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Patterson D.A., Hennessy J.L. — Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface
Patterson D.A., Hennessy J.L. — Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface

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Íàçâàíèå: Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface

Àâòîðû: Patterson D.A., Hennessy J.L.


What's New in the Third Edition, Revised Printing

The same great book gets better! This revised printing features all of the original content along with these additional features:

• Appendix A (Assemblers, Linkers, and the SPIM Simulator) has been moved from the CD-ROM into the printed book

• Corrections and bug fixes
Third Edition features

New pedagogical features

•Understanding Program Performance
- Analyzes key performance issues from the programmer's perspective
• Check Yourself Questions
- Helps students assess their understanding of key points of a section
• Computers In the Real World
- Illustrates the diversity of applications of computing technology beyond traditional desktop and servers
• For More Practice
- Provides students with additional problems they can tackle
• In More Depth
- Presents new information and challenging exercises for the advanced student

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 656

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.06.2009

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Pipdining hazards data, stalls      413—416
Pipdining hazards data, structural      375
Pipeline stalls      377—379 413—416 CD6.7:5—7
Pipelining hazards, branch/control      379—382 416—424 CD6.7:8—9
Pipelining, advanced methods for extracting more performance      432—445
Pipelining, control      399—402
Pipelining, datapath      384—399
Pipelining, defined      370
Pipelining, designing instruction sets for      374—375
Pipelining, exceptions      427—432
Pipelining, fallacies and pitfalls      451—384
Pipelining, forwarding      376—377 402—412 CD6.7:3
Pipelining, graphic representation      395—399
Pipelining, historical development of      CD6.13:1—13
Pipelining, instruction execution sped up by      372—374
Pipelining, latency      383
Pipelining, overview of      370
Pipelining, Pentium 4 example      448
Pipelining, stalls      377—379 413—416 CD6.7:5—7
Pipelining, Verilog used to describe and model      CD6.7:l—9
Pitfalls      33—34
pixels      18
Pointers, arrays versus      130—134
Poison      442
polling      590
pop      80
Pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs)      156—157
Positive numbers, multiplying      176—180
Power      30—32
Power, consumption, problems with      263—265
PowerPC, addressing      IMD2:17—20
PowerPC, instructions      D32—33
PowerPC, multiply-add instruction      IMD3:10
Prediction      382 421—423
Prediction, IA-64      441
preserving registers      127
primary memory      23
Procedure call conventions      A22—33
Procedure call frame      A23
Procedures, allocating space for data on heap      87—88
Procedures, allocating space for data on stack      86
Procedures, C      81—88
procedures, defined      79
Procedures, frame      86
Procedures, inlining      116
Procedures, leaf      83 93
Procedures, nested      83—85
Procedures, preserved versus not preserved      85
Procedures, recursive      A26 29
Procedures, steps      70
Process switch      530
Processor      20
Processor, -memory buses      582
Processor, communicating with      590—591
Processor, cores      6—7
Product of sums      B10—12
Product terms      B12
Program counter (PC)      80 292
Programmable logic arrays (PLAs)      B12—14 C7 19—20
Programmable logic devices (PLDs)      B77
Programmable read only memory (PROM)      Â14 16
Programming languages, history of      CD2.19:6—7
Propagate, carry lookahead      B39—47
Propagation time      B77
Protection group      576
Protocol families/suites      CD8.3:1—2
protocol stack      CD8.3:3
Pseudodirect addressing      100
Pseudoinstructions      107 A17
push      80
Putzolu, Gianfranco      CD8.11:5
Quicksort      129 507—508
Quotient      183
R-type instructions      292—293 298
Radio communication      CD8.3:8—9
Radix sort      507—508
RAID (redundant arrays of inexpensive disks), big-interleaved parity (RAID 3)      576—577
