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Ayala C., Spellberg B. — Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards: A Review for USMLE Step 1 |
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Preeclampsia 140
Pregnancy, cardiovascular circulation during 139
Pregnancy, dating 138
Pregnancy, disorders of 139—141
Pregnancy, ectopic 140 288 294
Pregnancy, endocrine physiology in 139
Pregnancy, fatty liver of 98
Pregnancy, GI physiology in 139
Pregnancy, normal physiology of 138—139
Pregnancy, pulmonary physiology in 139
Pregnancy, renal physiology in 139
Pregnenolone 149
Premature labor 288
Prenatal testing 245
Prinzmetal's angina 39
Prolactin 299
Prolactinoma 12 146
Propionibacterium acnes 212
Proprioception 215
Propylthiouracil 161
Prostaglandin 54
Prostate, cancer of 132 133f
Prostate, cancer of, incidence and presentation of 266 294
Prostate, diseases of 132
Prostatitis 132
Protease inhibitors 240
Protein antigen 186
Protein C, deficiency of 196
Protein C, inhibition of 195f
Protein C, synthesis of 196
Protein S deficiency 196
Proteinuria 112
Proteus 118
Protozoal infection 238
PRPP synthetase hyperactivity 181
Psammoma bodies in meningiomas 12
Psammoma bodies in mesothelioma 69
Psammoma bodies in papillary carcinoma 162
Pseudo-Cushing's syndrome 150
Pseudogout 182
Pseudomembranous, colitis 95
Pseudomembranous, diagnosis of 296
Pseudomonas in burn injuries 298
Pseudomonas in chronic sinusitis 31
Pseudomonas in cystic fibrosis 102
Pseudomonas in pneumonia 74t
Pseudomonas in third degree burns 214
Pseudomonas in urinary tract infections 106
Pseudomonas of external ear 27
Pseudomonas of keratin debris 28
Pseudomyxoma peritonei 135
Pseudopolyps 95f
Pseudotumor cerebri 14
Psoralens 205
Psoriasis 204 205
Psoriatic arthritis 177
Psoriatic plaques 248 275
Pulmonary artery 20t
Pulmonary edema 67
Pulmonary embolism 67—68
Pulmonary embolus 276
Pulmonary fibrosis, idiopathic 65t
Pulmonary function tests 68—69
Pulmonary hypertension 68
Pulmonary hypertension with ventricular septal defects 53
Pulmonary system, defenses of 73
Pulmonary system, diseases of 72—73
Pulmonary system, disorders of 59—79
Pulmonary system, physiology of 57—58
Pulmonary valve, regurgitation of 48
Pulmonary valve, stenosis of 48 275
Pulmonary vascular disease 67—68
Pulmonary vascular physiology 67
Pulse-fever dissociation 299
Pulsus paradoxus 50
Purpura 204
Purpura, idiopathic thrombocytopenic 191
Purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic 191—192 204
Putamen 223
PUVA 205
Pyelonephritis, acute bacterial 106—107
Pyelonephritis, chronic bacterial 107
Pyloric atresia 296
Pyloric stenosis, congenital 88
Pyloric stenosis, diagnosis of 268 296
Pyonephrosis 107
Pyosalpinx 137f
Pyrazinamide 8
Pyridoxine deficiency 247t
Pyrimethamine 8
Pyrizinamide 78
Quadriplegia 68
Quincke's sign 47
Quinidine 42
Quinolone 74t 75t
Quinsy peritonsillar abscess 35
R-L shunt 60
Rabies encephalitis 9
Raccoon's eyes 30
Rachitic rosary 169
Radiation therapy 13
Radiation toxicity 244
Radioiodine 161
Ranula 33
Raynaud's disease 178f
Reactive airway dysfunction syndrome (RADS) 72
Reactive airway dysfunction syndrome (RADS) with acute gassing 73
Reactive polycythemia 197t
Reanastomosis 55
Recombinant factor VIII 194
red eye 27 see
Red Man Syndrome 245
Reed — Sternberg cells 202
Reflexes 216—217
Refsum's disease 229t
Reiter's syndrome 177
Reiter's syndrome, uveitis and 263 290—291
Renal agenesis, bilateral 106
Renal agenesis, unilateral 106
Renal amyloidosis 115t
Renal artery stenosis 117
Renal cell carcinoma 121
Renal cell carcinoma, metastatic to lung 71
Renal cell carcinoma, presentation of 281
Renal cyst, solitary 120
Renal disease 37
Renal ectopia 106
Renal failure in hypercalcemia 166
Renal failure in hypocalcemia 166
Renal failure, acute 108—109
Renal failure, acute, with acute tubular necrosis 109
Renal failure, chronic 111—112
Renal failure, laboratory characteristics of 108t
Renal papillary necrosis 108
Renal tubular acidosis 109
Renal tubular acidosis, type II 110
Renal tubular acidosis, type IV 272 300
Renal tubular disorders 107—112
Renal tubular disorders, functional 109—111
Renal tumors, benign 120—121
Renal tumors, malignant 121
Respiratory acid-base differential 125f
Respiratory acidosis, acute and chronic 121f
Respiratory acidosis, differential diagnosis of 125f
Respiratory alkalosis, acute and chronic 121f
