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Ayala C., Spellberg B. — Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards: A Review for USMLE Step 1 |
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Spinal tracts, ascending and descending 216f
Spinocerebellum, degeneration of 19
Spinocerebellum, lesions of 219
Spirochetes 261—262 289
Spirometry 57 58f
Spironelactone 44
Spitz nevus 206
Spleen 231
Splenic sequestration 193
Spondyloarthropathy, seronegative 176—177
Spongiosis 205
Squamous cell cancer, oral 32
Squamous cell carcinoma 209
Squamous cell carcinoma, incidence of 281
Squamous cell carcinoma, increased calcium levels in 265—266 293
Squamous cell carcinoma, lung 70t
Squamous cell carcinoma, vaginal 134
Staghorn renal calculi 119f
Stapedial artery 20t
Staphylococcus in phagocyte defects 242
Staphylococcus in pneumonia 260 287
Staphylococcus in sore throat 34
Staphylococcus, aureus, in C3 or C45 deficiency 241
Staphylococcus, aureus, in cervical lymphadenitis 35
Staphylococcus, aureus, in chronic sinusitis 31
Staphylococcus, aureus, in cystic fibrosis 102
Staphylococcus, aureus, in pneumonia 74t
Staphylococcus, aureus, in pyogenic osteomyelitis 172
Staphylococcus, aureus, in toxic shock syndrome 136
Staphylococcus, saprophyticus, in ammonium magnesium phosphate stones 118
Staphylococcus, saprophyticus, in urinary tract infections 106
Status asthmaticus 62
Stein — Leventhal syndrome 136
Stem cells 185
Steroid eye drops 23t
Steroids for eczema 205
Steroids for temporal arteritis 21
Steroids, inhaled 253 280
Steroids, pathways of synthesis of 157f
Stomach, cancer of 88—89
Stomach, disorders of 87—89
Stomach, normal physiology of 87
Stratum corneum, thickening of 204
Stratum granulosum, thinning of 204
Streptococcus in cervical lymphadenitis 35
Streptococcus in chronic sinusitis 31
Streptococcus in glomerulonephritis 272 300
Streptococcus in phagocyte defects 242
Streptococcus, agalactiae 6—7 172
Streptococcus, group A 50
Streptococcus, pneumoniae 6
Streptococcus, pneumoniae, characteristics and treatment for 74t
Streptococcus, pneumoniae, in acute sinusitis 31
Streptococcus, pneumoniae, in spontaneous bacterial peritonitis 99
Streptococcus, pyogenes 34 212
Streptococcus, viridans 248 275
Streptomycin 75t
Stroke 1
Stroke, vascular distribution of 3t
Stromal neoplasms, uterine 136
Struma ovarii 160
Struvite stones 118
Sturge — Weber syndrome 209
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 21
Subarachnoid hemorrhage with severe headache, nausea and vomiting 257 284
Subclavian arteries 20t
Substance P 231
Substantia nigra 217
Succinylcholine 245
Sudden death 45
Sulfacetamide 23t
Sulfadiazine 8
Sulfonylurea 149
Sumatriptan 21
Superior sulcus tumor 71
Superoxide dismutase gene mutation 19
Surfactant 73
Surgery, complications of 245
Sweet's syndrome 229t
Swinging flashlight test 22
Sydenham's chorea 50
Synaptic input, loss of 1
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) 111
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) in small cell carcinoma 293
Syndrome X 230t
Syndromes 227—230
Syphilis in aortic dissection 52
Syphilis in vaginosis 295
Syphilis, congenital hearing loss with 29
Syphilis, diagnosis of 261—262 289
Syphilis, genitourinary manifestations of 142
Syphilis, Hutchinson's teeth with 31
Syringomyelia 15
Systemic diseases, cutaneous manifestations of 213
Systemic diseases, lung presentation of 64 65—66t
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 175
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in Libman — Sacks endocarditis 50
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), antihistone antibodies in 253 280
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), diagnosis of 175—176
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), drug-induced 176
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), lung presentation of 66t
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), serum laboratory tests for 273 301
T lymphocytes in central tolerance 235
T lymphocytes in immune response 233 235
T lymphocytes, cytotoxic 233
T lymphocytes, cytotoxic, antigen to 234
T lymphocytes, cytotoxic, in AIDS 240
T lymphocytes, cytotoxic, in viral defense 238
T lymphocytes, two-signal theory of activation of 236
T-cell deficiencies, acquired 239—241
T-cell deficiencies, congenital 239
Tabes dorsal is 10
Tachycardia, nodal 43t
Tachycardia, sinus 431 68
Tachycardia, supraventricular 42
Tachycardia, ventricular 42 43t
Tachydysrhythmias 43t
Taenia 98
Taenia, solium 10
Takayasu arteritis 299
TAN HATS acronym 219
Tay — Sachs disease 17
Tay — Sachs disease, description and symptoms of 230t
Tears, artificial 23
Telangiectasia with systemic sclerosis 179f
Telangiectasia, hereditary hemorrhagic 30
Telencephalon 223—224
Temporal arteritis 21
Temporal arteritis, ESR in 260—261 287—288
