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Patterson D.A., Hennessy J.L. — Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface
Patterson D.A., Hennessy J.L. — Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface

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Íàçâàíèå: Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface

Àâòîðû: Patterson D.A., Hennessy J.L.


What's New in the Third Edition, Revised Printing

The same great book gets better! This revised printing features all of the original content along with these additional features:

• Appendix A (Assemblers, Linkers, and the SPIM Simulator) has been moved from the CD-ROM into the printed book

• Corrections and bug fixes
Third Edition features

New pedagogical features

•Understanding Program Performance
- Analyzes key performance issues from the programmer's perspective
• Check Yourself Questions
- Helps students assess their understanding of key points of a section
• Computers In the Real World
- Illustrates the diversity of applications of computing technology beyond traditional desktop and servers
• For More Practice
- Provides students with additional problems they can tackle
• In More Depth
- Presents new information and challenging exercises for the advanced student

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 656

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.06.2009

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Hardware, functions of      15
Hardware, performance affected by      10
Hardware, synthesis tools      B21
Hardwired control      348 CD5.12:2
Harvard Architecture      CD 1.7:3
hazards      see also Pipelining hazards
Hazards, detection unit      413—415
Heap, allocating space for data on      87—88
Heat sink      22
Held, Gerald      CD8.11:5
Hewlett-Packard      CD2.19:5 CD3.10:6—7 CD4.7:2
Hewlett-Packard, PA—RISC 2.0      D34—36
Hexadecimal-binary conversion table      62
HI      181
High-level optimization      116—117
High-level programming languages, advantages of      14 —15
High-level programming languages, architectures      CD2.19:4
High-level programming languages, defined      13
High-level programming languages, translating into instructions that hardware can execute      12—15
Hit(s), Average Memory Access Time (AMAT)      IMD7:1
Hit(s), denned      470
Hit(s), rate/ratio      470—471
Hit(s), time      471
Hitachi, SuperH      D39—40
Hold time      B53
Hot swapping      579
hubs      CD8.3:7
I/O, buses      582
I/O, communicating with processor      590—591
I/O, designing a system      600—603
I/O, devices      15 566 A38—40
I/O, digital camera example      603—606
I/O, diversity of      568
I/O, fallacies and pitfalls      606—609
I/O, giving commands to devices      589—590
I/O, historical development of      CD8.11:1—9
I/O, instructions      590
I/O, interfacing devices to processor, memory, and operating system      588—596
I/O, interrupt priority levels      591—593
I/O, interrupt-driven      590—591
I/O, measuring performance      567
I/O, memory-mapped      589—590
I/O, performance      597—600
I/O, rate      598
I/O, requests      568
I/O, transferring data between devices and memory      593—595
IBM, disk storage      CD8.11:1—4
IBM, early computers      CD1.7:5
IBM, floating points      CD3.10:2 3—4
IBM, floppy disks      CD1.7:6 CD8.11:2
IBM, history of programming languages      CD2.19:6
IBM, microprogramming      CD5.12:1—2
IBM, multiple issue      CD6.13:4
IBM, PowrPC      D32—33 IMD2:17—20 IMD3:10
IBM, RAID      CD8.11:6
IBM, Stretch computer      CD6.13:l—2
IBM, virtual memory      CD7.9:5—7 10
IBM, Winchester disks      CD8.11:2 4
IEEE 754 floation-point standard      193—196 CD3.10:7—9
If-then-else statements, compiling into conditional branches      72—73
Immediate addressing      100
implementation      22 24
Imprecise interrupts/exceptions      432 CD6.13:3
IMS      CD8.11:4
In-order commit      445
In-order completion      445
Induction variable elimination      119—120
infinity      193
Ingres      CD8.11:5
input devices      15 566 A38—40
Input don’t cares      Â16
Input operation      582
Inputs, asynchronous      Â75—77
