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Ayala C., Spellberg B. — Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards: A Review for USMLE Step 1
Ayala C., Spellberg B. — Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards: A Review for USMLE Step 1

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Название: Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards: A Review for USMLE Step 1

Авторы: Ayala C., Spellberg B.


This Fourth Edition of Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards offers the most tested information on the USMLE Step 1 in a systematic, outline manner. This essential guide also works well as a companion on rotations, covering the information you need to master your clerkships in a concise, handy pocket reference.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Психология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Fourth Edition

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 364

Добавлена в каталог: 18.03.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Hypertension in chronic renal failure      111
Hypertension in diabetic retinopathy      25
Hypertension in renal artery stenosis      117
Hypertension, causes of      36—37
Hypertension, essential      36
Hypertension, malignant      37
Hypertension, portal      99t
Hypertension, pulmonary      68
Hypertension, treatment for      37—38
Hypertensive crisis      245
Hypertensive emergency      37
Hypertensive urgency      37
Hypertensive virilizing adrenal hyperplasia      156
Hyperthermia, malignant      245
Hyperthyroidism in hypertension      37
Hyperthyroidism, apathetic      160
Hyperthyroidism, causes and symptoms of      158—159
Hyperthyroidism, disorders of      159—160
Hyperthyroidism, lab findings in      160
Hyperthyroidism, second degree      160
Hyperthyroidism, thyroid storm in      161
Hyperthyroidism, treatment of      161
Hypertrophic subaortic stenosis      55t
Hyperuricemia      180—181
Hyperviscosity syndrome      173
Hyphema      22
Hypoadrenal crisis, acute      152
Hypoalbuminemia      276
Hypoaldosteronism, hyporeninemic      109
Hypocalcemia      166
Hypocalcemia in chronic renal failure      111
Hypocalcemia in torsades des pointes      42
Hypocalcemia with acute pancreatitis      268—269 296—297
Hypogammaglobulinemia, common variable      239
Hypogammaglobulinemia, X-linked      239
Hypoglycemia      149
Hypoglycemia in paraneoplastic syndromes      167
Hypoglycemia, diabetic      147
Hypoglycemia, factitious      149
Hypoglycemia, fasting      149
Hypoglycemia, neurologic characteristics of      17
Hypoglycemia, Whipple's triad of      149
Hypogonadism      156—157
Hypokalemia in torsades des pointes      42
Hypokalemia, evaluation of      128f
Hypomagnesemia      166
Hyponatremia      126f
Hypoparathyroidism      166
Hypophosphatemia      252 279
Hypophyseal artery, inferior      144
Hypopituitary syndrome      144—146
Hypopnea      71
Hypothalamic pituitary axis, anatomy of      144 145f
Hypothalamic pituitary axis, disorders of      144—146
Hypothalamus      219
Hypothyroidism, causes of      161—162
Hypothyroidism, neonatal      162
Hypoventilation      59
Hypoventilation, first degree      68
Hypovolemic shock      245
Hypoxemia      61f
Hypoxemia, differential diagnosis of      60
Hypoxemia, mechanisms of      59—60
Hypoxemia, V/Q mismatch in      61
Icterohemorrhagic fever      98
Icterus      27
IgA deficiency      239
IgG autoantibodies      210
Iliac crest bone biopsy      168f
Immotile cilia syndrome      29
Immune complex hypersensitivity      242
Immune system      238
Immunity, cell mediated, in Ghon complex      262 290
Immunity, innate versus specific      235
Immunodeficiencies      239—242
Immunoglobulin for thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura      192
Immunoglobulin, selective deficiency of      239
Immunology concepts      231—242 235—237
