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Sack J.R., Urrutia J. (Ed) — Handbook of Computational Geometry |
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Предметный указатель |
Davis, A. 870 871 871
Davis, L. 833 844 872 872
Day, W.H.E. 891 908 932
DCEL 209
de Berg, M. 25 29 37 42 43 43 58 86 87 91 93—97 99 100 105 107 107 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 141 144 151 151 196 236 237 242 281 284 342 348 356 358 362 366 367 372 378 378 379 379 379 379 465 488 521 534—536 546 555 581 592 608 628 648 658 668 671 691 691 691 691
de Fraysseix, H. 946 948 949 951—953 966 966
de Groot, M. 372 379
de Horiani, L. 228 284 293 328 337 341 342 345 358 359 361—363 366 368 369 377 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 384 635 691 750 758
de Lorenzi, M. 626 631
de Rezende, P. 536 537 555 626 628
Dean, A.M. 959 966
Dean, J. 870 872
Decomposable search problems 434
Decomposition 84
Deering, M. 356 379
Defays, D. 278 284
Defining 579
Degeneracy 616 623
Degraded grid 886
Degree 705
Degree of polynomial expression 602 607
Dehne, F. 194 [38] 196 196 196 196 196 196 196 196 196 249 259 277 284 284 284
Dekker, T.J. 611 628
Delaunay diagram 622 672
Delaunay edges 208
Delaunay neighbor 228
Delaunay tessellation 203 207 208 229
Delaunay tetrahedralization 373 374
Delaunay tree 213 717
Delaunay triangulation 37 203 221 225 268 300 303 320 353 428 429 434 436 447 449—452 470 894
Delaunay, B. 203 284 306 328
Delcher, A. 161 198
Delis, V. 349 379
Delott, G. 964 968
Demmel, J. 298 327
Deneen, L.L. 1014 1025
Deng, X. 191 196 665 691 691 826
Dengler, E. 963 966
Denham, G. 346 377
Dennehy, T.G. 355 381
Depth of an expression 602
Derandomization 189 561
Derefinement 311
DeRose, T. 364 374 382 384 387 387
Desaulniers, G. 655 692
Descartes 203
Descartes, R. 203 284
Descent structure 712
Desikan, P.K. 357 377
Dessmark, A. 164 196
Dettori, G. 341 349 379 385
Devillers, O. 141 151 196 214 241 273 282 282 284 345 346 377 436 458 610 613 627 628 654 689 715 716 721 722 722 723
Devroye, L. 756 758
Dewdney, A.K. 229 284
Dey, T. 29 43 74 76 103 108 111 111 437 458 493 513 622 624 627 627 628 870 871 871
Di Battista, G. 939 944—947 950—955 958—964 964 964 964 964 965 966 966 966 966 966 966 966 966 966 966 966 966 969 971
Di Felice, P. 337 341 378 378 380 380
Diagonal guarding 1021
Diameter 102 427 438 442 443 587 588
Diameter, circle 429
Diamond property 449—451 454
Diax, A.M. 355 381
Dickerson, M. 268 269 284 284 315 328 448 458 458 894—896 932 932
Dielissen, V.J. 504 514
Dietz, P.F. 481 488
Dietzfelbinger, M. 827 [34] 888 908 932 932
DiGiano, C.J. 393 421
Digital terrain model 351
Dijkstra's algorithm 644
Dijkstra, E.W. 636 692
Dilation 274 427 444 448 450 451 453 455
Dillencourt, M.B. 271 284 284 284 590 592
Dimension of configuration space 579
Directed graphs 956
Direction-dependent 658
Directional relations 338
Dirichlet tessellation 203
Dirichlet, P.G.L. 203 284
Dirksen, P. 10 47
Discrepancy 573
Discrete group 250
Discretization 653
Discretizing 651
Disk accesses 730
Distance functions 139
Distance selection 102
Divide and conquer 176 883
Divide and conquer algorithm 215 253
Divide and conquer approach 262
Divide and conquer technique 260
Djidjev, H. 210 284 528 530 536 552 553 555 556 649 697 842 869 872 952 966
Dobkin, D. 39 42 52 84 89 111 111 111 111 163 167 168 187 194 196 196 196 196 196 229 265 275 277 284 284 284 284 321 327 393 403 406 413—415 422 449—453 457 457 458 465 471 483 488 488 488 488 488 497 514 514 514 599 622 627 627 628 826 826 896 897 900 924 927 932 932 932 1021 1024