Instruction decode      385 390 392 402
Instruction encoding, MIPS floating-point      208
Instruction fetch      385 388—389 392 400
Instruction format      61
Instruction group      440
Instruction latency      452
Instruction mix      253
Instruction register (ILP)      319 321
Instruction sets, addressing      95—105
Instruction sets, architecture      22 24
Instruction sets, compiler optimization      116—121
Instruction sets, decision-making instructions      72—74
Instruction sets, denned      48
Instruction sets, designing, for pipelining      374—375
Instruction sets, historical development of      CD2.19:l—9
Instruction sets, logical operations      68—71
Instruction sets, operands of hardware      52—60
Instruction sets, operations of hardware      49—52
Instruction sets, representing instructions to computer      60—68
Instruction sets, styles      IMD2:7—9
Instruction sets, supporting procedures      79—90
Instruction sets, to process text      90—95
Instruction sets, translating and starting a program      106—115
Instruction-level parallelism (ILP)      CD9.7:33 433 CD6.13:5
Integers, signed versus unsigned      165
Integrated circuits (ICs), costs      IMD1:1—2
Integrated circuits (ICs), denned      20 27—28
Integrated circuits (ICs), how they are manufactured      28—33
Integrated Data Store (IDS)      CD8.11:4
Intel      CD1.7:5 6 CD8.11:8 see
Intel 80286      135 CD2.19:5
Intel 80386      CD2.19:5
Intel 80486, 135      CD2.19:5
INTEL 8086      135 CD2.19:2 4 5
Intel 8087      135 CD3.10:7
Intel IA-32      59
Intel IA-32, addressing modes      138
Intel IA-32, complexity of      347—348
Intel IA-32, conclusions      142—143
Intel IA-32, fallacies and pitfalls      143—144
Intel IA-32, floating point      217—220
Intel IA-32, historical development of      134—137 CD2.19:4—5
Intel IA-32, instruction encoding      140—142
Intel IA-32, integer operations      138—140
Intel IA-32, registers      137—138
Intel IA-64      435 CD5.12:3
Intel IA-64, architecture      440—442 CD6.13:4—5
Intel iSC 860 and Paragon      CD9.11:52
Intel Pentium and Pentium Pro      135 CD2.19:5 448—450
Intel SPEC CPU benchmarks      254—255 259—266
Intel SPECweb99 benchmark      262—266
Intel Streaming SIMD Extension 2 (SSE2)      136
Intel Streaming SIMD Extension 2 (SSE2), floating points      220
Intel Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE)      135—136
Interface message processor (IMP)      CD8.3:5
Interference graph      CD2.12:7
Interleaving      489
Intermediate representation      CD2.12:2—3
Internet      CD8.11:7
Internet, news services      464—465
Internetworking      CD 8.3:1—4
Interrupt-driven I/O      590—591
Interrupts      173 A33—38
Interrupts, handler      A33
Interrupts, imprecise      432 CD6.13:3
Interrupts, priority levels      591—593
Interrupts, use of term      340—341
Intrinsity FastMATH processor example      485—487 524
Invalid operations      193
Issue packet      435
Issue slots      434
J-type      97
Java virtual machine (JVM)      115 CD2.14:3
Java, bytecode      114 CD2.14:1 2
Java, characters and strings      93—95
Java, compiling      CD2.14:4—6
Java, development of      CD2.19:7
Java, interpreting      CD2.14:l—3
Java, invoking methods      CD2.14:6
Java, logical operations      68—71
Java, sort and swap      CD2.14:6—13
Java, translating hierarchy      114—115
Java, while loop      CD2.14:3—4 5—6
Jhai Foundation, PC network      44—45
Jobs, Steven      CD1.7:5
Johnson, Reynold Â.      CD8.11:1
Joy, Bill      CD7.9:9
Jump      73 77 80 89 296
Jump address table      76 77 IMD2:15—16
jump register      76
jump, addressing in      97—99
jump, datapath and control and      313—314 321 328 336
jump-and-link      79—80 89
Just-in-Time (JTT) compiler      115
Kahan, William      CD3.10:5—7 8 9
Kahn, Robert      CD8.11:7
Karnaugh maps      B18
Katz, Randy      CD8.11:6
Kay, Alan      CD2.19:7
Kernel benchmarks      CD4.7:2 IMD4:7—8
Kernel process      529
Knuth, Donald      CD2.19:8
Labels, external/global and local      A11
Lampson, Butler      CD7.9:8 11
Laptop computers, performance versus power versus energy efficiency      263—265
Latches      B59—53
