Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Sack J.R., Urrutia J. (Ed) — Handbook of Computational Geometry |
Предметный указатель |
-shape 272
-skeleton 273 450
-relative -approximation 575
-level 71 96
-set 72
-visibility 868
-metric 247 256 648
-metric 244 256
-convex 994
-visibility 994
-metric 252 648 657 672
-guard 554 995
-floodlights 999
-vertex floodlights 999
-graph 925
-approximation 189 572 585 710
-approximation computation 573 576
-approximation size 572
-closeness problem 210 268
-cutting 582
-net 189 571 710
-net computation 573
-net size 571 573
-seminet 580
1-skeleton 89
Abe, S. 951 952 965
Abel, D.J. 743 753 757 757
Abellanas, M. 262 281 1018 1023
Abello, J. 645 686 865 871 871 984 999 1023
Abrahamson, K. 161 192
Absolute error 603
Abstract furthest-site Voronoi diagram 263
Abstract Voronoi diagram 244 261
Ackermann's function 11
Ackermann, W. 11 41
Adamec, R. 11 41
Adaptive evaluation 610 611
Additive complexity 256
Additive weight 235 242 257 261
Additive weight Voronoi diagram 669
Adegeest, J. 548 555
Adelson-Velskii, G.M. 731 757
Aesthetics 942
Affine arithmetic 612
Affine transformations 124 125
Aftosmis, M. 317 327
Agarwal, P. 3 4 10 11 14 16 17 19 21—26 29 30 34 36—38 40 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 46 51 53 54 60 63 65 66 68 74—79 84 86—88 90—94 96—103 106 106 106 106 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 117 118 133 134 136 137 145 150 150 192 192 200 236 237 271 281 281 281 350 357 372 375 377 377 377 377 377 377 378 430 435 438 456 456 456 566 574 578 581 585 586 589 590 590 591 591 591 591 591 591 591 591 594 626 627 653 654 659 668 669 670 672 674 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 701 701 722 722 722 740 757 757 865 870 871 871 871 928 930 930
Aggarwal, A. 142 150 165 181 184 185 187 192 192 192 192 193 193 193 193 245 265 277 281 281 281 436 456 493 498 501 513 513 513 513 530 540 550 551 555 681 686 824 825 840 871 882 896 897 904 929 930 930 930 986—988 991 1021 1023 1023
Ahn, H.-K. 105 107
Aho, A.V. 125 150 609 627
Ahuja, N. 275 281
Ahuja, R.K. 636 686
Aichholzer, O. 138 150 228 242 244 281 281 281 448 456
Air-lift metric 256
Ajtai, A. 776 826
Ajtai, M. 74 108 160 193 193 569 589 591
Ajuria, M.B.G. 312 327
Akin, J.E. 316 329
Akl, S. 826 [8] 157 193 193 271 281
Akutsu, T. 125 151
Albers, G. 37 42
Alberts, D. 244 281
Albertson, M. 510 513
Aldrich, C. 361 379
Alefeld, G. 612 627
Aleksandrov, L. 552 553 555 651 670 687 687
Alevizos, P. 21 23 27 42 42
Alexander, R. 651 687 687 687
Alexanderson, G.L. 52 56 108 108 108
Algebraic computation tree model 882
Algebraic decision tree model 429
Algebraic distance functions 435
Algebraic framework 669
Algebraically independent 54
Alignment and geometric hashing 131
All-nearest-neighbors 190 267 643 673
All-nearest-neighbors problem 880
Alon, N. 29 42 58 73 76 89 108 108 108 193 439 440 456 561 569 570 573 578 590 591 591 591 675 680 687 687 825 826 826 865 871 927 930
Alsuwaiyel, M. 554 555 555 685 687 687 841 871
Alt, H. 38 42 75 82 108 108 125—128 133 136—139 141 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 242 280 281 281 281 645 687 959 962 964
Althoefer, I. 451—453 457 457
Amanatides, J. 344 384
Amato, N. 26 42 104 108 189 190 192 193 193 193 193 193 193 234 281 570 578 580 581 585 586 588 589 591 591 825 826 826 928 930
Ambartzumjan, R.V. 756 757
Amenta, N. 34 41 102 107 312 313 324 327
Amezua, E. 312 327
Ammann, C. 626 631
Amorin, R.V. 393 397 420
Anagnostou, E.G. 91 108
Anderson, R. 160 193 193 540 555 775 826
Andrews, D.S. 346 377
Andrews, H.C. 880 930
Andrzejak, A. 75 108
Ang, C.-H. 756 757
Angle-restricted tour 682
Angular bisector 242