Dobrindt, K. 25 43 93—95 97 109 109 111 358 362 378 366—368 372 377 379 379 581 592
Dobson, A. 10 43
Doerschler, J.S. 349 379
Doh, J.-I. 856 872
Dolev, D. 952 955 966
Domain decomposition 298
Domains of action 203
Dominance counting 2-set 180
Dominance drawing 941
Dominique, J.O. 371 382
Donald, B. 89 105 109 242 280 283 652 653 692 692
Donato, J. 298 327
Dongarra, J. 298 327
Dor, D. 130 151
Dorward, S.E. 845 872
Doubly connected edge list 209
Dougenik, J.A. 351 379
Douglas, D. 143 151 347 357 370 371 379 385 599 628
Drach, R. 758 [29]
Drainage network 371
Drappier, J.-M. 210 284
Driscoll, J.R. 188 196 486 488 644 692
Driscoll, T.A. 303 328 328
Droege, G. 743 758 758
Drysdale, R.L. 111 205 214 215 239 253 257 260 268 277 283 284 284 287 289 434 458 458 896 897 932
DS(n,2)-cycle 9
DT(S) 208
DT(S,L) 246
Du, D.-Z. 427 458 674 692 692
Du, D.H.-C. 743 764
Du, H.C. 741 759
Dual graph 208 531 838
Dual transform 801
Dual tree 838
Duality 52 234 644
Duality transformation 850
Dube, T. 602 607 608 611 612 614 615 623 627 628 628 632
Dubins, L.E. 653 692
Duchaineau, M. 361 379
Duchamp, T. 374 382
Duchet, P. 959 966
Duda, R.O. 348 379
Duisberg, R.A. 393 421 421
Dutton, G. 337 360 379 379 380
Dvinsky, A.S. 302 328
Dwork, C. 159 166 196
Dwyer, R.A. 80 111 214 217 229 285 285
Dyer, C.R. 99 100 109 117
Dyer, M. 191 197 197 589 592 592
Dyn, N. 353 355 380
Dynamic 642
Dynamic algorithms 717
Dynamic graph algorithm 434
Dynamic graph drawing 961
Dynamic history 720
Dynamic inter-laced trees technique for 481
Dynamic minimum spanning tree 434
Dynamic point location 480
| Dynamic programming 439 441 442 447 448 451
Dynamic sampling 719
Dynamic shuffling 721
Dynamic trees 903
Dynamic Voronoi diagrams 80 129
Dynamic z-hashing 742
Eades, P. 661 692 939 942 952—955 959 961—964 964 965 966 966 967 967 967 967 967 967 967 967 968 969 970
Eave 540
Eckhoff, J. 835 872
Edelsbrunner, H. 24—28 30 35—37 40 42 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 44 44 52 53 55 57 60 65 68 70 71 74—79 81 86—98 102 103 105 106 108 108 110 110 110 110 110 110 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 712 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 150 151 151 163 189 197 203 217 221 226 228 230 231 233—237 247 260 265 271—273 278 281 281 282 283 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 304 314 321 328 329 329 329 329 340 345 346 351 353 355 366 367 373 374 378 378 380 380 380 380 380 380 430 434 447 450 451 456 457 458 459 459 465 471 475 476 483 488 488 488 488 512 514 532 533 549 550 556 556 556 566 573 577 581 586—590 591 591 591 591 591 591 592 608 623 628 628 643 672 686 690 715 722 740 759 773 783 801 802 827 827 850 872 882 891 900 908 909 920 928 929 930 930 932 932 932 984 991 992 998 1025
EDGE 229
Edge flip 211 225
Edge flipping 305
Edge guards 983
Edge insertion 314 451
Edge sequence 666 668
Edge visibility graph 840
Edward R. 415 416 422
Efrat, A. 34 38 41 42 44 44 82 83 86 87 96 102 103 107 107 108 112 112 112 112 112 127 130 151 151 435 456 659 692 896 932
Egecioglu, O. 865 871
Egenhofer, M. 337 341 380 380 380 338 383
Egyed, P. 36 44 549 556 686 691 1010 1024
Ehrlich, R.E. 250 251 285
Eijkhout, V. 298 327
Eisner, M. 590 592
Eklundh, L. 355 380
Element distinctness 429 445 452
ElGindy, H.A. 197 [125] 493 514 523 525 556 556 642 649 692 692 844 845 856 864 872 872 872 872 977 1023 1025
Elkerton, J. 419 421
ellipse 253
Embedded planar graphs 466
