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Patterson D.A., Hennessy J.L. — Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface |
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Clusters CD9.1:4 CD9.5:25—26
CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) 31 264
Coarse-grained multithreading CD9.7:31—33
COBOL CD2.19:6 CD8.11:4
Cocke, John CD2.19:8 CD6.13:2 4
Codd, Ted CD8.11:4 5
Code Generation CD2.12:9
Code motion 119
Code size, fallacy of using IMD4:18—19
Coherence problem 595
Cold-start misses 543
Collision misses 543
Combinational control units C4—8
Combinational elements 289
Combinational logic B5 8—20 23—25
Comments 50
Commit unit 443
Common subexpression elimination 117
Compact disks (CDs) 25
Compaq Computers CD8.11:6
Compilers, C 107
Compilers, functions of 11—12
Compilers, historical development of CD2.19:7—8
Compilers, howthey work CD2.12:l—9
Compilers, Java 114—115
Compilers, optimization 116—121
Compilers, structure of 116
Compilers, translating high-level language into instructions that hardware can execute 12—15 A5—6
Compulsory misses 543
Computer technology, advances in 4
Computers, applications 5—7
Computers, components of 15—16
Computers, historical development of CD1.7:1—10
Computers, organization of 16
Computers, what it looks like inside 18—22
Condition codes 140
conditional branches 72—73
Conflict misses 543
Constant folding 118
Constant propagation 118
Constants 57 58
Constants, loading 32-bit 96
constellations CD9.5:26
context switch 530
Control 20
Control Data Corp. (CDC) CD1.7:5 CD6.13:2
Control hazards see Branch hazards
Control signals, list of 306 324
Control signals, write 290 294
Control unit, adding 299
Control unit, combinational C4—8
Control unit, designing main 303—312
Control unit, exceptions 340—346
Control unit, fallacies and pitfalls 350—352
Control unit, finite state machines 330 331—340 C8—20
Control unit, interrupts 340—341
Control unit, jumps 313—314
Control unit, microprogramming 330 CD5.7:4—10
Control unit, multicycle implementation 318—340
Control unit, single—cycle implementation 300—318
Control, hardwired 348 CD5.12:2
Control, pipelined 399—402
Controller time 570
Coonen, Jerome Ò. CD3.10:7
Copy back 521
Copy propagation 118
Corbato, John CD7.9:7 11
Correlating predictors 423
Cosmic Cube CD9.11:52
CPU see Central processor unit
Cray Research, Inc. CD1.7:5 CD3.10:4—5 CD6.13:5
Cray, Seymour CD1.7:5 CD3.10:4 CD6.13:2
Critical word first 482
Crossbar network CD9.6:30
CTSS (Compatible Time-Sharing System) CD7.9:7—11
Culler Scientific CD6.13:4
Culler, David 157
Cutler, David CD7.9:9
Cydrome Co. CD6.13:4 5
Cylinder, use of term 569
D flip-flop B51—53
Dahl, Ole—Johan CD2.19:7
Data General CD8.11:6
Data hazards, denned 376—379
Data hazards, forwarding 402—412
Data hazards, load-use 377
Data hazards, stalls 413—416
Data parallelism CD9.11:48
data rate 598
Data segment A13 20
Data selector 286
Data transfer instructions 54—55
Data types, Verilog B21—22
Databases, history of CD8.11:4—5
Datapath 20
Datapath, building a 292—300
Datapath, elements 292
Datapath, fallacies and pitfalls 350—352
Datapath, jumps 313—314
Datapath, logic design conventions 289—292
Datapath, multicycle implementation 318—340
Datapath, operation of 306—312
Datapath, pipelined 384—399
Datapath, single-cycle implementation 300—318
Dawson, Todd 157
Dead code elimination 118
Dead store ehrnination 118
Deassert signal 290
Deasserted signal 290 B4
debugging information A13
DEC (Digital Equipment Corp.) CD1.7:5 CD4.7:2 CD7.9:9 CD8.11:11
decimal numbers 60 161
Decimal numbers, converting binary numbers to 164
Decimal numbers, converting binary to decimal floating point 196
Decimal numbers, dividing 183
Decimal numbers, multiplying 176—177
Decimal numbers, scientific notation 189
Decision-making instructions 72—74
Decoders B8—9
Decoding 333
Dedicated register CD2.19:2
defects 30
Delayed branch 297 382 418—419 A41
Dell Computer Corp., SPEC CPU benchmarks 254—255 259—266
Dell Computer Corp., SPECweb99 benchmark 262—266
DeMorgan’s laws  6
DeMorgan’s theorems Bll
Dependability, disk 569—580
Dependence detection 406
Dependent instructions 403
desktop computers 5
Desktop computers, performance benchmarks 255
Destination register 64
Deutsch, Peter CD7.9:8
Dhrystone synthetic benchmark CD4.7:2 IMD4:11—12
Dies 30
Digital cameras 236—237 603—606
Digital signal-processing extensions D19
DIMMs see Dual inline memory modules
Direct Memory Access (DMA) 594—596
Direct-mapped cache 474—475 497
Directives, data layout A14—15
directories CD9.4:24
