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Ayala C., Spellberg B. — Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards: A Review for USMLE Step 1
Ayala C., Spellberg B. — Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards: A Review for USMLE Step 1

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Название: Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards: A Review for USMLE Step 1

Авторы: Ayala C., Spellberg B.


This Fourth Edition of Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards offers the most tested information on the USMLE Step 1 in a systematic, outline manner. This essential guide also works well as a companion on rotations, covering the information you need to master your clerkships in a concise, handy pocket reference.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Психология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Fourth Edition

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 364

Добавлена в каталог: 18.03.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Asthma, extrinsic      62
Asthma, inhaled steroids for      253 280
Asthma, intrinsic      62
Asthma, lung pathology of      299
Asthma, nonallergic occupational      72
Asthma, spirometry in      57
Astrocytes      226
Astrocytes, responses to injury      1
Astrocytoma, grade IV      11
Ataxia-telangiectasia      241
Atenolol      253 280
Atherosclerotic plaque      36
Atherosclerotic plaque in renal artery stenosis      117
Atrial contraction      49f
Atrial fibrillation      41—42
Atrial fibrillation in congestive heart failure      44
Atrial fibrillation therapy for      249—250 276
Atrial fibrillation, EKG in      43t
Atrial flutter      43t
Atrial septal defect      54 275
Atrial septal defect, heart sounds in      277
Atrial septal defect, murmurs with      55t
Augmentin for otitis media      27
Augmentin for sinusitis      31
Auspitz sign      205 248 275
Autoimmune hepatitis      100
Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy      301
Autoimmunity      236—237
Autoinflammatory disease      24
Axon, manifestations of damage to      1
Axon, prolonged injury to      1
Azathioprine      184
Azithromycin (AZT) for AIDS      240
Azithromycin (AZT) for aseptic meningitis      7
Azithromycin (AZT) for chancroid      142
Azithromycin (AZT) for lymphogranuloma venereum      141
Azithromycin (AZT) in dilated cardiomyopathy      45
Azotemia in chronic renal failure      111
Azotemia, presentation of      279
B lymphocytes      234
B lymphocytes in immunity      235
B vitamin deficiencies      247t
B vitamin deficiencies in glossitis      32
B-cell deficiencies, acquired      239
B-cell deficiencies, congenital      239
B-cell/T-cell deficiencies, combined      241
Bacillary angiomatosis      213
Bacterial infections, cutaneous      212—213
Bacterial infections, immune defense against      238
Bacteroides sinusitis      31
Bactrim for otitis media      27
Bactrim for pneumonia      75t
Bactrim for sinusitis      31
Bactrim for toxoplasmosis      8
Balloon sphincterotomy      86
Banti's syndrome      227t
Barium swallow      292
Barlow disease      289
Barlow's syndrome      46 55t
Barr bodies      154
Barrier's syndrome      227t
Bartonella, henselae      213
Bartonella, henselae, in cervical lymphadenitis      35
Bartonella, quintana      213
Basal cell carcinoma      209
Basal cell carcinoma, risk of metastasis of      254 281
Basal ganglia      223
Basophils      232
Batten's disease      17
Battle's sign      30
Becker's dystrophy      183
Behcet's syndrome      176
Bell's palsy      30—31
Bence-Jones proteinuria      173
Benign prostatic, hyperplasia      132
Benign prostatic, presentation of      267 295
Benzodiazepine      100
Benztropine      19
Berger's disease in Henoch — Schoenlein syndrome      213
Berger's disease, nephropathy of      116t
Beriberi      247t
