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Patterson D.A., Hennessy J.L. — Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface
Patterson D.A., Hennessy J.L. — Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface

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Íàçâàíèå: Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface

Àâòîðû: Patterson D.A., Hennessy J.L.


What's New in the Third Edition, Revised Printing

The same great book gets better! This revised printing features all of the original content along with these additional features:

• Appendix A (Assemblers, Linkers, and the SPIM Simulator) has been moved from the CD-ROM into the printed book

• Corrections and bug fixes
Third Edition features

New pedagogical features

•Understanding Program Performance
- Analyzes key performance issues from the programmer's perspective
• Check Yourself Questions
- Helps students assess their understanding of key points of a section
• Computers In the Real World
- Illustrates the diversity of applications of computing technology beyond traditional desktop and servers
• For More Practice
- Provides students with additional problems they can tackle
• In More Depth
- Presents new information and challenging exercises for the advanced student

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 656

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.06.2009

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Memory, volatile      23
Memory-mapped I/O      589—590
Memory-memory instructions      IMD2:8
MESI cache coherency protocol      CD9.3:16 18
Message passing      CD9.1:6 CD9.4:22—23
Metastability      B75—76
MFLOPS (million floating-point operations per second)      IMD4:15—17
Microarchitecture      448
Microcode      348
Microinstructions      348—349 CD5.7:1
Microinstructions, fields      CD5.7:3 5—9
Microinstructions, format      CD5.7:2—4
Microoperations      348
Microprocessors, first      CD1.7:5
Microprocessors, future of      CD9.10:44—45
Microprogramming, controller      348 CD5.12:2
Microprogramming, creating a program      CD5.7:4—10
Microprogramming, defined      330 346
Microprogramming, fallacies and pitfalls      350—352
Microprogramming, historical development of      CD5.12:l—4
Microprogramming, implementing the program      CD5.7:10—12
Microprogramming, microinstruction format defined      CD5.7:2—4
Microprogramming, simplifying design with      CD5.7:1—13
Microsoft Corp.      CD1.7:5 CD7.9:10 CD8.11:5 6
Minicomputers, first      CD 1.7:5
Minterms      Â12
mips      49
MIPS (million instructions per second) equation      268
MIPS (million instructions per second) equation, peak versus relative      IMD4:13—14
MIPS (million instructions per second) equation, problem with using as a performance measure      268—270
MIPS assembly language, add      49—51
MIPS assembly language, add immediate      58 59
MIPS assembly language, add immediate unsigned      172
MIPS assembly language, add unsigned      172
MIPS assembly language, AND      69 70
MIPS assembly language, and immediate      71 89
MIPS assembly language, conditional and unconditional branches      72—73
MIPS assembly language, divide      188—189
MIPS assembly language, divide unsigned      188—189
MIPS assembly language, floating point      207
MIPS assembly language, jump      73 80
MIPS assembly language, jump address table      76
MIPS assembly language, jump-and-link      79—80
MIPS assembly language, load word      54—59 294
MIPS assembly language, move from hi      181
MIPS assembly language, move from lo      181
MIPS assembly language, multiply      181
MIPS assembly language, multiply unsigned      181
MIPS assembly language, nor (NOR)      69 70
MIPS assembly language, or (OR)      69 70
MIPS assembly language, or immediate      71 89
MIPS assembly language, R2000, addressing modes      A45—47
MIPS assembly language, R2000, arithmetic and logical instructions      A51—57
MIPS assembly language, R2000, assembler syntax      A47—49
MIPS assembly language, R2000, branch instructions      A59—63
MIPS assembly language, R2000, comparison instructions      A57—59
MIPS assembly language, R2000, constant manipulating instructions      A57
MIPS assembly language, R2000, data movement instructions      A70—73
MIPS assembly language, R2000, encoding instructions      A49
MIPS assembly language, R2000, exception and interrupt instructions      A80—81
MIPS assembly language, R2000, floating-point instructions      A73—80
MIPS assembly language, R2000, instruction format      A49—51
MIPS assembly language, R2000, jump instructions      A63—64