Immunosuppressives      191
Impetigo      212
Indomethacin      54
Infarct      1—2
Infarct, bland      2
Infarct, hemorrhagic      2
Infarct, lacunar      2
Infarct, watershed      2
Infections, neurologic      6—10
Infections, uveitis and      24
Inflammation      238
Inflammation, neurologic      6—11
Inflammatory arthritis      176
Inflammatory bowel disease of large intestine      92
Inflammatory bowel disease of small intestine      89—90
Inflammatory bowel disease, comparison of      93t
Inflammatory bowel disease, uveitis and      24
Inflammatory carcinoma of breast      85
Inflammatory disorders of female genitourinary tract      136—138
Inflammatory disorders of large intestine      92—95
Inflammatory disorders of liver      98
Inflammatory response      231
Influenza      75t
Inhalation fevers      72
Inhibin      154
Insulin growth factor      163
Insulin in diabetes      146 147
Insulin in hypoglycemia      149
Insulinoma      103 149 248 275
Intention tremors      219
Interferon-$\alpha$      237
Interferon-$\alpha$ for essential thrombocythemia      197
Interferon-$\beta$      237
Interferon-$\gamma$      237
Interferons      238
Interleukin 2      150
Interleukins      237
Interleukins in immune response to intracellular pathogens      238
Interleukins in viral defense      238
Internal capsule      223
Interstitial cell tumors      131
Interstitial fibrosis      63
Interstitial nephritis, acute      107
Interstitial nephritis, chronic tubular      107—108
Intervertebral discs      226
Intestine large      see also "Colon"
Intestine, large, barium enema of      94f
Intestine, large, cancer of      95—96
Intestine, large, disorders of      91—96
Intestine, large, diverticula of      91—92
Intestine, large, inflammatory disorders of      92
Intestine, large, tumors of      95
Intestine, lymphangiectasia of      91
Intestine, small      see also "Duodenum"
Intestine, small, barium follow-through of      93f
Intestine, small, cancer of      91
Intestine, small, disorders of      89—91
Intestine, small, normal physiology of      89
Intestine, small, pseudoobstruction of      89
Intracerebral capillary epithelium      226
Intracranial neoplasms      11—13
Intracranial pressure      11
Intracranial tumors      11
Inverse myotatic reflex      216
Iodine      158
Iodine, deficiency of      247t
Iris, inflammation of      24
Iron, deficiency of      188—189 247t
Iron, excess of      247t
Iron, physiology of      188
Irritable bowel syndrome      296
Ischemic bowel disease      92
Ischemic heart disease      38—41 see "Coronary "Myocardial
Ischemic heart disease in dilated cardiomyopathy      45
Isoniazid      78
Isovalinic acidemia      228t
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction      142
Jaundice      27
Jaundice, acquired causes of      97
Jaundice, congenital      96—97
Jaundice, physiologic of newborn      96
Job's syndrome      242
Jugular venous pressure tracing      49f
K vitamin deficiency      247t
K vitamin deficiency in clotting disorder      195
Kallman's syndrome      157
Kaposi's sarcoma      209—210
Kaposi's sarcoma, AIDS-related      240
Kartagener's syndrome      29—30
Kartagener's syndrome, lack of mucociliary escalator in      262—263 290
Kasabach — Merritt syndrome      228t
Kawasaki's syndrome      271 299
Kawashiorkor      244
Kawaski's syndrome      213
Kawaski's syndrome in cervical lymphadenitis      35
Kayser — Fleischer ring      23
Kayser — Fleischer ring in Wilson's disease      17
Kelley — Seegmiller syndrome      228t
Keloid      204
Keratitis      290
Keratitis, bacterial      24
Keratitis, exposure      30
Keratitis, viral      24
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca      23 176
Kernig's sign      6
Keshan's disease      247t
Ketoacidosis, diabetic      146—147 148 272—273 301
Kidneys, congenital anomalies of      106
Kidneys, cystic diseases of      119—120