Respiratory alkalosis, differential diagnosis of 125f
Respiratory muscles 68
Respiratory physiology 57—58
Respiratory tract cancers 69—71
Resting tremor 223
| Restrictive lung disease 62—64
Restrictive lung disease, spirogram tracings of 58f
Restrictive lung disease, spirometry in 57
Reticuloendothelial scavenger cells 1
Reticuloendothelial system 231
Retina, classic physical findings of 26
Retina, detachment of 26
Retina, disorders of 25—26
Retina, pigmented freckle on 26
Retinal artery occlusion 25
Retinal vein occlusion 25
Retinitis pigmentosa 26
Retinoblastoma 12
Rett's syndrome 229t
Reverse transcriptase 239
Reye's syndrome 98
Rh 186
Rh immune globulin (RhoCAM) 187
Rh incompatibility 140
Rhabdomyosarcoma 184
Rhabdomyosarcoma in tuberous sclerosis 15
Rheumatic fever 50
Rheumatoid arthritis 174—175
Rheumatoid factor 175
Rheumatoid lung 66t
Riboflavin deficiency 247t
Rickets 169
Rickets, vitamin D deficiency in 289
Rifampin for fungal meningitis 8
Rifampin for tuberculosis 78
Right ventricular failure 49f
Rigor mortis 244
Rinne's test 29
Rodent ulcers 209
Rodent ulcers, progression to 254 281
Rom bert test 219
Rose spots 213
Roseola infantum 211
Roseola infantum, cause of 295
Roth spots 26
Rotor syndrome 97
Rubella 211
Rubella, cause of 295
Rubella, congenital hearing loss with 29
Rubeola, rash of 211
Rye classification, Hodgkin's lymphoma 202
Salivary gland disorders 32—33
Salmonella in sickle cell anemia 172
Salmonella in subarachnoid hemorrhage 4
Salmonella, typhi 213
Salpingitis 136—137
Sarcoid 299
Sarcoidosis 180
Sarcoidosis in hypercalcemia 166
Sarcoidosis, lung presentation of 65t
Scarlet fever 212
Schafer's disease 229t
Schatzki ring 87
Schilling test 188
Schindler's disease 229t
Schistosomiasis in brain abscess 11
Schistosomiasis in hepatitis 98
Schmidt's syndrome 161
Schmidt's syndrome with deficiency with diabetes mellitus 301
Schmidt's syndrome, diagnosis of 301
Schmidt's syndrome, thyroid stimulating hormone levels in 302
Schwannoma 13 711
Sclera, blue 27
Sclera, perforation of 24
Scleritis 24 291
Scleroderma 177—178 179f
Scleroderma, lung presentation of 66t
Scrofula 77
Scrofula in cervical lymphadenitis 35
Scrotum, masses in 130
Scurvy 169 247t
Scurvy, vitamin C deficiency in 289
Seborrheic dermatitis 208
Seborrheic keratosis 208
Seizures in tuberous sclerosis 15
Seizures, absence 224
Seizures, complex 224
Seizures, grand mal 225
Seizures, partial 224
Seizures, simple 224
Selegiline 19
Selenium deficiency 247t
Self-antigens 235 236
Seminoma 130
Senile dementia, Alzheimer type 18—19
Septic shock 245
Serotonin 225
Serotonin, bronchial carcinoid tumor secretion of 293
Serotonin, inhibition of 150
Sertoli cell tumor 131
Sertoli cells 153 154
Sertoli — Leydig tumors, uterine 136
Serum effectors 235
Serum proteins 231
Sessile polyps 95
Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) 241
Sexually transmitted in pelvic inflammatory disease 293—294
Sexually transmitted, diseases 141—143
Sezary syndrome 202
Sheehan's syndrome 146
Shilder's diffuse cerebral sclerosis 16
Shingles 212
Shock 245
Sialadenitis 32
Silicosis 65t
Simmond's syndrome 146
Sinuses, congenital disorders of 29—30
Sinuses, polyps of 30
Sinusitis 31
Sinusitis with cystic fibrosis 30
Sinusitis, chronic 262—263 290
Sinusitis, complications of 31
Sipple's syndrome 166
Sipple's syndrome, parafollicular C cell-derived thyroid nodule in 264 292
Sister Mary Joseph sign 89
Sjogren's syndrome 23 176
Sjogren's syndrome, xerostomia and parotid swelling in 33
Skin in immunity 231 235
Skin, cancer of 208—210
Skin, layers of 204
Skin, malignant tumors of 254 281
Skull, fractures of 30
Skull, passageways of 218
Sleep apnea, obstructive 71
Sleep apnea, probability of 71
Sleep apnea, types of 71
Small cell carcinoma of lung 71
Small cell carcinoma of lung, characteristics and histology of 70t
Small cell carcinoma, SIADH in 293
Small cell tumors, ACTH-secreting 293
Smoking, cessation of, for angina pectoris 39
Smoking, cessation of, for myocardial infarct 41
Smoking, squamous cell carcinoma and 265—266 293
Sodium benzoate 100
Somatostatin 91
Somatotrophs 144
Spasticity 223
Spermatocytic seminoma 130
Spermatogenesis 153
Sphingolipidosis 17—18
Sphingomyelinase deficiency 18
Spina bifida 15
Spinal cord, anatomy of 215 217
Spinal cord, cavitation of in syringomyelia 15
Spinal cord, disorders of 215—217
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