Angular plane sweep 849
Angular resolution 942
Angular resolution, bounds on the 948
Angular-metric TSP 681
AnimA 397
Animating proofs 406
Aonuma, H. 37 42
Apollonius model 235 261
Apostolico, A. 183—185 193
Approximate 654
Approximate decision algorithms 127
Approximate link diameter 526
Approximate matching 136
Approximate point pattern matching 126
Approximate shortest path map 669
Approximate terrain model 356
Approximate, compaction 788
Approximate, independence 568 570
Approximate, RSGs 357
Approximate, TIN 357
Approximation 647
Approximation algorithms 439 637 646 649 653 668 673 674
Aquarium keeper's problem 686 1010
Arbitrary precision 124
Arbitrary precision, integer 607
Area bounds 943
Area minimization problems 181
Area optimization problems 681
Areal features 370
Aref, W.G. 343 377 757
Arge, L. 98 107 487 487 487 741 757
Arikati, S. 451 457 647 649 687
Arithmetic expression 602
Arkin, E.M. 22 42 126 127 140 150 150 521 530 531 549 550 555 557 657—659 676 679 680 682—685 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 697
Armstrong, C.G. 318 327
Arnold, D.N. 325 327
Arnon, D.S. 90 108
Aronoff, S. 352 377
Aronov, B. 28 33 34 41 41 41 42 44 51 58 66 68 70 71 74—79 81 83 86 87 90 94 98 100—103 107 107 107 107 107 107 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 149 150 242 247 276 281 281 282 590 590 642 643 667 668 686 687 687 687 865 870 871 871 871 928 930
Arora, S. 439 440 442 457 457 671 675 676 678 688 688
Arrangement 20 644 659
Arrangement of cones 260
Arrangement of lines and hyperplanes 189
Arrangement of segments 587 589
Array-of-trees 188
Art gallery 975
Art gallery problems 554
Art Gallery Theorem 978
Arvo, J. 870 871
Arya, S. 130 150 454 455 457 457 457 676 679 688 881 895 904 906 911 915 918 919 921 922 924—927 929 930 930 930 930 930 930 930
Asano, T. 91 108 277 281 427 437 457 538 556 643—645 656 673 688 688 688 688 688 743 757
| Asano, Ta. 493 496 499 504 513 515 843 845 849 860 871 871
Asano, Te. 493 496 499 513 843 845 849 860 871 871
Ash, P. 222 225 282 282
Aspect graph 99
Aspect ratio 299 942
Assembly planning 104
Asteroid avoidance problem 659
Atallah, M.J. 3 5 9 35—37 42 42 133 150 157 159 163—166 168 169 172 176 179—181 183—186 188 192 193 193 193 193 193 193 193 193 193 193 193 193 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 219 282 368 377 636 649 688 688 688 805 824 826 826 826 856 871 942 953 969 969
Atkinson, M.D. 124 125 150
Aupperle, L.J. 510 513 513
Aurenhammer, F. 30 42 80 109 203 225 228 233—235 237 238 242 244 265 276 280 281 281 281 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 342 355 377 448 456 639 674 688 715 722 883 931
Avis, D. 36 42 42 42 55 91 95 109 109 109 142 150 233 282 374 377 445 460 4 498 501 513 525 556 837 844 845 856 865 871 871 872 875 977 983 1018 1023 1023 1023 1025
Avnaim, F. 613 626 627 627
Awerbuch, B. 441 457 679 688
Axiomatic approach 620
Azar, Y. 441 457 675 677 679 687 688 688 826 826
Aziz, A. 299 327
B(p,q) 204
Babai, L. 569 590
Babuska, I. 299 309 327 327
Backward analysis 214
Badre, A. 419 422
Baecker, R.M. 393 413 415 416 420 421 421
Baehmann, P.L. 308 323 327 331
Baensch, E. 325 327
Baeza-Yates, R. 661 662 688
Bafna, V. 677 688
Baird, H.S. 131 151
Bajaj, C. 35 42 356 374 377 377 387 493 513 622 624 627 627 628 666 688 688 856 871
Baker, B.S. 315 327
Baker, J.E. 626 627
Baker, T.J. 304 321 327 329
Balaban, I. 91 109 589 591
Balas, E. 679 688
Balsa 395
Baltsan, A. 34 42
BANG file 748
Bank robber problem 679
Bank, R.E. 299 310 327 327 327
Bar-Eli, E. 661 688
Bar-Yehuda, R. 510 513 638 688
Barany, I. 75 76 108 109 109
Barber, C.B. 321 327 622 627 627 627
Barequet, G. 146 147 151