Emiris, L. 55 112 113 609 613 623 624 627 628 628 628 628
Empty circle property 247
Enbody, R.J. 741 759
Enhanced visibility graph 863
Eppstein, D. 27 37 39 42 42 44 58 75 76 103 108 111 113 113 247 269 282 282 284 295 296 304 308 309 312—314 319 323 324 327 328 328 328 328 328 329 427 432 435—438 440 442 444 450 451 455 457 457 457 457 457 459 459 459 459 459 459 459 459 459 459 459 493 514 573 591 637 646 647 659 671 672 674 676 689 692 692 692 895 897 931 932 932
Epsilon geometry 618
Epsilon-tweaking 605 615
Epstein, P. 393 421 626 628
Equiangularity 226
Erdoes, P. 29 44 73 74 79 113 113 566 592 994 1025
EREW PRAM 158 180 181 187 191 539
Eric, W. 131 151
Erickson, J. 97 98 107 107 113 440 459 578 591 740 757 897 932
Ernst, R. 963 969
Errand scheduling problem 682
Essential cuts 664 684
Estimation lemma 782
Estivill-Castro, V. 984 997—999 1018 1023 1024 1025 1025 1025
Etfes, A. 665 695
Eu, D. 143 151
Euclidean distance 204
Euclidean transformations 124
Euler formula 207
Euler path 162
Euler tour 161 162 439
Euler tour technique 160 161
Evangelidis, G. 759 [40]
Evans, F. 356 380
Evans, W. 361 380 659 689
Even, G. 570 592
Even, S. 950—952 967 967 969
Event 218
Event queue 219
Everett, H. 29 37 43 44 96 113 500 514 686 691 864 866 872 873 1003 1010 1015 1024 1025 1025 1025
Evolutionary models 360 361
Exact geometric computation 606
Exact point pattern matching 124
Expanded doubles 611
Expander 568 569
Expanding circle 205 221
Expanding waves 244
Expected size 229
Explore 664
Expressive power 360
Extendible hashing 746
External storage 725
External watchman route 1007
External-memory techniques for large input data 487
Externally visible 856
Fabri, A. 194 [39] 196 196 626 628
Face 243
Facello, M. 52 105 106 111 112
Facet 229
FackereU, E.D. 612 632
Fagin, R. 746 759
Fair split 439
Fair split tree 432 433
Falcidieno, B. 228 284 293 328 366 370 379 380
Falk, M. 52 113
Faloutsos, C. 344 345 380 380 386 743 752 759 759 759 759 760 763
Fang, S. 621 622 629
Fanto, J. 962 965
Farin, G. 228 285
Farthest neighbor forest 438
Farthest point Delaunay triangulation 437
Farthest point Voronoi diagram 438
Farthest, visible neighbors 187
Fary, I. 466 488
Fat objects 754
Father 213
Fatness 227 651 670
Faugeras, O.D. 374 377
Faust, N. 361 384
Feder, T. 144 151
Feiner, S.K. 343 354 380
Fejes Toth, L. 980 1025
Fekete, S.P. 680—683 687 687 692 692 692 692 692
Felsner, S. 53 75 108 113
Feng, H.Y.F. 493 496 498 500 514 517
Fernandez-Baca, D. 437 459
Ferrari, L. 493 502—504 514
Ferreira, A. 196 [107] 648 692
Fiajolet, P. 343 380 756 759
Fiat, A. 661 662 688 689
Field, D.A. 230 285 312 329
Finger search tree 853
Finite difference method 296
Finite element method 226 297
Finite precision arithmetic 538
Finite volume method 297
Finite Voronoi diagram 206
Finke, U. 339 341 344—346 380 380
Finkel, R.A. 736 748 759 917 928 932 932
Fischer, D. 131 133 153
Fischer, M.J. 160 180 198
Fischetti, M. 676 692
Fisher, P.F. 365 380
Fisk, S. 978 1025
Fix, G.J. 296 297 331
Fixed orientation 648
Fixed orientation distances 646
Fixed-radius near neighbors problem 880
Flaherty, J.E. 323 331
Flashsort 819
Flat 370
Fleischer, R. 82 108 614 615 628
Flip 230
Floating-point arithmetic 603
Floating-point computation 603
Floating-point filter 610
Floodlight 981
Floodlight illumination problem of the plane 997
Floyd, R.W. 191 194
Fluorescent lights 983
Foessmeier, U. 960 962 967 967 967
Foley, D.J. 343 354 380
Forbidden region 447
Force-directed approach 953
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