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Sack J.R., Urrutia J. (Ed) — Handbook of Computational Geometry |
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Simvonis, A. 948 951 967
Sinch, V. 198 [161]
Single-linkage distance 277
Single-source multiple-destination minimum link path problem 523
Single-source query 638
Single-source shortest path tree 444
Site 205
Six, H.-W. 741 743 746 749—754 756 758 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 762 762 763 763 763
Six, J.M. 962 964 970
Sjaardema, G. 318 327
Skeleton 239
Skewer tree 900 909
Skidmore, A.K. 370 386
Skiena, S. 356 380 676 680 687 687 865 874
Skip list 919 925
Sklansky, J. 493 502—504 514
Skyum, S. 253 289
Slab method 265
Slavflc, P. 675 676 682 700 700
Sleator, D.D. 188 196 435 461 473 480—482 486 487 488 489 903 934
Sloan, K.R. 355 386
Sloan, S.W. 214 289
Slow-down lemma 769
Slutski, G. 437 459
Small, I.S. 393 421 421
smallest 648
Smallest enclosing circle 269
Smid, M. 37 44 268 286 289 429 440 451 452 454 455 457 457 457 457 458 458 458 646 673 677 690 691 880 881 885 890 891 894—904 906—911 916 917 919 924—927 929 930 930 930 930 932 932 933 933 933 933 933 934 934 934 934 934 934 934 934 934 934
Smid, M.H.M. 647 649 687
Smith, B. 298 331
Smith, C.L. 684 687
Smith, J.L. 743 753 757
Smith, J.M. 672 700
Smith, P.W. 302 331
Smith, R.K. 299 327
Smith, T.R. 756 763
Smith, W.D. 678 699 962 968
Smolensky, R. 429 459
Smorodinsky, S. 101 118
Snell's Law of Refraction 650
Snir, M. 160 163 180 198 198
Snoeyink, J. 24—26 28 33 40 43 43 44 81 89 91 92 94 95 97 110 110 111 111 112 77 115 143 144 152 152 152 219 234 241 242 247 265 266 280 283 283 287 288 345—348 356 371 372 377 379 381 382 382 385 386 388 465 488 497 515 521 538 548 549 553 554 555 556 556 556 557 581 589 591 609 630 641 643 659 685 689 690 649 693 694 694 715 722 902 915 920 928 931 934 1009 1026
Snyder, T.L. 444 461
Soares, J. 275 283 451—456 457 458 926 931
Soille, P. 371 387
Sokal, R.R. 274 285 288
Solerno, P. 58 89 104 115 115 115
Solomon, L. 52 117
Solovay, R. 12 45
Soltan, V. 504 517
Solvent accessible model 51
Sommerville, D.M.Y. 52 118
Sorkin, S. 104 115
Sorting 160
Sorting out sorting 393
Southard, D.A. 357 358 386
Souvaine, D. 91 112 149 150 497 514 686 691 985 996 1003 1010 1024 1024 1024 1024 1025
Space-filling curves 743
Spagnuolo, M. 370 380
Spanner 432 451—453 455 647 881 895 924
Spanning trees 672
Sparse subgraph 428
Spatial data 725
Spatial join 343
Spatial queries 342 725
Spencer, J. 78 79 118 561 569 570 573 591 594
Spencer, T. 428 459
Spike 219
Spinrad, J. 865 872
Spiral components 498
Spiral polygon 494 502 864
Splitter directed routing 819
Spring embedder 954
Sprinzak, J. 125—127 150 153
squares 509 510
Srinivasan, A. 427 459 594
Srinivasan, V. 304 318 330 331
Srinivasaraghavan, G. 866 875
Sritharan, S.S. 302 331
Srivastav, A. 575 594
Staadt, O.G. 364 381
Stabbing region 35
Stability 615
Stage illumination problem 995
Staircase monotone matrices 187
Staircase polygons 865
Staircase visibility 867
Stanley, R. 53 117 118
Stanton, R. 10 31 45 46 46 47 47
star topology 439
Star unfolding 667 668
Star-shaped 252 493 512 638 834 857
Star-shaped components 498
Star-shaped polygons 663 1020
Star-shaped subpolygons 501
Star-skeleton 149
Stasko, J.T. 398 414 415 419 421 421 421 422 422
Static-to-dynamic transformation 434
Steams, R.R. 271 289 677 700
Steel, J.M. 444 461
Steele, J. 814 828
Steiger, W. 29 46 74 75 101 103 109 111 116 117 590 566 573 592 593 997 1027 1027
Steiglitz, K. 736 760
Stein, G. 679 696
Steinberg, S. 300 329
