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Patterson D.A., Hennessy J.L. — Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface
Patterson D.A., Hennessy J.L. — Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface

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Íàçâàíèå: Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface

Àâòîðû: Patterson D.A., Hennessy J.L.


What's New in the Third Edition, Revised Printing

The same great book gets better! This revised printing features all of the original content along with these additional features:

• Appendix A (Assemblers, Linkers, and the SPIM Simulator) has been moved from the CD-ROM into the printed book

• Corrections and bug fixes
Third Edition features

New pedagogical features

•Understanding Program Performance
- Analyzes key performance issues from the programmer's perspective
• Check Yourself Questions
- Helps students assess their understanding of key points of a section
• Computers In the Real World
- Illustrates the diversity of applications of computing technology beyond traditional desktop and servers
• For More Practice
- Provides students with additional problems they can tackle
• In More Depth
- Presents new information and challenging exercises for the advanced student

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 656

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.06.2009

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802.11 standard      CD8.3:9—10
absolute addresses      A13
Abstractions      21—22 24
Accumulator architectures      CD2.19:1—2
Accumulator instructions      IMD2:7
acronyms      9—10
ACS      CD6.13:4
Activation record      86
Active matrix display      18
Ada      173
Add      49—51 301
add immediate      58
add immediate unsigned      172
add unsigned      172
Adder      292
Addition      170—176
Addition, carry lookahead      B38—47
Addition, floating point      197—201
Address (addressing) in large—scale parallel processors      CD9.4:23—25
Address (addressing), absolute      A13
Address (addressing), base      55
Address (addressing), calculation      385 390 392 402
Address (addressing), exception      342—343
Address (addressing), memory      54
Address (addressing), PC-relative      98
Address (addressing), physical      511 512 513—514
Address (addressing), translation      512 521—524
Address (addressing), virtual      512
Addressing modes, IA-32      138
Addressing modes, MIPS      100
Addressing modes, RISC      D5—9
Addressing, MIPS, 32-bit immediate operands      95—96
Addressing, MIPS, branches and jumps      97—99 294—295
Addressing, MIPS, decoding machine language      100—104
Addressing, MIPS, mode summary      100
Advance load      442
Advanced Research Project Agency (AREA)      CD7.9:9 CD8.3:5 CD8.11:7
Agarwala, Tilak      CD6.13:4
Aho, Al      CD2.19:8
Aiken, Howard      CD 1.7:3
Air bags      281
Algol      CD2.19:6—7
Aliasing      528
Alignment restriction      56
Allan, Fran      CD2.19:8
Alpha architecture      CD5.12:3 D27—28
Alto      16 CD1.7:7—8 CD7.9:10 CD8.11:7
ALU      see Arithmetic logic unit
ALUOp      301—305
ALUOut      319 320 327
AMD      136
AMD Opteron, memory hierarchy      546—550
Amdahl, Gene      CD5.12:1
Amdahl’s Law      179 267 494 CD9.2:9 CD9.9:40 IMD4:5—6
and (AND)      70 301 321 B6
AND gate      CD3.10:5
and immediate      71
Andreessen, Marc      CD8.11:7
Antidependence      439
Antifuse      B77
Antilock brakes      281
Apple II      CD1.7:5
Application binary interface (ABI)      22
Applications software      11
Archeological sites      236—237
Architectural registers      448
Architecture      see Instruction set architecture
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)      177 179 184 187 201
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), 1-bit      B26—29
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), 32-bit      B29—36
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), adders and      292 294
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), ALUOp      301—305
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), ALUOut      319 320 327
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), constructing      B26—38
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), control      301—303 C4—8
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), datapaths and      286 292 294 296