RAID (redundant arrays of inexpensive disks), block-interleaved parity (RAID 4)      577—578
RAID (redundant arrays of inexpensive disks), distributed block-interleaved parity (RAID 5)      578
RAID (redundant arrays of inexpensive disks), error detecting and correcting code (RAID 2)      575
RAID (redundant arrays of inexpensive disks), historical development of      CD8.11:5—6
RAID (redundant arrays of inexpensive disks), mirroring (RAID 1)      575
RAID (redundant arrays of inexpensive disks), no redundancy (RAID 0)      575
RAID (redundant arrays of inexpensive disks), P + Q redundancy (RAID 6)      578
RAID (redundant arrays of inexpensive disks), summary of      578—579
RAID (redundant arrays of inexpensive disks), use of term      574—574
Random access memory (RAM)      20
Raster cathode ray tubes (CRTs)      18
Raster refresh buffer      18
Rau, Bob      CD6.13:4
Read only memory (ROM)      B14 16 C13—19
Read/write head      23
Reals      189
Receive message routine      CD9.1:6
Recursive procedures      A26 29
Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)      CD2.19:4
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), addressing modes and instruction formats      D5—9
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), Alpha      D27—28
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), architecture      CD5.12:3
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), ARM      D36—38
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), desktop versus embedded      D3—5
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), digital signal-processing extensions      D19
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), M32R      D40—41
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), MIPS      D9—16 20—24
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), MIPS16      D41—43
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), MIPS64      D25—27
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), multimedia extensions      D16—19
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), PA-RISC 2.0      D34—36
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), PowrPC      D32—33
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), SPARCv.9      D29—32
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), SuperH      D39—40
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), Thumb      D38—39
Redundancy      see RAID (redundant arrays of inexpensive disks)
Reference bit      519
refresh rate      18
Reg      B21—22
Register addressing      100
Register file      293—294 B49 53—55
Register file, read      385 390 392 402
Register use conventions      A22—33
Registers      52—53 59 88 290 532
Registers, allocation      CD2.12:7—9
Registers, architectural      448
Registers, dedicated      CD2.19:2
Registers, destination      64
Registers, general-purpose      135 138 CD2.19:2—3
Registers, global pointer      85
Registers, IA-32      137—138
Registers, jump      76 80
Registers, mapping into numbers      60—68
Registers, number      294
Registers, renaming      439
Registers, special-purpose      CD2.19:2
registers, spilling      58 80
Relational databases      CD8.11:4—5
Reliability      573
Relocation      513
Relocation information      A13
Remainder      183
Remington-Rand      CD1.7:4
Remote access times      CD9.1:7
Reorder buffer      443
Reproducibility      255—256
Requested word first      482
Reservation stations      443
Response time      242 244
Restartable instruction      533
Restorations      572
Return address      80
ring topology      CD9.6:27
Rings      CD7.9:7
Ripple carry      B39 44—45
RISC      see Reduced instruction set computer
Ritchie, Dennis      CD2.19:7 CD7.9:8 11
Rotational delay      570
Rotational latency      570
Rounding      214—215 CD3.10:2—4
routers      CD8.3:6
Sandisk Corp.      605
Scanning      CD2.12:1
Scientific notation      189 191
Secondary memory      23
sectors      569
Seek      569
Seek time      569—570
Segmentation      514—515
Selector value      B9
Selinger, Patricia      CD8.11:5
Semantic analysis      CD2.12:1
Semaphores      CD9.3:18
Semiconductor      29
Send message routine      CD9.1:6
Sensitivity list      B24
