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Barrow J.D., Tipler F.J. — Anthropic Cosmological Principle
Barrow J.D., Tipler F.J. — Anthropic Cosmological Principle

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Íàçâàíèå: Anthropic Cosmological Principle

Àâòîðû: Barrow J.D., Tipler F.J.


Ever since Copernicus, scientists have continually adjusted their view of human nature, moving it further and further from its ancient position at the center of Creation. But in recent years, a startling new concept has evolved that places it more firmly than ever in a special position. Known as the Anthropic Cosmological Principle, this collection of ideas holds that the existence of intelligent observers determines the fundamental structure of the Universe. In its most radical version, the Anthropic Principle asserts that "intelligent information-processing must come into existence in the Universe, and once it comes into existence, it will never die out."
This wide-ranging and detailed book explores the many ramifications of the Anthropic Cosmological Principle, covering the whole spectrum of human inquiry from Aristotle to Z bosons. Bringing a unique combination of skills and knowledge to the subject, John D. Barrow and Frank J. Tipler—two of the world's leading cosmologists—cover the definition and nature of life, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, and the interpretation of the quantum theory in relation to the existence of observers.
The book will be of vital interest to philosophers, theologians, mathematicians, scientists, and historians, as well as to anyone concerned with the connection between the vastness of the universe of stars and galaxies and the existence of life within it on a small planet out in the suburbs of the Milky Way.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1986