Steiner min-max spanning trees 427
Steiner minimal tree 455
Steiner point 138
Steiner points 427 497 674
Steiner spanning tree 674
Steiner tree 427 440 441
Steiner triangulation 427
Steiner, J. 52 55 118
Steinitz, E. 962 970
Stepanov, A.A. 660 696 697
Stepfather 213
Stephenson, M. 312 313 328
Stewart, A.J. 618 622 632 632 632
Stirk, C. 962 967
StiUe, S. 963 969
Stochastic properties 280
Stojmenovic, I. 196 [111] 196 200 1010 1025
Stolfi, J. 52 88 110 114 150 152 209 211 216 265 285 286 293 329 340 381 434 458 465 467 469 471 475 476 488 489 612 618 619 622 628 629 629 783 827
Stollnitz, EJ. 364 387 387
Stoppers 579 705
Storb, C. 643 692
Storer, J.A. 521 523 557 666 699 952 955 970
Stout, Q. 195 [85] 198 199 199 199 199 199 200 787 825 827
Stoyan, D. 756 757 763
Straight skeleton 242
Straight walk 1013
Straight-line drawing 940
Strang, G. 296 297 331
Strasser, W. 362 383
Stratified decomposition tree 190
Straus, E. 29 44 73 74 113
Street 663
Street polygons 554
Streinu, I. 645 698 865 874 874 875 997 998 1027 1027 1027 1027
Strictly convex 252
Strong visibility 1018
Strong, H.R. 746 759
Structural change 714
Stuart, S. 349 355 378
Stuetzle, W. 374 382
Sturmfels, B. 52 53 106 109 962 970
Sturtivant, C. 103 111 573 591
Su, P. 214 289
Sublogarithmic algorithms 810
Subrahmanyam, K.V. 570 575 594
| Subramanian, S. 749 763
Subramanian, V. 146 152
Subsystem oracle 573
Sudan, M. 681 689
Suffern, K.G. 612 632
Sugie, N. 230 286 619 622 630
Sugihara, K. 203 211 214 230 241 280 286 288 289 290 290 616 619 622 624 625 628 630 630 631 631 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 1019 1020 1027 1027
Sugiyama, K. 954 957 961 970 970 971
Sumino, S. 34 37 44 128 152
Sundaram, R. 440 441 460 676 699
Supowit, K.J. 274 275 284 290 449 450 458 500—502 517 880 903 924 927 932 934 952 955 971
Supporting line segment 550
Surface patch 54
Suri, S. 37 45 102 107 142 145 148 150 150 152 153 153 181 193 277 281 348 350 357 377 377 384 387 437—440 456 456 460 460 465 489 521 523 525—528 530—532 540 542 549—552 555 555 557 557 557 557 557 558 558 558 590 590 643 645 647 649 654 657 669 672 674 680 686 686 687 687 694 694 694 694 694 698 698 698 700 842 845 856 865 869 871 874 875 875 875 896 897 900 928 930 930 932
Sussman, H.J. 653 655 700 700
Suzuki, A. 222 225 290
Suzuki, I. 1011 1019 1020 1027 1027 1027
Svestka, P. 104 115 655 700
Sweep 644
Sweep approach 263
Sweep line 217 259
Sweep line approach 266
Symbolic perturbation 623
Symmetric difference 141
Symmetry breaking 783
Symvonis, A. 962 967
Szekely, L. 78 79 118
Szekeres, G. 994 1025
Szemeredi, E. 3 10 11 29 46 47 74 78 79 101 108 111 117 118 118 118 160 193 590 592 776 826 888 932
t-banyan 678
t-spanner 274 646 678
Tactile robot 660
Tagansky, B. 60 66 80 81 83 86 87 98 108 109 110 118 118 256 283 283
Tagawa, S. 957 971
Tailland, M. 345 346 377
Taix, M. 655 696
Takagi, M. 235 289
Tal, AY. 393 403 413—415 422 422
Talamo, M. 622 629
Talmor, D. 217 282 300 304 312 320 330 330
Tamaki, H. 29 37 47 75 76 115 118 118 125 151 437 461 654 683 686 695
Tamassia, R. 95 117 163 180 181 199 199 200 200 375 377 384 387 436 459 480 481 487 488 488 489 489 489 521 531 555 558 603 607 608 626 627 627 630 642 690 690 693 903 932 939 944—955 958—964 964 964 964 964 965 965 965 965 965 966 966 966 966 966 966 966 967 967 968 968 968 968 968 968 969 970 971 971 971 971 971 971 971 971 971 971
Tamir, A. 20 47
Tamminen, M. 746 747 751 763 763 763 763
Tamura, A. 56 91 113 113
Tan, J J.M. 502 504 516
Tan, T.-S. 228 247 285 285 285 290 304 314 316 328 329 329 329 331 355 380 447 450 451 457 459 459