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), MIPS      B32—38
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), multicycle implementation      318—340
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), single-cycle implementation      300—318
Arithmetic, Addition      170—176
Arithmetic, division      183—189
Arithmetic, fallacies and pitfalls      220—224
Arithmetic, floating point      189 191—220
Arithmetic, mean      257—258
Arithmetic, Multiplication      176—182
Arithmetic, signed and unsigned numbers      160—170
Arithmetic, subtraction      170—176
Arithmetic-logical instructions      292—293 298
Arithmetic-logical instructions, multiple-cycle implementation      327 329
Arithmetic-logical instructions, single-cycle implementation      300—318
ARM      D36—38
ARPANET      CD8.3:5 CD8.11:7
Arrays of logic elements      B18—19
Arrays, versus pointers      130—134
Art, restoration of      562—563
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)      90—91
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) versus binary numbers      162
Assembler directives      A5
assemblers      13 107—108 A4 10—17
Assembly language      13 107 A3—10 see
Assembly language, disadvantages of      A9—10
Assembly language, when to use      A7—9
Assert signal      290
Asserted signal      290 B4
Associativity, in caches      499—502
Asynchronous bus      582—583
Asynchronous inputs      Â75—77
AT&T Bell Labs      CD7.9:8—9
Atanasoff, John      CD 1.7:3
Atomic swap operation      CD9.3:18
AUocate-on-miss      484
automatic storage class      85
Availability      573
Average Memory Access Time (AMAT)      IMD7:1
Bachman, Charles      CD8.11:4 5
Backpatching      A13
backplane      582
Backus, John      CD2.19:6 7
Barrier synchronization      CD9.3:15
Base 2 to represent numbers      160—161
Base address      55 100
Base register      55
base stations      CD8.3:9
Basic block      75
Basket, Forrest      CD7.9:9
Behavioral specification      B21
Bell Labs      CD7.9:8—9
Benchmarks      254—255
Benchmarks, EEMBC, 255      IMD4:17—18
Benchmarks, kernel      CD4.7:2 IMD4:7—8
Benchmarks, SPEC CPU      254—255 259—266 CD4.7:2—3 IMD4:7—8
Benchmarks, SPECweb      99 262—266
Benchmarks, synthetic      CD4.7:l—2 IMD4:11—12
Berkeley Computer Corp. (BCC)      CD7.9:8 9
Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD)      CD7.9:9
Berners—Lee, Tim      CD8.11:7
Biased notation      170 194
Big Endian      56 A43
Big-interleaved parity (RAID 3)      576—577
Bigelow, Julian      CD1.7:3
Binary digits (numbers)      12 60
Binary digits (numbers), adding and subtracting      170—176
Binary digits (numbers), ASCII versus      162
Binary digits (numbers), converting to decimal floating point      196
Binary digits (numbers), converting to decimals      164
Binary digits (numbers), hexadecimal-binary conversion table      62
Binary digits (numbers), scientific notation      191
Binary digits (numbers), use of      160—161
Binary point      191
bit error rate (BER)      CD8.3:9
Bit(s)      12 60
Bit(s) in a cache      479
Bit(s), dirty      521
Bit(s), fields      IMD2:13—14
Bit(s), least significant      161
Bit(s), map      18
Bit(s), most significant      161
Bit(s), reference/use      519
Bit(s), sign      163
Bit(s), sticky      215
Blaauw, Gerrit      CD6.13:2
BLNAC      CD1.7:4
Block, Barbara      156—157
Block-interleaved parity (RAID 4)      577—578
Blocking assignment      B24
Blocks, denned      470
Blocks, finding      540—541
Blocks, locating in caches      502—504
Blocks, placement of      538—540
Blocks, reducing cache misses with      496—502
Blocks, replacing      504 541—542
Bonding      30
Boolean algebra      B6
Booth’s algorithm      IMD3:5—9
Bounds check shortcut      168
Branch (es), addressing in      97—99 294—295
Branch (es), delay slot      423
Branch (es), delayed      297 382 418—419 A41
Branch (es), history table      421
Branch (es), loop      421—422
Branch (es), multiple-cycle implementation      327—328 336
Branch (es), not taken      295 418
Branch (es), prediction      382 421—423
Branch (es), prediction buffer      421
Branch (es), taken      295
Branch (es), target address      294—296
Branch (es), target buffer      423
Branch equal (beq)      294 297 300—318
Branch/control hazards      379—382 416—424