Dirty bit 521
Disabled people, technology for 366—367
Disk(s), arrays IMD8:2
Disk(s), controller 570 571
Disk(s), drives 19 20
| Disk(s), fallacies and pitfalls 606—609
Disk(s), read time 570—571
Disk(s), storage and dependability 569—580 CD8.11:1—4
Dispatch 350
Displacement addressing 100
Distributed block—interleaved parity (RAID 5) 578
Distributed memory CD9.4:22
Distributed shared memory (DSM) CD9.4:24
Divide 188—189
divide unsigned 188—189
Dividend 183
Division 183—189
Divisor 183
Don’t-care terms 303 B16—18
double 192
Double data rate synchronous DRAMs (DDD SDRAMs) 490—491
Double extended precision 218
DRAM see Dynamic random access memory
Dual inline memory modules (DIMMs) 22
DVD drive 19 20
DVDs (digital video disks) 25
Dynamic branch prediction 382 421—423
dynamic data A22
Dynamic multiple issue 433 442—445
Dynamic pipeline scheduling 443—445
Dynamic random access memory (DRAM) 20 469 487—488 490—491 513 B60 63—65
Dynamic random access memory (DRAM), historical development of CD7.9:3—4
Dynamically linked libraries (DLLs) 112—114
Early restart 481—482
Eckert — Mauchly Computer Corp. CD1.7:4
Eckert, J. Presper CD1.7:1 2 4 CD7.9:1
Edge-triggered clocking methodology 290—291 B47
EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator) CD1.7:2 CD5.12:1
EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) CD1.7:l—2
EEMBC benchmarks 255 IMD4:17—18
Elaborations 8
Elapsed time 244
Ellison, Larry CD8.11:5
Embedded computers 6—8 CD1.7:8—9 A7
Embedded computers, performance benchmarks 255 IMD4:17—18
EMQ CD8.11:6
Emulation CD5.12:l—2
Encoder B9
Energy efficiency problems 263—265
Engelbart, Doug 16
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) CD1.7:l—2 3 CD7.9:1
Environmental problems, technology and 156—157
EPCWrite 342
Error-correcting codes B65
Error-detecting codes B65—67
Ethernet 26 CD8.3:5 CD8.11:7—S IMD8:l—2
Evolution versus revolution CD9.10:45—47
Exception enable 532
Exception program counter (EPC) 173 341—342 429—431
Exceptions 173 A33—38
Exceptions, address 342—343
Exceptions, control checking of 343—346
Exceptions, defined 340—341
Exceptions, handling of 341—343 A35 36—38
Exceptions, imprecise 432
Exceptions, pipeline 427—432
Executable file 109
execution time 242 244—245
Execution time, use of total 257—259
Executive process 529
Extended accumulator CD2.19:2
External labels All
Failures, mean time between failures (MTBF) 573
Failures, mean time to failure (MTTF) 573 574
Failures, mean time to repair (MTTR) 573 574
Failures, reasons for 574
Failures, synchronizer B76
Fallacies 33
False sharing CD9.3:14
Fanout 32
Fast carry B38—47
Fetch-on-miss/write 484
Field programmable devices (FPDs) B77—78
Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) B77
fields, defined 61
Fields, MIPS 63—64
File system benchmarks 598—599
Fine-grained multithreading CD9.7:31—33
Finite state machines 330 331—340 B47—72 C8—20
FireWire 582 583
Firmware CD5.12:2
Fisher, Josh CD6.13:4
Fishman, Harvey 366—367
Flags 140
Flash 23 25
Flat-panel display 18
Flip-flops 290 B50—53
Floating Point Systems CD6.13:4 5
Floating vectors CD3.10:2
Floatingpoint 189 191—220
Floatingpoint, addition 197—201
Floatingpoint, converting binary to decimal floating point 196
Floatingpoint, defined 191
Floatingpoint, historical development of CD3.10:l—9
Floatingpoint, IA-32 217—220
Floatingpoint, MIPS 206—213
Floatingpoint, multiplication 202—205
Floatingpoint, representation 191—197
Floatingpoint, rounding 214—215
floppy disks 25 CD1.7:6
floppy drives 25
Flush instructions 418
Flynn, Michael CD6.13:3
Formal parameter Al 6
Forrester, J. CD7.9:1
FORTRAN CD2.19:6 7—8
FORTRAN, overflows 172 173
forward reference A11
Forwarding 376—377 402—412 CD6.7:3
FRACTION 191 193
Frame buffer 18
Frame pointer 86
Front end of compiles CD2.12:1—9
Fully associative cache 497
Fully connected network CD9.6:28
Function code 63
Gates B7—8 C4—8
gateways CD8.3:6
General-purpose register (GPR) 135 138 CD2.19:2—3
Generate, carry lookahead B39—47
Geometric mean IMD4:9—11
Gibson, Garth CD8.11:6
Global common subexpression elimination 118
global labels A11
Global miss rate 509
Global optimization 117—121 CD2.12:4—6
Global pointer 85
Goldstine, Herman H. 48 CD1.7:l—2 3 CD3.10:1
Google CD9.8:34—39
Gosling, James CD2.19:7
Graph coloring CD2.12:7—8
Graphics display 18
Gray, Jim CD8.11:5
Gray-scale display 18
guard 214—215
Half words 94
Hamming code B67
Handler 533
Handshaking protocol 583—584
Hard disk, magnetic 23
hard drive 19 20
Hardware, description language B20—25
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