Temporal lobe lesions 224
Tensilon screening test 184
Teratogens 244
Teratoma 711
Teratoma of testes 130
Teratoma, ovarian 160
Teratoma, uterine 136
Testicular feminization syndrome 154
Testis, masses in 130
Testis, tumors of 130—131
Testosterone 149 153
Tet spell 54
Tetanus 32
Tetracycline for granuloma inguinale 142
Tetracycline, toxicity of 98
Tetralogy of Fallot 54
Tetralogy of Fallot, murmurs with 55t
Thalamus, anatomy and function of 219
Thalamus, coronal sections through 220—22If
Thalassemias 190
Theca cells 155
| Thecoma, uterine 136
Theophylline 253 280
Thiamine for alcoholic liver disease 100
Thiamine, deficiency of 247t
Thiamine, deficiency of, neurologic characteristics of 17
Thiazide diuretics for congestive heart failure 45
Thiazide diuretics for hypertension 38
Thoracentesis 63
Throat see also "Neck"
Throat, congenital disorders of 33—34
Throat, disorders of 34—35
Throat, sore 34—35
Thrombocythemia, essential 197
Thrombocythemia, presentation of 283
Thrombocytopenia 191—193
Thrombolytics 249 276
Thrombus prophylaxis 2
Thrush, oral 34
Thumb sign 35
Thymoma 711
Thymoma, suppressing ACTH secretion 167
Thymus, lymphocytes of 235—236
Thyroglossal cysts 158
Thyroglossal duct cysts 33
Thyroglossal duct cysts in neck mass 250 276—277
Thyroid gland in neck mass 277
Thyroid gland, adenoma of 159
Thyroid gland, congenital disease of 158
Thyroid gland, disorders of 158—163
Thyroid gland, malignancy of 162—163
Thyroid gland, physiology of 158
Thyroid hormones 158
Thyroid nodules, parafollicular C cell-derived 264 292
Thyroid stimulating in Schmidt's syndrome 302
Thyroid stimulating, hormone 158
Thyroid storm 161
Thyroid tumor 71t
Thyroiditis, Riedel's 162
Thyroiditis, silent 160
Thyroiditis, subacute 159 161—162
Thyrotoxicosis 166
Thyrotrophs 144
Thyrotropin (TSH) 144
Thyrotropin (TSH), loss of 146
Thyroxin 158
Timolol 25
Tinea 204
Tinea capitis 204
Tinea versicolor 204
Tinnitus 28
Togavirus 211 295
Tolerance 235
Tolerance, central 235—236
Tolerance, oral 236
Tolerance, peripheral 236
Tongue, squamous cell cancer of 32
Tonsillitis 34—35
Torsades des pointes 42
Torsades des pointes, EKG in 44f
Torticollis 33
Toxic shock syndrome 136 294
Toxicology 243 244—245
Toxoplasma, AIDS-related 240
Toxoplasmosis 8
TPA 40
Tracheoesophageal fistula 86
Transaminases 97
Transferrin 188
Transforming growth factor in peripheral tolerance 236
Transforming growth factor, (TCF- ) 237—238
Transfusion medicine 186—187
Transfusion medicine, hazards of 187
Transient ischemic attack (TIA) 1—2
Transitional cell carcinoma 281
Transplant rejection 235
Traube's sign 47
Trauma, AEIOU TIPS for 245—246
Trauma, to nose, face and sinuses 30
Trench mouth 32
Treponema pallidum 142 295
TRH secretion 158
Triamcinolone 205
Trichomonas in vulvovaginitis 137 138t
Trichomonas, vaginalis 138f 143
Trichomonas, vaginalis, symptoms of 266—267 294—295
Tricuspid valve, regurgitation of 48 49f
Tricuspid valve, regurgitation of, murmurs with 55t
Tricuspid valve, stenosis of 48
Tricuspid valve, stenosis of, heart sounds in 277
Tricuspid valve, stenosis of, murmurs with 55t
Tricyclic antidepressants 42
Triiodothyronine 158
Trismus 32
Tropheryma whippelii 90
Tropical sprue 90
Trousseau's sign 166
Trousseau's syndrome 103
Trypanosoma cruzi in Chagas' disease 292
Trypanosoma cruzi in dilated cardiomyopathy 45
Trypsin, serum level of 297
Tuberculosis, active 78
Tuberculosis, diagnosis and treatment of 77—78
Tuberculosis, Ghon complex in 262 290
Tuberculosis, inflammatory response in 237
Tuberculosis, latent 77—78
Tuberculosis, miliary 77 79f
Tuberculosis, postprimary 79f
Tuberculosis, primary 77 79f
Tuberculosis, secondary 77
Tuberous sclerosis 15 209
Tuberous sclerosis syndrome 120—121
Tubo-ovarian abscess 137
Tubular colonic adenoma 95
Tubular necrosis, acute 109
Tubular necrosis, acute, diagnosis of 252 279
Tubulovillous adenoma 95
Tumor necrosis factor-a 237
Tumors of appendix 96
Tumors of nose, face, and sinuses 30
Tumors, colonic 95
Tumors, gastric 88—89
Tumors, hepatic 101
Tumors, mediastinal 711
Tumors, neurologic 11—14
Tumors, oromaxillary 32
Tumors, pituitary 146
Turcot's syndrome 96
Turcot's syndrome in glioblastoma multiforme 11
Turner's syndrome 156
Typhoid fever 213
Typhoid fever, pulse-fever dissociation in 299
Tyramine 245
Ulcerative colitis 92 95f
Ulcerative colitis, barium enema of 94f
Ulcerative colitis, symptoms of 259 286—287
Ulcerative colitis, versus Crohn's disease 93t
Uncus, transtentorial herniation 4
Urachal cyst 131
Urease 118
Uremia in chronic renal failure 111
Uremia in metabolic acidosis 272 300
Uremia in platelet dysfunction 193
Urethritis 106
Urinalysis 116—117
Urinary colic 118
Urinary incontinence 3t
Urinary tract infection 106
Urinary tract infection, acute 106—107
Urinary tract infection, chronic 107
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