Energy, units 21 653 618
Energy, units, conversion factors 21 618
Enthalpy 8 270
entropy 8 270
Equation of Time 728
Erg 5
Erichsen value 187
Error, probable 37
Esu/emu 48
Ether, volume-pressure 283
ethylene 265
Ettinghausen effect 507
Eutectic mixtures 130
EV 618 653
Evaporation of metals 363
Evaporation of metals, formulas 363
Evaporation of metals, formulas, constants (various metals) 364
Evaporation of metals, rate of 363
Expansion (thermal) 145
Expansion (thermal), cubical 148
Expansion (thermal), linear 145
Experimental data 37 38 39 40
Explosives 183
Explosives, analysis 184
Explosives, chemical properties 184
Explosives, ignition temperatures 183 634
Explosives, physical properties 184
Explosives, pressures 634
Explosives, time of heating 183
Exponential formulas for mass absorption values, elements 694
Exponential functions 43
Exposure, photographic 562
Eye as measuring instrument for radiation 87
Eye, blind spot 90
Eye, contrast sensibility 89
Eye, diameter of pupil 90
Eye, diameter of pupil, and flux density 90
Eye, distribution coefficients 91
Eye, glare sensibility 89
Eye, I.C.I. standard observer 90 91
Eye, I.C.I. standard observer, distribution coefficients 91
Eye, instantaneous thresholds 88
Eye, luminosity factors 87
Eye, luminosity factors, and brightness 88
Eye, macula lutea 90
Eye, minimum energy to produce sensation 89
Eye, miscellaneous data 90
Eye, physical properties 90
Eye, Purkinge effect 87
Eye, rate of adaptation 89
Eye, relative luminosity factors 87
Eye, relative luminosity factors, various brightnesses 87 88 89
Eye, sensitivity 87 89
Eye, standard observer 90
Eye, standard observer, distribution coefficients 91
Eye, thresholds 88
Eye, thresholds, various field brightness 88
Eye, vision, persistence of 90
Eye, visual range for white light 92
Factorials 26
Factorials, log of 26
Factors, conversion see “Conversion factors”
Fahrenheit temperature scale 8
Fahrenheit temperature scale, conversion to Centigrade iv
Farad 20
Faraday 47 51 54
Faraday, constant 47 54
Fathom 62
Ferromagnetic substances 451
Fibers, artificial 243
Fibers, artificial, acetate 244
Fibers, artificial, glass 244
Fibers, artificial, nylon 244
Fibers, artificial, polyethylene 244
Fibers, artificial, quartz 534
Fibers, artificial, rayon 243
Fibers, artificial, resin 243
Fibers, characteristics 242
Fibers, miscellaneous 244
Fibers, natural 242
Fibers, natural, cotton 242
Fibers, natural, flax 242
Fibers, natural, hemp 242
Fibers, natural, jute 242
Fibers, natural, linen 242
Fibers, natural, ramie 242
Fibers, natural, silk 242
Fibers, natural, spider 242
Fibers, natural, wool 242
Fibers, properties of 241 243
Fibers, rope 245
Fibers, various kinds 245
Filaments, incandescent, heat loss from 116
Filaments, incandescent, heat loss from, temperature 102 116
Filters see “Color screens”
Filters for obtaining monochromatic x-rays 696
Filters for obtaining monochromatic x-rays, light 537
Filters for obtaining monochromatic x-rays, narrow spectrum region 536
Fine structure constant 49 51 54
First radiation constant 80
First radiation constant, units 80
Fission 653 706
Fission, binding energy 707
Fission, cause 706
Fission, critical energy for 707
Fission, cross section of fission products for thermal neutrons 708
Fission, cross section of fissionable nuclei for neutrons 708
Fission, data 706
Fission, elements 706
Fission, energy 706
Fission, energy, critical 707
Fission, energy, released by 707
Fission, examples 706
Fission, neutron-binding energy of divided nucleus 707
Fission, produced 706
Fission, produced, elements 706
Fission, products of long life 708
Fission, spontaneous, half-life 701
Fission, thresholds (Mev) 706
Fixed points, temperature scale, primary 71
Fixed points, temperature scale, secondary 72
Flame temperatures 179 182 183
Flash lamps 110
Flash tubes 111
Fluidity 5 318
Fluorescent lamps, characteristics of 110
Fluorescent powders, characteristics of 107
Fluorite 515 520
Flux 93 (see under type of)
Foot-candle 93
Foot-lambert 93
Foot-pound 5 21
Foot-poundal 5
force 5
Force, magnetic 18
formulas see under name of
Fraunhofer lines, wavelengths 577
Freezing mixtures 134
Freezing mixtures, anti, for radiators 135
Freezing point, lowered by various salts in solution 131
Freezing point, lowered by various salts in solution, water-pressure effect 118
Fresnel formula, reflection of light 549