Tan, X. 684 686 700 700 700
Tan, X.-H. 684 700 841 875 875 1007 1027 1027 1027
Tanemura, M. 230 290
Tanenbaum, P. 625 629
Tang, C.-K. 675 690
Tang, C.Y. 508 516
Tang, G. 653 700
Tang, J.-M. 318 331
Tangent visibility graph 860
Tango 398
Tardos, E. 589 590 594
Tarjan, R. 162 188 191 192 194 195 196 200 428 429 434—436 458 459 459 459 460 461 461 465 471 473 479—482 486 487 488 489 489 489 493 499 515 522 525 556 636 641 644 672 673 690 692 692 692 693 783 824 826 828 843—845 852 853 856 872 873 873 873 873 875 903 908 910 915 932 932 933 934 946 947 951—953 959 967 968 968 969 970 976 983 1025 1027
Taschwer, M. 228 281 448 456
Tassinari, E. 964 964 966 966
Tate, S.R. 653 662 695 699
Taubin, G. 356 387
Tautges, p. 318 337
Teillaud, M. 105 111 141 151 213 214 241 273 282 282 283 436 458 715—717 721 722 722 723
Tel, G. 927 931
Telescoping manipulators 521
Teller, S. 52 111
Tempfli, K. 385 [219]
Teng, S. 184 194
Teng, S.-H. 103 111 298 300 304 312 320 330 330 330 432 457 573 591
Tentative prune and search 266
Terao, H. 52 106 117
Terrain data 335 351
Terrain generalization 356 370
Terrain modeling 226
Terrain surfaces 668
Tetrahedral tessellation 231
Tetrahedralizations 373
tetrahedron 229
Tetrahedron shape of space 406
TeWinkel, L.E. 179 194
Thibault, W. 344 384
Thiemt, G. 611 622 631 752 758
Thiessen polygons 203
Thomas, J.W. 296 331
Thomassen, C. 959 971
Thompson, CD. 200 [217]
Thompson, D. 335 383
Thompson, J.F. 296 300 303 331 331 332
Thorn, R. 58 119
Thorup, M. 636 701
Three-dimensional drawings 962
Three-dimensional GIS 373
Three-floodlight illumination problem 998
Thurston, W. 205 290 319 332
Tietze, H. 834 875
Tight floodlight wedge illumination problem 997
Tilford, J. 944 950 952 955 970
Timpf, S. 341 381
Tin 357 371
Tiwari, P. 882 929 930
Toben, H. 750 756 762 762
Tobler, W.R. 351 387
Toda, M. 957 971
Toida, S. 445 460
Tokarsky, G.T. 975 1027
Tokuyama, T. 29 37 42 45 47 56 75 76 91 108 113 115 115 118 118 125 151 181 193 437 459 461
Toledo, S. 34 38 42 42 45 46 51 102 103 107 107 115 118 133 134 136 137 150 589 590 591 591
Tolerance-based approach 620
Tollis, I.G. 667 693 939 940 945—954 959—964 964 964 965 966 966 966 968 959 969 970 970 970 970 970 970 970 970 971 971 971 971 971 971 971
Tompa, M. 827 [63]
Top-down sampling 710
Topographic features 370
Topological complexity 67
Topological data structures 340
Topological relations 337
Topological sorting 179
Topological sweep 91
Topology-oriented approach 619
Tor, S.B. 493 501 518
Torus 250
Total turn 657 659
Totally monotone 181
Toth, G. 74 119 1000 1024
Toussaint, G. 142 150 143 151 200 270 274 282 290 369 377 493 496 498 500 501 505 512 513 514 514 517 517 517 518 518 518 522 527 528 542 557 558 643 686 688 691 837 842 844 845 856 857 865 869 871 871 871 871 872 874 874 833 875 875 875 983 984 1001 1003 1010 1015 1018 1023 1023 1024 1024 1024 1025 1027 1027
Townsend, G. 361 380
Trade-off between area and aspect-ratio 950
Traditional art gallery 978
Trajectory 652
Transformations 123
Translations 123 125
Transversal 35 100
trapezoid 499
Trapezoidal decomposition 179 345
Trapezoidation 837
Trapezoided polygon 533
Trapezoidization 838 842
Traveling salesman problem 427 439 444 454
Traveling salesman tour 271
Traveling salesperson problem 676
Treasures in art galleries 1014
Tree contraction 160
Tree cover problem 675
Tree-like models 360
Trees 943
Trefethen, L.N. 303 332
Trevisan, L. 678 701 944 971
Triangle inequality 251
Triangulated irregular networks (TINs) 352
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