Bernard — Soulier syndrome      193
Berry aneurysms      284
Beryllium disease, chronic      72
Beta agonists      253 280
Beta-antagonists      253 280
Bicarbonate      110
Bile duct cancer      97
Bile duct carcinoma      101
Biliary colic      101—102
Biliary tract disease      296—297
Binswanger's disease      227t
Biopsy, bone marrow      186 302
Biotin deficiency      247t
Birbeck granules      172
Bladder wall, evaginations of      131
Bladder wall, extrophy of      131
Bladder, cancer of      131 132
Bladder, congenital diseases of      131
Blast cells, maturation of      185
Blast crisis      199
Bleeding disorders      193
Bleeding time      258 285
Blindness in carotid emboli      2
Blindness in right eye      22f
Blindness in vertebrobasilar emboli      2
Blindness, glaucoma in      24—25
Blistering disorders in spongiosis      205
Blistering disorders, cutaneous      210
Blood cell disorders      185—203
Blood groups      186
Blood products      186—187
Blood-brain barrier, anatomy and functions of      226
Blood-brain barrier, compromised      1
Blood-brain barrier, disorders of      226
Blue bloater      62
Blumer's shelf      89
Boerhaave's syndrome      87
Bone diseases, metabolic      168—171
Bone diseases, nonneoplastic      171—172
Bone marrow      231
Bone marrow, biopsy of      186 302
Bone marrow, transplant of      187
Bone tumors, benign      172—173
Bone tumors, malignant      173—174
Bordetella pertussis      45
Borrelia burgdorferi      8
Botulinum toxin      86
Bradyarrhythmia      43t
Bradycardia, sinus      43t
Brain in immunology      231
Brain stem      217—218
Brain stem, lesions of      218
Brain, abscess of      10—11
Brain, midsagittal section of      222f
Branchial cleft cysts      33 277
Branchial derivatives      20t
Breast cancer with gynecomastia      255 282
Breast cancer, ductal carcinoma in situ in risk of      254 281
Breast cancer, risk factors for      251—252 278—279
Breast cancer, risk of      80
Breast, benign mass in      80 81f
Breast, carcinomas of      83—85
Breast, cysts of      80 82f
Breast, ductal carcinoma in situ of      83
Breast, fibroadenoma of      80 81f
Breast, fibrous pseudolump in      83
Breast, inflammatory carcinoma of      85
Breast, intraductal hyperplasia of      83
Breast, intraductal papilloma of      83
Breast, invasive ductal carcinoma of      83
Breast, invasive lobular carcinoma of      84
Breast, lobular carcinoma in situ of      83
Breast, mammography of      85
Breast, mastalgia of      80
Breast, Paget's disease of      84 292
Brenner tumor      135
Brodie's abscess      172
Bromocriptine      12
Bronchial carcinoid tumors, characteristics and histology of      70t
Bronchial carcinoid tumors, suppressing ACTH secretion      167
Bronchial cyst      71t
Bronchial, hyperresponsiveness      62
Bronchiectasis      62
Bronchitis, chronic      62
Bronchoalveolar, carcinoma      70t
Bronchoconstriction      73
Bronchogenic carcinoma      70t
Brown Sequard syndrome      215
Brownian motion      73
Brucellosis      299
Brudzinski's sign      6
Bruton's agammaglobulinemia      239
Bruton's lines      189
Budd — Chiari syndrome      100
Buffalo hump      150 151f
Bulla      204
Bullous myringitis      27
Bullous pemphigoid      210 292
Burns, first-degree      214 298
Burns, second-degree      214 298
Burns, third-degree      214 269—270 298
C vitamin deficiency      247t
C vitamin deficiency in scurvy      169 289
C2/C4 deficiency      241
C3/C5 deficiency      241
Caisson's disease      227t
Calcitonin      164
Calcitonin in paraneoplastic syndromes      167
Calcitriol      252 279
Calcium in squamous cell carcinoma      265—266 293
Calcium pyrophosphate stones      118
Calcium, deficiency of      166
Calcium, disorders of      164
Calcium, excess of      165—166
Calcium, fall in serum level of      165f
Calcium, homeostasis of      164
Calcium, physiology of      163—164