Latency, instruction      452
Latency, pipeline      383
Leaf procedures      83 93
Least recently used (LRU)      504 518 519
Least significant bit      161
Level-sensitive clocking      B74—75
Link editor      109
Linkers      108—111 A4 18—19
LINPACK      CD3.10:3 CD4.7:2
Linux      11 CD7.9:11
Liquid crystal displays (LCDs)      18
Lisp      CD2.19:6
Little Endian      56 A43
Live range      CD2.12:7
Livermore Loops      CD4.7:2
lo      181
Load      54 57
Load, advanced      442
Load, byte      91 164
Load, byte unsigned      164
Load, half      94 164
Load, halfword unsigned      164
Load, linked      CD9.3:19
Load, locked      CD9.3:19
Load, upper immediate      95
Load, word      54 57 59 294 300—318
Load-use data hazard      377
Loader      112
Loading      A19—20
Loading 32-bit constant      96
local area networks (LANs)      26 CD8.3:5—8 CD8.11:7—8
local labels      A11
Local miss rate      509
Local optimization      117—121 CD2.12:3—4
Locality, principle of      468—469
LOCK      CD9.1:5
Lock variables      CD9.3:18
Logic design conventions      289—292
Logic, arrays of logic elements      B18—19
Logic, combinational      B5 8—20 23—25
Logic, equations      B6—7 C12—13
Logic, sequential      B5 55—57
Logic, two-level      B10—14
Logical operations      68—71 B6 IMD2:21—22
Long instruction word (LEW)      CD6.13:4
long-haul networks      CD8.3:5
Lookup tables (LUTs)      B78
Loops      74—75
Loops, branch      421—422
Loops, unrolling      117 438—440
Lorie, Raymond      CD8.11:5
M32R      D40—41
Machine code      61
Machine language      61 A3
Machine language, decoding      100—104
Machine language, MIPS floating-point      207
Machine language, object file and      108
MacOS      11
macros      A4 15—17
Magnetic disks      23 569
Magnetic disks, differences between main memory and      24
Magnetic disks, memory hierarchies and      469 513
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)      622—623
Magnetic tape      25
Main memory      23
Main memory, differences between magnetic disks and      24
Make the common case fast      267 285
Mark machines      CD 1.7:3
Mask      70
Mauchly, John      CD1.7:1 2 4
McCarthy, John      CD2.19:6 CD7.9:7 11
McKeeman, William      CD2.19:8
Mealy machine      338 340 B68
Mealy, George      338
Mean time between failures (MTBF)      573
Mean time to failure (MTTF)      573 574 606
mean time to repair (MTTR)      573 574
Megabyte      23
Memories      290
Memory      8
Memory data register (MDR)      319 328
Memory elements, latches, flip-flops, and register files      B49—57
Memory elements, SRAMs and DRAMs      B57—67
Memory hierarchy, caches      473—511
Memory hierarchy, denned      469
Memory hierarchy, fallacies and pitfalls      550—552
Memory hierarchy, framework for      538—545
Memory hierarchy, historical development of      CD7.9:5—7
Memory hierarchy, levels      470—471
Memory hierarchy, methods for building      469—470
Memory hierarchy, overall operation of      527—528
Memory hierarchy, Pentium P4 and AMD Opteron      546—550
Memory hierarchy, trends for      553—555
Memory hierarchy, virtual      511—538
Memory reference      327 328 334—335
memory, access      385 390 392 402
Memory, allocation      87—88
Memory, Average Memory Access Time (AMAT)      IMD7:1
Memory, board      20
memory, cache      20
Memory, cards      25
Memory, consistency model      CD9.3:15
Memory, defined      20 23
Memory, direct memory access (DMA)      594—596
Memory, distributed      CD9.4:22 24
Memory, dynamic random access (DRAM)      20 469 487—488 490—491 513 B60 63—65
Memory, historical development of      CD7.9:1—12
Memory, main      23
memory, mapping      512
Memory, nonvolatile      23
Memory, operands      54—55
Memory, primary      23
Memory, random access (RAM)      20
Memory, read only (ROM)      B14 16 C13—19
Memory, secondary      23
Memory, shared      CD9.1:4—5 CD9.4:22 24
Memory, static random access (SRAM)      20 469 B57—60
Memory, transferring data between devices and      593—595
Memory, unit      292
Memory, usage      A20—22
Memory, virtual      511—538
1 2 3 4 5 6
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