MIPS assembly language, R2000, load instructions      A66—68
MIPS assembly language, R2000, store instructions      A68—70
MIPS assembly language, R2000, trap instructions      A64—66
MIPS assembly language, set on less than      75
MIPS assembly language, set on less than immediate      77 165
MIPS assembly language, set on less than immediate unsigned      165
MIPS assembly language, set on less than unsigned      165
MIPS assembly language, shifts      69
MIPS assembly language, store word      54—59 294
MIPS assembly language, subtract      49—51
MIPS assembly language, subtract unsigned      172
MIPS assembly language, summary of      51 59 67 71 77 89 105 169 175 190 207 226—228
MIPS assembly language, xor      IMD2:21—22
MIPS, addressing      95—105
MIPS, allocation of memory      87
MIPS, arithmetic logic unit (ALU)      B32—38
MIPS, compiling statements into      50—51
MIPS, decision-making instructions      72—73
MIPS, exception code      535
MIPS, fields      63—64
MIPS, floating point      206—213
MIPS, implementation      285—289
MIPS, instruction encoding table      64 103
MIPS, instruction set      49
MIPS, logical operations      68—71
MIPS, machine language, summary of      67 78 90
MIPS, mapping registers into numbers      60—68
MIPS, operands, summary of      59 67 71 89 105 169
MIPS, registers      52—53 79—80 85 88 532
MIPS, RISC core subset      D9—16 20—24
MIPS, RISC instructions for MIPS 16      D41—43
MIPS, RISC instructions for MTPS64      D25—27
MIPS, translating assembly into machine language      65—66
Mirroring      575
MISS      470
Miss penalty      471
Miss penalty, reducing, using multilevel caches      505—509
Miss rate/ratio      471
Miss rate/ratio, global      509
Miss rate/ratio, local      509
Misses, Average Memory Access Time (AMAT)      IMD7:1
Misses, cache      482—483 496—502
Misses, capacity      543
Misses, cold-start      543
Misses, collision      543
Misses, compulsory      543
Misses, conflict      543
Misses, TBL      531
Mitsubishi, M32R      D40—41
Moore machine      338 B68
Moore, Edward      338
Moore, Gordon      28
Moore’s Law      28 181
Mosaic      CD8.11:7
Most significant bit      161
motherboard      19 20
Motorola, 68881      CD3.10:8
Motorola, PowrPC      D32—33 IMD2:17—20 IMD3:10
Mouse      16—17
move from hi      181
move from lo      181
Move from system control      173
Multicomputers      CD9.11:52
Multics (Multiplexed Information and Computing Service)      CD7.9:8
Multicycle implementation      318—340
Multiflow Co.      CD6.13:4
Multilevel caching      492 505—510
Multimedia extensions of desktop/server RISCs      D16—19
Multiple instruction multiple data (MIMD)      CD9.11:51—53
Multiple instruction single data (MISD)      CD9.11:51
Multiple issue, denned      433
Multiple issue, dynamic      433 442—445
Multiple issue, IBM’s work on      CD6.13:4
Multiple issue, static      433 435—442
Multiplexors      286 B9—10
multiplicand      176
Multiplication      176—182
Multiplication, floating point      202—205
Multiplier      176
Multiply      181
multiply unsigned      181
Multiprocessors, connected by a network      CD9.4:20—25
Multiprocessors, connected by a single bus      CD9.3:ll—20
Multiprocessors, defined      CD9.1:4 CD9.11:52
Multiprocessors, future of      CD9.10:43—44
Multiprocessors, history development of      CD9.11:47—55
Multiprocessors, inside a chip and multithreading      CD9.7:30—34
Multiprocessors, networks      CD9.4:20—25 CD9.6:27—30
Multiprocessors, programming      CD9.2:8—10
Multiprocessors, types of      CD9.1:4—8
Multistage network      CD9.6:29—30
Multithreading      CD9.7:30—34
Name dependence      439
Nan (not a number)      193
NAND gate      B8
NCR      CD8.11:6
Negation shortcut      166
Nested procedures      83—85
Netscape      CD8.11:7
Network bandwidth, defined      CD9.6:27
Network bandwidth, fully connected      CD9.6:28
Network bandwidth, total      CD9.6:27—28
networks      25—27
Networks, characteristics of      CD8.3:1
Networks, crossbar      CD9.6:30
Networks, internetworking      CD8.3:l—4
Networks, local area      CD8.3:5—8
Networks, long-haul      CD8.3:5
Networks, multiprocessors connected by      CD9.4:20—25 CD9.6:27—30
Networks, multistaged      CD9.6:29—30
Networks, Pentium 4      585—587
Networks, wireless local area      CD8.3:8—10
news      465
Next-state function      331 B67 C12—13 21—27
No-allocate-on-write      484
No-fetch-on-write      484
Nonblocking assignment      B24
Nonblocking caches      445 548
Nonuniform memory access (NUMA) multiprocessors      CD9.1:6 CD9.4:22
Nonvolatile memory      23
Nonvolatile storage device      569