Friction, different materials 336
Friction, different materials, interior, at low temperatures 227
Frictional electric series 375
Fuels 180 (see also under “Combustion”)
Fuels, coal 181
Fuels, coal, analysis 181
Fuels, gas 182
Fuels, gas, gravity 182
Fuels, heat values 180
Fuels, liquid 181
Fuels, liquid, gravity 181
Fuels, petroleum 182
Fuels, petroleum, density 182
Fuels, woods 181
Fuels, woods, analysis 181
Fundamental particles 664
Fundamental particles, alpha-particles 664
Fundamental particles, deuteron 664
Fundamental particles, electron 664
Fundamental particles, electron, negatron 664
Fundamental particles, electron, positron 664
Fundamental particles, meson, (charge +,-) 664
Fundamental particles, meson, (charge +,-,O) 664
Fundamental particles, neutrino 664
Fundamental particles, neutron 664
Fundamental particles, photon 664
Fundamental particles, proton 664
Fundamental standards 1 13
Fundamental standards, maintenance of 14
Fundamental standards, primary 13
Fundamental standards, qualities of 13 14
Fundamental standards, secondary 13 14
Fundamental standards, selection of 12
Fundamental standards, standards of, international temperature scale 14 70
Fundamental standards, standards of, length 14
Fundamental standards, standards of, mass 14
Fundamental standards, standards of, temperature 14
Fundamental standards, standards of, temperature, Celsius scale (Centigrade) 14
Fundamental standards, standards of, temperature, Fahrenheit 8
Fundamental standards, standards of, temperature, Kelvin scale 9
Fundamental standards, standards of, temperature, Reaumur 9
Fundamental standards, standards of, temperature, thermodynamic 9
Fundamental standards, standards of, time 14
Fundamental units see under “Units”
Fusion, latent heats of 157
Fusion, latent heats of, alloys 165
Fusion, latent heats of, metals 165
Fusion, latent heats of, substances, various 165
Gage pressure to atmospheres 267
Gages, wire 405
Gal 5
Galvanometric effects see under “Magnetic”
Gamma (photography) 562
Gamma infinity (photography) 562
Gamma-rays 653 686
Gamma-rays, absorption, mass 687
Gamma-rays, characteristics of 672 687 688
Gamma-rays, energy, of artificial radioactive isotopes, low atomic weight 687
Gamma-rays, energy, of artificial radioactive isotopes, low atomic weight, of heavy isotopes 686
Gamma-rays, energy, of artificial radioactive isotopes, low atomic weight, of heavy isotopes, artificial 686
Gamma-rays, energy, of artificial radioactive isotopes, low atomic weight, of heavy isotopes, natural 686
Gamma-rays, energy, of artificial radioactive isotopes, low atomic weight, to produce ion pair 711
Gamma-rays, ionization energy 672
Gamma-rays, mass absorption 687
Gamma-rays, mass absorption, various elements 687
Gamma-rays, spectrum, radioactive breakdowns 686
Gamma-rays, spectrum, radioactive breakdowns, Thorium "C" 686
Gamma-rays, total mass absorption coefficient 687
Gas in interstellar space 629
Gas, absorption by liquids 360
Gas, abundance, cosmic 626
Gas, combustion values 182
Gas, compressibility (various gases and vapors) 264
Gas, compressibility (various gases and vapors), low temperature 264
Gas, compressibility (various gases and vapors), under high pressure 267
Gas, conduction of heat by 115
Gas, conductivity, thermal 142
Gas, constant 49 259
Gas, convection of heat by 115
Gas, critical points 276
Gas, definition of laws 259
Gas, densities 163
Gas, densities, critical 276
Gas, dielectric constant 423
Gas, dielectric constant, liquefied gases 426
Gas, dielectric constant, nonpolar 436
Gas, dielectric constant, variation, with pressure 424
Gas, dielectric constant, variation, with temperature 424
Gas, diffusion coefficient 356 644
Gas, diffusion coefficient, neutral gases 644
Gas, energy 259
Gas, fuels 182
Gas, heat, absorption 633
Gas, heat, capacity 164
Gas, heat, combustion 182
Gas, helium 260 261
Gas, hydrogen 260 261 268
Gas, hydrogen, ideal gas state 638
Gas, ideal 261
Gas, inert, atomic volume 646
Gas, infrared transmission 546
Gas, ions see “Ions”
Gas, ions, diffusion coefficient 644
Gas, Joule — Thompson effect 278
Gas, kinetic theory 638
Gas, kinetic theory, calculations 638
Gas, kinetic theory, collision frequencies 641
Gas, kinetic theory, discussion 638
Gas, kinetic theory, incidences ratios of 640
Gas, kinetic theory, mass 640
Gas, kinetic theory, mean free path 641