Calcium, subcutaneous and periarticular deposits of      178f
Calcium-channel blockers      42
Call — Exner bodies      136
Calymmatobacterium granulomatis      142 295
Cancer of breast, detection of      85
Cancer of breast, risk of      80
Cancer of gallbladder      102
Cancer of male bladder      131—132
Cancer of small intestine      91
Cancer, colonic      95—96
Cancer, cutaneous      208—210
Cancer, dermatologic      208—210
Cancer, gastric      88—89
Cancer, hypercalcemia and      165
Cancer, oral      32
Cancer, pancreatic      103
Cancer, parenchymal lung      70t
Cancer, prostate      132 133f 266 294
Cancer, respiratory tract      69—71
Candida in endocarditis      49
Candida in esophagitis      87
Candida in sore throat      34
Candida in urinary tract infections      106
Candida in vulvovaginitis      137 138t
Candida, albicans      239
Candida, albicans, vaginal infection of      294
Candidiasis, chronic mucocutaneous      239
Candidiasis, oral      32
Canker sore      32
Carbon monoxide, diffusion limited (DLCO)      57
Carbon monoxide, neurologic characteristics of      17
Carbon monoxide, poisoning diagnosis of      258 285—286
Carbonic anhydrase II deficiency      289
Carboxyhemoglobin      258 285—286
Carcinoembryonic antigen      96
Carcinoembryonic antigen in adenocarcinoma      293
Carcinoid      91
Carcinoid of appendix      96
Carcinoid tumor, bronchial      293
Carcinoma of breast      83—85
Carcinoma, anaplastic      163
Carcinoma, basal cell      209 254 281
Carcinoma, ductal in situ      265 292—293
Carcinoma, esophageal      87
Carcinoma, follicular      162—163
Carcinoma, in situ, of male genitourinary tract      130
Carcinoma, medullary      162
Carcinoma, of male bladder      131
Carcinoma, papillary      162
Carcinoma, squamous cell      70t 209 265—266 281 293
Carcinoma, transitional bladder      131
Cardiac tamponade      50
Cardiobacterium hominis endocarditis      50
Cardiogenic shock      67 245
Cardiomyopathy, congestive      51f
Cardiomyopathy, dilated      45—46
Cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic      45—46
Cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic, obstructive      47
Cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic, sustained apical impulse in      250—251 277
Cardiomyopathy, restrictive      45—46
Cardiovascular disorders      36—56
Cardiovascular disorders with acromegaly      259 287
Cardioversion for atrial fibrillation      41 42 276
Cardioversion for supraventricular tachycardia      42
Cardnerella in vulvovaginitis      137 138t
Cardnerella, vaginalis      267 294
Carey-Coombs murmur      50
Caroli's disease      227t
Carotid arteries      20t
Carotid body tumor      33—34
Carotid embolus, classic      2
Caseating granuloma      77
Cataracts      27
Catecholamine-producing tumors      153
Cauda equina syndrome      215
Caudate      223
Cavernous sinus      144
CD4 cells      234 240
CD8+T cells      233 234
Cefotaxime      6 7
Ceftazidime      7
Ceftriaxone for fungal meningitis      8
Ceftriaxone for meningitis      6 7
Celiac disease      90
Cell(s), responses to injury      1
Cell(s), types of      1
Cellular neurobiology      1
Central nervous system      231
Central pontine myelinolysis      16
Cephalosporin for chancroid      142
Cephalosporin for gonorrhea      141
Cephalosporin for pneumoniae      74t
Cephalosporin for spontaneous bacterial peritonitis      99
Cerebellar tonsillar herniation      4
Cerebellum, anatomy of      219
Cerebellum, lesions of      219
Cerebral aqueduct      217
Cerebral artery      223
Cerebral artery, stroke of      3t
Cerebral peduncles      217
Cerebrospinal fluid, elevated protein level of in Guillain — Barre syndrome      263 291
Cerebrospinal fluid, findings of in multiple sclerosis      250 277
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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