Kidneys, diffuse cortical necrosis of      117—118
Kidneys, glomerular diseases of      112—117
Kidneys, horseshoe      106
Kidneys, renal tubular and interstitial disorders of      107—112
Kidneys, thyroidization of      107
Kidneys, tumors of      120—121
Kingella kingae endocarditis      50
Klebsiella in pneumonia      74t
Klebsiella in spontaneous bacterial peritonitis      99
Klinefelter's syndrome      154
Klippel — Trenaunay — Weber syndrome      228t
Kluever — Bucy syndrome      224
Klumpke's paralysis      228t
Koebner's phenomenon      275
Kohler's bone disease      171
Koplik's spots      204 275
Korsakoff memory      224
Krabbe leukodystrophy      18
Krukenberg tumor      89
Kussmaul hyperpnea      146—147
Kyphoscoliosis      69
Labetalol      37
Laboratory tests      244
Labyrinthectomy      28
Labyrinthitis, viral      28
Lactase deficiency      90—91
Lactose intolerance      296
Lactotrophs      144
Lactulose      99
Lambert — Eaton syndrome      71 184
Large cell carcinoma, lung      70t
Laser ablation for diabetic retinopathy      25
Laser ablation for glaucoma      25
Laurence — Moon — Biedl syndrome      157
Lead poisoning      189
LeFort fractures, facial      30
Legg — Calve — Perthe disease      171
Legionella pneumophila      74t
Leigh's disease      228t
Leiomyoma, gastric      89
Leiomyoma, uterine      134
Leiomyosarcoma gastric      89
Lens dislocation      23
Lentigo      206
Leptospirosis      98
Leptospirosis in meningitis      8
LES ablation      86
Lesch — Nyhan syndrome      228t
Letterer — Siwe disease      172
Leukemia      192
Leukemia, acute      185
Leukemia, acute lymphoblastic      198
Leukemia, acute lymphoblastic, diagnosis of      283
Leukemia, acute lymphoblastic, presentation of      283
Leukemia, acute myelogenous      198—199
Leukemia, acute myelogenous, subtypes of      198t
Leukemia, chronic lymphocytic      200
Leukemia, chronic myelogenous      199
Leukemia, chronic myelogenous, diagnosis of      256 283
Leukemia, chronic myelogenous, differential diagnosis of      199t
Leukemia, hairy cell (B-cell subtype)      200
Leukemia, large granular lymphocyte      200
Leukemia, lymphocytic      185
Leukemia, most common by age      200
Leukemia, myeloproliferative disease and      196
Leukemia, T-cell      200
Leukemoid reaction      199t
Leukocoria      26
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency syndromes      242
Leukodystrophy      18
Leukoencephalopathy, progressive multifocal      9
Leukoplakia      32
Leukoplakia, oral hairy      32
Leukotriene inhibiting drugs      253 280
Levodopa/carbidopa      19
Leydig cell      153
Leydig cell tumor      131
Lhermitte sign      228t
Li-Fraumeni's syndrome      229t
Lichenification      204
Liddle's disease      228t
Lidocaine      42
Lifestyle modification      37
Limbic system      224
Linitis plastica      89
Lipase, serum level of      297
Lipocortin induction      150
Lipoprotein, high density (HDL)      36
Lipoprotein, low density (LDL)      36
Liquefactive necrosis      1
Listeria monocytogenes      7
Liver in immunology      231
Liver spots      206
Liver, disorders of      96—101
Liver, disorders of, in clotting disorder      195
Liver, tumors of, benign      101
Liver, tumors of, malignant      101
Livor mortis      244
Lockjaw      32
Long QT syndrome, congenital      42
Loop diuretics      45
Lou Gherig's disease      see "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"
Ludwig's angina      32
Lumbar puncture      217
Lumboperitoneal shunt      14
Lung volumes      58f
Lungs, cancer of, epidemiology of      69
Lungs, cancer of, parenchymal      70t
Lungs, infarction of      68
Lupus, nephropathy of      115t
Luteinizing hormone      144 155
Luteinizing hormone in polycystic ovarian syndrome      260 287
Luteinizing hormone, synthesis of      153
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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