Barfield, W.D. 302 327
Barr, A.H. 361 387
Barraquand, J. 104 109 653 688
Barrera, R. 372 377
Barrett, R. 298 327
Barth, T.J. 300 327
Bartling, F. 928 931 931
Barvinok, A. 440 457 680 688 688
Basch, J. 437 457 457
Bast, H. 825 826 827
Basu, S. 55 58 67 71 89 90 93 104 109 109 109 109 109
Batchelor, B.G. 501 513
Bateman, C.D. 675 688
Batini, C. 958 960 962 971
Battacharya, B.K. 374 377
Battista, G.D. 964 964
Baumgart, B. 340 377 467 468 487
Bayazit, O.B. 104 108
Baybars, I. 977 1026
Bayer, R. 731 744 757 757
Beame, P. 193 [23] 825 826
Beck, J. 573 591
Becker, B. 752 754 756 757 758 758 758
Becker, L. 756 758
Beckmann, N. 345 377 752 758
Behrends, B. 38 42 127 128 133 136 137 150 150 151
Beigel, R. 194 [50]
Belleville, R. 501 513 513 513 1018 1021 1023 1023
Ben-Chanoch, E. 510 513
Ben-Or, M. 813 826 882 931
Bend 940
Benedetti, R. 256 282
Benedikt, M. 833 844 872
Benouamer, M. 611 627
Bent, S.W. 473 480 481 487
Bentley, J.L. 20 42 91 109 214 217 268 282 282 282 345 346 377 399 415 420 420 434 457 484—486 487 487 487 487 489 610 627 673 677 688 692 731 736 744 748 758 759 879 883 884 891 898 910 915 917 928 931 931 931 931 931 932 932 932
Benzley, S.E. 318 327
Berger, B. 189 194 570 591 591
Berger, M. 317 318 327 327 327
Berkman, O. 194 [52] 544 555
Berman, P. 508 513 661 662 665 688 689 689 689
Bern, M. 27 39 42 42 58 108 247 269 282 282 295 2 304 308 309 312—315 319 323 324 327 328 328 328 328 328 328 427 432 444 451 457 457 457 457 457 493 514 637 638 672—675 677 689 689 689 689 689 895 917 931 931
Bernal, J. 203 282
Bernardini, F. 374 377
Berry, M. 298 327
Bertolazzi, P. 165 180 194 947 951 952 964 964 964
Bertolotto, M. 341 377
Bespamyatnikh, S. 102 109 910—912 914—916 920 931 931 931
Bezdek, A. 662 689
Bhadury, J. 551 555
Bhaskar, S.K. 509 518
Bhatt, S. 946 952 955 965 965
Bhattacharya, B. 233 270 277 281 282 282 427 437 457 649 673 688 698 833 856 857 871 871 871 871 871 875
Bichromatic closest pair 431 433—435 455
Bichromatic closest pair problem 672
Bichromatic nearest neighbor 430 438
Bicriteria 656
Bicriteria shortest path problems 549
Biedl, T. 654 686 945—952 954 961 962 965 965 965 965 965
Bienstock, D. 41 43 679 689
Bieterman, M.B. 317 332
Biggest stick 103
Bilardi, G. 160 194
Bilinear functions 530 551
Bilmes, J. 750 759 759
Binary floating-point computation 603
Binary space partitioning 344
Bisecting curve 260
bisector 205 219 229 248 255
Bisector, curve 257 638
Bit interleaving 743
Bitelli, G. 355 378
Bjoerner, A. 52 53 106 109 109
Bjorling-Sachs, I. 985 988 990 1024 1024 1024
Bjorstad, P. 298 331
Blacker, T. 319 312 313 328 328
Blankenagel, G. 740 758
Blelloch, G. 194 [55] 194 217 282
Blocking vertex 866
Bloemer, J. 38 42 128 133 136 137 141 150 150 150 611 627
Blum, A. 440 441 457 457 457 661 662 676 678 679 681 688 689 689 689 689 689 697
Blum, M. 191 194 660 689
Blum, N. 481 488
Bochnak, J. 52 54 93 109
Bodlaender, H.L. 927 931
Boehringer, K.-R. 89 105 109
Boissonnat, J.-D. 21 23 27 42 42 80 81 83 93 109 109 109 213 214 241 256 273 282 282 282 283 283 366 368 374 377 377 377 377 345 346 554 556 608 613 627 627 627 653 654 689 689 689 715—717 722 722
Bokafos, P. 337 340 388
Bolker, E. 222 225 282 282
Booth, H. 142 150 530 540 550 551 555
Booth, K. 951 952 965
Boots, B. 203 280 288
Boppana, R.B. 826 [16]
Boritz, J. 346 377
Borodin, A. 194 [58]
Boros, E. 276 283
Borouchaki, H. 322 329
Boruvka's algorithm 429
Bose, P. 105 107 369 372 377 379 500 514 659 689 959 965 996 1015 1018 1023 1024 1024 1024
Bossen, E. 304 310 328
Bottleneck matching 127
Bottleneck shortest path 433 444
Bottleneck TSP 680
Bottom-up sampling 712
Bottom-vertex 582
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