Separate compilation      A18
Sequential elements      290
Sequential logic      B5 55—57
Servers      5
Set associative cache      497 504
set on less than      75 77 165 301
set on less than immediate      77 165
set on less than immediate unsigned      165 169
set on less than unsigned      165 169
Set-up time      B53
Shadowing      575
Shared memory      CD9.4:22 24
Shared virtual memory      CD9.4:24
Shared-memory processors      CD9.1:4—5
Shift amount      69
Shifts      69
Sign and magnitude      162 191
Sign bit      163
Sign extension      164 167—168 294 296
Signed division      187—188
Signed multiplication      180
Signed numbers      160—170
Significand      193
Silicon      29
Silicon crystal ingot      29
Silicon Graphics      see MIPS
Simple programmable logic devices (SPLDs)      B77
simplicity      285
Simputer      45
Simula-67      CD2.19:7
Simultaneous multithreading (SMT)      CD9.7:31—34
Single address space multiprocessors      CD9.1:4—6
Single bus, multiprocessors connected by a      CD9.3:ll—20
Single instruction multiple data (SIMD)      CD9.11:47—49 51
Single instruction single data (SISD)      IMD 2.12 CD9.11:47
Single precision      192
Single-cycle implementation scheme      300—318
Single-cycle implementation scheme, pipelined performance versus      372—374
Small computer systems interface (SCSI)      573
Smalltalk      CD2.19:7
Smith, Jim      CD6.13:2
Snooping cache coherency      CD9.3:13
Software, applications      11—12
Software, performance affected by      10
Software, systems      11
Software, third-party of shrink-wrap      5
sort, body for for loop      126—127
sort, code for the body of      124—126
sort, full procedure      127—128
sort, Java      CD2.14:6—14
sort, passing parameters      127
sort, register allocation      123
Source language      A6
SPARCv.9      D29—32
Spatial locality      468—469
SPEC (System Performance Evaluation Corp.), CPU benchmarks      254—255 259—266 CD4.7:2—3 IMD4:7—8
SPEC (System Performance Evaluation Corp.), file server benchmarks      599
SPEC (System Performance Evaluation Corp.), Web server benchmarks      599
SPEC ratio      259
speculation      434—435
SPECweb99 benchmark      262—266
Speedup      IMD4:5
Spilling registers      58 80
Spilt caches      487
SPIM      A40—45 CDA:l—2
SPIM, command-line options      A42 CDA1—3
Spin waiting      CD9.3:19 20
Split transaction protocol      585
SRAM      see Static random access memory
SRT division      188
STACK      80
Stack, allocating space for data on      86
Stack, instructions      CD2.19:3—4 IMD2:8—9
Stack, pointer      80
Stack, segment      A22
Stale data problem      595
Stallman, Richard      CD2.19:8
Standby spares      579
Stanford DASH multiprocessor      CD9.11:52
State elements      289—290 B47—48
Static data segment      87 A20—22
Static multiple issue      433 435—442 CD6.13:4
Static random access memory (SRAM)      20 469 B57—60
static storage class      85
Stewart, Robert G.      CD3.10:7
Sticky bit      215
Stone, Harold S.      CD3.10:7
Stonebraker, Mike      CD8.11:5
STOP      440
Storage classes, types of      85
Storage, disk      569—580 CD8.11:l—4
Storage, for digital cameras      603—606
STORE      57
Store buffer      445 485
store byte      91
store conditional      CD9.3:19—20
store half      94
store word      57—59 294 300—318
Stored-program concept      49 215
Strength reduction      118
Stretch computer      CD6.13:l—2
Strings, C      92—93
Strings, Java      93—95
Striping      575
Stroustrup, Bjarne      CD2.19:7
Structural hazards      375
Structural specification      B21
Structured Query Language (SQL)      CD8.11:4—5
subroutines      CD5.7:2
Subtract      49—51 301
subtract unsigned      172
Subtraction      170—176
Sum of products      B10—12
Sun Microsystems      CD4.7:2 CD7.9:9
Supercomputers, denned      5
Supercomputers, first      CD1.7:5
SuperH      D39—40
Superscalar processors      348 442—445 CD6.13:4
Supervisor process      529
swap, code for the body of      122—123
swap, full procedure      123
swap, Java      CD2.14:6—14
swap, register allocation      122
Swap, space      517
switch statement      76
switched networks      CD8.3:5
switches      CD8.3:7
1 2 3 4 5 6
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