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 726

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 08.04.2009

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Molecular synthesis      3
Molecules, excited states      301—302
Molecules, Weak Anthropic Principle applied to      299—302
Molidre, J. B., quoted      64
Monod, Jacques, definition of life      519—520
Monod, Jacques, on purposeful behaviour      133—134
Monod, Jacques, Postulate of Objectivity      123
Monopoles      433 655—656
Monopoles, effect on astronomical structures      656—658
Monopoles, final fate of      657—658
Monopoles, origin of      655 657
Montaigne, M.      51
Montaigne, translation of book by Raymonde of Sebonde      49
Moons, mountain size on      308
Morrison, Philip, quoted, on interstellar communication      592
Mostepanenko, V., on dimensionality      259 265
Motivations, interstellar communication/exploration      590—601
Mott-Heisenberg analysis, Wilson cloud chamber experiment      485 486—489
Mountains, limitations to size      307—309
Multi-dimensionality in      274
Mutation, not possible in salt crystals      515
Mutation, of viruses      517
Narlikar, J.V., quantum cosmology      493 495
Narlikar, J.V., steady-state cosmological model      421 601 605 616—627
Natural selection, applied to physical laws      87
Natural selection, as differentiator between virus and salt crystals      517
Natural selection, effect on intelligence      129
Natural selection, first introduced by Darwin      84
Natural selection, in Henderson's argument      145
Natural selection, self-reproduction by      515
Natural units      291—292
Needham, A.E., quoted, on atmospheric abundance of nitrogen      550
Needham, J., quoted      92
Neptune, orbital radius incorrectly predicted by Bode Law      221
Nervous system, complex, evolution of      129—130
Nervous system, complex, network model for      266
Neutrinos      371
Neutrinos, decay of      655
Neutrinos, rest mass of      255—256 388 390—391 654
Neutron stars      342 365n
Neutron stars, frequency of rotation      342—343
Neutron stars, influence of magnetic fields on      345—346
Neutron stars, lifetimes in presence of monopoles      657
Neutron stars, schematic diagram of      344
Neutron stars, size of      342
Neutron stars, size of possible intelligent 'systems' on      345
Neutron stars, surface conditions on      343—345
Neutron-proton mass difference coincidence      400
Neutron-proton ratio (in Universe)      371
Neutron-proton transformation, at beginning of Universe      371
Newcomb, Simon, estimate of Earth's age      162
Newman, W. I., quoted, on extraterrestrial intelligent life      600
Newman-Sagan (space exploration/colonization) model      589—590
Newton's gravitational constant, as fundamental constant      235—236
Newton, Isaac      60—61 113n
Nielsen, H.B.      257
Nitrogen compounds, Anthropic significance of      549—552
Nitrogen, relative abundance      542 549
Non-baryonic matter      390
Non-Western philosophy/religion, design arguments in      92—102
Noosphere (Tielhard's term)      200
Noosphere (Tielhard's term), transition to Omega Point      201 203
Now, definition of      660
Nuclear binding energies, sensitivity to value of fine structure constant      322
Nuclear density, values quoted      340 349 366n
Nuclear forces, characteristics of      322
Nuclear forces, Weak Anthropic Principle applied to      318—327
Nuclear reactions, primordial timescale for      398
Nuclear resonance, Hoyle's observations      250—254
Nuclear sources of energy, predicted by Anthropic Principle      165
Nuclear stability      324—327
Nuclear stability, atomic number/mass number criterion      325
Nuclear stability, strong coupling relationships      326 327
Nuclear timescales      294 320
Nuclear timescales, relationship to stellar lifetimes      358
Nuclear war      599
Nuclear Winter model      569 599—600
Nuclear-to-atomic ratios      320
Nucleic acid gene      516
Nucleosynthesis coincidence      399
Nucleotides, spontaneous formation of      547
Number of nucleons in Universe      219 358—359
Number of particles in Galaxy, time variation      234—235
Number of particles in Universe, Archimedes' enumeration      220
Number of particles in Universe, Eddington's evaluation      225
Numerical simulation of human behaviour, data requirements      137
O'Neill colony      580 584 596
Objective idealism      155
Objectivity, Monod's Postulate of      123
Observability of Universe      429—430
Observer effect      22 28 see “Schrodinger's
Observer role, imposed by quantum mechanics      505
Observer, quantum mechanics, role in      459
Observer, role in physical measurement      458
Occasionalist, Samuel Clarke as      63
Ockham's Razor/Principle      476 495 496
Olbers' paradox      604
Old Testament, design arguments in      27 111n
Old Testament, quoted      1 339
Oldness problem      411
omega      see “Density parameter”
Omega Point theory, as approach to panentheism      122n
Omega Point theory, Teilhard's version      200—204 217—228
Omega Point theory, Teilhard's version, mankind restricted to Earth in      203 217—228
Omega point, compared to conical singularity      201—202
Omega Point, definition of      675
Omega point, examples of cosmological models with      638 639
Omega Point, identification by Teilhard      201 217n
Omega point, in Einstein space      638
Omega point, in Loebell space      638
Omega Point, reaching of      677
Omega Point, Teilhard's process for origination of      201—202
Omega Point, Teilhard's spatial image for      203
Omega Point, Teilhard's use of term      200—201
Omega Point, totality of life, theological definition      682n
Omega Point, transition of noosphere to      201 203
One-cycle closed universe model      621
Ontological argument      106—107 108
Ontological determinism      138—139 409
Ontological reductionism      138
Open Friedman universe      375 376
Open Friedman universe, density inhomogeneities growth rate      416
Open Friedman universe, instability shown by Collins and Hawking      424
Open Friedman universe, Penrose diagram for      633
Open universes, Cauchy hypersurface topology of      622
Open universes, cosmological expansion      649—650
Open universes, energy sources in far future      665
Orderly singularity theory      178
Organelles      563
Organic view of world, Aristotelian view      37
Organic view of world, by Greeks      28—29
Origin of species      9 161 162 615
Origin of Species reviewed by Fleming Jenkin      161
Orion Project      581
Orthogenesis      199
Orthogenesis, Tielhard's use of term      199—200 217n
Oscillating universes, constants of Nature in      8
Oscillating universes, models      248—249 455n 620—621 see also “Landsberg-Park”
Oscillating universes, Wheeler's concept      193 248—249
Oxygen, reactivity of      544
Oxygen, relative abundance      542 543 614
Oxygen, safety limit percentage      544 567 568
Oxygen, stellar formation from C12      253 254
Oxygen, unique properties of      543—545
Ozone, Anthropic significance of      544—545
Paley, astronomical phenomena discussed      79—81
Paley, at Cambridge      116n 285n