Branch/control hazards, delayed      297 382 418—419
Branch/control hazards, dynamic branch prediction      421—423
Branch/control hazards, not taken      295 418
Branch/control hazards, untaken      381
Branch/control hazards, Verilog and      CD6.7:8—9
Brooks, Fred, Jr.      CD6.13:2
Bubble sort      129
Burks, Arthur W., 48      CD1.7:3 CD3.10:1
buses      291—292
Buses, advantages/disadvantages of      581
buses, asynchronous      582—583
Buses, backplane      582
Buses, basics of      581—585
Buses, defined      581 B18—19
Buses, master      594
Buses, Pentium 4      585—587
Buses, processor-memory or I/O      582
Buses, shared      322—324
buses, synchronous      582—583
Buses, transaction      582
bypassing      376—377
Byte addressing      56
byte order      A43
C++      CD2.19:7
C, bit fields      IMD2:13—14
C, converting floating points to MIPS assembly code      209—213
C, development of      CD2.19:7
C, logical operations      68—71
C, overflows      172
C, procedures      81—88
C, sort example      121—129
C, strings      92—93
C, translating hierarchy      106—111
C, while loop in      74—75
Cache coherency, multiprocessor      CD9.3:12—20
Cache coherency, protocols      CD9.3:13 16—18
Cache coherency, snooping      CD9.3:13
Cache coherency, synchronization using      CD9.3:18—20
Cache-coherent nonuniform memory access (CC-NUMA)      CD9.4:22
Caches, accessing      476—482
Caches, associativity      499—502
Caches, basics of      473—491
Caches, bits in      479
Caches, blocks used to reduce misses      496—502
Caches, blocks, locating in      502—504
Caches, denned      473
Caches, direct-mapped      474—475 497
Caches, example of simple      474—476
Caches, fully associative      497
Caches, Intrinsity FastMATH processor example      485—487
Caches, mapping address to multiword block      480
Caches, memory      20
Caches, memory system design to support      487—491
Caches, misses, handling      482—483 496—502
Caches, multilevel      492 505—510
Caches, nonblocking      445 548
Caches, performance with increased clock rate      495—496
Caches, performance, measuring and improving      492—511
Caches, reducing miss penalty using multilevel      505—509
Caches, set associative      497 504
Caches, split      487
Caches, tags      475 504
Caches, three Cs model      543—545
Caches, valid bit      476
Caches, writes, handling      483—485
Cal TSS      CD7.9:8
callee      80 A23
caller      80 A23
Capacity misses      543
Carnegie Mellon University      CD6.13:5
Carrier signal      CD8.3:8
Carry lookahead      B38—47
Carry save adders      181 IMD3:17—18
Case statement      76
cathode ray tubes (CRTs)      18
Cause register      342
Cause Write      342
Central processor unit (CPU)      20
Central processor unit (CPU), execution time      244—245
Central processor unit (CPU), performance      245 246—253
Central processor unit (CPU), time      244—245
Cerf, Vint      CD8.11:7
Chamberlin, Donald      CD8.11:5
characters, Java      93—95
Chavin de Huantar      236—237
Chips      20 30
Clearing words in memory arrays and      130—132
Clearing words in memory arrays and, comparing both methods      133—134
Clearing words in memory arrays and, pointers and      132—133
Clock cycles      245 B47
Clock cycles per instruction (CPI)      248—251
Clock cycles per instruction (CPI) in multicycle CPU      330—331
Clock cycles, breaking execution into arithmetic-logical instruction      327 329
Clock cycles, breaking execution into branches      327—328
Clock cycles, breaking execution into decode instruction and register fetch      326—327
Clock cycles, breaking execution into fetch instruction      325—326
Clock cycles, breaking execution into jump      328
Clock cycles, breaking execution into memory read      329
Clock cycles, breaking execution into memory reference      327 328
Clock cycles, finite state machines      332
Clock cycles, multicycle implementation      318—340
Clock cycles, single-cycle implementation      300—318
Clock period      245 B47
Clock rate      245
Clock skew      B73—74
Clocking methodology      290—292 B47
Clocking methodology, edge-triggered      290—291 B47
Clocking methodology, level-sensitive      B74—75
Clocking methodology, tuning methodologies      B72—77
clocks      B47—49
CLU      CD2.19:7
1 2 3 4 5 6
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