Nop      413—414
nor (NOR)      70 301 B8
Normalized number      189
Northrop      CD 1.7:4
NOT      70 B6
Numbers, ASCII versus binary      162
Numbers, base to represent      160—161
Numbers, converting binary to decimal      164
Numbers, loads      164
Numbers, negative and positive      165
Numbers, shortcuts      166—168
Numbers, sign and magnitude      162
Numbers, sign bit      163
Numbers, signed and unsigned      160—170
Numbers, two’s complement representation      163
Nygaard, Kristen      CD2.19:7
Oak      CD2.19:7
Object files, defined      108 A10
Object files, format      A13—14
Object files, linking      109—111
Object-oriented language, defined      130 CD2.14:1
Object-oriented language, Javas      CD2.14:l—13
Offset      55 56
Opcode      63 303 305 306
Open Source Foundation      CD7.9:9
Open Systems Interconnect (OSI)      CD8.3:2
Operands, constant or immediate      57
Operands, for computer hardware      52—60
Operands, memory      54—55
Operands, MIPS floating point      207
Operands, MIPS, summary of      59 67 71 89 105 169
Operating systems, examples of      11
Operating systems, functions of      11—12 588—589
Operating systems, historical development of      CD7.9:7—11
Operations, for computer hardware      49—52
Operators, Verilog      B21—22
Optical disks      25
Optimizations, high-level      116—117
Optimizations, local and global      117—120 CD2.12:3—6
Optimizations, summary of      120—121
or (OR)      70 301 321 B6
or immediate      71
Oracle      CD8.11:5
Out-of-order execution      445
output devices      15 A38—40
Output don’t cares      B16
Output operation      582
Overflow      CD3.10:5
Overflow, adding and subtracting and      171—174
Overflow, division and      189
Overflow, exceptions, detection of      343
Overflow, floating point and      192
Overflow, multiplying and      181
Overlays      511—512
PA-RISC 2.0      D34—36
Packets      CD8.3:5
Page      512
page faults      512 514 516—521 531
Page offset      513 514
page table      515—516
Page, placing and find      515—516
Palmer, John E.      CD3.10:7
Parallel processing program      CD9.1:4 CD9.2:8—10 CD9.4:22—23
Parallel processing program, addressing      CD9.4:23—25
Parallel processing program, fallacies and pitfalls      CD9.9:39—42
Parity, big-interleaved (RAID 3)      576—577
Parity, block-interleaved (RAID 4)      577—578
Parity, distributed block-interleaved (RAID 5)      578
Parsing      CD2.12:1
Pascal      CD2.19:6—7
Patterson, David      CD8.11:6
PC-relative addressing      98 100
PCSpim      A42 CDA:l—3
PCSrc control and signal      305
PCWrite      321
PCWriteCond      321
Peer-to-peer architecture      CD8.3:9—10
Pentium 4, buses and networks of      585—587
Pentium 4, implementation of      348—350
Pentium 4, manufacturing of      28—33
Pentium 4, memory hierarchies      546—550
Pentium 4, pipeline      448—450
Pentium processors, SPEC CPU benchmarks      254—255 259—266
Pentium processors, SPECweb99 benchmark      262—266
Performance      see also Pipelining
Performance of caches      253
Performance of caches, comparing      252—253 256—259 425—426
Performance of caches, CPU      245 246—253
Performance of caches, defined      241—244
Performance of caches, equation      248—249
Performance of caches, evaluating      254—259
Performance of caches, factors affecting      251
Performance of caches, fallacies and pitfalls      266—270
Performance of caches, historical review      CD4.7:l—4
Performance of caches, how hardware and software affect      10
Performance of caches, I/O      597—600
Performance of caches, measuring      244—246
Performance of caches, measuring and improving      492—511
Performance of caches, of the pipeline      253
Performance of caches, per unit cost of technologies      27
Performance of caches, relative      243—244
Performance of caches, reports      255—256
Performance of caches, single-cycle machines and      315—318
Performance of caches, SPEC CPU benchmarks      254—255 259—266 CD4.7:2—3 IMD4:7—8
Performance of caches, SPECweb99 benchmark      262—266
Performance of caches, system      245
Performance of caches, versus power and energy efficiency      263—265
Performance, benchmarks      254—255 IMD4:7—8 11—18
Personal computers, early      CD1.7:5—8
Peterman, Mark      366—367
Physical addresses      511 512 513—514
Physical page number      513
Physically addressed cache      528
Pipdining hazards data, denned      376—379
Pipdining hazards data, forwarding      402—412
Pipdining hazards data, load-use      377
1 2 3 4 5 6
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