Paley, Darwin's reading of book by      76 83
Paley, dislike of final-causes concept      76—77
Paley, on gravitational laws      80—81 260 261
Paley, William      76—82
Panentheism      121—122
Panentheism, distinguished from theism      122n
Pantheism, and motion of deity      107 121n
Pantin, Charles, on Many-Worlds hypothesis      19 83 250
Parmenides      34—35
Participatory Anthropic Principle (PAP)      22 505
Participatory Universe      470
Past light-cones, isotropy of      429—430
Pauli exclusion principle      300 302—303 391
Peebles, P.J., quoted, on cosmological coincidences      243
Peirce, Charles Sanders, idealism of      158
Pendulum period, dimensional analysis for      270
Penrose diagrams      632 635—636 see
Penrose diagrams, achieved infinity defined by      636
Penrose diagrams, boundaries, meaning of      632 635
Penrose diagrams, bubble-universe model      606
Penrose diagrams, c-boundaries in      635 636
Penrose diagrams, closed Friedman universe      634
Penrose diagrams, flat Friedman universe      633
Penrose diagrams, open Friedman universe      633
Penrose diagrams, steady-state universe      602 603
Penrose diagrams, Teilhard's drawing of Omega Point similar to      203
Penrose twistor programme, dimensionality in      272
Penrose, Roger, gravitational entropy proposal      445—448
Penrose, Roger, orderly singularity theory      178
Penrose-York interpretation, energyconservation law      618
Penzias, A. A., discovery of microwave background radiation      368 380
Peptide bonds      549
Perfect cosmological principle      602 603 604
Permo-Triassic boundary, change in encephalization increase      130
Perry, John, on Earth's age      164
Phases, elementary particle      430—431
Philosophers/theologians, compared to scientists      15
Phosphorus compounds, importance to life of      553—555
Phosphorus compounds, relative abundance      542
Photinos      390 393
Photon emission, from stars      332 333
Photon spectrum      652
Photons, formation at beginning of Universe      370
Photosynthesis, oxygen produced by      543 614
Physical eschatology      658
Physics, Weak Anthropic Principle applied      290—305 318—327
Pickering, W. H., quoted, on extraterrestrial communication      593
Place, meaning of word      501
Planck energy, orderliness predicted below this value      256 257
Planck length      499 500
Planck temperature, definition of      292
Planck temperature, for biological systems      302 309
Planck temperature, for various states of matter      305—306
Planck's constant      222—223 292
Planck, Max, action principle      151
Planck, Max, natural units      292
Planck, Max, quoted      123
Planetary life, Weak Anthropic Principle applied to      310—328
Planetary masses, reason for values      307
Planetary time-reckoning, day length      310 338
Planetary time-reckoning, year length      337 338
Planets, limit on size      307
Planets, size-mass relationship      290 307
Planets, Titius' law of orbital radii      221 222
Planets, Weak Anthropic Principle applied to      305—310
Planiverse concept      266
Plastic nature, Dr Cudworth's concept      59
Plato      35—36
Platonic solids      259
Plenitude, Principle of      128 193
Pliny      44
Pluto, orbital radius incorrectly predicted by Bode Law      222
Podolsky, Boris, definition of physical reality      461
Poincare, H., dimensionality of      272
Poincare, H., recurrence theorem      174—175 176 619
Poisson's gravitational equation, in higher-dimensions      287n
Poisson's gravitational equation, revised for Einstein static universe      413
Poisson's wave equation solution in two dimensions      267
Polanyi, Michael      75 138
Polygenetic traits, in evolution of Man      561
Pope, Alexander, quoted      55
Popper, Karl, on cosmology      367
Popper, Karl, on prediction of human action      188 189 215
Positive Pressure Criterion      423
Positronium      650 651
Positronium atoms, as information storage devices      669—670
Postulate of Complexity      473
Poulton, Edward B., estimate of Earth's age      163—164
Price structure, as Participatory Anthropic Principle      172
Primates, encephalization of      131
Principles      see “Equivalence” “Least “Least “Mediocrity” “Sufficient
Pringle-Pattison, Andrew, natural theology of      180—181
Prisoner's Dilemma game      100—102
Probability power law, evolution of Man      559
Progression/regression of species      128—130
Progressive nature of history      186
Proportionality constants, close to unity      270 289—290
Protagoras, quoted      556
Proteins, Anthropic significance of      549
Protogalaxies, pre-existence of, in cosmological models      428
Proton decay      647
Proton decay, as energy source for large bodies      648
Proton decay, catalysed by monopoles      656 657
Proton decay, effect on Man      648—649
Proton decay, lifetime quoted      648
Proton decay, power generated by      648
Protostar formation      339
Ptolemaic system      496
Ptolemy, on three-dimensional space      259
Pulsars      see “Neutron stars”
Purposeful action      134
Quantization, atomic models      305
Quantum Copernican Principle      502
Quantum cosmological model      13
Quantum field theories, problem of infinities in      257—258
Quantum gravity models, creation ex nihilo      443
Quantum mechanical approaches      13
quantum mechanics      13
Quantum mechanics, electron orbitals      297 305
Quantum mechanics, many-worlds interpretation of      8 193 249
Quantum region, mass-size diagram      396 397
Quantum timescales, future evolution of matter in      647—658
Quantum tunnelling      653
Quarks, in unified theories      355—356 357
Quarks, preponderance over antiquarks      370 403
Quarks, reproduction of      513 514
Quartz, as main material of Earth      307
Quartz, silicon-oxygen bonds in      545—546
Quasar spectra, photon energy/wavelengths      241
Quasi-Penrose diagram, for static Einstein universe      635
Quirks, in properties of certain elements      22 143 524—556
r-strategy (of exploration/colonization)      584 589 590
Racism      595 596
Racism, restriction of rights of von Neumann machines as      595 600
Radiation era, beginning of Universe      382—383
Radiation gas, Lagrangian for      491
Radiation gas, quantization of      492
Radiation pressure (of stars)      331
Radiation, as information storage device      669
Radiation-dominated Universe      649—650
Radioactive decay, as example of two-timing      244
Radioactivity, as weak interaction      293—294
Raw materials, effect on cost of nuclear weapons      599
Raw materials, effect on cost of space travel      583
Raw materials, relative cost decrease      172
Ray, John, design arguments of      58—59
Raymonde of Sebonde      48—49
Realist interpretation (of quantum mechanics)      472
Reality, EPR experiment, definition      461
Reality, validity denied by Niels Bohr      463—464
Recollapsing universe model      623 666
Recollapsing universe model, strong restrictions on topology of      623—624
Recombination time      382 386 389
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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