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Ayala C., Spellberg B. — Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards: A Review for USMLE Step 1
Ayala C., Spellberg B. — Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards: A Review for USMLE Step 1

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Название: Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards: A Review for USMLE Step 1

Авторы: Ayala C., Spellberg B.


This Fourth Edition of Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards offers the most tested information on the USMLE Step 1 in a systematic, outline manner. This essential guide also works well as a companion on rotations, covering the information you need to master your clerkships in a concise, handy pocket reference.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Психология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Fourth Edition

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 364

Добавлена в каталог: 18.03.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Diencephalon      219—223
Diffuse cortical necrosis      117—118
Diffuse esophageal spasm      86
Diffusion impaired hypoxemia      59—60
Diflorasone      205
Digitalis for aortic stenosis      48
Digitalis for congestive heart failure      44 45
Digitalis for mitral stenosis      47
Digoxin for mitral regurgitation      46
Digoxin for supraventricular tachycardia      42
Dihydroergotamine      21
Dihydrotestosterone      154
Diphtheria      34
Diplococcus, gram-negative      141
Dissecting aortic aneurysm      see "Aortic dissection"
Diuretics for cardiomyopathy      46t
Diuretics for congestive heart failure      45
Diuretics for hypertension      38
Diuretics for mitral regurgitation      46
Diuretics for pulmonary edema      67
Diuretics in torsades des pointes      42
Diverticula in esophagitis      87
Diverticula of bladder wall      131
Diverticula of large intestine      91—92
Diverticula, Meckel's      90
Diverticulitis      92
Diverticulitis, diagnosis of      268 296
Diverticulosis      91
Dizziness      28
Donovan bodies      142
Donovanosis      295
Dopamine      225
Dopamine, inhibiting prolactin      299
Dorsal columns      215
Dorsal horn      215
Down's syndrome in Alzheimer's disease      19
Down's syndrome, neurologic malformations in      15t
Down's syndrome, prenatal testing for      245
Doxorubicin      45
Doxycycline for lymphogranuloma venereum      141
Doxycycline for pneumonia      74t 75t
Dresser's syndrome      52
Drug-induced thrombocytopenia      192
Dry eyes      see "Xerophthalmia"
Dubin — Johnson syndrome      97
Duchenne's dystrophy      183
Ductal carcinoma in situ      254 265 281 292—293
Ductal carcinoma, invasive      265 292—293
Ductus arteriosus      52
Ductus arteriosus, embryology of      20t
Dumping syndrome      87—88
Duodenum      87
Duodenum, ulcer of      89 284
Dupuytren's contractures      98
Duroziez's sign      47
Dust disease      see "Pneumoconiosis"
Dysfibrinogenemia      196t
Dysgerminoma      135
Dysphagia      264 291—292
Dysplastic nevus syndrome      206
Dyspnea      44
Dystrophin, X-linked lack of      183
E vitamin deficiency      247t
Ears, disorders of      27—29
Ears, inner      28—29
Ears, tumors of      28
Echinococcus in brain abscess      11
Echinococcus, granulosa      98
Eclampsia      140—141
Ectoderm      225
Ectoderm, embryology of      20t
Ectopic pancreatic tissue      102
Eczema      205—206
Edema, postinfarct      2
Edema, pulmonary      67
Edward's syndrome      15t
Ehlers — Danlos syndrome      179
Ehrlichiosis      227t
Eikenella corrodens endocarditis      50
Eisenmenger's complex      53—54
Eisenmenger's syndrome      275
Ejection click      55t
Ejection murmur in pulmonary stenosis      48
Ejection murmur, differentiating characteristics of      56t
Electrical alternans      50
Ellis — van Creveld disorder      227t
Embryologic derivatives      225—226
Embryology of head and neck      20t
Embryology, hematologic      185
Embryonal carcinoma      130
Emphysema      61—62
Emphysema, spirometry in      57
Enanthem      204
Encephalitis      8—10
Encephalitis, California      9
Encephalitis, equine      9
Encephalitis, functional residual capacity in      261 288—289
Encephalitis, St. Louis      9
Encephalitis, viral      9—10
Encephalomyelitis, hemorrhagic      16
Encephalomyelitis, postvaccine      16
Encephalopathy in hepatitis      99—100
Encephalopathy, hepatic      17
Encephalopathy, spongiform      10
Endarterectomy      2
Endocarditis      49—50
Endocarditis in mitral valve regurgitation      46
Endocarditis, bacterial agents in      248 275
Endocarditis, Libman — Sacks      50
Endocarditis, marantic      50
Endocarditis, nonbacterial thrombotic      50
Endocarditis, prophylaxis for      48
Endocrine disorders      37
Endocrine pancreatic neoplasm      103
Endocrinology      144—167
Endoderm      226
Endoderm, embryology of      20t
Endodermal sinus tumor      130—131 136
Endometrial carcinoma, histology of      135f
Endometrial carcinoma, uterine      134
Endometrial hyperplasia, uterine      134
Endometriosis      134 294
Endometrium, histology of      135f
Endometrium, hyperplasia of      135f
Endothelial cells, damage to      36
Endothelium      231
Enterococcus in spontaneous bacterial peritonitis      99
Enterococcus in urinary tract infections      106
Environmental pulmonary disease      72—73
Eosinophilic granuloma      172
Eosinophilic granuloma, lung presentation of      65t
Eosinophilic pneumonia      66t
Eosinophils      231—232
Ependyma      226
Ependymoma      12
Ephelis      206
Epidermal cells, loss of cohesion between      204
Epidermis, blistering in      205
Epidermis, layers of      204
Epiglotitis      6
Epiglottis      35
Epilepsy, classification of      224—225
Epilepsy, temporal lobe      224
Epinephrine for urticaria      206
Epinephrine in hypoglycemia      149
Epinephrine, ACTH stimulation of      231
Epistaxis      30
Epstein — Barr virus in Burkitt's lymphoma      201
Epstein — Barr virus in hepatitis      98
Epstein — Barr virus in sore throat      34
Epulis      32
Erb's paralysis      227t
Erythema infectiosum      211
Erythema multiforme      210
Erythema nodosum      207
Erythroblastosis fetal is      140
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate      260—261 287—288
Erythrocytosis, secondary      197t
Erythromycin for bullous myringitis      27
Erythromycin for conjunctivitis      23t
Erythromycin for diphtheria      34
Erythromycin in torsades des pointes      42
Erythropoietin      167
Escherichia coli in meningitis      7
Escherichia coli in pyogenic osteomyelitis      172
Escherichia coli in spontaneous bacterial peritonitis      99
Escherichia coli in urinary tract infections      106
Esophageal hiatal hernia      296
Esophageal motility disorder      292
Esophagitis, pathology of      87
Esophagitis, reflux      87
Esophagus, atresia of      86
Esophagus, carcinoma of      87
Esophagus, diseases of      86—87
Esophagus, disorders of      86—87
Esophagus, injuries of      87
Esophagus, normal physiology of      86
Esophagus, rupture of      276
Estrogen      155
Ethambutol for fungal meningitis      8
Ethambutol for tuberculosis      78
Evan's syndrome      192
Ewing's sarcoma      173
Exanthem      204
Exanthem, subitum      211
Exanthem, viral      211—212
Exercise therapy      41
Extrapulmonary disease      64
Eyes, classic syndromes of      21—23
Eyes, colors of      27
Eyes, conjunctival disorders of      23
Eyes, corneal disorders of      24
Eyes, glaucoma of      24—25
Eyes, neuritis of      26—27
Eyes, palpebra of      23
Eyes, retinal disorders of      25—26
Eyes, scleritis/uveitis of      24
FAB antibodies      45
Fabry's disease      227t
Face, congenital disorders of      29—30
Face, fractures of      30
Face, trauma to      30
Facial nerve disorders      30—31
Facial paralysis, bilateral      31
Factor IX concentrate      194
Factor V Leiden disease      196
Familial adenomatous polyposis      95
Fanconi's anemia      227t
Fanconi's syndrome      110
Farber's disease      227t
Fats, saturated      36
Fatty liver, microvesicular      98
Female gonadal axis, disorders of      156
Female gonadal axis, normal physiology of      154—155
Ferritin      188
Ferruginous bodies      69
Fetal alcohol syndrome      15
Fetal circulation      52
Fetal circulation in utero      53f
Fetor oris      32
Fever, postoperative      245
Fibroadenoma, breast      80 81f
Fibroid      134
Fibrolamellar carcinoma      228t
Fibroma, oral      32
Fibroma, uterine      136
Fibromuscular dysplasia      117
Fibrous dysplasia      171
Fifth disease      211
Fifth disease, cause of      295
Finasteride      154
Fine touch      215
Fitz-Hugh — Curtis syndrome, description and symptoms of      228t
Fitz-Hugh — Curtis syndrome, diagnosis of      266 293—294
Flame hemorrhages      26
Flexor withdrawal reflex      216—217
Fluconazole (flucon)      75t
Fluocinonide (Lidex)      205
Fluoroquinolone      74t
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis      112t
Folate      39
Folic acid deficiency      247t
Folic acid deficiency in megaloblastic anemia      187
Folic acid deficiency in neural tube defect      15
Follicle stimulating in estrogen production      155
Follicle stimulating in sprematogenesis      153
Follicle stimulating, hormone (FSH)      144
Follicle stimulating, loss of      146
Follicular cancer      286
Foot drop      244
Foramen ovale      52
Fractures, basilar skull      30
Fractures, facial      30
Francisella tularensis      75t
Freckle      206
Fresh-frozen plasma      187
Fried egg morphology      12
Friedreich's ataxia      19
Frontal lobe lesions      224
Functional lung tissue loss      62
Functional residual capacity      261 288
Fungal infections, cutaneous      204
Fungal infections, immune defense against      238
Furosemide      276
GABA      225
Galactosemia      228t
Gallbladder, disorders of      101—102
Gallbladder, pigment stones in      255 282
Gallstone ileus      102
Gallstones      101—102
Ganciclovir      9
Gardener's syndrome      96
Gargoyle facies      242
Gastric cancers      88—89
Gastric cancers, metastatic      89
Gastric ulcers      88
Gastrinoma      89 283—284
Gastritis, acute erosive      88
Gastritis, atrophic      284
Gastritis, chronic nonerosive (atrophic)      88
Gastroenteritis      77
Gastroenterology      86—105 see "Esophageal "Intestines" "Stomach"
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)      87
Gaucher's disease      228t
Gemistocyte      1
Genital herpes      142—143
Genitourinary tract, female      134—141
Genitourinary tract, male      130—133
Genitourinary tract, sexually transmitted disease of      141—143
Gentamicin      7
Germ cell tumors, ovarian      135—136
Germ cell tumors, testicular      130—131
Gerstmann's syndrome      224
Ghon complex      77
Ghon complex, evolution of      262 290
Giant cell arteritis      21
Giant cell bone tumor      173
Giant cell pneumonitis      72
Gilbert's syndrome      96
Gingivitis, acute necrotizing      32
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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